Fifty Shades of Tan: Welcome to New Orleans

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#16 of Fifty Shades of Tan

Sorry for the delays on this one. ^^ Leilani's in the Big Easy, and she's met an old friend! My thanks to Colord44 for the character use and an actual paid commission for this one. Enjoy!

Icon image by GoliathWildcat

It was like stepping into another world.

The moment I got off the plane I was already lost, and readily accepted the steward fox's invitation to assist me in finding a suitable place to stay for the week I had planned there. Straightaway we put my luggage in will-call at the airport, and sat down at a quaint café in the center of the French Quarter (or the Vieux Carre, as the fox, whose name was Johnathan, referred it as, which means 'old square'), and I was introduced to Cajun cuisine for the first time - crawfish jambalaya. The seafood and rice dish was hot and spicy, and reminded me of Thai dishes I would sometimes sample from tourists coming from West of the Polynesian Islands.

The French Quarter, my handsome guide explained, is only thirteen blocks long and six blocks wide, stretching along the Mississippi River from Canal Street to Esplanade Avenue and then again along the river to Canal Street. It is the oldest part of New Orleans, founded in 1718, and this particular area has always promoted an aura of mystery, magic, and wild, raucous fun, even from its earliest days.

"Magic?" I asked, pausing from my meal. I had heard talk of magic back home in Tahiti at times, when tribal, deeply-rooted sea otters would take to the sand and sea with their idols and images, and give their respect and admiration to gods and goddesses. It was not for me, however. Perhaps I am just too headstrong, Diary.

Johnathan smiled and, underneath the table, our feet lightly touched. "You don't believe much in magic, ma chere?"

I smiled shyly and trapped his foot between my own, caressing. "I believe that things just...happen, I guess. With or without reasons unknown to us."

He looked at me with those big brown eyes. "So, us meeting is just a happy coincidence?"

My webbed toes brushed over his ankle, tracing the curve of his heel and along his pads. "I suppose so. Very happy..."

"A beautiful girl like you," Johnathan reached for my paw over the table. "should really come to accept that not everything happens for the reasons you think. There's a lot of magic here," he frowned then and added, "and a lot of danger. So please take care, would you?"

I nodded, surprised he cared so much for someone he had just met, and we ate the rest of our meal quietly. Afterwards, we went for a short walk so as to get me accustomed to the area. It should not have taken me that long to see everything, but the French Quarter is so compact and filled with so much to do, it is indeed possible to be in this part of the city for several days and not see it all. And with everything in walking distance, there was no need for transportation to participate in every part of this fun, dark, and daring old French ville.

Johnathan insisted I try a bed-and-breakfast to fully appreciate the New Orleans history, and we both decided on a bedroom suite at the luxurious Creole Audubon Cottages, which included all the special amenities plus, to my excitement, the oldest saltwater swimming pool in New Orleans. He helped me check in, then we went back to the airport and kissed goodbye, as the fox needed to make another flight back to Florida.

"I'll be back in a few days," he said as we hugged and rubbed noses. "Will you be okay if I come see you then?"

I nodded and promised we could enjoy a day or so in each other's company. While the brief, ardent interlude in the plane's restroom had been wild and passionate, I longed to be made love to deeply and completely, with no hurrying - and furthermore no bumping and hard jostling, unless we made it happen ourselves.

I waved as he was swallowed up by the scores of arriving and departing passengers and, sadly, I never saw him again.


I returned by cab back to the French Quarter with my luggage and checked in to my suite. I loved the spacious room, the queen-sized four-poster bed, the bathroom with bidet, shower, vanity mirror and sink, and a free minibar especially for my species, filled with tins of cold caviar, sardines, and tuna, and sparkling apple and orange juices. As I stood by the second floor window, I could see a churning courtyard fountain below, surrounded by beautiful flower blooms and seemingly ancient white-stone statues on pedestals.

