Cavernous Storybook CH3: Bubble Trouble

Story by xandermartin98 on SoFurry

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#3 of Cavernous Storybook


"Alright, now let's see your weapons." Jack commanded everyone who had gathered in the Assembly Hall. "Lift them up!"

"I got a butterfly knife! Dammit, I wanted an SMG..." Mahin complained.

"I've still got my sword, bitches!" King gloated. "I don't even NEED anything else!"

"I've got a flaming-hot whip! That oughta teach the enemy to mess with a five-dollar hooker!" Chako laughed. "This'll be great for all my S&M fantasies..." she muttered under her breath.

"I'm too cute to use weapons!" Toroko squeaked adorably, all curled up and cozy in Chako's stroller as she nibbled on her favorite rainbow-chocolate-chip cookie. Jack really wished that his life was as simple as hers, and was also disturbed by the fact that Chako had a stroller.

"Look at me, everyone! I got a fucking bubble gun! Ooh, how scary!" Jack cheered sarcastically as he pulled the trigger and fired a bunch of pathetic soap bubbles everywhere.

"YAY! BUBBLES! WHEE!" Toroko squealed with excitement, leaping out of her carriage and bouncing in circles around the room with the sort of pure joy that only a true child could have.

"See what I mean?" Jack sighed. "For fuck's sake, this piece of shit isn't even threatening enough to mildly frighten a goddamned baby bunny! God, I'm so hopeless..." he sobbed hopelessly, burying his head in his hands.

"OWIE! BAD BUBBLES! BAD BUBBLES! WAAAAH!!!" Toroko cried after one of her teeny-tiny little bunny paws actually somehow managed to reach high enough to touch one of the acid bubbles from Jack's gun.

"Well, at least it didn't kill her..." Jack sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Good, because if it had, then I would have ripped your fucking heart out and shown you how cold and black it was before you died!" King growled at him.

"Okay, then..." Jack stammered. "RAWR!!!" King jumped out of his seat and roared at him.

"AIEEE!!!" Jack bolted out the front door screaming.

"Heh should have seen the look on his face!" King chuckled.

"High five, pal!" Mahin snickered, giving King a high five as the rest of the team scrambled out the door. "Let's get ready for a serious stampede!" King encouraged everyone. Jack, however, was still firmly pressed against the outside wall of the Assembly Hall, right next to the door.

"Hey, Jack, I've got a secret to show ya..." Chako whispered to Jack, tugging on her bra.

"Y-you don't mean..." Jack stammered, his face blushing as bright as a lightbulb.

"Oh, yes..." Chako whispered, applying her lipstick...seductively?

" are we even going to..." Jack stammered confusedly.

"We'll just do it...on the floor!" Chako explained, dragging him back into the Assembly Hall while King and Mahin fought off the Shovel Brigade's first attack on the rocky plains of the Village.

"Where in the hell is that filthy coward Jack hiding?" King wondered out loud as he sliced the heads off of several Shovel Brigadiers with one fell sweep.

"A better question would be this: where in the hell is that filthy coward Jack hiding his goddamned lunch money? Lemme guess, under his stupid bed? WAHAHAHAHA!!!" Mahin laughed as he knocked several Shovel Brigadiers unconscious with his breath, then shoved their faces into his armpit and backstabbed them.

Speaking of beds...oh, wait, never-mind, Jack and Chako actually were, in fact, about to have hot, sweaty sex on the floor.

"Actually, you know what? I think I'd better get going. After all, I've got some serious business to attend to, so therefore-"

"You're not going anywhere, hot stuff." Chako reminded him, coiling her whip around him and ensnaring him in it. "You're so cute when you're struggling to escape, like a worm caught on the bait of Kanpachi's fishing hook..." she laughed.

"Alright, so...what happens first?" Jack asked nervously, trembling a little as Chako kissed him on the cheek.

"You get to taste my melons." Chako explained, pulling her bra all the way down and revealing her titties. Once Jack had sucked a sufficient amount of milk from them, she put her bra back over them and moved on to the next phase of her dominant master plan.

"Ooo, what's this? OH GOD, I'M SORRY I EVEN WALKED IN!" one of the Shovel Brigadiers screamed as he walked in on the horrifically depraved fetish-fest going on between the two of them; before he was able to pull out his phone and call the police, Chako knocked him unconscious with a blow to the head from her whip.

"So, does the next step in this delicate procedure go, mate?" Jack stammered awkwardly. "I'm kind of underaged for this level of pure unadulterated smut, you know..."

"Next...I remove my high heels and reveal the gorgeous three-toed beauties within to you and only you, my darling." Chako teased him, slowly sliding both of them off and wiggling her toes.

Once both of them were completely soaked with Jack's saliva, she placed both of them on his hard-as-rock penis and began stroking it up and down with them. "_ Ohh, myy... HEY!_ Why is this scene even happening? I mean, for crying out loud, there are numerous... ohhhhhhhhh...KIDS in the audience!" Jack moaned with intense displeasure and humiliation.

"No...please don't do it...PLEASE...AHHHHHHH!!!" Jack screamed as he hit his sexual climax. Right before the actual climax happened, Chako shoved Jack's diddly-dong into her whatchamacallit and simply let the juice flow into her like water.

"Wait a didn't even use a condom! You degenerate, filthy prostitute scum! You may have kissed your mother with that mouth, but there's no way you're kissing me with it! Thank god Toroko wasn't facing in the right direction to witness that freakish abomination of modern fanfiction!" Jack screamed in terror, pulling his taser out of his belt pocket, tasering her, and finally calling 911 on her ass.

Putting his clothes back on and wiping the jizz stains off of the floor, Jack ran out the door, climbed down to the bottom floor of the village and greeted King and Mahin. "Yo, what's up?"

"Umm...a little help here?!" Mahin requested as the three of them ducked behind cover.

"Try farting right as I fire a whole bunch of bubbles into the air!" Jack explained. "If we do it right, the stench will be carried through every single one of those bubbles, causing every single enemy soldier in the general vicinity to pass out! Got that?"

"What about us?" King asked.

"Who cares? WAHAHAHAHA!" Mahin laughed as him and Jack combined their powers. The good news? It worked; everyone in the general vicinity threw up and passed out from how atrocious the resulting stench in the area was. The bad news? That also included Jack, King and Mahin as well.