Paradox - Chapter 2

Story by Zeidak on SoFurry

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#3 of Paradox

"For now, all I want to hear is Lockwood's progress on the planet," said Elementius. "I have something that requires my attention, however, it can wait until I have some part of your report."

"Well, if you are short on time milord then I believe you should know that the plan Lockwood devised requires one of his generals to leave the others to check on the other regions in his control," said Dejan.

"Isn't that what scouts and messengers are for?"

"Aye, that they are milord, but their messenger hasn't reached them in some time. Lockwood suspects he was intercepted by enemies and was stopped from fulfilling his duties, as to the reason he is sending out one of his generals," said Dejan.

"I see.. Does anything of importance happen to the general he sends out? Asked Elementius.

"Well, after the general leaves, Lockwood was going to have a few scouting parties look into the gorge that Taeo has so stubbornly defended from him. Seeing as both posed to be something of importance, I divided myself to watch them both," answered Dejan.

"Good, good. Tell me the events of the general that leaves up to a point, then recall back to when he leaves to document the scouting," said Elementius.

"Yes milord," responded Dejan.


Entering the command tent, Zeidak went to return to his seat. Noticing that Lockwood was deeply into a scouting report, comparing it's contents to a map. Krinauk was still in his chair, passing time by polishing his maces.

After a few moments, Vaskier came into the tent and sat in his chair with a sigh. Seeing Lockwood reading something, as well as the other generals examining their weapons, led him to the conclusion that the document was important. Him and the other generals learned to do hand signs to speak to one another when Lockwood receives an important message, as he upholds anything to disrupt his concentration on what the report is about and how it interferes with anything else. Using these, he nudged Krinauk with his tail to get his attention and asked, using hand signs, "How long has he been reading that?"

"Half an hour," responded Krinauk.

"From who?" asked Vaskier.

"Scout that saw the messenger."

"The messenger who didn't show?"


Understanding now, Vaskier reached for his axe to join his fellow generals in their inspection of their armaments. However, right before he was able to grab the hilt of his axe, Lockwood said "Took you long enough to get here."

Looking over to see a glare from Lockwood, Vaskier said "I was busy with.. creating new strategies for our troops."

"Oh aye, strategies for picking up women," commented Zeidak.

"Zeidak," said Lockwood, looking over at him. "shut it."

"Yes Sir," said Zeidak.

"Now then, I don't care what your excuse is for being late, I already know what you do on your free time. I'm tired of you being late for meetings Vaskier, I don't call them to bore you, I call them when some important information arrives. Luckily for you, while waiting for you to join us, an important piece of information came from a scout. It says that she saw the messenger who was bringing back documents from the other regions back was attacked by a few panthers. Apparently our good friend Taeo is feeling a little playful this time around. Getting to the point, I need one of you to find out what happened and get back that report. As all messengers are trained to do, he swallowed the report to prevent them from getting it." said Lockwood.

"Doesn't sound very dangerous Sir, why not send out a squad of soldiers to track him down?" asked Vaskier.

"Because, if you were paying any attention, you would have heard that I said they were panthers. The forest is their domain, and they know how to hide, as well as strike from unsuspecting places." responded Lockwood. "That is why I'm sending one of you, but dong worry Vaskier, its not you. I have something special that I need you to tend with, but that can wait until after the meeting."

Sighing at his future torture, Vaskier began to look through the papers set in front of him about troop placements until the meeting was over, as there was no need for him.

"Zeidak," began Lockwood "you will be the one I plan on sending to find the messenger. You will have someone accompany you there, as I'm sure you would like to get some information out of any panther you capture before you kill it."

"Sorry Sir, it's a dreadful urge to fight when it comes to sinking a dagger into a fur," responded Zeidak with a smile.

"Believe me," said Lockwood. "I know. Now then, my interrogator has finally arrived here, and that's who will be accompanying you. Kolana," shouted Lockwood. "you may enter now."

At that name, Vaskier groaned.

Walking into the tent, Kolana surveyed the generals and her leader, walking around the table up to Lockwood, picking the side of the table that Zeidak was sitting on. As she passed him, she slid her hand across his shoulders, then proceeded to stand next to Lockwood.

"You will be accompanying Zeidak to search for our missing messenger. We may need to get information out of some furs, as is your specialty. Not to mention a fighting hand couldn't hurt," said Lockwood. "While you two are gone, Krinauk, you will lead a few parties of scouts into the quarry to see how well defended Taeo has made it."

"Yes Sir," said Krinauk.

"And, don't think I would forget about you Vaskier," said Lockwood. "From now on, whenever you miss a meeting I call, you will be forced to do a task. The task I'm putting you on this time will be to dig an arena pit so that we have a reason to keep live prisoners. Also, just to make up for all of the times you've showed up late, your tools will be your own hands. You will dig it by yourself, and you will also put a dome above the pit so that we can see and prevent anyone from leaving it. I don't want any sloppy work, as in just throwing a few trees there. Debark them, cut them, and make it nice and neat, got it?"

"Yes.. Sir." responded Vaskier.

"Good ," said Lockwood, turning to Kolana and Zeidak. "you two will leave in the afternoon, so I suggest you get your supplies and whatnot ready by then." Receiving a salute from them both, he finished with "Dismissed."

Leaving the tent, Zeidak stood next to Krinauk, who was stretching.

"Well, that was a long one," said Zeidak.

"Your telling me, at least you got to leave the damn tent. Lucky bastard, "said Krinauk.

Before he could say his comment, Vaskier pushed through the middle of them as he skulked to his tent. Also exiting the tent was Kolana, who brushed against Zeidak's right shoulder. Looking back and giving him a wink, she said "Sorry ‘bout that."

"No..," began Zeidak, as his eyes trailed southward. "problem.."

"Well," said Krinauk. "someone has a new friend. Try to keep it in your pants while you two are out there, would give the panthers a nice place to aim for."

"Funny," said Zeidak. "very funny. Well, I'm off to pack my things for tomarrow and get some sleep, you?"

"I need a bath," mumbled Krinauk, slithering off to the bathing pools.

"Goodnight to you too," shouted Zeidak, getting a wave from Krinauk. "Heh, good enough."

Going over the events that transpired during the day, Zeidak began his trek to his tent. After having to break up a fight between a snake and a lizard, which he noticed were the two brawling earlier, he arrived at his tent and began packing what would be needed for his mission tomarrow with Kolana. Finished packing his things, he lied down for some deserved rest.