I longed for a swim just then and wished Johnathan could have joined me. Instead, I dressed comfortably in a light blue sundress and white sandals before leaving the cottages and taking a good look at this river city on my own.

The scents of the great Mississippi mingled with the wonderful sounds and sights that permeated the old square. It was crowded and locals, businesses, and tourists all blended into its dense environs. Music wafted everywhere, and the smells of grilled foods, and French bakeries provided a magnificent aroma. It was all so mesmerizing and dazzling, I hardly knew where to stop first.

A streetcar pulled up close by and I decided to give it a try, having never ridden one before. The strange vehicle chugged up and down the crowded streets, and carried locals and visitors alike between the upper and lower parts of the quarter and the rest of the city. I noticed on the side of the streetcar that many other legendary neighborhoods were within reach, like Treme, the Ninth District, Garden District, but the French Quarter was already enticing enough.

When I tired of the streetcar and it came to a stop, I hopped off and found myself on pedestrian friendly streets once more. There were plaques and other signs of the former Spanish rule posted everywhere as I made my way to the famous Jackson Square. Here there were so many gorgeous gardens with myriad varieties of flowers blooming it was impossible to isolate one scent from another. There were fortune tellers, artists, and musicians all around me, and several small cafés mixed throughout.

I stopped at one of them to enjoy a powdered sugar beignet and a café au lait. While sweet and doughy, the beignets did not compare with the cream sticks from Trader Vics, and I received a reproachful look from the owner of the establishment when I pointed this out. Still, I made him happy by buying a box of them to take back with me.

After my treat, I wandered down the famous Bourbon Street. Even in the late afternoon, the bars were open, and street musicians were playing all along the route. I can only imagine what it must be like at Mardi Gras, when crowds of people gather, wear fancy and exotic costumes, and become part of the massive parades and parties that flood the district.

There were so many shops, so many sights and sounds to absorb, that by the time I returned to the Audubon Cottage courtyard early that evening, I was positively exhausted. I had just resolved to get a quick dinner, a hot bubble bath, and then some much-needed sleep, when a cab screeched to a halt close beside me and the door opened.

My eyes widened as I saw the sea otter that got out, and I squealed with delight. "Reno?!"

The black furred otter spun around to look at me in complete shock. "L-Lani...?"

I giggled and we embraced tightly. The handsome, well-built otter lifted me up and spun me around a few times, and then set me back on my feet, giving me a warm, passionate kiss I returned with fervor and want. "Mmmm, what are you doing here, otter?" I cooed when at last we came up for a breath, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Well, like you I happen to be traveling since I've gotten a call to do so, and with you away from the islands, I thought I would travel some and take in the sights." He laughed and nuzzled my nose. "You were definitely the last sight I expected to see."

I smiled and took his paw. "Are you staying here too?"

The sea otter nodded. "Mm-hmm. I've been here a week and plan to be for another yet. You?"

I bit my bottom lip seductively. Oh, how I wanted him. I had forgotten just how handsome he was. Every nerve in me tingled, and instead of answering, I kissed him again slowly, rubbing my tongue over his in several swipes. The cab driver politely cleared his throat and for the two of us to disentangle, and for me to reply breathlessly. "I am. I arrived just a few hours ago. I have not quite settled yet and the room is a little empty."

Reno grinned and paid the driver. "Good. You can come see my room instead."

We laughed and held paws as he carried his duffle bag over his shoulder and we entered the Cottages. At the front desk, I watched as Reno checked for messages and nuzzled his arm repeatedly. Of course I was frisky. Reno was a favorite lover of mine, and seeing the sea otter had brought out wonderful memories of moonlight swims in some of the deepest depths of the Pacific. Making love with Reno was special, because he rivaled me in both diving and breath-control. To date, no one could match him under the surface.

And we had a lovely saltwater pool here. A swim with Reno, and a little pool-bottom sex, would be the perfect way to cap off my first day in New Orleans.

