Chapter 22: The betrayal

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#22 of digi kimi

As the competition has started all the guys (expect for Brandon) were training in their own area of expertise, Casey with soccer, Draggy with swimming, Tony with high jumping, Cliff with weight lifting, Franky with boxing, Mike with volleyball, Michael with karate and Thomas with cycling, everyone was spread out in different area and constantly training to get better, but the one thing that kept them all together was the good luck charm that Ty gave them all, and the occasional day when their cheering for each other when their not in a event. As well when there all gather together watching others on television to cheering both Ty and the girls on.

~~~~~Track met~~~~~~

Tony was doing some warm up when Josh suddenly walks up to him, and start having a chat with him.

'So are you prepare to lose,' said Josh as he started doing his warm ups

'Not to you, I got a feeling I can go beyond what I could use to do,' said Tony

'Dream on, and you don't have your little girlfriend here to cheer for you,' said Josh

'At least I have one,' said Tony

'Which won't last long fatty?' said Andrew as he walks up from behind

'Who is that little punk?' asked Josh

'The name is Andrew, not punk, skunk,' said Andrew, Tony started laughing as it was Josh second time being called a skunk

'Andrew what are you doing here?' asked Tony

'I'm here to compete like the rest of you,' said Andrew

'But your not a high school student, your still in middle school,' said Tony

'My school is a middle/high school,' said Andrew

'Do you two know each other?' asked Josh

'We're brothers, cant you tell by our looks,' said Tony

'Were not brothers, after what you did,' shouted Andrew as he stormed off to go and take his jump.

'This should be good,' said Josh

'I didn't know Andrew was back into high jumping, be was as good as me back in the days' said Tony as he watch Andrew go for his jump, both Tony and Josh watch intensively as Andrew did his jump, it as hard sharp and forceful, Tony just got up and walk over to the landing matt where Andrew was.

'Who taught how to just like that?' asked Tony as he grabbed Andrew's arm

'That none of your business how I jump,' said Andrew

'That jump is how dad ruined his career,' said Tony

'No, it didn't son, drinking ruined everything for me,' said a Growlmon as Tony turned around and gave his father an evil stare

'Don't talk to me, I can never forgive you for what you did to mom,' said Tony as he stormed off the field

'Where is he going?' asked Josh

'Nothing to do with you mister, this is family matter,' said Tony dad

'Whatever, as long as it doesn't matter to me cause I'm going to beat you all anyways,' laughed josh as walked off the track met

~~~~~In the Gym~~~~~

Tony was annoyed seeing his father being a coach, so Tony his workout reckless, but not knowing how reckless he is training with weights right now he is going to end up hurting himself, then suddenly Amy walked into the room, when Tony saw Amy he drops his arms which the weights carry him along onto the floor.

'Oh my god, Tony are you alright,' shouted Amy

'Yeah I'm alright thanks, seeing you here just caught me by surprise,' said Tony

'Why are you surprise? You should know I'm very good at gymnastic, and how flexible I am,' said Amy as she gave Tony a wink

'Oh I remember how flexible you are, after all our wild night back in the good old days,' said Tony

'Yeah, I miss those days, sometimes I wished we never broken up,' said Amy

'Yeah, but it cant be helped with you studying aboard in middle school,' said Tony

'Do you think we can pick up where we left off?' asked Amy as she leaned close to Tony, pressing her breast against his chest

'Amy stop this, I'm with someone else and you know that, and who I love very much and he the only one for me,' said Tony as he pushed Amy off him

'Well my offer still stand if you ever want to get back together, you should drop by my hotel room sometimes, I'm in 390 at the blue fur hotel,' said Amy as she walked out

'Damn, that girl still always know how to turn me on with her sweet ass,' said Tony as he look down as he got a huge boner on right now, Tony got his stuff and left the gym trying to get ride of his boner before anyone see him.

'Hey Tony, you done with your work out?' Shouted Cliff as he was waving to Tony

'Yeah, I just finished, I'm heading back to my room for a shower, before going out for some food with you and the others,' said Tony as he tries to cover up his boner with his bag

'Oh, I was just about to do the same thing, since my room is close you want to use my shower, and we can meet the other together,' said Cliff

'Thanks for the offer but, I cant, as there is something I need to do along the way back before going to my room,' said Tony

'You mean, taking care of your boner,' Laughed Cliff as he patted Tony on the back

'What!!!' said Tony and he whimpers 'how did you know?'

