The WildWood (One Shot)

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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Strange what can happen after watching a film isn't it? One watch of Pan and this scene pops into my head and I just had to write it down. Maybe not the most polished thing but it really as just meant to be a bit of fun. Much like Pan, not meant to be taken too seriously maybe. This might just be all of it I'm afraid. I have no real plans to continue it. But it was fun anyway

This jungle filled Mellisa with dread, a sense of foreboding hung over her like a cloud. She couldn't help the feeling she was under the sight of unfriendly eyes. And with the heavy foliage and twisted wines, she would not know.

The tigress brushed under a bough of leaves, her fur marked with tiny droplets of rain, drawing highlights to her black markings visible on her face and her swishing tale. She felt vulnerable, her heightened senses doing her no good here. Not with all the fresh and unfamiliar sounds and smells around her. She was no stranger to journeys in the wild, her lithe form armed and armoured for combat. She just wished her journey had lead her anywhere but here.

These are the wildlands, aptly named as much for the myths they contain as whatever truth may lie with them. The one truth she knows is that few warriors have returned from here. Like Liannas. It has been two weeks since she should have returned from her patrol. And Mellisa had started to fear the worst. But she will find her friend. She must.

Mellisa paused, taking a long swig of water from her gourd, wishing she could have some sign of her friend. She was a skilled tracker but this forest defied her efforts. She knew where she was, could find her way out easily enough. She..

A sound. She heard it and froze. A soft sound, almost a whisper. But it sounded wrong. Not right. Before she could even draw her sword, she heard another. A sharp 'shhpt'. Then a prick on her neck. Her paw touched the dart, pulling it out. But it was too late. Her vision already going dim. She couldn't stand as the poison or drug filled her system. She struggled but those struggles failed, darkness claiming her.

Her surroundings were no better when she awoke. Not awoke from a pleasant sleep but jerking awake as if shaken. But she could see no such thing that awoke her, no sign of anyone else in this cage. And yes, it was a cage. Strong and sturdy, lattice of wood that easily barred her escape. With her sword she could easily have escaped. But that had been stripped from her, her belt gone too.

And too cap it all she was bound, her arms tied behind her back, wrapped in coils of thick wines that continued around her waist to bind tightly.

'As if I can go anywhere.' The tigresses snorted, a snarl building in her throat. The cage would be enough to hold her in its own right. Hold her to whatever fate awaited her. Which was sure not to be a pleasant one.

'Oh, you will go somewhere.' She must have been still suffering from the drug. She hadn't noticed the masked figure outside the cage. Couldn't even tell when she had arrived. She stood cockily, her lithe body not hidden by the scraps of leather that served as her clothing, tight around her breasts and hips. Showing off her trim stomach and lustrous black fur. But giving away no more details of her species. Heavy boots coveted her feet, just adding to the mystery. But it was mostly the mask that did that. She had to admit, it was both impressive and imposing. Finely grafted from a heavily grained wood, the narrow eyes and black feathers that formed an impromptu crown that just added to its menace.

'Where?' Mellisa snarled with what strength she had. Which wasn't much, her head swimming from that little movement. Added to the weakness in her arms, she didn't feel she could do much of anything. Even moving a finger felt beyond her at the moment.

'You will see. Up. On your feet.' The figure punctuated those words, tugging the door open and striding towards her. Wood creaked and she was hauled unceremoniously up onto her feet. Mellisa considered resisting, for about a second. But she repressed the urge. She wouldn't have been able to do anything yet. The spear she felt in her back helped her decide, a trickle of sweat running down her back between her shoulder blades and over the point that dug into her fur but didn't do much as nick her flesh.


She didn't like the sounds she heard, a deep, roaring rumble that echoed in her ears. Cutting over the whispering of wind rustling through leaves, a sound that built as the tunnel opened out into the blinding light, her vision blocked as her eyes screwed shut. But it was the voices that more concerned her. And with good reason. The chant grew to a fever pitch as she was shoved forward into an arena of sorts. Her sight had recovered enough to see that. It couldn't be anything else. A pit lowered in the floor, lined with a rough sand, shimmering with some fine particles. So it was no surprise to her as her bonds were cut and she was forced unceremoniously into it, the ranks of masked furs closing the narrow tunnel behind her to cut off her escape. Flexing her bruised wrists she raised her head in time to see the spear wielding fur move to a ornate Dias set into the boughs of the great trees, taking a post that mirrored the guard that stood on the opposite side. Where two more furs watched, their faces also hidden behind elaborate masks, decorated with ornate feathers of a lustrous hue. She had no time to debate their meaning though. Not as the male stood, his staff slamming onto the wooden base, the resonating sound bringing instant silence to the surround.

