New Horizons - Chapter 5

Story by tacynol on SoFurry

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#5 of New Horizons

The two furs awoke to the sounds of shouting on the floor below. Obviously, Sam had found the note and was shouting at Zack. Trey sat up in bed and stretched, as he did so, he heard the front door slam shut and the shouting stop. Alex sat up too and there was a knock at the door.

"A... Are you awake?" Sam asked from the other side of the door. He was crying so hard, Trey could barely make out what he was saying.

"We are... hang on, let us get dressed" Alex replied. Both furs jumped out of bed and put on a pair of boxers and a pair of shorts. They sat back on the bed and Alex shouted back out to Sam "You can come in now" The slim fox burst into the room and pounced onto Alex, wrapping his arms around him.

"It's true" Cries Sam "Everything... I loved him but he never loved me back" Sam let go of the husky and sat on the end of the bed.

"I'm Sorry" Alex said sympathetically. Sam began to growl and he clenched his fists. Alex's eyes opened wide, he had never seen Sam this angry before; come to think of it, Alex had never seen Sam angry. "Erm... Sam, are you ok?"

"Am I ok?" Sam growled. He then burst into tears "I'm bloody heartbroken"

The front door opened and slammed shut. Sam's ears perked up and Sam looked towards Alex's bedroom door. After a few seconds, Zack was standing at the door with his tail between his legs and his ears flattened. Before Zack could talk, Sam had pounced on him and was pinning him to the floor. Zack was much stronger than Sam and he easily threw him off. Zack swung one punch at the Fox; this was enough to knock him out cold.

Alex leaped off of the bed and onto Zack, but again, Zack was to strong and he pelted the young husky with punches until he too was lying on the floor. Trey yelped, but he was too scared to move, he just watched, unable to help.

Zack turned to Trey with a grin on his face; Zack pounced on to the bed and pinned Trey down so that he was lying on his chest. Zack held Trey down with one hand and slowly pushed down his own trousers revealing his sheath and his ever growing member.

"I hope you're as good as your father" Zack smirked. Trey was confused, but then it struck him. Trey felt his boxers being pulled down by the Wolf who was sat on top of him.

Zack large member pocked and teased Trey's tail hole. Slowly, Zack pushed his member deep inside Trey. Trey's tight tail hole just made this more enjoyable for Zack, who began to thrust, slamming his hips into Trey. With each thrust, Trey let out a small yelp.

Trey lay there in pain, Zack was enjoying every minute. Trey's member had also come out to play, it dug into the bed sheets and leaked pre-cum. Zack's knot started to form, and it pressed against Treys tail hole.

"Trey" yelped Alex, who had just awoken. Zack saw Alex and grinned. He slowly pushed the knot into Trey, who moaned b'cus of the pain. Alex tried to stand up but fell back down. Alex was a little light headed from all of the punches.

"We're tied now Alex" Zack told Alex laughing "There is nothing you can do. I'm deep inside Trey and I'm filling him with my seed" Zack laughed while Trey continued to cry.

On the outside, Trey was showing pain, and giving the impression that he hated every moment. But deep down, Trey was loving every minute, he loved being dominated by a bigger wolf. But worst of all, Zack knew this too.

Zack pulled his knot out of Trey, causing Trey to moan in pain. Zack got off the bed and walked out of the room, Pushing Alex aside who tried to stop him. Trey could not move, he was in too much agony. Alex ran over to Trey and looked into his eyes.

"Oh Trey, I'm so sorry, I..." Alex started, but he trailed off. Alex looked deep into Trey's eyes and he could see the truth in them. Alex's eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. "You liked every minute of that didn't you? You sick bastard!" Alex ran out of the room with a tear to his eye.

Trey did the best he could to get up, he got dressed and walked out of the room and down the stairs. He collected his things and walked out of the front door. Trey walked over to his house and knocked on his front door. Clara opened the door. As she did so, Chelsea ran past her mother and pounced on her big brother. Clara began to cry and swung her arms around her son.

"I'm sorry" She cried, dragging her son into the house. "Your dad was stupid to throw you out. Where did you sleep? Have you eaten?"Clara continued to pelt her son with questions, until there was a knock at the door.

Clara went to the door, and let her guest in. Trey looked to see who it was; Trey saw Sam standing in the hall was whipping away a tear.

"Your husband has been cheating on you..." Sam said, still holding back his tears.

"What? Don't be so stupid" Clara shouted "Who the hell is my husband cheat on me with?"

"M... My Boyfriend" Sam stuttered. As he did so, Clara's face went blank.

"Oh my god... It all makes sense. The moving house, all of it"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

"I didn't know either, until, your son and Alex found out"

"What? My son and your Alex? Trey, can you come here?" Trey did as his mother asked "What is this crazy fox talking about? How did you find out?"

"Me and Alex came over here when you were out yesterday, to get some of my stuff. Dad and Zack came into the house so we his under your bed. They came into the room, and... And they did it" Trey began to cry, this reminded him of the events that happened an hour ago. Clara burst into tears and ran up the stairs. Trey turned to Sam "Have you seen Alex?"

"No, I haven't, I better go look for him" Sam said. With that, he left the house.

Trey went up to his room and went to take a shower. As he showered, he thought about how much he missed Alex being with him.

After his shower, Trey checked his calendar. Tomorrow would be his last day of freedom. Then he would have to start his first day of school. "Year 11 can't be that bad can it?" Trey thought to himself. He walked to his cupboard where he saw his school uniform ready for him. He also found a PE kit. Trey grinned imagining watching all of the boys playing football in shorts.

It was only 11am; So Trey decided he would go out and look around his new surroundings. He walked down a narrow road, surrounded by farm land. In the distance he saw a fur on a bike riding towards him. The fur on the bike stopped as he got to Trey.

"Hey there, I've never seen you in these parts" The german shepherd said.

"Oh, I moved here a couple of days ago" Trey told the canine.

"Well it's great to meet you, my name is Michael" the german shepherd said smiling "I'm 15 by the way, and I go Ivory School"

"Oh, is that Ivory secondary school?" Trey asked "I think that is where I'm going. I'm starting in year 11, form... 11N I think"

"Sure is That just so happens to be my form. Hey you got a mobile number I can have, I'll give you mine, and I could do with someone to talk to" Michael said with a smile on his face. The furs exchanged numbers and Michael got onto his bike. "Well, I have to go, I'll see you at school I guess" Michael rode off leaving Trey to think about school.

"Well, at least it's not an American high school" Trey said to himself.

Trey walked home and was greeted by his mother. She had stopped crying and told Trey she had called his father and told him not to come home. Trey checked the time to see that he had been out walking all day, it was now 8pm. Trey went into the living room where he watched TV for a short while, but his mind was fixed on the german shepherd he had met earlier. People are generally friendlier in Cornwall, Trey knew this, but it felt strange just meeting someone in the middle of nowhere and making friends with them.

Trey went up to his room, where he lay on his bed. It was hot so he took off his clothes â€" including his boxers â€" and lay on his bed. He started thinking about being raped by Zack. This caused his member to leave his sheath. Trey grinned and began to stroke his member. His tail hole felt loose, so Trey slowly pushed one of his fingers up his tail hole and began teasing his prostate. Trey pawed into the night until he cummed onto his chest. Rather than getting up to wash the cum away, he lay there to let it harden on his chest. Trey fell asleep holding his pillow.

I'm sorry; you probably do not get the British schooling system, which is why I included the talk about school, sorry if it is a turn off, but... otherwise you'd all be like "WTF"

If you need more explaination PM me, I'll upload a story about British schooling X3