Epilogue: Alpha dad

Story by Wegaanervoor on SoFurry

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#2 of Epilogue

Epilogue of the Alpha dad end of the CYOA story: Forgotten notes

Epilogeu. And so, Carl join the packt. The werewolves lives in the forest arround town. From his dad, he learn that the werewolves never hurt people. They protect the city. The only time they die anything, is when it gonna dead and a bite is quicker and less painful than wait. The people of the city offer them food, so they can life. One time in the year, all of the werewolves come to the city. It's when the city organisate a festifal to honor thier protectors. The werewolves can freely walk threw the city. When it's mightnight, they walk on a podium in the middle of the city and howl to the moon to show thier respect and thank the citiers then can life in the forrest.