'You have trespassed upon our lands. Or sacred territory where none but the most worthy may tread. As such, you have two choices. Prove yourself worthy. Or die. Die and have your bones scattered to dust.'

'I meant no harm to you or your people. I..' Mellisa started before the chant grew and cut her off.

'Then prove it. Show us your skill as a warrior. If you would live.' His voice rang out again. 'You will face our best.'

The chant grew again. Chanting a name. Whose name she quickly discovered must belong to the fur that strode through the crowd, leaping to the pit to tower over her. He roared a challenge in her face, brandishing his sword to another roar of the crowd. Even behind his mask daubed with streaks of red she hoped was paint, his eyes narrowed to a harsh snarl.

'I would not fight you. But if you force me, I will.' Mellisa said coolly.

'Pityful. If this is the best you can do, then you are not worthy of our trust as she claims. Defend yourself.' The masked warrior roared again. 'You stand there with words when you should show action.'

Mellisa had no time to ponder that. His rush was so forceful, his legs pounding the ground. But she was ready, ducking under his sword to drive three quick kicks to his chest. Her momentum carried her forwards and over his head, rolling back to her feet.

She had staggered him and took the time to drop into a low stance. Not for long it seemed. He was more cautious this time, he strokes more concentrated. Mellisa had no choice but to step backwards, weaving ducking and blocking with a flurry of blows until she saw an opening and..thwack. Her paw boxed his ear, giving her a moment to leap back. And then leap again as he charged.

Her legs carried her clear and up, landing with feline grace on the narrow edge of the pit. Just for a second before she leapt again, driving her foot forward with a yell. She connected and drove him back, landing and spinning to take his balance.

This time it was he who reacted and her foot scythed through nothing. She was up quickly and kicked out again. He caught it but not her other. Using his body as a pivot, she jumped and kicked to his head. Hard. Sending him rocking back. Then again to his chest, spinning around and lashing out. Down he dropped, but his eyes still burned with fury.

He made to rise, the blows to his head not seeming to have taken as much out of him as she had hoped. Until a voice rang out, soft yet powerful and instantly familiar.

'What is the meaning of this? You dare to put my friend through this?I have already vouched for her and you put her through this? Does my word mean nothing?'

Mellisa couldn't help but stare. She recognised the figure before she even pulled off her mask. Her markings were unmistakable. Here surrounded by unfamiliar sights, it was one she could recognise anywhere. The sun played over her markings, highlighting her soft amber fur dotted with delicate darker spots that nearly blended into her fur. Adding a subtle mottling that accentuated her curves as much as her leathers that exposed more than they covered. 'Liannas?' Mellisa whispered. But her voice wasn't heard.

'Her words mean nothing.' The chief retorted. 'We have no other way to know if we can trust her. Unless we can see her in battle, what can we know of her? Did we ask no less of you?'

Mellisa wasn't going to stand here and take this, to just be discussed while she stood here awaiting judgement for something she didn't fully understand. 'Has this not proved it to you?' Mellisa snarled. 'I have fought your warrior and taken his measure. And found him wanting. Can you say that is not good enough?'

'I can.' The reply from the Dias came as a harsh snarl. 'My word is law here. You will be returned to your cell and await my judgement.'

And here we are again. Mellisa sighed; sitting with her legs crossed in the centre of the cage. At least she wasn't bound this time. But she was still in a prison. And where had it got her. 'Was it all for nothing? I found Liannas and I still ended up in here.'

'I wouldn't say that it was for nothing. You impressed Mithiel. And that is not easily done.'

Mellisa raised her head, meeting the gaze of her friend and one time comrade with mixed suspicion and doubt. Could she even call her that any more? Exactly how much had changed? Quite a lot if she had to guess. 'Does this Mithiel have the ear of your Lord? If not, I do not see what good it did.'

Liannas knelt down, her eyes inscrutable. As was her voice. 'Our Lord has to take the safety of his people to heart. We are not without enemies. And our ways have kept us safe for a long time.

'Our Lord?' Mellisa frowned. 'You call him Lord? Has that much changed for you? That you call these your people.'

'Mellisa, it is not that easy.' Liannas managed a sigh, mixing frustration and sorrow. Like she had had to make a harsh choice. 'I have come to know these people and the threat they face. A threat I cannot let them face alone. I would not have wanted to bring others into this, for I felt I could not. But now that you are here, it maybe that you could help us.'

'From in here?' Mellisa managed a soft laugh. 'Not likely. And I think I am not likely to step outside without your new lords blessing.

'I will see what I can do. I will return.' Liannas stood and gave her a smile before turning and leaving.