Halloween Story: Seven Minutes in Heaven

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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I'm pretty lax when it comes to parties. I mean, I love them but I just don't attend many of them. ^^ But I do remember fondly the college game "Seven Minutes in Heaven", which has been around as long as I can remember. It's simple. Take two clueless kids or adults, stick them inside a closet together, close the door, and give them seven minutes to let whatever happens...well, happen. It's a fun activity for any Halloween party, and I heartily recommend trying it.

Although, after reading this...maybe you might not want to...? ^^

You've seen them. Pretty much every high school in America has at least one, or a couple. It's not so hard to spot them either. They're the ones who have their pants up past their waists, or so short you want to yell out, "Hey, where's the flood!?" whenever they walk past. Or maybe they smell bad, maybe took a roll in some grass or peat moss, or something even worse, and forgot about the shower or bathing afterwards. Sometimes they have greasy headfur, or unkempt tails, or glasses on their muzzles with lenses that could rival most soda bottles for thickness. They walk, talk, or laugh funny, or they eat the most ungodly things in the cafeteria.

These unfortunate souls are the ones you go to when you've had a bad day, and you either need a laugh or to express your frustrations in a violent manner. They're always available for a good pounding, some physical or verbal abuse, maybe a prank or two. It doesn't - well, it didn't matter, it matters now for sure - what you were on about, or the time of day, or anything. If you needed release, they were the ones you sought.

I was on the fence. I knew about them and sometimes watched as they got hassled, or threatened, or beat up, but I never partook. Of course, I never told anyone about what was happening either, to my eternal shame. I guess I felt that if I tried to intervene, even with my seven-foot, 300-pound leonine frame, I'd be branded somehow, maybe a nerd's pet, or a bodyguard, or guardian angel. Then I'd have to deal with them the rest of high school, like lost children looking for guidance and protection. I also worried that maybe one of the bullies might go too far, and pull a knife, or a pistol, and then I'd really be in trouble.

But that's all in the past now. I'm older and decidedly wiser, no matter what my crappy teachers at Frost Central High School said. They were bound and determined to flunk me. They saw a burly lion, and immediately pegged me as slow. The principal never raised a paw to come to my aid when I had complaints, and the guidance counselor cared more for my mental state rather than my problems. I guess he didn't want to see Edward P. Goldman flip his wheels completely and come to school one day armed to the teeth and ready to rock and roll.

Anyway, you're not here to talk about me. You want to know what happened to Joshua, Mike, and Shelley, and the thing is, I really don't know. Doubtless you've chatted with several others who were at the party, and they told you the same thing I'm going to tell you, so here it is.

It was their idea in the first place. Mike and Shelley's. Of course it had to be. Twenty years to the day we graduate from Frost Central, and they decided to have a reunion Halloween party, something off the hook, wild, and a little bit sleazy. Now mind you, these two felines were the heartthrobs of our high school. Michael Watson, the cougar, and his slinky Persian girlfriend Michelle Carpenter. They went together their first year and were still holding paws come Senior. Truth is, they looked like a righteous couple, always happy, bouncing, ready with a joke or a laugh for almost anyone.

Well, everyone except for Joshua Trendell. It started out with an awkward meeting between him and Michelle at the girl's locker room. Joshua had been standing by the doors leading in and, well, remember how I was talking about those certain individuals in high school you could always dump on? Joshua, with the slick headfur, the funny-looking short pants and science-fiction t-shirts, and the thick-rimmed glasses, was the poster cat for them. Seemed like anytime I'd see him going back and forth between classes, he had a cat or two, or more, walking behind him making faces, teasing him outright, kicking or pushing him, or just about anything to get him riled up to either fight - or cry. Poor Joshua normally did the latter. And it was a God-awful yowling sound too, pitiful and so damned pathetic, you wanted to ease his pain by helpfully shooting him in the head.

So anyway, Joshua's standing outside the locker room doors, bent over and re-tying his tennis shoes, and this small group of big cats, mostly tigers and lions, come out of nowhere and shove the poor cat backwards. One minute he was there, the next the doors flew open and in he tumbled. It would have been comical enough except he smacked right into Michelle Carpenter - in mid-dress, naked from the waist up.

I don't know what happened next, but I heard a few of the girls whisper that Joshua actually got his paws over her breasts when he fell inside, so naturally Michelle's instinct was to scream and run out, still carrying her bra, and seek the arms of her comforting boyfriend. He, of course, heard every last detail and, convinced Joshua was trying to put the moves on his Persian, made it a point to make every day of high school miserable for that Calico from there on out.

You name it, Michael and his cohorts did it. From shoving him into a locker for a few hours, tripping him down the stairs so that he took some hard, bruised, and bloody tumbles, or classroom pranks and gags, Joshua got it all, almost every day, almost anywhere. There was a bet going around as to when Joshua would finally take all he could and request to be transferred to a new school - or do something worse and more violent.

