Anything But Temptation

Story by DOtter on SoFurry

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#2 of Otter River

"What do you want?" Lai'iya demanded, exasperatedly.

N'Kanna just stared at her blankly, although the scent of his

distress was clear, and growing. The otter boy's mouth worked, but

nothing came out and he stopped. He'd been her friend since they were

children but looking at his sharp, predator's teeth always scared her

a little. This display was scaring her more. She turned her cotton

tail on him and tried not to wiggle as she left. She didn't get the chance. His hand was on her arm in an instant. His grip was tight enough to hurt.

"Stop that!"

"Can't you just talk to me?"

"You're hurting!"

"I've gotta talk about it!"

"Talk about what? Let go, you're hurting!"

N'Kanna let go of her arm, but he dashed in front of her as if she'd run away.

"I'm sorry! I'm, I..." His mouth was working again and he had that lost look. "I just really need to talk about it."

"You're scaring me!"

"I'm just really upset!"

"Well tell me what's wrong! Quit acting so weird!"

N'kanna gasped. The set of his mouth, his kitten-wide eyes, his flattened ears, all spoke louder than his voice could have. How can you be so mean to me? I'm your friend! And it only scared the bunny girl all the more. He looked away, his eyes tight shut, tears starting, shivering.

"I saw my brother and Shri!" he blurted, at last.

Lai'iya's jaw dropped. For a moment she stared at him.

"That's all?" she shouted. "You see them all the time! You live with them!"

"They were... they were..."

"What were they doing, fucking?"


"Yeah, so they were fucking. What about it?"

"Mating!" he growled. "Otters mate for life!"


N'Kanna sat on the ground near some rushes, defeated, his tail between his legs. He didn't look up.

"They're always slipping away," he said. "I wanted to know where they were going, so this time I followed them. They went to a little clear spot in the rushes. It's not much more than a breathing hole, I always thought it was one. The water's only up to their waists. And they were licking each other's muzzles and petting. But then T'Ka did something to Shri. I thought he was going to hurt her..."


"No," Shri gasped. "I'm not ready, we shouldn't. Not yet."

"Why not?" T'Ka replied. "We will eventually. Are you afraid of me?"

She hissed playfully and reached under the water between them. Grabbed and squeezed something of T'Ka's; he gasped in pain and tried to make her let go.

"Not so hard!" he complained.

"Not any more."

He guided her hand away from himself, kept it in both of his, nuzzled it with his chin. "Then why wait?" he said. "Why not now?"

"I'm just not ready..."

"For what? For me?" He put his arms around her waist and held her close, swaying them back and forth a little. "You're my best friend. Who else would I want to do it with? Who else could be as good for me as you? Who could be worth the best I have to give more than you? I want you, Shri." She tried, not very convincingly, to pull away; tried more seriously to manoeuvre, but T'Ka wasn't cooperating.

"Will you let go? Your erection is getting between..." She gasped as he thrust himself suddenly. "Do you know where you are? Get it out!"

But instead, he started grinding against her. Nibbled her throat, her shoulder. "Take me," he said. "T'Ka, no! I'm not ready!"

"Yes, you are, as you'll ever be. I can't live without you!" Still grinding himself inside her, T'Ka reached into the reeds and pulled out a wet circle of flowers with two big, red ones across from each other. He draped it clumsily over her breasts, still holding her hips with his other arm, and put one of the red flowers in his mouth. "Take me," he moaned around it. "'N better hurry!"

Shri looked at the thing in horror. She tried to shrink from his thrusts, but it only gave the union more striking surface. She gasped with each stroke, looked at his face. Her own held the shock of recognition, like prey trapped by a predator, about to be eaten. She gave a long, terrified moan as she embraced the inevitable and knew him for her own. She quickly wrapped the circle around their necks and took the other red flower in her mouth, thrust back against his thrusts, groaning with each strike.

"You'd better know what you're doing!" she growled.

"Now and forever, I give myself to you," T'Ka said, between thrusts.

