A Dream: Chp 17 Surprises Entries

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#17 of A Dream

A Furry's Dream: Chp17 Surprises entries

~written from my phone~

Just an advanced warning to any younger and or people who don't like violence/gore. I'm not going to go ripping peoples arms off or describing everything, it will be tame however if you complain i will ignore you as i have attempted to warn you. I apologise for the A/N and i don't usually do this but tell me how you think i went as i don't normally write violence, its normally just implied.

Thank you for your time and i hope you enjoy the chapter.

Folvos' POV

"So, do you know how we're getting out of here?" I ask Polybius once Rose and i separate. He grumbles a little before turning to me.

"By this map it appears there's a 'portal' room on the floor below." He pauses and shows me the map before taking it back and tinkering with it.

"If the parts i were building are right, which they are, then it just needs one thing to fire up and take us home, co-ordinates. I know how we can get home you just need to get us there in one piece." I look at him before i point to the pile of soldiers by the door.

"Everyone, armour up to the best of your ability, find a gun you like and find ammo for it." I order the group, Polybius tries to say something about claws but i cut him off. "I'd prefer if the one who knew how to get home was in the back, you die, Mina can't get home, Rose can't get home, I can't get home. Now pick a gun you like." This seems to shut him up although it also seems to make him agitated. He walks off mumbling something about being able to handle him self. (I'm looking at you, Shadiclipse! ;P ) I'm sure he'll get over it eventually.

I look over my 'team,' all with the same armour on; consisting of a chest plate, female for the girls and male for the guys; leggings, segmented to provide mobility and protection; and arm plates to protect the odd stray bullet. Polybius & Mina had managed to grab, and put on plates too the back half of their pants despite the pain it must've caused on their tail. Rose & I however, deciding against it. Polybius and Mina had grabbed an assault rifle of types with a number read out on top. I had given my burst rifle to Rose in exchange for a weapon she found which fired single shots and had a short sighted scope.

"Right," i exclaim getting everyone's attention "Polybius, i want you behind me, Rose to the right of him and Mina to the left, if people start firing at us from ahead you guys get to cover first or lay flat on your stomachs. Polybius, you need to stay alive or we'll all die, if its safe you need to get to cover first. Yes that means you are more important than Mina in this case but i think she'd agree that she'd rather get more people to the portal with a chance to escape than live knowing she's going to die. Am i right?" I finish off giving Mina a pleading look. I don't know how well it'd work because i know i'd put my self in place of Rose, if she was in danger, no mater the consequences. Polybius looks between Mina & I for a little before Mina speaks up.

"Polybius, Folvos is right, you need to get there so these two can get home at the very least..."

"Mina, i can't loose you, I wont!" Polybius cuts Mina off and states loudly, not budging.

"Polybius!" Mina shouts before calming down and looking at Rose and I, "Please, i know they'll protect me, like i'll protect them. You dont need to hide forever, just stay safe, we need you." Mina looks into his eyes and grabs his hands. "There are people counting on you. Don't let them down, for me." She continues and pauses before just standing there.

He lets out a sigh and looks back into her eyes, "I won't guarantee it if you get hurt, but i'll try to stay safe." Polybius finally relents and pulls his girlfriend into a hug which she happily returns. I grin when suddenly i hear some footsteps running towards the door, we all brace for an enemy soldier but i wasn't prepared for who came around the corner.

Suddenly a memorable female face pops around the corner. "WAIT!" I exclaim to everyone loudly,

"Folvos?" She asks as she faces us, she looks at the others that had pointed their guns at her, "Uhm, i'm unarmed?" She states questioningly.

"Guys, guns down. Megan's friendly." I state,

"How do we know for sure?" Rose shoots her question out as fast as a gun.

"Because she's never tried to hurt me, just about everyone else in this damn place has so i don't see why she'd be nice without reason." I remark.

"She's... One of them." Polybius remarks, still holding the gun up towards her.

