New Horizons - Chapter 4

Story by tacynol on SoFurry

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#4 of New Horizons

Trey woke up the next morning o find a husky curled lying in front of him, sprawled out across the bed. Trey had barely any room actually. He decided to get up out of bed, as he did so he felt a paw grab him from nowhere. Trey turned round to see that Alex had woken up and was rubbing his tail hole.

"Don't go, I wanna snuggle for a little bit" Alex said. Trey smiled and got back into bed with Alex and wrapped his arms round him. Alex lay his head against Trey's chest and yawned "My tail hole hurts, I think your cock is too big" Trey giggled and blushed.

"Well... you asked for it. Besides, don't gay guys prefer bigger cocks??" Trey asked giggling. Alex nuzzled Trey's chest and giggled.

"So, what are we doing today??" Alex asked.

"Well... I think I'm going to try and sneak back into my house. Y'know, try and get some stuff" Trey told Alex, Alex nodded in agreement. "It's a good thing I have a spare key" Alex giggled and let go of Trey.

Both furs got out of bed and started to get dressed. As Trey was getting dressed, he remembered that his large member had caused them to break. Trey turned to Alex to show him his broken boxers. Alex giggled and threw him a pair of his own.

"Take care of them" Alex said giggling "I'm actually all for you wearing them. I'll be able to have my sheath where yours was" Alex rubbed his own sheath and pulled on his shirt. Trey got dressed and then both canines walked down stairs to get some breakfast.

They both sat in the living room so that they could keep an eye on the drive way of Trey's house. They were waiting for the house to empty, and then they'd sneak across and grabs some things. Alex moved closer to Trey and put his arm around the wolf. The two furs cuddled on the sofa.

After about an hour had went by, Zack came down stairs, fully dressed and sat with the boys. Zack sat down and asked the young furs what they were up to. Alex told him they were going over to Treys house in a bit. Zack asked why they didn't go over now... Alex and Trey told Zack everything. Including how Trey was thrown out of his own home; and that he had nowhere to live.

"Would it be ok if he stayed with us?" Alex asked.

"Erm... oh, yes, yes, of course he can" Zack stuttered. He seemed bewildered and overly gobsmacked. "Why did he do that? I nev.... I mean he's g...." Zack became too quiet to understand. When Zack realised he was talking to himself he jumped up and walked out of the room.

"I'm off out, I won't be long... I hope" Zack shouted from the hall way. Trey and Alex looked out of the window to see where Zack was going when they noticed a car pulling off of Trey's houses drive. Both furs ran into the hall way and grabbed Trey's bag. Then they ran out of the house, closing the door behind them.

They ran across the front gardens and up to Trey's front door. They unlocked the door and scampered inside. They ran straight upstairs and into Trey's room. They began grabbing clothes and putting them into the bag. As they did this they heard the front door open, and the sound of two men laughing. Both furs were paralysed in fear.

"How about we have a little fun, huh?" A familiar male voice said from two floors below.

"Hmm... Not a bad idea" replied the other voice whom sounded like Trey's dad.

Alex and Trey quickly zipped the bag up and ran down a floor. Then they froze again as they heard footsteps at the bottom of the stairs. Alex and Trey ran into the room closest to them. It just so happened to be a bed room. Both furs scampered into the room and hid under the bed.

The footsteps grew louder and louder. Then, two large Wolves stepped into the room. "Shit!" Trey thought to himself. He didn't want to get caught at all.

The door opened and in walked two large wolves. Trey and Alex could only see their legs from under the bed. Both wolves climbed onto the bed and started getting undressed. They threw their clothes off of the side of the bed.

One of the two wolves mounted the other, and slowly pushed his cock deep into the other wolf, who whimpered in pleasure b'cus of the penetration. The wolf on top fucked the other wolf slowly. Both lupines groaned with each thrust. After a while, one of the wolves howled quietly and the thrusting stopped.

"That was so good" the first wolf said, panting loudly.

"Shit, the time!" said the second wolf; He jumped off of the bed and pulled his clothes on. The other wolf followed suit and walked out behind the other wolf. They walked out of the room muttering.

Trey and Alex waited for the other wolves to leave the house. They then climbed from under the bed and left the room, both too stunned to talk after what had just happened.

"Oh My God!" Shouted Alex "You know who that was don't you?" Trey nodded slowly.

"T... That was Zack and my dad" Trey stuttered.

"What do we do?" Alex asked.

"I have no idea, do we tell Sam" Trey asked his friend.

"Maybe..." Alex said.

The two walked home slowly and went up to Alex's room. They unpacked the clothes they had got and sat on the bed. Both furs were still shocked from the events before. They talked for a while, discussing what to do next. Alex told Trey that every night; Sam would come upstairs and make sure he was ok. This gave the furs an idea.

Alex and trey decided to write a note to Sam. They did not want to have to talk to Sam, just in case he got angry. The note said...

Dear Sam,

Trey and I were over at Trey's house when two wolves walked in. We ran into the closest room and hid under the bed. The two wolves walked into the room and had sex right above us. We think that those wolves were Treys dad and Zack.

I'm sorry, Alex

They were hoping that Sam would find this note when he came up to check on them. The worst that could happen would be is Zack found it, but Alex was sure they would be safe.

After this, both furs decided it would be best for them to go to sleep. They lay on Alex's bed and started to fall asleep. They were thinking about the future.

"We have school next week" Alex whispered. Trey's ears perked up. He couldn't care, as long as he had Alex by his side, he would be fine. The two cuddled deep into the night before falling asleep.

I'm sorry it is so short, while writing this; I passed out once and had a mental breakdown. Where's my Zack when I need him... Oh well, I'll have Chapter 5 up probably the same time as this, depends on whether I can handle more stress...

On another note, while writing this, I noticed they edited a scene in Eastenders. It included the death of Michael Jackson.... WOW!