Hallowe'en Costume

Story by RikTheFox on SoFurry

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#6 of Vulpinicity

WARNING! Fit for General audience but contains multiple instances of language.

Series Title: Vulpinicity

Story Title: Hallowe'en Costume

Story Theme: FNAF, Transformation

Story Audience: General

Summary: Alpha dons a neat FNAF-based costume to wear for Hallowe'en.


The morning was just like any other in October - cold and dark. As dark, perhaps, as it had been 12 hours earlier at 7:30 PM yesterday. Rik shimmied closer to Alpha in the bed, who wrapped his obscenely muscular arm around his little foxman and let him bury his muzzle in the forest of chest hair. Rik could feel the worgen's heart beating in his chest - it felt slow but deliberate, strong enough to not need extra pumps to sent blood shooting down his veins and arteries and squeezing through his capillaries. The beast shifted a little.

"What're you wearing for Hallowe'en?" he asked sleepily. Rik shrugged.

"Don't know."

"Well, you've only got nine days left."

Rik grunted in reply and went back to sleep. Alpha's rhythmic breathing soothed him and warmed the back of his neck, letting him know he was still there.

Two hours later they got up and got dressed. Rik cooked them breakfast - some creamy porridge with toppings that made the mouth water - and they ate ravenously before Rik climbed the stairs again, moving back into the bedroom and booting up his gaming computer which sat on his desk, turning on the recording equipment. He was a Gamer, a member of the official group of the same name on FurTube, a version of YouTube created exclusively for furries and anthropomorphic animals, since the reception of whom on YouTube was less than friendly.

Alpha silently approached him out of camera-shot with a cup of coffee, placing it on the coaster to his right and getting a thumbs-up in acknowledgement. A few moments later, Rik started recording.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! This is RikTheFox, as usual, and I present to you the long-awaited-for _Five Nights at Freddy's_Marathon! Today I will be playing every game in the series all the way through and you will get to enjoy my reactions to them. Wish me luck!"

Meanwhile, Alpha collected the post from the postbox, sorting his and Rik's into two separate piles, saving the best for last - a medium-sized box addressed to him and him alone. He sat at the table and tore the package open, withdrawing from it a red Morphsuit. But it wasn't just any Morphsuit - it was a Foxy fursuit, complete with hook and eyepatch. He was to wear it at Hallowe'en to scare the living daylights out of everyone who dared Trick or Treat this house. He supposed it would be a trifle hot in there considering it would be two layers of fur plus his body hair in the middle, so he tried it on to test it out.

It was indeed a little warm inside the suit, but it wasn't unbearable by any means. The metal plating of the real Foxy was plates of synthetic fur on the suit; the gaps and insides were represented by a skin-tight maroon baselayer. He pulled the eyepatch down over his eye and wrapped his hand around the metal bar inside the hook, which covered his hand as if it was a true hook.

He had been a little off-judgement before - it was rather stifling in here. Unfortunately it was one of those suits that was easy to get on but devilish to get off again - much like a wetsuit.

"Great," he growled, the muzzle of the suit distorting his voice, "now what do I do?"

He heard Rik crying out in alarm from one of the jumpscares upstairs, and being the smart cookie he was, he decided to approach his little foxman while wearing the Foxy suit while he was recording. The livestream chat went berserk.

Behind you!

OMG WHAT!!!!!!! Q-Q


Welp, you're dead

Confused, Rik turned around in his chair then reacted as if he had just had a defibrillator shock him after a heart attack.

"Jesus fuck!" he howled, tumbling off the chair sideways.

"Relax, it's just me," Alpha sighed, "it's my Hallowe'en costume. Can you help me get it off?"

As he followed Rik around the room (the fox was stumbling backwards away from him) he knocked against the chair, which made a loud creaking noise as it spun around gently. Alpha rubbed his elbow, grunting at how stiff it had become, and the chair continued to creak loudly.

"Have you considered oiling your chair?" he growled. Rik frowned.

"Alpha, that chair is new. I got it yesterday, remember?"

