Getting By, Intro (Short Story Series)

Story by CorbinCrow on SoFurry

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This is going to be a series of short (sometimes very short) stories that depicts the every day life of Corbin. At times there isn't going to be a whole lot going on, this series is mostly just so I can practice and grow as a writer so from time to time the style and point of view its written from may change. Feedback is always welcome be it positive or negative. Thank you to those of you who take the time to read it, hope you enjoy.

A flash of light illuminated the dimly lit room, golden eyes shifting away from the paper they had been focusing on for several hours to appreciate the storm outside the window. A cloud of nicotine blurred the view and brought them back to what was important. The cigarette between two slender talons glowed softly in the lack of lighting, a third talon hitting the butt to drop the ash to the floor, eyes keeping the discarded in view for a short moment almost expectantly. With the cigarette returned to its proper place, the talons took hold of the only other similarly shaped object, a pencil. Graphite touched to paper a moment later before the two engaged in a creative dance, working together to form letters that eventually formed words, with enough work a sentence was formed, and ,if the two worked well together, a proper paragraph left in their wake.

Another cloud of unhealth drifted into the air uselessly as the pair below created and controlled a life. That didn't really matter, paying the electric bill to have proper light to work in is what made the two work together, and the angry growls coming from further below is what had them doing so late into the night. With a little flourish and a sharp stab, the dance came to an end, pencil being set aside now that its job is done, talons moving on as if the relationship meant nothing. The talons took hold of the final page as the eyes read over it through yet another cloud that shortened the life of its creator, page being moved to the bottom of a stack of identical paper making it lose what made it unique until it was read over once again.

Another flash of light fills the room, giving the viewer another chance to look at the storm raging just outside, but the view went by unappreciated. The eyes favoring a look at a sight they had seen hundreds of times. The last bit of the cigarette trapped as it was inspected, the glow at the end barely noticeable anymore. Its life was cut short a moment later, pushed and ground into the table until the fire that made it useful was extinguished. The talons fumbled around the poorly lit table until they found the next object of their desire, a cellphone. The sudden bright light from the screen made the eyes squint until they adjusted, taking note of the ten percent left on the battery as the tips of the talons hit a few buttons to make a call. A voice broke through the sounds of rain and distant thunder.

"It's Corbin." The voice was a bit deep, the effects of smoking could be heard in each word. "Yeah the book is done. It's a bit shorter than expected,'s a fitting end." The phone was wedged between between feathers and clothing so the talons could search the pockets of a once fine coat freely, pulling out another cigarette and a lighter that were quickly put to use as the voice sounded through the dark room. "Uh-huh." A slow inhale shortened the paper and tobacco mix that made up the cig, lungs becoming painfully aware they burned. "Fine, see you tomorrow."

Each word was accompanied by smoke, lungs trying to push it out every chance they had as the talon and eyes put the stick in view. One drag was all the use it got that night, put out against the wall that separated the living room from the bedroom, falling from the talons to the floor.

The sound of distant footsteps let the living room know it had been abandoned for a room that could provide more comfort. The flickering candle that had been keeping the desk lit soon took its last breath, leaving the living room cold and lifeless as a single trail of smoke lifted towards the ceiling. The music of the night slowly began to fill house, rain beating against the windows, the creaking caused by the gusts of winds and the sound of thunder mixed in with the noise of light snoring played through the night. Only the sound of snoring left when the sun began to take its place in the sky.