Cafe (SFW)

Story by EmoCat on SoFurry

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A quick SFW short story featuring someone important to me.

More poetry and kink stories in progress.

The wind gusted, the rain dropped, the raccoon shivered. Remetheus' fur fluffed up and he pulled his hat onto his head in an attempt to fend off the assaulting rain. As the black-ringed eyes squeezed shut, he felt himself being tugged from behind by his favourite cat. Remmy turned away from the road and was engulfed by the strong, furry arms of Erebus. The cat rested his chin on Remmy's hat and held him tight, warming the pair more than extra clothing could despite the rain soaking them.

Moments later, a dim green light emitted from the traffic lights and the embrace was broken for the two to jog across the small, slick road and take cover from the relentless weather in the cafe several metres beyond the crossing. Remmy lightly shook off the resting rainwater while Erebus dragged a chair from a nearby vacant table.

"What would you like? Hot chocolate?" he quietly rumbled to the raccoon, nearly inaudible over the storm raging on the other side of the glass doors. Remmy nodded, lifting his lithe hands to his mouth, meshing the fingers and blowing hot breath into them, before taking a seat on the small wooden chair. Continuing to warm himself, he rested his arms on the table and shifted his head to look out of the glass panes at the front of the cafe, letting himself relax, listening to the quiet whirring of the coffee machines and muffled heavy pattering of the outside storm.

After a couple of minutes reflecting on himself and the weather, Remmy unclasped his hands and picked up the steaming mug that was placed in front of him by Erebus some seconds before. The cat's flimsy chair slid backwards a few centimetres and he sat, similarly dwelling in the sight of the rain lashing upon parked vehicles, various anthros racing to shelter under the covers of shops along the little street. A sole dry feather drifted past the window, a single representation of solitude drawing his attention back to the raccoon whose eyelids were drooping, the warmth of the cafe beverage and hypnotising rhythm of rain causing his drowsiness.

"Not too cold, Rem?" Erebus murmured, drips of rainwater forming on the clumped tips of his dark hair which he flicked from his eyes with a little head shake.

"No," came the hushed reply. Their eyes met, lips curving slightly upwards before they drank in unison.

Some minutes later, the glass reflection distorted as the front door of the cafe opened and the two men stepped through. The tilted fabric canopy branching from the door, sagging under the weight of the copious precipitation, provided an extension of the cover they had sought earlier, and was now their last shelter from the downpour remaining to surround them. Remmy felt his relatively small body enwrapped in strong, warm arms, Erebus calmly embracing him from behind as the door fell still behind them. Remembering one of the raccoon's favourite tunes, he softly voiced the lyrics, only audible between the two under the heavy rain.

"I will squeeze the life out of you," he murmured, the rumble slightly out of tune, but Remmy lifted his chin a few centimetres and joined him, contrasting voices creating an enjoyable harmony. "You make me laugh and make me cry," their heads softly pressing together, warmth combining in a comfortable respite from the unusually harsh weather.

"You will make me call your name, and I'll shout it to the blue summer sky..." they trailed off, eyes closing and smiles appearing on their muzzles. After a silent moment remaining in his embrace, Remmy rustled his jacket and, turning to face the cat and allowing their hands to grasp each other, they stepped into the rain.