Shri repeated the formula. "Where ever I go, who ever I know, I will be yours!"

T'Ka grunted it back, thrusting faster, harder. "You are my soul! You are my heart! I love you, Shri!"

He chanted her name with each thrust, while she gave the vow back to him. She chanted his name on his out-strokes, bit the flower on his thrusts. Then he cried out, pushed himself against her, moaning her name. Shri bit the flower off, swallowed it whole. T'Ka bit his off, chewed it, fed it from his mouth into Shri's, still holding her tight. They kissed each other's mouths, a long and searching kiss. Then they just held each other, stroking and cuddling.

"My mate," Shri murmured, wonderingly. "My mate."

"Forever," T'Ka replied...


and then they did it a couple more times to make sure," N'Kanna concluded. "They came back where we all were with their mating band around them and everyone was cheering and dancing and..." He shrugged and didn't finish.

"So they're gonna be mates for the rest of their lives," Lai'iya replied. "Rabbits don't do that. One day I'll let some buck give me kittens and then he can go feed himself to a hawk for all I care. But not yet, I don't want children until I'm older."

"No one even noticed I came back after them. I think they still don't know I was watching."

"So don't tell them! You didn't hurt anything, it'll never make any difference! Not unless you tell, so just keep your mouth shut."

N'Kanna nodded. "I could have sex," he muttered.

"I thought you were too young."

He looked up at Lai'iya, surprised that she'd heard him. He noticed her long ears twitch in the mild breeze and looked away; the insides of his own ears went pink. "I got my feather today," he replied.

Lai'iya took his earring in her hand and examined the feather tied to it. "Is that new?"

"Yeah." For the first time that day he smiled for her. "A year ago I had a dream. I was swimming and the fish and the water and everything were stroking my fur all over. That was real good! And I climbed out on the bank, but then I noticed that the river was flowing from my fur. And I realized that I was the river, that it was my life flowing from me and when the water was gone and I was dried out, I'd be dead. And then I woke up and I'd come in my sleep."

"So you had a wet dream."

"My first! A really powerful one, too! I've had more since then and I've been learning about sex. Today it's been a year. I passed all the tests of knowledge and understanding and now I'm allowed to start having sex. See, the circle is the year I had to wait and learn because a circle has no end. That's what it seemed like, too! Then the feather gives the circle an end when the year is over. Feathers mean freedom!"

"And you got that just today?"

N'Kanna nodded, then frowned. "Why did T'Ka have to get mated with Shri today? Why couldn't he have waited one stupid day!"

"You baby! You're jealous because he interrupted your special day, that's all!"

"No it's not all! I could've... When I get my feather I'm allowed to ask... But everyone's busy now celebrating T'Ka and Shri and nobody wants to talk about it!"

"Talk about what?"

"Sex! It's an initiation rite, I can ask anyone outside my family for sex. I'm supposed to start practising what I learned as soon as I can. It's the second most important day of my life besides choosing a mate! That's a big feast and everybody's busy helping T'Ka get ready. It was the second most important day of my life and now it's just in the way!"

"Well then shouldn't you be helping your brother too?"

"Why are you being so mean! You're my friend, you're supposed to care!"

"It's not my fault your feelings got hurt! They're not my feelings!"

N'Kanna gave her that wounded look again, then hung his head. He swiped a hand under his eyes and sniffled onto his finger. "You've had sex," he muttered.

"Yeah, a couple of times, I liked it. Maybe you should..." He was staring at her again. His eyes were moist, but she noticed how almost feral a look it was. Finally she realized what he was driving at. "No way!"

"But why not?"

"Don't be stupid! I'm a rabbit, you're an otter! It's not right!"

"But why? I'm a boy, you're a girl and we're friends. What could be more natural? Both our people have friend sex."

"I thought otters mated for life."

"But before that, or even after if your mate doesn't mind. You're my friend, Lai'iya, I want you!"