I followed him to his room and pointed out all the amenities available, laughing, acting like a hotel concierge. We opened up his mini-bar and shared a small snack of tinned caviar, then sat down on his bed and chatted.

Reno is also an island native, but from the big island in the Hawaiian Island chain. He is an excellent surfer, knows how to sail, and can play the kettle drums, of which I love dancing to the rhythm. He also likes to dazzle me with his amazing fire eating skills. He has a native tattoo on his arm, a white line that spirals with nine dots. Eight surround the line while the ninth one is in the middle of the spiral, almost like creating a flower bloom. I adore caressing it when we are together.

"So how are you enjoying your vacation, otter?" Reno asked and leaned back on the bed to relax.

I smiled and laid my head down next to his, looking up at the ceiling and sighing. "My first stop was the Florida Keys. And...I had a few weeks there, met some very nice people." I thought about Cody, the computer-savvy todd whom had fast become an adult fox before my eyes, and Rhonda and Roxanne, the two extraordinarily sexy tigresses, the lifeguard Talon, and Gerald, the older tiger with a heart as large as his-

I giggled and turned my head to nuzzle Reno's cheek. "All in all, a nice start to my global holiday. Oh!" I sat up and scooted forward on the bed until I could play with his feet. "If you are going to the Keys any time soon, see if you can stop at Calusa Beach. Out maybe two or three miles, there is a deep drop-off, hundreds of feet down. I..." I tried to remember every part of the erotic entanglement in the undersea cavern. "Well, I found something inside a cavern. Creatures, but they glowed. And they were like...I...I guess octopus tendrils. They grabbed me and..."

Reno listened to my detailed adventure with curious eyes. I glanced down at his pants and saw a huge bulge there. I was obviously getting to him.

"Lani..." he said softly, sitting up. For a fleeting moment, I thought he would grab me, kiss me hard and lower me down onto the bed until he could get on top of me, and I could wrap my legs around him and invite his throbbing hardness to pleasure me in so many ways. He took my paw. "That's amazing! You could very well have found a brand new species, you know!"

I looked at him, a little puzzled and disappointed. "Oh?"

He nodded excitingly. "I am heading out there next to go with some friends. If we do find it, I'll be sure to let you know about and say you were the first to find it!"

I smiled and crossed my paws in my lap, saying nothing. My thoughts were back in that cavern, and the powerful seductions and climaxes I had experienced. Briefly, I imagined it was Reno's arms and legs wrapping around me in that cavern, holding me deep, deep underwater, and making love to me. I felt his paw on my back, caressing from the nape to my tail-base, and my whole body trembled with sudden, aching need.

I churrriped softly at him, and turned around on the bed so we could kiss. "Would you like to see the pool?" My eyes burned into his and my ruddertail did a little flip. Yes, I was now entirely too horny for my own good. Oh Diary, that word again...

Reno chuckled and kissed me again, shaking his head. "I'm starving, island girl. What if we get some room service first?"

I pouted slightly. "Alright." I got up from the bed and the sundress I was wearing fluttered high up my thighs, giving him a fleeting glimpse of my panties. If he was going to play hard to get, so was I. "I would not mind trying some seafood again. I had some earlier with a very handsome fox named Johnathan." I grinned back at him, toying with my hair. "He was very nice. He should be back in a few days."

Reno frowned and got up from the bed, adjusting his trousers. "How'd you meet him?"

"On the plane." I located the phone and dialed for Room Service. "We met and..." I giggled and went for the jugular. "We ended up having sex just before the plane landed and-"

Reno groaned and covered his ears. "I don't want to know. Forget it." He looked sullen now.

I ignored him and ordered crawfish jambalaya. With the beignets I had bought, and a little grape juice, we would have a scrumptious dinner.

