Stockholm Syndrome, Chapter 1

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#1 of Stockholm Syndrome

Well, this is my first take on writing a story for SoFurry. It's based in part on an old roleplay that I was part of a few years ago. I've drawn it out much longer than I initially thought I was going to, so I apologize if it's a long read. Please let me know what you think. This first chapter does not contain anything sexual. It just sets up the story and the characters, so you can ignore the cookie-cutter disclaimer I have below. I'll have it on every chapter. ^_^

Please note that the following story contains themes of sexual nature between an adult and a minor and has been created for entertainment purposes only. All characters and situations presented in the following story are purely fictional and are not based on any real individuals or events.

The city was quiet. It was late, after midnight. The streets lay mostly empty. Creatures of the night were out. Everything was as it should be.

13th Street, the focal point of the area locally known as District 13, did not follow the silence of its neighbors. It had gained a reputation in the city as a place to avoid. All along 13th Street lay crack houses, rundown strip clubs, dive bars, and abandoned warehouses. It was no place to raise a family, or even a place for a family to visit.

Vladimir Kosten, a black bear who towered over his surroundings, stood nearly 7 feet in height and close to half that in width. He ran District 13. The drugs, the hookers, the strip clubs, and the bars, all belonged to him.

Hooter's Haven, the most up-kept of the strip clubs, sat at the very end of 13th Street where it dead-ended at Avenue Z. This large club housed Vladimir's office and much more. In the two-story basement of the facility, unseen except by invited customers and friends of the bear, was where most of the money was made. The first basement floor housed a small caged arena with a half-circle of bleacher-style seating. The cage was used for everything from fights to exhibits. The second basement floor was a prison. The entire level was lined with small cells, barely large enough to fit a bed and a toilet in each.

On this night, every cell was full, each with two or three occupants. Tonight was an auction, and these individuals were the items up for grabs. Ranging anywhere from age 10 to 18, these young males and females of various species and nationalities were to be sold to the highest bidders to be taken home as their new property.

Andrew, on the higher side of the age group at 15, sat in silence on one side of the bed in his cell. He was a white tiger and stood just 5'4" with a slender frame. He was white with black stripes from head to toe, and his bright blue eyes finished him off. The young male was an excellent specimen when it came to looks.

The young feline sighed a bit and tucked his knees up to his chest. The only thing covering his slender body was a small, tattered pair of shorts, and he'd already been informed that when it was his turn in the cage, they'd be removed.

The clock on the wall beeped several times, signaling midnight. The auction was set to being at 1. Luckily, Andrew wasn't first.

A large office building loomed in the center of the city, towering high above all the others. Atop the building in big bold letters were O'Hara Biometrics.

O'Hara Bio-Metrics was one of the leading superpowers in the country, having produced some of the best security products known to the public. They had designs and patents on most of the latest software. Items from paw scanners to facial recognition software. The company had it all. Everything looked good on and off the books.

What most of the board didn't know, and a lot of the shareholders were unaware, is that O'Hara himself had deviated some of the funding for the latest and greatest security gadgets, to something a little more experimental. He started a separate department, working on and developing a new type of product. It would integrate itself into the owner's own system.

Kinesis, as he referred to it, would read the brainwaves of its owner. With the correct system installed, one would be able to open doors, locks, start cars, vaults, everything, with nothing more than a thought. It would blow every other type of biometric software into the stone-age. Why buy something that could be cracked or cloned, when nothing in existence, could copy your brainwave pattern?

Tonight, though, Ivon O'Hara stood atop of his penthouse suite looking down at the bustling city. He had found his life and career often got in the way of finding a partner, anything suitable really, for a type of companionship. He had wealth and power, but no one to go home too.

On this night, he had, through his contacts, found someone that dealt in things of the sort. A bear, down in the bad part of town, bought and sold a more permanent type of companionship. Of course, Ivon was interested, so he made a few inquiries, sent his own men in there, and found out what he needed to know.

Ivon wasn't powerfully built like some of his bodyguards, but there was some muscle to his frame. Standing at 6'1", he was average for others of his species. His tailored suit fell perfectly over his shoulders, outlining the lean muscle and power underneath. Emerald green eyes burned with intensity that often intimidated those around him, yet he wasn't boisterous or hot-headed. In fact, he often spoke quietly, which made him look all the more powerful, as others would stop to listen to what he had to say. In essence, the Siberian tiger was in control of almost every situation he found himself in.

