Wolf and Deer - Part Eleven - Heritage

Story by Amber Eyes on SoFurry

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#12 of Wolf and Deer

A late update is better than no update at all. ^.^ Mrawr!

Effect follows cause

As thunder follows lightning

But if just causes had nice effects only

We'd all be living a dream.

A sudden pain tearing her out of blissful dreams. Slowly blinking the sleep away, finding herself back in mother's den, all former scents of safety and security tainted by hunger and despair - and something else now, a loss ungraspable by words. Her piping howl pierced the air. Delta's daughter had lost something so big her mind refused to grasp what it was yet.

One look into Mother's weary eyes told her everything she needed to know; she had felt it too. Father's heart had stopped beating. With a last look on Mother... her last litter... why did they decide to have one, so late in the dying year?

No matter now. Eyes ablaze and nose on Father's weak trail, more felt deep in her heart rather than smelled, Dawn set out, only one thing on her mind... retribution.