I ate quietly while he talked about coming back from a place called Las Vegas and what there was to do there, and other parts of his trip. Afterwards, we stretched out on the bed to see what the television had to offer. In the Keys, I had hardly time to look into entertainment, other than my laptop, and a few erotic Skype sessions with friends back home. For a moment, my thoughts turned to the steward Johnathan, who was probably up in the sky now, flying to some new destination. I suddenly wanted him here instead of Reno. There was no question if I had wanted sex, the fox would have obliged - whether he wanted to or not.

As if knowing about my wayward fantasies, Reno rolled over on his side to caress my hip. "Hey, did you know about the pool here?"

I smiled softly. "I do. The Audubon Cottages have the oldest saltwater pool in all of New Orleans." I sat up and kissed him. "It might be just like swimming back home, yes?"

Reno chuckled and got up to take out a pair of floral board shorts from his duffle bag. "What say we check it out?"

I licked my lips. There was the adventurous sea otter I remembered! "Alright. I need to return to my room to get a bikini." I had bought a rather provocative sling-bikini in pearl-white which I had been hoping to try on.

Reno slowly got up and came to me, bringing his arms around me and kissing me deeply. "Wish you didn't need one."

I churred in his embrace, a warm, soothing purring sound that only a sea otter in need can make. "Well," I giggled playfully and wiggled out of his arms. "I need one. I am quite sure the locals frown on nude swimming."

Although now that I think about it, Calusa Beach had been topless in some areas...

"Reno, why not go out to the pool, and I will meet you out there in a few minutes." I kissed him again and, despite his urgent desire to accompany me and watch me change, went back to my room. There I dropped off the rest of the beignets and then went through my bags to find the bikini, a towel, and a little bit of wildflower body splash.

The bikini fit perfectly over my breasts, leaving a supple tightness around each nipple, and I tied the sling around the back of my neck. The v-cut snugged against my crotch, and rode up my thighs, and a little of my butt-cheeks peeked out from either side in the back. I looked at myself and smiled, sighing deeply, then splashed the wildflower scent across my cleavage and bare tummy, and as a final shot, along the back of my calves.

I may as well have had one of the large neon signs that glowed outside my bedroom window say "Frisky otter here" over my head.


Reno was breast-stroking lazily across the length of the pool when I wandered past the surrounding shrubbery and opened the gate to head out to the deck. I looked around and noticed no one else was there.

He stopped swimming when he saw me, and I had the good sense to blush slightly. "Wow. L-Lani, look so beautiful." He waded to the edge of the pool until he could stroke my feet with a cocky grin. "Get in here..."

Looking down through the water, I saw an erection nestled in his shorts just waiting to emerge. "I will." I smiled and dipped a foot in sexily in front of him. All in due time. Reno had kept me waiting so in this instance turnabout was fair play. Besides, I liked the effect my bikini was having on him. I knelt and then sat down on the pool's edge, dangling my legs in the surprisingly cold water, perhaps brought on by my elevated body temperature at that moment. The pool was deep at one end, 13 feet, and sloped up from the center to a shallow three feet, about 25 yards across and wide. Around it were several silver loungers, tables, racks, and storage containers, along with attractive planters of flowers and plants.

Reno grinned and ducked underwater to swim across the length, kicking his legs hard and whipping his tail back and forth. My eyes were drawn to the rippling muscles in his chest, back, and shoulders as he took each stroke, and the way his tattoo moved on his right arm. As he reached the edge, instead of surfacing, he rolled over and pushed off again, heading back to the other side towards me.

I waited for him to come closer, then stood up, arched my back and dove over him. The shock of the cold water was gone immediately as I descended to the bottom and looked above me. Reno had stopped swimming and was floating face-down, his eyes riveted on me. I blew a few bubbles up towards him, then pushed off and swam towards the other side. Halfway there, I felt his paws around my feet, trying to grab me, and I gave him a playful slap with my tail.