Luckily the viewers of the livestream coul see the entire encounter, and they were commenting on it. Rik didn't see their warnings.

"Then what else is squeaking so loudly?"

Rik looked at the computer, at the Game Over screen. There sat a Freddy suit with human eyes dangling out of its eyesockets. The Freddy suit...



"Alpha,you were squeaking. That suit is doing something to you - Oh my God, your fucking arm!"

Alpha looked down at his arm, at the elbow he had rubbed, and screamed a very distorted, metallic scream. His elbow had been replaced by a set of gears, hinges and wires - similarly with his other joints. His movements were jerky and stiff, apart from his jaw, which seemed to move even more freely than before. Panicking, Rik looked at the comments for advice.

Whatever you do, one of them read, do NOT sweat or cum. If you do, it can get -

But the other commenters were too busy panicking, spamming the chat with their screams, the scroll bar getting smaller and smaller with each passing second. The one helpful comment was now lost in the forest of bullshit.

"Ladies and gentlemen, PLEASE!" he snarled into the mic, "There was a commenter who was trying to say something and you all spew bullshit which doesn't fucking help! Where is that commenter? Can you repeat what you said please?"

Whatever you do, the saviour repeated, do NOT sweat or cum. If you do, it can get inside you and change you there, messing with your head, your personality. Trust me, I lost one of my family members that way.

"Thank you so much," Rik replied by voice. He turned around.

"Alpha, I know you're losing your shit right now, but I need you to relax. Do not sweat, and for the love of God do not cum. It's probably best if you don't salivate either."

"Relax?" Alpha screamed, visibly shaking with terror, "Relax? CUM? Why the fuck would I cum to this? It's too hot in here! Oh God, oh God, I feel sticky just thinking about it!"

"Then don't, you dolt! Just - just - _ STOP! _"

Alpha stood stock still at Rik's veritable explosion, his heart rattling against his metallic chest. Even the chat seemed to utterly stop, nobody was saying anything. Everything was completely still.

"Please, come back to me," Rik said softly, forcing Alpha into mood whiplash, "I know I'm about to lose you and I don't want to. Tragic, isn't it? Reduced to soppy pleading. Never had to be so cheesy in my life."

Alpha chuckled then suddenly every single artificial muscle in his body seized up for a moment before relaxing. His thoughts felt cloudy, and every time he tried to follow a train of thought it felt like wading through set treacle.

"The 'power of love' won't work because it's too fucking cheesy, am I right?" Rik continued, laughing despite himself, "Maybe you could game with me, we'll take it in turns to be the nightguard."

'Tis sweet of you, lad, Alphaxy replied with his deep, rumbling, metallic voice, but I'll be passin' on this one.

"I insist," Rik said, taking him by the arm and practically flinging him into the chair.

Alfoxy looked at the screen and his hand and hook hovered over the keyboard, looking at the screen.

So what do I do, lad?

"You only need the mouse. You look around by moving the mouse left and right. Press the top button for the hallway light, the bottom button for the door, and move the mouse to the bottom to bring up the camera. Keep an eye on Pirates' Cove, Foxy tends to dislike you not watching him."

What keeps me from keeping the doors shut?

"The limited power. Ah shit, it's already at 50%, and it's only 2 AM."

So what now? Do I just sit here and get scared shitless?

"Yes," Rik replied slyly, an evil look on his face.

The power went out. Almost at once Freddy's eyes and mouth started to flash in the left-hand doorway to the music of Toredor's March music box remix. The power completely dropped and there was a tense few seconds before Freddy leapt out of nowhere, screaming. Foxy screeched, the pitch increasing gradually until at the peak, Alpha jumped out of him, scared shitless. The suit flopped to the ground, lifeless and limp.

And that's how Alpha was born~ one of the comments read in a clearly whimsical, wonderous tone.

_Adding new merit to the phrase 'scared out of one's skin'_read another.

"You alright?" Rik asked. Alpha glared at him.

"Such concern for my safety," he grunted.