I look over Megan and see her starting to sweat, "Guys, at the very least let her live, she did try to help me." I turn back to the team to watch their reactions. Mina looks confused at this but is attempting too look relaxed with the clearly out of place weapon, Rose is looking at me... Angrily i think it is but her stance says she won't attack, Polybius however is a different matter entirely. His body is tense, the gun, although now pointed away, is still raised more so than usual for a resting pose, and he seems to be glaring at Megan menacingly. Finally Polybius speaks.

"Alright then," he walks over to her and gets up in her face, "But do not be mistaken, i will kill you if you attempt to hurt us or prove to be an inconvenience in our escape."

"I'll be helpful, i know this place like the back of my hand." She states happily.

"We already have a map, pick again." Polybius states with an unspoken threat in his voice. Suddenly there is a electronic sounding screech and Polybius suddenly starts playing with his wrist display. "Well you're in luck, it seems my map has stopped working, Convenient if you ask me."

"All the tac-pads, whats on your wrist, are able to be disabled from a remote location to prevent it from falling into Enemy hands." Megan rattles off almost going into a trance as she repeats something thats been clearly drilled into her head for some reason.

"Besides that there was some big secret they are building..." Megan starts before Polybius interrupts her.

"My portal, thats what they are building, Take us there." He finishes his rant by pushing her. Suddenly my ears hear more footsteps and yelling in the distance.

"He means please, we need to go now because there are others coming."

"Right, everyone follow me." Megan exclaims before starting to walk off to the right. Everyone starts to walk after her but Polybius catches up to me and grabs my shoulder.

"If Mina is hurt because of this... Thing... then i will have fun learning why you go Animalistic, oh i can't wait to take a look inside of you." After these... Cheerful words i decide to not respond and i just nod slowly before walking faster to catch up with Megan. There aren't any major firefights until we get to the Elevator room, mostly lone guards we take out easily.

Bullets are flying past our heads, i'm sitting behind a large metal crate with Polybius. Megan was just ahead of us when we turned into the Elevator room and so she must've been up at a different crate scared out of her mind. Mina is behind a crate to my left, although slightly behind us, and Rose on the right behind some small vehicle. I turn to Polybius,

"When i run, i need you to fire blindly over the crate, distract them, tell rose some how, i need to get up there." I point to a small barrier on top of a staircase.

"Make it count." He replies before moving over towards Rose. I go to Mina and look over her, she seems shaken to say the least.

"How are you doing?" I ask

"Lets not talk about that..." She replies over the bullets.

"Listen, i need you to fire over the crate when i start running. Don't put your head up just do it, ok?" I state. Its a crazy plan, i may get hurt to say the least but its worth a shot, besides, i've got something the others don't, Instinct.

You know that feeling you get when everything feels right? Its addicting, and thats what this feels like. So natural and raw. This time i don't embrace it, i don't let it take control, i don't get that rush. Instead i fight it, i make it reside in only the parts i let it, namely my feet and legs, and suddenly i feel i could run a mile. "Now!" I shout not even sure if Polybius could tell Rose in time. There are louder gunshots, closer sounding and I jump up and forwards. My legs hit the ground running and i take off throughout the moderately sized room. A quick sprint and a few hops over some loose equipment and i'm already at the staircase, unfortunately the guards noticed this as well. 'Ping' goes the metal to my left, a small dent appearing where i guess the bullet hit. I jump, there's nothing more i could do other than take the staircase in leaps and bounds. 3 big leaps and 10 or so stairs later i'm safely hidden behind cover.

Mina, Rose and Polybius have all stopped firing and are hidden behind their respective cover again. I crawl over to the side of the concrete looking barrier, staying flat against the grating as the bullets continue to ping off the metal behind me. I peek around the side, only slightly, just to get a rough location of the guards. My ears are laying flat against my head but they still hurt from the constant 'pinging' of the metal and bullets. I bring my gun over to my eye and line up to one of the guards around the elevator shaft. I hold my breath and line the cross hairs of the rifle where a guards head would pop out from time to time. I see movement and i pull the trigger before rolling back behind the barricade. '1 down... Maybe' i think to my self. After i've taken out that guard most of the others start firing on my position. I look down to the others and see Mina crouch behind the crate before taking some pot shots at the guards. There's a muffled cry and the gunshots get slightly quieter. There seems to be lees bullets fired in my direction now, I look over too see more people firing towards the others.