We reached the shallow end at about the same time and surfaced, giggling softly and pawing at each other. There was no reason to rush. I gave him a quick kiss, then pushed him away and dove down, heading back to the deep end. When I was near the bottom, Reno glided atop of me and I felt his hardness brush over my bare back. I reached up with surprising speed and clamped around his errant member. He wiggled free, laughing, and pounced me until he was straddling the back of my legs, trying to get my bikini sling-top to come undone.

We stayed underwater for quite some time, surely enough to warrant a visit from lifeguards, if one was around, and enjoyed the tranquility of the pool as we wrestled and rolled and twisted. At times, we would bite or scratch as either of us tried to get the better, and in time the struggling and fighting became intimate, water-filled kisses and tight embraces. When at last we broke from one another to take a much-needed breath, Reno's suit was nearly off his waist, and I was exposing my breasts to the nipple.

"Leilani..." Reno panted as we held each other. "I want you so bad right now..."

My paws eagerly wrapped around his hardness and tugged. "Well, I can be very bad, if you want, surfer boy..." I tittered and churriped softly as he ground his sex against my stomach.

"You know exactly what I mean, diver-girl."

I laughed and kissed him, a long, passionate kiss that brought me back to oven-temperature once more. "Can we swim just a little more?" Without waiting for a reply, I slowly pulled away from him and swam backwards, spreading my legs out for each kick, feeling the bikini fabric tighten against my swollen mons.

Reno smiled and stroked after me, following just behind me, and my legs and feet playfully hooked around his upper torso. He churrred gently and pushed forward until his head was against my thighs. As we reached the deep end again, he surprised me by pushing down on me, and as I wiggled in his grasp, he dragged me down and pinned me to the bottom, holding my arms down and licking hungrily at my bikini crotch.

I let out several bubbly cries of delight as each lick took effect, and eagerly clamped the back of his head to keep him between my legs. My heart-rate quickened as he toyed with the bikini and pushed it aside to expose my dark, puffy mons, and then dipped his tongue full into my warmth. I held my breath tightly as his tongue brushed over my labia in constant, slow strokes, and then faster ones. My paws dropped to my sides, powerless now, intent on a building raging orgasm as the hungry sea otter bore his teeth down on my flesh and bit me tenderly.

I screamed and tried to kick away, my breath completely gone, but Reno kept biting me. Oh gods, I was going to cum so hard if he kept this up. Just thinking about it now has me so wet...

Reno finally pulled away from my crotch and grabbed for my paw, and the two of us reached for the surface to breathe, panting and hugging each other close. I was more than ready to impale myself on him, and scissored my legs slowly, ready to jump into his arms and take his sex as deep as I could.

A few cheers and rounds of applause stopped that thought, and I looked around wildly, suddenly seeing five or six other people around the pool.

"Shoot, missy, ya'll otters are fun to watch!" a lioness in a red two-piece exclaimed.

"Yeah, they're damn near like fish," her companion, a lion, laughed and took a sip of the drink he was holding.

I blushed hard and quickly tucked my breasts back behind the sling, and then helped Reno put his raging erection away. Damn it all. One more dive and he would have finished me off, and then I gladly would have reciprocated. I would have pinned that otter on the bottom, taken his hot member between my lips, and I would not have stopped until he was bursting warm cum into my mouth.

Reluctantly the two of us chuckled and waved to our unexpected observers, and went back to being safe for all ages. After a little more time swimming, diving, and enjoying a few minutes kissing passionately on the pool bottom, we pulled up to sit on the steps and huddle close to watch the stars come out. One by one the other pool patrons left to go inside, leaving us alone once more.

I churred and laid my head on his shoulder, sighing. "I am glad you were here, Reno."

"Me too. It's fate we ran into each other." As my paws started to wander along his body, he said, "Maybe...the otter would like to return to my room...for a bit?" He nuzzled my cheek and gave my whiskers a few wet licks.

