Scenes from Greenclaw University: That One Roommate

Story by CecilDFritz on SoFurry

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#1 of Scenes From Greenclaw University

Just a simple short scene written in between other things that I only recently tidied up. The possible beginning of something larger set in a university setting. Not sure what the future holds yet, but I do know that I'll be dabbling in more short scenes in this setting. LITERARY EXPERIMENTATION. insert air guitar solo

Twenty-two-year-old Greenclaw University student Wesley Allen Katt glared at his roommate with unbridled hate in his eyes. The tomcat couldn't believe the audacity of that smug fox that he once believed he have could called a friend. Where did that fox get the idea that he had the right to do what he did? It was a travesty! It was an unforgivable sin! It went against the natural order of every pure and right in the world!

"Confess!" Wesley hissed as he grappled with his roommate in a headlock.

"I swear that I don't know what you're talking about! Just let me go!" The fox known as Adam Toddson pleaded.

"You know what I'm talking about! You ate the last of my tuna. Confess your sin!"

"...Confess my sin? Are you high?" Adam asked, utterly confused.

Wesley blinked one eye slowly, and the other eye did the same a few seconds later. He released Adam from the headlock.

"What?" Wesley whispered softly in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? We're always going through situations like this, and it always turns out that you just got too high to remember anything." Adam growled.

"That's impossible!" Wesley screamed and clutched his head.

Adam hesitantly patted Wesley on the shoulder. "I know we have nothing in common, dude, but heart-to-heart I think you need to get off of the catnip. This can't keep happening. People are starting to talk." Adam said.

"I-I-I-I-I..." Wesley stammered, his voice slowly trailing off.

There was a knock at the door, and Wesley's eyes grew wide at the sound. He crept towards the door one step at a time. He gripped the door knob with sweaty, quivering paws. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

The sight of the figure standing before him in the hallway put the fear of God in Wesley that day. He screeched, shoved his way past the horrifying entity, and ran down the dorm hallway screaming.

Adam sighed and greeted the puzzled otter standing in the doorway. "Hey, babe."

"Is your roommate always like that?" Amber Fisher -- otter and freshman -- asked her boyfriend.

"Sadly, yes." Adam said flatly.

"It was the Otter Illuminati! It was the Otter Illuminati all along!" The screams of Wesley Allen Katt echoed throughout the dorm.

Amber frowned. "Why is he saying that?"

"Babe, Wesley Allen Katt is one of the universe's greatest mysteries. I honestly think that the world would end if he started making sense." Adam replied and patted the otter's shoulder.