"We can't have sex, we're different species! You couldn't give me children!"

"You don't want any yet! You just said so!"

She tried to tell him that it wasn't the point, but now her voice wouldn't work. It occurred to her that he was right about that. The two times she'd had sex she'd been frightened until her next period. A brood to raise was the last thing she wanted now. But with N'Kanna... She shook herself, frightened that she'd even considered it.

"I'm a prey species, you're a predator. It's dangerous, even if you are my friend you might... might forget."

"My people prey on fish. You're not a fish. Or a frog. You don't even like getting wet. Come on, we've cuddled lots of times, you weren't scared then. You like my body, you said so."

She did, she knew. N'Kanna had a swimmer's taut body, like most otters. He was young and skinny, and even so he was gorgeous. He had a sweet face. When he was older... and he really was fun to cuddle with... and he really couldn't make her pregnant... and he didn't even get the same diseases as her... and she really liked him a lot... She shook herself again. Her and N'Kanna, it was just too crazy!

"I'm not comfortable with it," she said.

He stood sadly and rested his hands gently on her arms. "I understand," he said. "You shouldn't have sex with me if it makes you uncomfortable. But..." He looked into her eyes pleadingly. "Can't you at least show me how?"

"I thought you spent a year learning how."

"What to do and what not to do, but not much technique. They say you have to learn that by doing, but I don't want to look stupid. Don't rabbits know a lot? I just don't want to disappoint my first partner."

"I've only had sex twice!"

"Twice more than me!"

"Well... but... you already know where to put it and what to do with it."

"But what about foreplay? For otters it's tag or wrestling or both. Isn't there something more?"

Lai'iya stared at him in dull surprise. He wanted to learn foreplay! She couldn't tell him that she didn't know how either, that her experiences had both been quickies. Her heart danced; on top of it all, he wanted to please his lovers! Doing it with him kept sounding better and better. But just knowing she was thinking about it scared her!

"Please? Even if I only learn what you like, I'll have some idea what to do."

She shuddered. He was her childhood friend, this was crazy...

"Okay," she said, "I'll show you what I like. Let's sit down."

N'Kanna embraced her, nuzzled her ear -- a typical otterish thank you -- then knelt. Lai'iya sat opposite, tailor style with her cunny showing. It was nothing he hadn't seen before. It was just that now it felt like she was daring something to happen. His long tail was wrapped around his foot, against his leg, his feet together to keep weight off it but his knees a little spread for comfort. And he was showing, just a little, pink spot under his fur. She'd seen his erection, too, since they'd been younger, smelt its muskiness... but how masculine it seemed to her now. A little too masculine... She moved to get up. It was as if he'd read her mind; his hands were on her thighs, not hard but pinning her down, his thumbs gently stroking the downy fur there, his face, so near, too near, smiling shyly.

"I'm really grateful, Lai'iya. This is the most important thing you've ever done for me. You're the best friend in the world!"

He gave her nose a quick, little lick; more otterish gratitude. "Show me?"

"Uh... well..." she panted, "...whatyou'redoingwithyourthumbsisreallynice... I..." and she panted some more, "...we should get to that later, okay?"

N'Kanna stopped and drew back. "What's first?"

"Um, um..." Now he was letting her take the lead! The sheer choice scared her even more than what she was doing... She physically shook herself. She wasn't doing anything, just showing him what he might do with his first lover. This was going too fast, she had to get some control. She remembered that she had full control; N'Kanna was sitting there, patiently waiting for her. "Let's start with a foot rub." (That sounded safe enough.) "I'm going to lie with my foot in your lap and tell you what to do."


N'Kanna dug his knuckles into her left heel just as he had with her right heel. He rubbed in small circles, starting near her arch and working down, then back up beside the arch towards the ball. Lai'iya sighed in rapture.

"This is really nice," she murmured.

N'Kanna grinned. He bent her toes backwards firmly with his palm, held them for a few seconds, released them; he rubbed under her toes with his thumbs, then repeated it all three times. "I like this. It's fun watching you enjoy me."