So, yeah, those were bad times for the guy. I felt sorry for him, sure, but what was I going to do? Michael had the whole school on his side, more or less. He and Michelle, who happily took part in a lot of the ribbing of Joshua herself, were the perfect couple. He was a jock, an all-star running back in the making, and she was the veritable teen queen of any dance hall. Class president and vice president from Sophomore year on. You couldn't touch them.

At the graduation ceremony, Joshua was absent because he'd received death threats from some of Michael's buddies on the football team if he showed up, so I went up to the stage in his stead to get the certificate for him. It was the least I could do for him, right?

For a while after high school, I kept in touch with a few of my friends, even Joshua, but then I guess the same thing happens as it usually does where high school friends are involved. The sweet interlude of life. There comes a point where you just don't care about your fellow classmates, and start moving along the twisted road of fate and circumstance, get a job, get married, have a few kittens, and so on. Soon those cats you grew up with and cherished in your school days, become people you call maybe once or twice a month, post a Furbook message here and there, or send an email greeting or birthday wish to. Way too soon, the only life that matters is your own.

So you have to imagine my surprise and pleasure a few weeks ago to receive an invitation card in my snail-mail to go to a Halloween party hosted by Michael and Michelle Watson. I'd definitely lost touch with the couple after graduation, although I followed Michael's football exploits in college and then the pros. He was doing pretty good, but then a bad knee injury kept him out of his 16th season. I had no idea he'd married Michelle until I saw her on TV one game a few years ago. I just assumed after high school, he and Michelle maybe went their separate ways. He was an all-star, like I said, so he could have had his pick of the litter of any number of cheerleaders. It was kind of nice to know he'd settled down with his high-school sweetheart though. You know how rare it is when those last a lifetime, and I admit I was happy to see those two had managed.

The party, as it turned out, wasn't that far from where I lived, about an hour's drive. Michael and Michelle had decided to call Newburg, Wisconsin their home after all, and I myself was saddled in the city with a steady programming job, an apartment, and no real social life to speak of. Funny, there was nothing really keeping me in the city after my parents died, but there I was.

So anyway, I looked at that card in my hand, all glittered up with dancing pumpkins, full moons, sparkling stars, and a few other horror images, and something just came over me. I can't really describe it. I felt like my fur was being rubbed the wrong way, and my skin was crawling. When the cell phone next to me suddenly jangled, I nearly jumped out of my chair.

"Hey," a voice on the other end started, sort of semi-drowsy sounding. I grinned when I recognized Joshua's voice. He'd done alright for himself. He started out doing stand-up comedy at one of the local Hilarity Houses right out of high school, and it paid for him to go on a full ride to some swanky arts school up north. He never told me the name. After he got back though, his comedy act became part magic as well. He was doing illusionist tricks like a pro. I caught his act one night a few years back, and damned if that Calico wasn't the best in the business. He made things disappear, catch fire, pile up on the stage, and levitate. Everyone loved him so much, he was taking the show national, and then global. I was glad I'd stayed in touch with him, truth be told. If anything, just to say I knew the Great Joshua Trendell.

"Hey yourself." I didn't know really what to say. We'd hung out a few times over the years, but we weren't super-close, you know?

"Get the invitation?" he asked, and I suddenly felt cold again.

"You got one too? Shit, for real?"

He chuckled and it sounded like a demon's delight. "Sure did. I guess I should go, huh? It'd be great to see Mike and Shelley again. I can get his autograph for my football, and maybe in exchange I could perform a magic trick or something."

"Yeah, you could." All this time I was thinking something was just not right, you know? I think it was in the way Joshua sounded. He didn't sound very excited about the affair at all. To me, he sounded like he didn't give two fucks about the party. I started to tell him exactly that but then he interrupted me with some nostalgic talk about high school, and the fleeting moment of dread I'd felt passed.

I really didn't feel like anything was wrong. Not even when I walked up to the big mansion at the end of the cul-de-sac in suburban Newburg a few weeks later, dragging excessively heavy monster feet, and struggling to see in my Frankenstein's monster mask.

I rang the doorbell and Michael himself answered decked out in his Wisconsin Manx football uniform and helmet. Over his shoulder, I saw his beloved handing out drinks wearing a provocative cheerleader outfit, complete with an electric-blue miniskirt that showed way too much thigh.

"Hey Eddie! You made it! Come on in!" Michael quickly took my paw and helped me inside.

"How the hell did you know it was me?" I took off my mask and adjusted to the dimly lit living room, offset with blue and gold neon lights and plenty of candles.