I quickly count about five guards, three moving towards my friends, and two red spot where guards were. Ducking back behind cover i ready my gun for another shot. I peek around the corner, aim the rifle, hold my breath, 'fire' i think as i pull the trigger. There is a burst of red mist around the soldiers abdomen where i hit and he topples to the ground. The recoil knocks the barrel upwards and back slightly into my shoulder, it hurts but i roll again behind the barricade.

I call out to Polybius, "Polybius, two approaching from ahead!" The only reply i get are two bursts from Polybius's gun. One thud and a groan of agony mean he's hit his targets. In an attempt to get into a better shooting spot for the two guards I manage to get hit on the shoulder plate however it bounces off the curvature of the shoulder plate. It still sends shockwaves through my already hurt shoulder and i swear i hear a little pop sound. I dive back into the door frame and i hear some collective shots from Polybius's group.

Polybius's POV because i think we need a change of view.

Mina, I and Rose, of whom i'm not terribly fond, are still hidden behind our crates and vehicles respectively. Mina seems to be dealing with this well, appearing to get more comfortable as the fight goes along. As per Mina's request i'm mostly staying hidden and safe from the bullets however seeing Folvos dive away has meant we'll most likely be by our own.

"Mina we should move up." I state to her. She peaks around the corner towards the enemy before turning around to face me again.

"Ok, but remember, stay safe, i'll try to as well." God i missed her soft voice. Sure i could visit her with my dreams and machines but nothing compares to the real deal.

"I'll try, I love you. On three." She nods back too me

"One, two..." i pause for a second and wait for the bullets to die down a little more, "Three!!" I command loudly and leap over the crate. I start to fire as we come into their line of fire. Pointing my gun towards their position i blindly fire and take cover once we've crossed half the room. I turn and my heart stops and sinks. One of the guards i shot before survived and is shakily pointing a gun towards Mina. I dive but i know i'll be too late.

*BANG *"Now this is my sort of gun!" Folvos shouts in the sudden silence that has engulfed the room. I'm covering Mina and i turn to see a bloodied corpse with a hole straight in the ground near the neck of the dead guard. I follow the line of smoke the bullet left to see Folvos holding a gun that looks about a meter in length massaging his shoulder he must've braced against. He notices me staring and waves happily. "Pay me back later!" He runs off along the walkway and as if his departure woke up the guards the bullets start again. I grab Mina by her shoulders and look her over fast.

"Are you hurt? He didn't get you did he?" Mina just smiles and hugs me lightly.

"I'm fine, you know you shouldn't have dove to protect me... Thank you." Her voice going from soft to stern to soft again and she hugs me tighter. Although the armour keeps me cold i can feel my body warm a little. _BANG!! _ Another shot from Folvos and a cry of joy follows shortly. I look over our barricade and see the last guard hiding behind a concrete barrier similar to this one. BANG!! Now i can see through the half a meter thick concrete barrier thanks to a hole that Folvos must've made.

"Thats all i can see!" Folvos exclaims before vaulting the railing and falling a short distance onto a crate and proceeding to clamber down. I wait for him to have been walking around a little before standing up.

"Right, so now i think we have to go down." I start.

"I believe Megan said so before... Where is she?" Folvos asks looking around. The Elevator doors open and a scared looking Megan steps out. As soon as i see the doors opening i pull my gun up towards them, seeing Megan's face makes me only begrudgingly lower my weapon.

"Why were you in there instead of helping us?" I all but spit at her.

"When the guards saw me they were set on taking me to command as i'm now technically AWOL. They shoved me in the elevator and would've taken me away had you not... Taken care of them." She states. I look around and notice Mina and Rose have now joined us. I look over Folvos and his face just shows the same sort of (trepidation) i had at first.

"I can take you to our portal..." I cut her off there.

"MY Portal, and you better make it fast." We all enter the elevator and Megan fiddles with the controls before we take off.