I should do it with him, she thought for the umpteenth time. It wasn't as scary a thought as it had been. It was still wrong, but it didn't make her want to run away any more. "N'Kanna, why did Shri and your brother eat those red flowers? Otters don't eat plants at all, do you?"

"They're medicine," he explained. He worked his thumbs in circles down from her toes into her arch and down to her heel, pressing as hard as he could. "They're called mating flowers. They help us exchange pheromones and accept sperm. T'Ka wanted Shri to get pregnant by him right away. Anyway, it helped their bodies accept each other; it's part of becoming mates."

"You need these flowers for that?"

"No, the medicine just helps."

"Oh. So what about the flower circle they were hung on?"

"'Cause they're pretty." N'Kanna moved his thumbs to the top of her foot, still making little circles but not pressing as hard. "Being looped with flowers means they're joined together as mates. They perform the joining in a flower band and they come back together wearing it to show everyone they've done it."

"You don't sound mad any more."

"I guess I'm okay now."

Having reached her ankle, he pressed his thumb into one of the grooves between her tendons and slowly pulled towards her toes, then repeated in the next groove over. She could feel how little tension there was in her foot compared with when he'd started; he smiled. "I'm almost done," he said.

"Rub my shoulders next."

He finished and set her foot down between his legs. Her big toe brushed his otterhood; it budded outwards, leaving a little line of moisture on the pad. Impulsively, he moved back, bowed and licked the trail. Lai'iya giggled.

"Don't tickle! Come 'n rub my shoulders."

He moved behind her and knelt. She sat up and he lowered her onto his thighs. Her back sagged between them. "Wait," he said, and leaned over to one side. He manoeuvred his tail between his legs and laid her down securely on top of it.

"I'm on your tail!"

"It's okay, most of the weight is on my legs. What do I do?"

"Uh, start at my arms and work inwards. No, wait, first run your finger tips over my shoulders and look for tension. Massage where I feel tense."

She felt his fingers gently stroking, caressing her shoulders, her throat, her neck. She sighed. She was feeling relaxed and excited and warm. His thumb was pressing against a spot in the back of her neck; the spot started relaxing. But she already missed the touching!

"Look, never mind that, okay? I want you to pet me some more, it was nice. And you can go lower if you like."

N'Kanna chuckled. "I like. How low?"

She didn't answer. He started with the palms of his hands, caressing; he rubbed inward from shoulders to chest to throat. Then he dug his claw tips through her fur and gently scritched the other way from throat to chest to shoulders. He repeated that once, then kept scritching, along the tops of her shoulders, up the sides of her neck to her ears. He scritched them lightly with one hand while stroking her throat with the other, down to her chest. She moaned her appreciation.

"Mmm, lower!"

"If I go any lower I'll be on your breasts."

Lai'iya smiled up at him. His strong, sure touch didn't scare her at all any more. The musky smell of his otterhood was intoxicating.

"It's okay, you can touch my breasts."

"Are you sure? You... I mean, before you were..."

She moved his hands over her nipples. "Rub in little circles. And you can press harder if you like."

He stroked the fur over the tops of her breasts, watched as the firm mounds moved together, spread apart, together again. "You're big here!"

"Uh huh." She smiled proudly. "I know some girls with smaller tits are really sensitive, but you could rub me 'way harder."

N'Kanna paused, his face doubtful.

"I won't break, I'm not a bulrush!"

"Uh... tell me if I'm pressing too hard, 'kay?"

He put some weight on her chest, described circles with his palms. She felt the pressure inside her skin, his fingers gripping, kneeding. Her nipples responding.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, as they pressed into his palms. "What did you do?" He took his hands away, caressed the pink tips. "Aw, excellent. Hey, what do I do with these?"

"They're my nipples."

"I know that! How do I make them feel good?"

He was pinching them, pulling them upwards. He wasn't doing it hard enough to hurt, but it was getting a little uncomfortable. She frowned at him.