Michael laughed. "Had to be. You were the tallest cat in high school." He clapped my back in good humor and I felt really at home. "Still waiting on a few other folks to get here. Grab some chow and wine, okay? My casa, su casa." Then he was off again, going around the large room and glad-handing various cats in costumes. I took a quick look around for someone who looked like Joshua, but didn't see him yet.

I say here and now, a big part of me was hoping he'd changed his mind about coming. It'd been twenty years, but I couldn't imagine him coming and fur not flying.

Just then, I heard the doorbell ring again, and this time Michelle bounced up from a sofa and answered the door. She squealed when she saw who it was and everyone turned to see the Great Joshua Trendell, in a dazzling black and white magician's outfit, being led into the room by an obviously star-struck Persian.

"Everyone!" Michelle shouted, still holding Joshua's paw. "May I introduce to you all the one and only Joshua Trendell!"

The room broke out in raucous laughter and applause and several moved quickly over to shake his paw, clap his shoulder, or hug. Michael himself pumped his paw several times excitedly, chattering about his last show, and Joshua, well, he just smiled and didn't say anything. He spotted me in the crowd and his eyes lit up, and the grin on his face looked absolutely ghastly in the lighting.

"Alright, let's give the celebrity some room to breathe!" Michael finally chuckled, and pulled Joshua over towards the center of the room where he could mingle. "I made some really special treats tonight, Josh. And..." He got serious and meek. "Well, we'd really love to see you do a magic trick or two, I mean, if you want to."

Joshua laughed and it sounded forced. "With pleasure. I've actually been studying a trick for just this occasion. I'd be honored to try it out for you all tonight."

Michael could have just won the lottery. "Oh man, awesome! Are you kidding?! The honor's mine!" Michelle walked up to them both and hung an arm around her mate. "How about after everyone eats?"

Joshua nodded woodenly. "Sure. An hour or so?"

"You got it. Now come on in here and eat something yourself, okay?"

I watched Michael and Michelle herd the Calico into the room with the others and together they got plates of food and some drinks. I guess I started to feel alright after that. The party was a smash hit. Through the smoke, and the loud music, I even managed to meet a nice lioness named Nika, she of many girls who didn't even bother to look my way in high school, and together we ate and chatted about years lost. Every so often, I'd steal a quick glance to see how Joshua was doing, and he'd just be sitting there, listening to people talking around him, all the while focused on the large storage closet on the other side of the room.

Pretty soon, Nika ended up in my lap, and all thoughts of Joshua ceased as her and I enjoyed a little make-out time. I was just stealing a paw into her blouse to rub her breasts, and she was stroking the nicely-sized bulge going in my pants, when there was a loud thud. I mean, really loud. It felt like the whole house shook. Like someone had dropped the house from about five feet in the air. It was hard enough to rattle the wine glasses on the table and nearly topple Nika from my legs.

"What the hell was that?!" Michael looked up at the ceiling.

"A tremor maybe?" Someone dressed in a mummy's wrappings offered.

Nika and I quickly re-arranged ourselves so we didn't look too disheveled and horny, and hurried over to the others. "I felt it too," I said breathlessly, looking at Nika, who nodded and agreed, still blushing and flushed. "Did something explode nearby?"

Even Joshua looked curious. "Could have been a tremor, like someone said. Doesn't seem like it's going to continue though. Maybe just a short plate collapse in the ground." He laughed and again, it seemed forced and, well, eerie. "Don't be surprised if your house dropped a foot down or so tomorrow, Mike."

Everyone laughed uproariously then, even Michael, but you could tell they were just laughing because the Great Trendell had made a joke, and they'd better damned well laugh at it, because he's popular and they're not.

Once the food was put away, Joshua stood up and announced that he was ready to perform his magic trick. "I'll need a wonderful couple to assist me."

Nika waved her paw excitedly, and I quickly grabbed it and brought it down again. For no reason at all, I just wanted to stay clear of Joshua and his magic.

"Actually..." His eyes took on a peculiar glow I just assumed was being caused by the candles. "I really think our dear host and hostess will do. How about it, Mike? Shelley?"

Everyone around them both applauded and cheered and Michelle turned beet-red around her white fur. In no time, Michael was being pushed up next to Michelle and the two of them laughed as Joshua led them to the closet.

"I'm sure you're all familiar with the party pastime known as "Seven Minutes in Heaven"." Several snickers and nods followed. "I'm going to ask our beautiful feline couple to step inside the closet and close the door behind them."

There were several hoots, cat-calls, and whistles, and Michelle seemed ready to burst as she looked at Michael fondly, taking his paw. "Only seven minutes? Huh?" She giggled and nuzzled his nose. "Have we ever done it in seven minutes, babe?"

"Maybe HE has," the mummy responded, and everyone broke up again in laughter.