'Tony, I get it, it been a while, like 2 month now, since we last saw Ty and the girls, if you think you got it bad, the other got it worse,' said Cliff and he whispers into Tony ears 'Frankie been wanking off to porn every night and it turning me on,' then Cliff grab Tony's claws and put it against his cock which was rock hard. Tony just step away in fear cause of what cliff just did.

'Dude, what the hell,' said Tony with fear

Cliff just laughed 'Dude, I'm only playing with you to see your reaction, don't be so serious, hahaha'

'That wasn't funny, I seriously thought you were hitting on me' said Tony

'You should have seen your face, all innocent then you went totally scared, it was so adorable, but I manage help you out with your problem,' said Cliff as he pointed at Tony boner being gone

'Still that was a bad joke Cliff, but thanks anyway,' said Tony as he pulled Cliff to his face and kissed him on the cheek, Cliff just freaked out as what Tony just did

'Dude what was that for?' whimpered Cliff like a scared little cat

'Revenge, and helping you with your boner,' laughed Tony, then Cliff look down to see his boner gone

'Haha good one, let call it even, and never talk about this ever again' said Cliff as he gave Tony a fist pump

'Yeah we even, and let not,' said Tony as his fist met Cliff's fist then the both of them walk back to their rooms to get a shower and get ready to meet the other for dinner.

~~~~~Later in the dinning hall~~~~~

Everyone was in the dinning hall eating and catching up with each other to see how each of them were doing in their own sector of the college Olympics, so far Casey, in the quarterfinals, Draggy have had his turn yet but been training hard with the swimming team, Frankie going to the finals with boxing, Michael was still in the qualifying rounds with karate, Mike was in the semi-finals for volleyball. However Thomas was out because of the cycling was over so he watching everyone now, and Tony was in the top 100 in high jumping which is still going on. And Cliff won all of his weight lifting so are and got gold medals, but he only had about 3 left to do before he can finish his.

'I wonder how, Ty, Brandon and the girls are doing?' question Frankie

'Well, Brandon is coaching the BSB and they're in the finals,' said Draggy

'Wait? how do you know that?' asked Cliff

'I'm watching it right now,' said Draggy as he pointed at the TV

'Do you know about the girls and the martial tournament?' asked Mike

'Yeah, and what about Ty,' asked Tony

'Let me check the TV guide,' said Thomas as the pulled a TV guide out of his bag, and the guys gathered around it, look for the time and channel when it was on and all saw it was now. So then Casey then ran to one of the chief if they could change the channel to the world dancing championship, so the chief did, as he switch the channel a lot of people complain or didn't care then started caring as they saw Nami dancing on TV.

'I wonder if Ty have perform yet?' question Michael

'Well, we have missed most of it so most likely have but, I'm not 100% sure,' said Mike

'Why is this crap on,' said Josh as he was walking pass with some of his friends

'Hey skunk shut up our friend is in that championship,' said Cliff, everyone in the dinning hall started laughing out loud when they heard Cliff called Josh 'Skunk'

'Hey, I called him that first, why are you taking my insult for your own,' said Andrew as he was walking up to the group

'Well no, your not Andrew, someone else beat you to it,' said Tony

'Then who, beat me to it, so I can beat them up,' said Andrew

'That bitch called it me first,' shouted Josh as he pointed to the TV as Ty was performing on TV, everyone was watching the performance, which was upbeat, and fun and everyone was enjoying the performance, including Josh and Andrew. At the end of the performance the presenter went up to Ty to ask him some question,

'So Ty how does it feel, to be back on stage competing again?' asked the presenter

'It feel great being back, I missed the energy and how wild it can get being on stage as well dancing along with all these amazing and talented performers, it great to be back here,' said Ty

'Well I'm glad you came back, having you here, sure bring back the fun to this stage, and that is what we all tonight,' said the presenter

'I'm glad everyone had fun watching my performance, and I hope for more fun time for everyone watching' said Ty as he walked off the stage

'That bitch, next time I see her, I give her a piece of my mind,' said Josh

'That a guy, and he a fag,' said Andrew

'Will you both shut up, that our best friend you're talking about,' said Frankie

'Yeah, one more word from you both, or we kick your ass,' said Cliff

'Yep,' said the others

All of a sudden a built Panda and Lion came walking up to Andrew and Josh looking down on them and both said 'Shut up,'

'Why? Were not bothering you,' said Josh

'You, just called my best bud a bitch,' said the Lion

'And you called him a fag,' said the Panda

Tony then suddenly got up and stood in front of Andrew to protect him, but Tony apologise to the Lion and Panda instead, while Andrew and Josh just ran away.

'Hey I don't have a problem with you for defending Ty,' said the Panda

'Yeah, guys are ok, in our books,' said the Lion

'So how do you guys know Ty?' asked Tony

'Oh, we went to high school with him,' said the Panda

'Well middle school in your terms,' said the lion

'Oh, we are currently are going to school with Ty,' said Frankie

'Oh then, we have a lot to talk about, by the way my name is Lewis,' said the Panda

'And my name is Christopher but call my Chris,' said the Lion

Everyone introduce themselves to Chris and Lewis and they were talking for a while, swapping stories how they all met Ty and how close they were, Chris and Lewis gave Cliff evil death glares when they heard he held Ty by the neck, Cliff suddenly felt really small, but when they heard Tony was Ty boyfriend and also took his virginity, their death glare switched from Cliff to Tony. Tony felt Cliff pain and pressure, but when they hear Nick gave his approval to Tony they had no chose and back off. It was getting late they all went their separate ways back to their room after having a good night talking and catching up and making new friends with Ty old friends.

As everyone went back to their own room, all expect for Tony where he went to the reception to see if he can make a call, back to Bradford dorms, as he was worried about James, because he haven't seen him for a few weeks.