"Should I lick them?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

He let go, bent over her. "I'll have to move back a little." He scuttled backward, lowering more of her back to the ground. Then he bent over her again. She saw a dimple in his chest fur where one of his own nipples would be. Then he took her left breast in both his hands, gathered it and squeezed it upwards, spread her nipple a little between his middle fingers. She saw his pink tongue decend, felt it wet and rough on her naked skin. It flicked over the sensitive flesh, down, up, down; circled the tip lightly. She felt as much as heard herself moaning.

"Am I hurting?" He let go of her breast.

"Don't! Don't stop, it was good! Do it more! Quit laughing! What are you laughing at?"

He didn't answer, but climbed out from under her and laid her flat on the ground. He lay down beside her on one elbow, embraced her nearer breast with his other arm. "Okay if I suck?"

She smiled. He crawled further up onto her and took her breast in both hands, leaning on her tummy. He squeezed, kneaded, took her nipple into his mouth. She felt him suck, felt his tongue across the very tip, felt his sharp teeth pricking her gently, gasped. She hugged his back, his head, drew him closer, licked his ear.

"On top," she whispered. "It's most sensitive on top. Squeeze there."

He moved his fingers where she could see them, spread them, gripped her, kneaded her, pushed her further into his mouth. Again she felt a moan escape. She craned her neck, licked his ear, his cheek, the corner of his mouth. She felt him stroke the under side of her other breast; one finger circling there, tracing the line where it met her chest.

"Is that nice?"

She moaned in reply. Then he released the nipple and nibbled down the free side towards her tummy.

"No," she said, "around the nipple. Bite me there."

He moved back to the vicinity of the little, deep-pink tip and nibbled around it in circles, nipping the tip itself at the end of each circle. After five circles he paused.

"Am I doing this right?" he asked. "What else is there?"

"Uh... my back... you could play with my tail."

"Okay, roll over."

He got up on his knees so that she could turn. His erection was full now. She took a moment to admire his organ; lifted it with what she hoped was a practised hand, turned it this way and that. She stroked the glans, noticed the moist smoothness of it. He giggled as she stroked him.


"No, it feels nice!" He grinned boyishly. "I like your touch." She let go and lay on her tummy. "Play with my tail!"

N'Kanna knelt to one side. He lifted her tail in his hand, ran his fingers through the downy fur, pressed gently into the flesh beneath. She giggled. He pressed his dull claws a little harder into her.

"Ow! Not so hard!"

"Sorry." He raked his claws gently-but-firmly over the upper side of her tail. "Is this better?"

She replied with a non-committal moan. "Closer to the base."

He raked her fur from near her tail up over the base; a gasp, a coo of pleasure.

"...yeah, more of that."

He harrowed her tail fur from the centre, where it met her spine, bracing the limb with his thumbs. With each stroke he spread his hands towards the sides until he was pressing it backwards, raking the downy underside. He spread her buns with his thumbs, furrowed the fur of her inner cheeks up into her tail; spread them deeper and scritched around her rear passage.

"No!" she cried. "Not there, not now. Later, not yet."

"Okay... Oh wow!" he chuckled. "You're leaking!"

"Lick it!"

"Uh... it's not, uh..."

"Dare ya!"

N'Kanna growled and got down on his elbows. He reached under her hips with one arm and lifted her, spread her cheeks further with the other. Her clit was starting to emerge against his arm. Her muff was fat, the lips spread and prominent, the fur sopping wet. He closed his nostrils to the smell and touched his tongue to the base of her slit.

"Mmm, sweet!"

"C'mon, lick me!"

He lapped her bunny juice greedily, over the lips then inside, centre to base, centre to front, under her clit and back again, deeper and deeper, over and over! He stroked and scritched inside her cheeks and thighs, holding them apart. She writhed and thrusted her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against his thick arm fur, moaning enthusiastically. He kissed her muff lips, nibbled gently, licking her sweet juice whenever he could. He used his mouth to part her muff wider, thrust his tongue deep inside her, sucking.

