The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 7

Story by Kaspian17 on SoFurry

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Chapter 7

Rising concerns

Meeting the masters in the Halls of Healing, Rex was left with a sense of distaste. The Council in person of Master Shan and his own mentor, Master Forzan, just had him hunt Kaidan. His best friend, no, his brother. And to hear it from Master Forzan...

Fucking unbelieveable. How can I even look Kaidan in the eye now?

Rex shook his head and went on his way to prison ward. Forzan wanted him to be present during the interrogation. Rex found it was weird that Jedi would actually do that before even the SIS got their hands on the guy.

Something felt off however, as the fox neared the prison ward. Rex felt a distrubance and heard sounds of struggle, a lightsaber igniting in the room. Rex reached for his own lightsaber with his left, dominant hand and turned it on, releasing a silver blade. He ran towards the room and witnessed an unusual sight when he made it there.

The prisoner was not in prison anymore. And not alive anymore. Forzan was standing in the corner, shocked. The assailant was clutching a green lightsber in his hand, it's blade plunged into his skull, from the jaw to the tip of the head. The man suddenly went limp and the blade cut forth through his face, a gruesome sight. Temple security rushed in, Master Kiwiiks on point.

窶曩reiz, what is going on here?!" She yelled as she arrived at the scene.

窶朶ith's blood!" Forzan cursed loudly, 窶杁hat bastard was laced with surprise implants and Sith alchemical talismans. He deactivated the forcefield of his cage, grabbed my lightsaber and killed himself with it!" Forzan was furious.

Kiwiiks closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

窶朶omebody really didn't want him to talk," Rex concluded, 窶曵t definitely couldn't have been Kaidan."

窶曚lean this up, I'll be in my chambers." Forzan said, not even paying attention to Rex, and left the room.

Rex hesitated for a moment and ran after his Master. Catching up to him, he wanted to say something to the bear, but seeing Forzan's facial expression made Rex reconsider. He decided to follow beside his Master and wait for him to calm down.

They entered Forzan's chamber, who immediately approached an ornate wooden dining table (a gift from a grateful Alderaanian duchess) and with a cry of fury he brought his fist down on it, sending splinters into the air.

Rex opened his eyes wide and shielded his face from wooden shrapnel. He'd seen his Master angry before and destroying furniture. Sure, it was uncharacteristic of a Jedi to get so emotional, but Master Forzan had a short temper, even if he could control it most of the time.

Rex wasn't sure what got him so mad, however.

Forzan sat down in an armchair, breating heavily.

窶昿verything okay, Master?" Rex asked hesitantly.

Forzan leaned his head on his arm and spoke silently, 窶曵'm fine. It's just that we still don't know what going on."

窶曖ut you must believe me, it wasn't Kaidan." Rex tried to convince his master.

窶曵 know it wasn't him. But if not him, then we've got a bigger problem." Forzan replied.

窶朶o, I don't-" The fox started, but was interrupted by his Master.

窶杠ou will bring Kaidan back no matter what. He may not have done this, but Republic authorities won't believe us and they need someone to blame or at least question about the incident," Forzan raised his head, irritated, voice raised, 窶朦ow stop questioning me and grab your gear. I want you gone by nightfall!"

Rex wanted to say something, but his Master's killer stare silenced him. He bowed his head slightly and retreated from the chambers. Something was really amiss and it wasn't just Kaidan getting duped anymore. Everyone he knew was acting strangely.

On the way to collect his belongings, he passed by the prison chamber, where Master Kiwiiks was investigating what happened.

窶朞aster Kiwiiks. Did you find out anything?" Rex approached the Togruta and asked.

窶朦ot much. The surveillance systems failed shortly before the incident," Kiwiiks frowned, 窶朞aster Forzan is right, the assailant was heavily modified and equipped to escape or terminate himself when caught," She pointed to the bisected corpse, making Rex wrinkle his nose in disguist, then continued, 窶朶omebody took every precaution to make sure it won't be tracked to them. Our technicians will try to identify the modifications, but they look damaged. It might be difficult to gleam any information."

窶曵f you do find out anything, let me know. I might be able to help" Rex offered his help.

Kiwiiks nodded, then walked back into the prison chamber, while Rex continued on his way.

When he arrived at the dormitory he shared with a couple of his friends, Rex was reminded about the night when Kaidan escaped. The memories made his body flush with heat, but he shaked his head slightly to, trying to keep a cool head. He didn't want to remember this right now. He has to hunt him down, after all.

Rex walked in and approached his footlocker. Time to get rid of this hideous, greasy jumpsuit. He thought to himself, excited to finally get out into the field, though only for a moment. _Yeah, such fun to track down your friend like he's an escaped criminal._He thought to himself, bitterly. He pulled out a heavy metal armour set, gray in colour, polished, with a dark red cloak to go with. That's what he wore as a Guardian before he, well, messed up.

Rex started to undress, glad to get out of the uniform that made him a regular mechanic in the Temple. Discarding the dirty jumpsuit and undergarments, Rex took a moment to look at his naked body in the mirror. He liked admiring his muscles every now and then, but he very much preferred if others did it. A Jedi doesn't get many occasion for it and that thought quickly killed Rex's mood. He grabbed a new set of underwear and donned his armour. That's a pretty badass sight too, he thought to himself, as he posed in full suit of armour.