~~~~~A Few weeks later~~~~~

With most of the event over most of the guys have already left to back only the Tony remind as his was still competing, against his rival josh and his brother whiles clashing methods with his father. But it never ends wells and at the end of the day Tony doesn't have any of his friends with him so, he really couldn't talk to anyone, all expect for Amy. So Tony and Amy have been meeting up a lot lately talking and hanging out, and even having dinner now and again together.

'Hey Tony, how was your day?' asked Amy

'Same old, thing, going in the top ten, within the competition, arguing with Andrew for a bit then my dad, which is driving me nuts sometimes, wish Ty was here to make my day better,' said Tony as he fold his arms and sulks in them

'Am I not good enough, to make your day better?' asked Amy as she sit next to him and hold onto his claws

'Well you are ok, I guess, but you're just a friend that I can complain my problem to,' said Tony as he move his claw's away from Amy's

'Then, let me be more, like how we use to,' said Amy as she move Tony's arm out of the way and sits on his lap and kisses him passionately

Tony suddenly just threw Amy off him and said to her 'Amy what the heck are you doing? I have Ty and I don't want you,' and then he storms off back to his room

Amy just get up and runs after Tony, and held onto his arm 'But I thought we were reconnecting, cause we been on those meet up and dates, I though you were still in love with me and wanted to get back together with me,' said Amy

