Growing Up Gay in High School - Book 1: Freshman Year - Chapter 1

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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Hi there everyone! I've finally decided to come out with another series. I do hope you all enjoy this one. Also, feel free to check out my other series: "My High school Dream Love".

And of course, if you are under the age of 18 and/or are offended by this type of story, please do not read it.

I woke up to the vibration of my cell phone next to me. It turned out to be a text from a friend of mine, Chris.

"First day of high school, dude. Ugh.." I read out loud.

"It's going to suck. We're going to get harassed since we're freshman." I responded, sighing.

Yup. Today was the first day of high school for my friends and I. I looked at the clock on my phone. It was 6:45, 45 minutes until school began. Luckily, I didn't live that far away from the school so I was able to sleep in.

"Ty! I can hear you're up! Breakfast is ready when you're ready to come down." I heard my mom shout from downstairs.

My dad must have left already otherwise she wouldn't be that loud. So ya, my name is Ty. I'm 14 and a small fox. I'm thin but I really don't have much of a build but I'm somewhat cute. I also don't have the attractions that a typical guy has. Yup, I'm gay.

I picked out a simple t-shirt and shorts. Nothing too fancy. My hair was a little disheveled but I just ran my paw through it and tried to fix it to the best of my ability. I always took my showers the night before school so I could sleep in more and I wasn't really a morning person.

"Good morning, hun." my mom said, putting two pop-tarts in front of me.

"Waddup big bro?" my little brother, Roy, asked.

"Hey there, buddy. Ready to start eighth grade?" I asked, taking a big bite out of one of my pop tarts.

"Hell yeah! My final year in middle school. And then we get to be at school together!" he said smiling widely.

I chuckled at his comment as I finished my first pop tart and began working on my second.

"Hurry up, dear. We need to get going." my mom said, walking around the kitchen frantically.

"Alright, I'm coming! Let's go Roy." I said, picking up my backpack.

Roy grabbed his backpack and we headed out with my mom. We got in the car and my mom practically gave us whip lash backing out of the drive way.

I got dropped off first. I stepped out of the car, looking around the main entrance of the school. I saw some students standing around that I recognized but really didn't talk to. I walked inside and realize that class was going to start in three minutes. I quickly rushed to the room. I knew where it was since I came a few days before hand to walk around and find out where they all were. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

My first class was written oral communications. I walked in and saw almost twelve pairs of eyes looking back to me. However, I focused on one. It was a golden retriever and he was gorgeous. I had no idea who he was. He must've gone to a different middle school. I took a seat. Unfortunately, it was no where near him. The teach began to call out for attendance.

"Colin?" he asked the class.

He raised his paw. So Colin was his name...Sexy.

The teacher began to talk about the class and what we would be doing first semester. I really wasn't paying attention. I was looking at the hunk candy from across the room. He probably wasn't gay though. I would never get lucky with anyone that hot. I'm just going to forget about him.

Colin stared across the room. He couldn't get his eyes off that really cute guy across the room. He figured out his name was Ty. He really wanted to talk to him. Get to know him. Maybe even go further. His little friend began stirring in his pants as he was thinking that.

The class was practically over and I was half asleep. This was going to be a long day...

The bell rang and I ran out of the room. My next class was gym. "Mmm..." I thought originally. I found the boys locker room and walked in slowly.

"" was the first thought that ran into my head. To my right were all the hot muscular football seniors changing. To my left where all the well toned sophomores, juniors, and I think seniors as well.

I found my locked easily and began to change. I got my clothes a different day. It was so hard to keep myself calm and not get myself hard. I managed, but there was still a slight bulge in my pants. Luckily I wore loose shorts.

Gym came and went. The other classes were just as boring. Got a syllabus, introduced myself and what middle school I came from, and then just sat around. There were a few other guys that I had my eye on. There was Peter, a grey wolf, in my math class, Jake, a horse, in my lunch hour, and Joey, a lion, in my info processing class.

Unfortunately, none of my friends were in any of my classes except lunch. I didn't mind. It would give me a chance to meet up with some new people.

My last class came around and I found out that Colin was in that class as well.

"There he is again..." Colin though, starting to get excited again. He wagged his tail excitedly. "I don't even think he's gay though..." he continued, frowning, "I think I must just not talk to him." He sighed and did his best to pay attention to the teacher.

I continued to stare at Colin. I always made sure he wasn't looking and when he did, I looked away. I so wanted to talk to him, but I didn't want to make myself look like a fool on the first day of school.

The bell rang. Crap. I left the class right away. I really needed to get away from Colin so I can get over him. I didn't have a bus since my house was so close. I decided to walk home.

"Ty wait up!" I heard a voice shout behind me.

I turned around to see my other friend, Luke, a german sheperd, running up to me.

"Hey what's up dude? How was your first day?" he asked, panting.

"Nothing much. Boring as fuck, as always. Yo, you walkin' home?"

"Ya, let's go." he said.

Luke didn't live too far away from me. We talked about our classes. Luke ranted about all the hot girls in his classes. I did the same, pretending to be interested in them even though Colin was on my mind.

I wanted to tell Luke about me. We've known each other for years, but I didn't want to take the chance. How do I know that he won't slip up and tell someone and then I'll be the talk and laugh of the school? I simply couldn't take that chance. Maybe some day, though...

"You ok?" Luke asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Ya, sorry. I..kind of spaced out. I was thinking about something..." I responded quickly.

"Alright, if you're sure."

My house was around the corner so I said good bye to Luke and continued on. I heard him shout to call him tonight to talk. I shouted back that I will.

I walked into my house and realized no one was home. Parents must be workin' late tonight. That's alright. Gives me a chance to collect my thoughts. I went to my room and pulled out what little homework I had to do. I finished it within twenty minutes.

I texted a couple of friends asking if they wanted to do something, but no one could. It turns out they got swamped on the first day. I was kind of surprised to hear that. Oh well. I decided to play some XBOX.

I got on and saw that a few of my other gaming buddies were on Gears of War 2. I popped the disc in and joined one of my friend's parties.

"Yo, waddup, God?" one asked.

My gamertag is Godofwar on a side note.

"Nothing much. Let's kick some ass.." I said.

We played for hours. I was so focused that I didn't even hear my parents come home. Before I knew it, my mom called for dinner.

I headed on down and saw a beautiful meal prepared. My dad was sitting at the head, of course, and my mom was in her usual spot. I took my seat and began to eat.

"So how was school, son?" my dad asked.

"Meh, same old first day." I replied.

"Any girls?" he looked up.

"Not really..." I said.

"Of course not..." he attempted to whisper to himself.

I sighed and continued eating, the room beginning to fill with awkwardness.

I finished early and asked to be excused. I went upstairs into my office and got on the computer. I logged onto AIM and saw Luke on. We conversed about our evenings and I told him about dinner.

Luke: Don't let it get to you, dude.

Me: I know I know. It's just hard.

Luke: Trust me, it'll be ok.

Me: Thanks.

Luke: Well, mom's makin' me get off. I'll ttyl.

Me: Aight, see ya.

I heard the door shutting sound of Luke signing off right before I did. It was late. I took a shower and decided to get some sleep. I was kind of looking forward to tomorrow for some odd reason.