Tonight would be no different. He left the window and returned to his office in the next room. On the large cherry wood desk lay a slim black briefcase. Inside were straps of crisp new 100's, all neatly arranged and ordered. Half a million.

Checking his watch, he hit the intercom. "Teresa, call my driver. Have him bring the car around."

"Yes sir, Mr. O'Hara," came the reply.

Exiting his office, he made his way down the tower, opting for the executive elevator. At ground level, he was met by two powerfully built German Shepherds, each trained in multiple schools of martial arts and weaponry.

"Evening Gentlemen," Ivon said nodding in their direction.

"Sir," they replied in unison, flanking either side of him as he strolled through the marbled lobby. Outside, one of them opened the door to a black Mercedes.

Climbing inside, the tiger rapped on the glass separating himself from his guardsmen, indicating he was ready to leave.

After about a half an hour, and well outside what he would consider the nice part of town, they pulled into to what could only be District 13. At the end of the street, they reached the Haven.

"Felix, stay with the car, Clyde, come with me," Ivon instructed as he exited the car and walked up to the establishment.

The pair was greeted by a doorman who eyed them both. Ivon gave him a once over. "We're here on business," he said quietly. The doorman averted his gaze and nodded.

Ivon descended the steps into some sort of run down auditorium. "Here, Clyde," he pointed, indicating a space away from most of the crowd, some of whom were dressed as he was, while others looked as if they had walked in off the streets. Sitting down, he placed the briefcase on his lap and waited for the event to begin.

There was a loud bang as one of the doors slammed open. "Alright. Everyone up! It's time to start!" called a loud male voice. "Number 1, you're up first."

Andrew listened as another door down the hall opened and then shut, and then the original door slammed shut. It had begun. The young feline knew himself to be number 5. If they went in number order, it wouldn't be long before it was his turn.

On the auction floor, the young vixen eventually went for a decent price to an older male wolf. The crowd was not entirely big tonight, so the prices were likely to remain low. It was even possible that some may not be bought at all. The show continued, though, with number 2. The young male bunny barely old enough for puberty was taken by a German Shepherd. Then number 3, a mare about the same age as the vixen, was taken by a middle-aged stallion. Next up, number 4, a small female cheetah, less than 5' tall and barely 100lbs. She went quickly, and the fight was between a hyena and a lion. The lion won.

"Number 5! You're up!" yelled the voice, and Andrew's door suddenly swung open, hitting the wall. The young male had been daydreaming a bit. It had passed the time quicker than he had expected.

"Y-yes, sir," he said softly and stood up from his bed. He then shakily removed what little clothing he had left and dropped it in the pile at the door on the way out. Behind him, the large wolf calling out the names shut the door.

Andrew made his way around a corner and up a small spiral staircase to the above floor. There was a large stallion, and he pushed the door open, and the young feline stepped out into a blinding light.

"Up next gentlemen, is number 5. He's one of our elders tonight, a bit over 15, but this cat is just as fresh and youthful as his friends before him..."

The announcer's words completely bypassed the young male. All that he could hear was his heartbeat in his ears. He had been in captivity for almost two years, but nothing he was taught ever prepared him for something like this. So many strangers around him, all gazing upon him, and himself up on a pedestal on display for them all to see, naked as the day he was born. All he could really do was stand there and look around. His eyes met with several different ones in the audience, but they all seemed to look right through him, like he wasn't even there. Andrew looked from individual to individual, and nothing after nothing. Then, his bright blue eyes found what appeared to be another tiger, on the far end of the second row, next to a large canine. He was one of only a few felines in the audience, and the only tiger.

Andrew caught himself staring for a short time, but then a loud "5000" brought him out of it.

He quickly looked to where it had come from. It was a ragged, overweight canine in the back row. Andrew's heart dropped, and his ears fell flat against his head. "No..." he mumbled softly, but the noise in the room was so loud he couldn't even hear himself.

Ivon sat back, allowing himself to get as comfortable as he could. Granted, the concrete seats were probably the least comfortable thing he'd sat on in some time. Random bits of food, wager slips, and other trash were stuck in impossible crevices. Someone had even taken time to carve a message here and there in the seats. It was all very disheartening in his opinion. If this was how one took care of an establishment, what shape would the wares he was about to purchase be in?

