Poem 1 of October

Story by Miatsu Zuboski on SoFurry

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A simple free-verse poem, I have decided to start writing one poem a week around a certain theme. That theme I randomly choose for each month. This month is obviously spookiness and such. ^.^

With the night so quiet it is easy to hear,

The sound of the reaper drawing near.

Every night he inches closer to you,

However he isn't likely to go "boo".

He won't jump out at you to a sharp music queue,

There won't be an orchestra following closely behind you.

One day he will be in your home without you knowing,

He'll start with small objects for throwing.

After a while he will start moving things in your sight,

The objects growing bigger in size similar to your fright.

Now he's whispering things to your ear,

Just low enough to not understand, only fear.

Now you can't be in your house alone,

So you call over a friend with your house phone.

Your friend arrives several minutes later with snacks,

He also brought another friend for safety in packs.

As the time ticks to one in the morning, most of you are asleep,

All except you, huddled in your bed about to weep.

Your eyes fixated at the open door that lead to the hallway,

His shadow passing by the door before he decided to stay.

You stare each other down, sweat sliding down your cheek,

His unending gaze locking you in place, you are the one he seeks.

He inches closer to you, your breathing no longer audible,

You notice he held a knife close to his chest, though dull.

Suddenly the lights flick on and he vanished,

Your friend stood at the door way tired and famished.

You sighed happily and helped your friend,

Going out the room and around the bend.

You return your warm bed and sleep soundly,

Dreams of everything around you being friendly.

You wake up with everyone leaving already,

Yet something is missing from what you can see.

You watched your friend leave your place,

Yet one was not counted for but you forgot his face.

That is until you heard the news,

Of a stranger killer loose.