Joshua chuckled and shook his head. "Alright, come on, you two. Save it for the closet. In you go." He approached the closet and opened the door slowly, and it was weird because the whole time, I could hear him whispering words I didn't understand at all.

Michelle squeezed Michael's paw and tugged him inside. Joshua slowly closed the door after them still whispering his nonsensical prose - and that was the last we saw of them.

Now wait, you didn't let me finish. I told you, that was all we saw.

Now I'm going to tell you what we, or at least what I, heard. I don't know if maybe Nika or some of the others told you something different, and maybe they're stories won't jive with mine, but it's okay. I'm telling you this story from my view, right?

So...anyway, the door closes and Joshua turns and faces it before kneeling on the floor, his eyes closed, his paws out and pressed to the door. I heard a few giggles and whispers coming from the closet. Then I heard, or thought I heard, Michael scream. Only it wasn't a scream at all, it was more like the start of a scream, a choked cry of fright that was immediately cut off.

I trained my ears a little better towards the door and heard one more thing, and I'm not even sure how to describe it to you. Again, it was short, like a single croak in the middle of a misty swamp. Only this croak was lower, guttural, something you might hear if you were wandering around dinosaurs. It sounded like something truly primordial, that croak. To hear it made my fur stand on end.

There was dead silence after that and it seemed to stretch for an eternity. I backed away from the closet fearfully as Joshua reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it. I suddenly didn't want to be anywhere near it.

"And now, ladies and gentle-cats," the magician smiled as he opened the door. "Let's see how our two guests are doing..."

As everyone suspected, there was nothing in the closet. I bit back a scream because I noticed something else right away, and I'm not sure if anyone else did either. When he'd opened the closet the first time, I remember seeing some stuff in there. A folded up umbrella, a few pairs of shoes on the floor, and some unused clothes hangers.

They were gone. There was nothing in that closet. And of course, there was no Michael and Michelle. I looked in terror at the floor of the closet, at the back wall, and everything was spotless. It was like it had never been used. I tried to convince myself that Michelle might have been on a neat streak, and cleaned it all up before the party but-

I'd seen chipped paint on the wall too, and dried mud on the floor, and now the floor sparkled and the wall paint was smooth as glass. There was one other thing I noticed, and it could have just been my eyes playing tricks on me in the light. It didn't even register to me until the door was closed again.

The paint on the back wall was a different color. It wasn't a soft, soothing pastel red anymore. It was darker, more like maroon...or...crimson.

I watched in stricken horror as Joshua smiled at the enchanted audience, and as one they all clapped and whistled loudly. Nika nudged me with her elbow, remarking what a great trick she'd just seen, and the wine was getting her frisky, and she wanted me to take her home for a fuck. I was dead below the waist. Even when she reached a paw between my legs to cup me lustfully, nothing was doing down there. I just kept staring at the empty closet, shaking my head slowly.

"Well, where did they go, people?" Joshua asked, chuckling softly. "Should I bring them back right away?" Everyone, except me, laughed and there were several dissenting shouts. "Well, alright. Let's let them have the full seven minutes, okay? Excuse me, I'll be right back. Nature calls."

He started to walk past me, and I grabbed his arm, looking down at him like a rictus of terror in my monster get-up. "Josh..." I said quietly. "W-where are they?"

He laughed and for the umpteenth time he reminded me of a demon. "Probably in Heaven, silly cat."

I refused to let go and grit my teeth. "Bring them back...right now."

And then Joshua's expression changed. His eyes softened, the smirk on his face lifted, the whiskers drooped, and suddenly he was old Joshua Trendell again, the Calico with the unkempt fur, the thick glasses, the butt of every joke in Frost Central High. He swallowed hard when he looked up at me, and he looked absolutely terrified. "I can't. I...just...can't."

I looked at him dumbstruck. "What do you mean you can't?!"

Joshua looked away from me and back to the empty closet. "He won't let me."

He shook free of my arm and went down the hall and that was the last I saw of him this evening. Nika came by, demanded a ride home, but my head was swimming. I was still reeling when several of my old classmates realized the host and hostess were still gone - and Joshua hadn't returned from the restroom. They looked all over the house for him, but as you know, no one could find him.

After midnight, we called the police to explain what happened, and that brings us to where we are now. I imagine the forensic team will check every inch of that closet, but they're probably not going to find a thing. I suggest they check the wall though, really carefully.

Now, officer, if you don't mind, I'd like to go home now. Nika is waiting in the other room, and she's terrified to go by herself, and I'd like to at least give her a quiet evening, and hold her in the dark, and tell her she's safe, that I'll take care of her, and I won't let anything get her.

He won't let me.

I have no fucking idea what Joshua was talking about, but I have two closets in my apartment and I need to make damned sure they are closed good and tight tonight.