The lights in the auditorium dimmed until only the center stage was illuminated. From the wall opened a door and out walked the first item.

He tapped on his briefcase as he watched the vixen parade around. He was never fond of anything in the canine family, in terms of a partner at least. It was nothing against them, but they lacked a certain grace that most of the Felidae family possessed. Next, a bunny, one that was much too young for his taste. This was followed by a horse, which also held little interest for him. Fourth was a cheetah which peaked his interested but seemed to be a bit underfed and skinny. She was sold to a lion after a somewhat impressive bidding war between him and a hyena.

The next took Ivon completely by surprise. It was a young tiger. Intrigued, he watched as the younger feline simply stood there. Something about the white fur and blue eyes stuck with him. Before we could speak up though, he heard another in the crowd place a bid.

Ivon watched the kitten in the arena and saw his ears drop as he saw his bidder. Following his gaze, Ivon's green eyes locked on a mutt. His clothing looked as if it hadn't been washed in weeks, his gut hung out from under his shirt, and his fur lacked the soft shine Ivon's own possessed. It was disgusting, and the tiger couldn't repress the way his lip curled back in disgust. Seeing this, above everything else, had made up his mind. At least the others had gone to somewhat decent owners.

Raising his own paw, he called out. "15,000!" Surely someone like the mutt couldn't bid any higher, he thought and sat back with a smirk waiting for the close.

The young tiger's eyes widened as he heard a much higher number, and he quickly looked around, seeing it was the tiger with his paw raised. Andrew's spirits picked up a bit, and his ears rose a little. At least the other feline was dressed nicely and was well groomed. That had to account for something.

Andrew glanced back over to the canine, as did everyone else in the room.

"I have 15,000! Do I hear 16, anyone?" the announcer called out. He too then turned to the canine. "16, sir? 16?" The canine simply crossed his arms and shook his head, though.

"I have 15 still. Last call for 16. Going once, going twice....sold, for 15, to the tiger on the end," the announcer called, pointing to the tiger.

As quickly as the white and black feline had been thrust into the cage, he was suddenly yanked out, back through the same door he been pushed out through. "Come on, hurry up," the voice growled behind the young tiger as he was hurried back down the stairs and back into the hall he had come from. They took a quick turn, though, and started down a long, better lit hallway.

"Sir, if you would please, follow this gentleman over here just like the others," the auctioneer motioned to a panther standing in front of the side door of the room. It was the same door the rest of the winning buyers had all gone through.

Andrew followed the hall until he rounded a corner and emerged in a small room with a table and a rather large bull sitting at it. "Number 5," huffed the male from behind Andrew. "15. A tiger."

Then, everything went black. The young tiger started to squirm, but his tail was grabbed and yanked fairly hard, bringing a loud, quick scream. "Hold still!" growled the voice. Something was being tired over the cat's eyes as a blindfold.

The male then left with a huff, and Andrew could hear his footsteps going back down the hall behind him. He stayed still, though, unsure what to do. He simply stood there naked with his paws at his sides. In front of him, he could hear the bull at the table writing.

Nodding to the announcer, the tiger stood, followed by the German Shepherd. They stepped off the stands and headed for the door as indicated. "Sorry, only the purchasers downstairs," the panther said as the pair approached.

Glancing at his bodyguard, Ivon looked over the panther. "It's standard procedure for me to be guarded as well," he replied softly. "Clyde here has been with me now for ten years or so, and has strict rules to abide by as well. He gets paid to stay by me. Isn't that right, Clyde?"

"Yes, sir," replied the expressionless canine.

"Do you get paid if you leave my side?" Ivon asked, his eyes meeting the panther's.

"No sir."

"You're more than welcome to try and stop Clyde from accompanying me downstairs with you," Ivon said with a flick of his tail. "However, I'd lead on if I were you. I've heard people in your business don't have very good health insurance, and I do imagine that a tangle with my friend here would leave you....unwell."

Glancing to the canine for a brief moment, the panther huffed. "This way."

Leading them out of the auditorium, he showed them down the stairs and into a hallway. "Last door on your left, can't miss it."