"No," she growled, "not your tongue. I want your dick inside me. Now!"

"Awright!" he exclaimed. He pulled her legs apart and climbed between. Then he tried to fit himself between her cheeks and the ground. His glans tickled her muff, but his tummy kept pressing her tail.

"Ow! What're you doing?"

"This isn't working."

"You're hurting my tail! I don't want it there yet!"

"It's your position, this won't work!"

"C'mon, I want you inside me!"

"Um, uh... bend your knees!"

But she didn't get the chance. He grabbed her hips with either hand and pulled her behind up to his hips. This left him nothing free to aim with.

"Can you grab my dick and put it in?"

"I can't, I'm leaning on my elbows!"

"Okay, hang on."

At first he had trouble aiming, but by manoeuvring her hips as well as his own he managed to press his glans to the base of her muff and in.

"Uh?" he said, looking in wonder at his fur against hers. "It's... it's like..."

"Hard!" she urged him. "Thrust hard!"

He held on tight and ground himself into her, smacking her inner thighs with his hips, pushing himself as deep as he could. She tried to thrust back. It didn't work very well, but it encouraged him to go on, go harder. He panted, she moaned and growled.

"Uh oh," he cried, at last. "I think... Lai'iya, I'm gonna..."

He yowled! Spurt after spurt of otter cream flooded her cunny. His dull claws dug into her thighs, pressing her tight against him. She savoured the scent of his passion, the sweet warmth of his cum inside her, as his yowling turned to sighs.

She waited until he was done. At last his grip loosened and she rolled over away from him. Lying on her back, she reached for his hand and pulled him down beside her. He took her in his arms, cuddling, stroking her tummy.

"Well, how does it feel?"

"Kinda like being eaten, only it doesn't hurt."

"I'm the one who got eaten!" She laughed. "It kinda hurt, but I liked it."

"You like when it hurts?"

"Well, not really hurt. It's kinda different."

"Oh." He slowly scritched her side. "It wasn't enough, was it? For you, I mean."

She shook her head, no. "You lost me while you were trying to get into me. Up until then it was good."

"'Cause I wasn't rubbing your clit anymore, sorry. But we should have changed position. The way we were just wasn't working. Why didn't you tell me it wouldn't work?"

"Well how was I to know? I never tried it that way before!"

"Yeah, but you rabbits are the ones who know so much... aren't you?"

She frowned at him, then looked away. He laughed.

"You don't know any more than I do! You were making it up as you went!"

"I was not! I told you what I wanted you to do and you did it! That's how it's supposed to be."

He chuckled. "So that's what they mean by talk about what you're doing. They were right, I needed to start practising as soon as I could." He leaned over and licked her ear, slowly, breathing into it. "Thanks for letting me practice on you."

"It can't be the same any more, you know."


"Us, we can't be like we just did. It's all different now."

N'Kanna laughed. His laugh was infectious; she smiled, but tried not to laugh.

"Dad told me about that. We're still friends, it's just deeper now. We'll get used to it. You're right that it's not the same, 'cause it's more!"

But he didn't understand how much he'd changed, she thought. She guided his shoulder down until he was lieing under her and just looked at him. His eyes were so deep and intelligent, so trusting! His smile wasn't just goofy and boyish any more, it was gentle and playful. His face, his body, everything about him was so open and friendly, so genuine, so beautiful! Had he really changed so much just by having sex once?

She stroked his ear, his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her hand, enjoying the caress. Even his fur felt softer. He looked up at her as she rested her fingers on his throat.

"Thanks for letting me pactise on you," he said. She smiled. "Wanna practice some more?"

She climbed over him and straddled his hips. "Let's do it a couple more times, just to make sure. But this time," she added, "me on top."

He murred and smiled as his otterhood rose to meet her.

Anything But Temptation is copyright © 2005 Allan D. Burrows, All Rights Reserved