'Let go and leave me alone,' said Tony as he brushed Amy off his arm

~~~~~Later that night~~~~~

Tony was training in to get his mind of what Amy had done earlier that day, he couldn't get that kiss out of his mind, no matter how hard he trained, but then suddenly Josh walks in and starts trash talking to Tony.

'Your doing better than I thought, I though you would have been out a long time ago,' said Josh

'Oh really, I guess I'm just stubborn aren't I?' said Tony

'But your putting up, more of a challenge then I thought,' said Josh

'I'm init to win it,' said Tony

'Not unless I got anything to say about it,' said Josh

'Dream on if you think either one of you going to win against,' said Andrew as he walks into the gym

'Fine your on, Andrew' said Tony

'Care to make this more interesting?' said Josh

'What do you have in mind?' question Andrew

'Depend what the wager is?' said Tony

'If I win, the both of you or your pretty like girlfriend become my slave for the day,' said Josh

'And what in it for us?' asked Andrew

'No way, your getting Ty involved in this,' said Tony

'No, I don't want that fag, even though he is cute and pretty looking for a guy, but I want that hot guilmon girl that you been around lately, and if I lose I'll be your slave for a day,' said Josh

'Oh, she a friend, if you want to have her go for it, and you're on,' said Tony

'Hey not so fast, were not done, don't forget you still have to beat me fatty,' said Andrew

'Then what is your wager then?' asked Tony

'I have two condition, if you lose, you will break up with that fag, and the second you come back home,' said Andrew

'First of no, I'm not breaking up with Ty, and secondly your on, but here are my conditions, first you stop calling me 'Fatty' and start calling me either Tony or big brother, and second you forgive me and tell me why you hate me,' said Tony

'Fine your on,' said Andrew

'So were all in an agreement to this wager,' said Josh

'Yeah,' bring it on,' said Tony and Andrew

All of a sudden Tony/Andrew father walks into the gym and starts lecturing the boys for making a stupid wager.

'You boys shouldn't be making wagers like this, it not good sportsmanship and it pathetic to bring other people involve into your little bet when it doesn't even involve them,' said Tony/Andrew father

'Stay out of this, this doesn't concern you,' said Tony as he leave the gym

'As a coach I can report this and have disqualified for this,' said Tony/Andrew father while he give both his son a patronising look

'Fine, bets off, you win happy,' said Tony as he storms out the gym

'Fine, but this doesn't change the fact I'm still going to beat you both,' laughed Josh as he walk out of the gym

'I'm sorry father, it was immature of me for making this bet, but I'm trying to get Tony to come back home, so we can be a family again,' said Andrew

'I don't care what your reason was, and I am disappointed in you, leave your brother to himself, when he ready to come home, he'll come home on his own' said Tony/Andrew father

As Tony was storming off he goes to the blue fur hotel to see Amy, she was surprise when Tony came to her. While Tony was knocking Amy answer he door while only wearing a bathrobe as she only just got out of the shower.

'Tony what's bring you here?' asked Amy

'Shut up,' said Tony as he kisses Amy and carries her to her bed, Amy doesn't know what wrong with Tony but she didn't care, so she just kisses Tony back while he is carrying her to her bed. As Tony put Amy lays Amy on her bed while still kissing her, Tony undo his pants to show his rock hard cock, Amy just up and tries to take Tony shirt off, as soon as Tony was fully naked, Amy undid her bathrobe, so she is naked, Tony leaned on top Amy and continued kissing her, then he slowly put his cock into her vagina, Amy was moaning gently, Tony slow started going faster and harder, but he also missed the feeling having boobs rubbing against his chest which was making go wild, so Tony started fucking Amy fast and harder, Amy was moaning loudly with pleasure, until Tony pulled his cock out and continue wanking until he cummed all over Amy face, Amy didn't care that she got sperm all over her face, but she went back in to kiss tony, and they continue to kiss passionately until Tony fell asleep, Amy went to the bathroom to clean her face, before she goes back to sleep, but before she went back to sleep she laid next to with both of them naked and took a photo on her phone before she went to sleep.

~~~~~A few days later~~~~~

With just as few days left Tony felt the pressure on, as everyone pushing their limit in their performance and their training, reach new heights, tony and the remaining high jumper are reaching a new jumping achievement, but at the end of each with being so stress out doing with his father, Tony goes to Amy room and fool about with her until the next day, until the final day where everything is going to be decided.

'So you ready to lose?' asked Josh

'In your dreams,' said Tony

'Look like your little girlfriend is here to cheer you on,' said Josh as he was pointing at Amy

'Well she has been my source of relief these past few days,' said Tony

'Well, you need all the luck you can get,' said Andrew

'I don't need luck when I have skill,' said Tony

'Hay that my line,' said Josh

'Look like the bar going higher,' said Andrew

'Look like up to 5ft,' said Tony

'That Impossible for our level,' said Josh

'You scared,' said Andrew

'Hell, no, watch me pass it with ease,' said Josh, as he go to the starting line, Josh take a deep breath then starts running, as he get close to the bar, he jumps and twists his body, to go over the bar, as he upper body goes over the bar, but his hip wasn't high enough and it hits the bar, just knocking off and taking it with him onto the landing matt.

'Look like he failed,' said Tony

'Yep, and look like it my turn to take on this bad boy,' said Andrew as he walks to the starting point

'Good luck, Andrew and I'm sorry,' said Tony

Andrew just turn his head around, and just said to Tony, 'Thanks and good luck to you to,' with a smile on his face

As Andrew goes off to the start line, Andrew took a deep breath, and starts running, as soon as he got near the bar he makes a forceful jump and twists his body, Andrew whole is crossing bar until his back heel torches the bar as it was knocking about, as he landed on the matt the bar was still knocking about until it knock one side off making Andrew lost as well.

Finally it was Tony turn, Tony walked to the starting line, all of a sudden Amy shouted, 'Good luck Tony, I love you,' Tony just put one claw as a sign saying 'Ok' to Amy, Tony took a deep breath and started running until he came close to the bar, until he jumped and twist his body gracefully, Tony cross the his foot almost tapping the bar as Tony lands on the matt he looks up to see the crossing bar still on, which means he won the high jumping competition. All of sudden Amy came running and jump onto the matt and started kissing Tony passionately and kiss back as well as gave her a hug, but unknowing that Ty was watching them while he was in the crowd watching.