Underneath the armour, in the footlocker was a belt with various equipment. Commlink, lightsaber hook, a multitool for field repairs and a small holoprojector. Rex took the holo and pressed the button in the middle. A small hologram of Kaidan, Lilian and himself appeared, embracing eachother. A tropical environment was visible in the background. They looked happy. Enjoying a moment of freedom.

Rex remembered that moment. They went on an assignment to Carida, investigating a case of disappearing weapon shipments. They managed to dismantle a smuggling ring that was stealing Republic weaponry and selling it to the Sith. To celebrate, they decided to drop off the grid for a few weeks and enjoy some vacation in the tropical areas of the planet. They had the time of their lives.

窶暸ck! I think there's something in the water! I don't want to get bitten!" Rex shouted out, standing waist-up in water, arms raised in disguist as if he was wading through a swamp, not crystal clear oceanic water.

窶朶eaweed doesn't bite you pussy!" Lilian laughed at his cowardly friend, while standing on the sandy beach.

窶杆ell how am I supposed to know, I spent my life in temples and forests. There is no seaweed there." Rex spat angrily, unamused.

Kaidan quietly approached the fox from behind and in a swift motion he picked his friend up, eliciting a startled yelp from Rex.

窶曠on't worry princess, I'll save you from this bloodthirsty sea flora!" Kaidan said loudly in the lowest voice he could do, carrying the fox to the shore.

Lilian was rolling in the sand, laughing at the fox carried by the wolf like a helpless damsel saved from a fire. Rex was unimpressed, to say the least, but a bit happy to be away from the disguisting feeling of seaweed on his fur. Kaidan put him down on dry land and the fox thanked him with a punch to the arm.

窶杠ou're welcome." Kaidan replied, still laughing.

The three walked up to a beach bar and sat on the stools. Kaidan ordered three 窶枷ayest, most colourful drinks you can make", getting a surprised stare from the Nikto bartender, wearing a flowery shirt.

A while later, when the three were laughing, talking and sipping their drinks, Kaidan asked something that they were afraid of the whole time.

窶朶o, when do we get back?" The wolf said.

The atmosphere got suddenly less gleeful. They've been here for two weeks already, hiding from the Order. Nobody knew where they were or what they were doing.

窶曚an we please not talk about it now?" Rex pleaded.

窶杆hen do you want to talk about this, then? This is serious. We've been gone a long time already." Lilian said.

Rex frowned, silently finishing his drink. 窶曰ave you ever considered... you know," He hesitated, 窶朖eaving the Jedi? Living your life however you want it, adventuring, travelling..."

Kaidan and Lilian turned their heads away, troubles expressions marking their faces.

Of course they wanted. They weren't given a choice to join the Order. They were just brought to the Temple as children, taken from the streets. Given home, care, even love. But was it what they wanted to spend the rest of their lives on?

窶杆e're Jedi because we want to do something good for the galaxy," Kaidan finally spoke up, 窶曵 know that we didn't have much choice in this matter, but so far, I'm not complaining. Are you?"

Rex and Lilian looked at eachother, then turned their heads to Kaidan. 窶朦o!" They said, smiling.

窶朖et's make a deal," Lilian continued, 窶朶ome day, let's retire from this Jedi buisness. Spend the rest of our lives however we want, together. Traveling, smuggling, pirating or just settling down in a nice house somewhere. Sounds good?"

窶朖et's drink to that!" Rex shouted gleefully, rising his glass.

The rest of their evening went along smoothly, with more laughing, glass clunking and splashing of ocean.

Rex was fully equipped, standing in his ship's hangar, overseeing supplies being loaded onto his Corvette.

窶曰ey son." Rex heard a familiar voice from behind him and saw Forzan coming beside him.

窶曦eeling better, Master?" Rex asked his mentor.

窶杠es. Sorry for blowing up in front of you. And then jumping at you like that." Forzan apologised to his pupil.

窶曵t's allright, we all have a right to get mad every now and then." The fox assured his master.

窶曷edi Masters don't. But don't worry, I'll be fine,"Forzan replied, 窶曵t's you I'm worried about. If you want, I can arrange for someone else to go in your place."

窶朦o, it's fine. I'm all packed and ready. Besides, other than Lilian, I'm the only person who can bring him back peacefully. Or find him in the first place." Said Rex.

Forzan smiled and patted the fox on his arm. He then walked away, as a technician shouted out that the ship is ready for launch.

Rex climbed up the boarding ramp and entered the ship. It was so empty. A small astromech rode up from the lower deck, making excited whirring noises.

窶曰ey Shorty, how have you been?" Rex asked the droid. 窶曰ave the guys up here been trating you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't take you to the Temple with me."

The droid replied with a disappointed chime, but quickly followed it with enthusiastic beeps.

窶曵'm not leaving you behind anymore, you can count on that!" Rex comforted the droid, 窶杆e have a lot of work to do and I need someome out there with me."

The droid chirped and rode towards the bridge, Rex following suit. The fox sat down on the pilot's chair and tapped at the computer, revealing an awaiting text message. Rex brought it up and read it's contents. It was information on Kaidan's last known location.

窶朶horty, set a course for Coruscant. Triple zero we go!" Rex said enthusiastically and the droid complied.

He tapped at the computer console, while his droid interfaced with the navicomputer. The stars outside started moving toward the ship in a strange motion and the ship entered hyperspace, bound for the heart of the galaxy.