As they made their way down the hallway, they heard a quick scream, which by instinct Clyde drew his pistol and pushed the tiger unceremoniously against the wall, his large frame shielding most of Ivon's. Another individual exited the room at the end and stared at the pair.

Averting his eyes he walked passed the two, and Clyde relaxed and moved away from the wall.

"Good work as always," Ivon said with a small hint of amused sarcasm as he adjusted his suit and picked up the briefcase which had dropped. Clyde looked at the ground and said nothing.

The pair continued down the hall and reached the door. Ivon gave a sharp rap and entered without invitation.

The small tiger he had seen and bought was standing in the middle of the room, blindfolded and nude.

Ivon stepped around in front of the younger tiger and removed the blindfold and offered a quick smile before he looked back to the bull. "He'll do," he said coldly. "However, if he's been harmed in any way, I shall be back for restitution. The moment I won the bid, he was my property. I do not take kindly to those that ruin my things."

Ivon stepped over to the table and placed the briefcase on top of the bull's notes and opened it. He grabbed three straps of crisp new bills and placed them on the table in front of the bovine. "We'll be going now."

Turning back to the younger male, Ivon took off his jacket, revealing a silk green undershirt and a black tie. "Here," he said, placing it on the shoulders of the other tiger. With that, he made his way out the door they came through. "Clyde, radio Felix. Have the car waiting," he called back over his shoulder.

Everything that happened next for the kitten, all went very fast. He heard the door open and someone walk in, and then light flooded back into his eyes as the blindfold was removed. His eyes quickly met those of the taller, older tiger, though, and he saw the smile. He barely had time to react, before the older feline turned and set the object he was holding on top of the table.

The bull at the table said nothing other than "very good" as the money was placed in front of him, which he quickly grabbed and began counting.

As the quick exchange happened on the table, Andrew reached up and rubbed his eyes, paying little attention the words the tiger said, as they were directed away from him, before turning his attention up to the German Shepherd. The canine gave him a once over before looking back to the table. The kitten did the same. He was already too late, though, and a heavy coat was being placed on his shoulders by the older feline.

Andrew quickly grabbed it and hugged it close, getting out a soft "thank you" before the tiger was too far away from him. Realizing he was being left behind, the young feline hurried after the tiger to catch up. Behind him, he heard the briefcase slam shut as it was whisked off the table by the canine. The bull shouted after them, but they were already gone.

The trio made their way through a small maze of hallways that eventually lead to a narrow staircase, ending with a door guarded by a rather large horse. It was the door to the parking lot, the back door to the entire underground of the building. The trip brought back memories for the young feline. It was the way he had entered through when he first arrived.

Felix was waiting with the black Mercedes idling in the lot. As soon as the door swung open, he opened the back door for Ivon and his new companion. "Home, Felix."

Ivon waited for Andrew to crawl into the vehicle before getting in himself. Once settled, he opened a small compartment in the wall of the vehicle. It was a small fridge. He selected two water bottles and handed one to the younger. "Drink."

As the streets and houses around them grew less broken down and miserable, Ivon studied the small white feline, his green eyes briefly meeting the other's blue ones.

The older male cleared his throat. "I assume you understand that I've purchased you," he said, taking a drink from his bottle.

The young feline nodded as he looked at the older male through the darkness, occasionally drinking a bit from his own bottle.

"Does that make you a slave? My property? I don't like to think of it that way. Unlike those other poor souls, I promise that your life will remarkably improve from here." He took another drink. "First things first, however. My name is Ivon O'Hara. You may have heard of my company, O'Hara Biometrics. Despite what I'm sure it looks like, purchasing you off some low-down slave-trader, I do try to do good. The media tends to portray my company and me in a different light, but that's another matter."

"My name's Andrew," the young tiger replied softly. He hugged the large jacket around himself a bit. It was a little cold in the car. "Thank you for...winning, over that canine."

"Pleasure, Andrew, and don't mention it. Now, I have to admit that I didn't simply purchase you to let you out on your own. That bear's men would have you right back in there again. So, you will be living with me," Ivon replied. A bit of a smile had made its way to his lips.

"Yes, sir," the younger male replied. "But, why did you...purchase me?"

Ivon straightened up a bit in his seat. "Well, my main reason for purchasing you was for companionship."