I smiled widely. "Of course." I offered my paw and he helped me to my feet to hug. In his embrace, I felt all of him straining and warm against me. Paw-in-paw we walked back to his suite and our swimsuits came off the second the door closed behind us. I barely had a chance to kick off my bikini before I was tackled to the bed and he came down atop of me, fully aroused and hot against me. We kissed hard, and I slipped my arms around his shoulders, keeping his mouth against mine until our tongues were doing an intimate dance.

He leaned his head down and nuzzled my breasts, running his tongue across stray water droplets at first, and then delighting me with long, pulling suckles at my nipples, until they were hard points. I moaned and tried to reach down for his sex, suddenly too eager for his aching warmth to fill me.

Reno chuckled and pushed my wandering paw away. "Hey, hey, hang on, otter. Let's do this right." He kissed me again to distract me, and brought his paw down to stroke my mons, already moist and hot. "There we are. Yes, this is good. Ohh, I missed you, island-girl." His warm kisses trailed down my stomach and close to my crotch. I felt his chin brush over my sex and between my thighs. Then his mouth was where I needed him the most. He kissed my mons softly, little nibble-kisses, and then slid his tongue over and around my slit.

I moaned and stiffened as a jarring tremble went through my body, suddenly on fire. His tongue wet my slit and then nestled in between my folds, pushing just deep enough to stroke my labia and clit slowly. I was going crazy with lust. I wrapped my legs around his shoulders, and any thought of further prolonging of my climax was gone.

Before I could reach orgasm, he pulled away from my legs and came back up to kiss me hard. "Not yet, otter..." he said gently and rubbed his nose over mine.

"Please..." I was breathless and hot and aching to release. Perhaps I needed to rely on turnabout again. I grabbed his hips and slunk down his body from underneath, trapping his hardness in my mouth and suckling it. He turned around carefully until he could bury his muzzle into my crotch and lick me again. That was how we stayed for a while, taking pleasing suckles and licks of each other's hot flesh, moaning and writhing, threatening to spill our juices into one another's mouths.

Then I felt Reno's paw moving between my thighs and rubbing my tailhole. I squeaked around his member and trembled hard, letting go of him and panting. " that again...I liked that."

Reno paused from licking me. "Do what, this?" He brushed over my tail-hole again and I winced.

"Yes...Oh...that felt good..."

He snickered and rolled me over until we were face to face again. "I thought you didn't like too much going on back there?"

I smiled sheepishly up at him. "Well, I...I have had a few, um, things happen lately that...lead me to think I should, um...t-try new things..." I licked his nose.

Reno chuckled and laid his head on my breasts. "Do tell?"

"N-nothing," I rolled my eyes. "Continue what you were doing before. I would like a good fuck right now."

"Fuck?! Lani, what in the world have you been learning in this other world?" But he was laughing.

I blushed hard. "What? Cody told me that. I may not like the word, but...I like what it means."

Reno grinned and shook his head, pressing his paws over my butt. "I won't even ask who Cody is. So you'd like a good fuck, hmm?" He kissed me slowly and I felt his digits stroking my tail-hole again. "How about if we try, well, something else...hmm?"

Before I could respond, he was up and off of the bed, kneeling next to his duffle bag. I rolled over to watch him take out a small tube container and open it. "Reno? What is that?" He did not answer me as he squeezed the tube and a translucent, honey-scented goo spread over his digits.

"Get on your stomach, okay?" he smiled as he got back up and towered over me on the bed.

"Why?" But I was already being rolled over and I reluctantly obliged. I thought perhaps he was going to spread whatever-it-was on my shoulders, or back, or add a little excitement to my slit. Instead, I felt a cool, silky-soft touch on my tail-hole and then absolute bliss as the goo was smeared around my pucker. "Oh...g-gods..." I whimpered. "Oh, that feels amazing, otter...ohhh...f-fuck..." I grabbed my tail and tucked it underneath me because it was whipping around in a frenzy! "Ohhhh!"

"You like that?" he chuckled and I felt a bit more of the delightful cream. "This is going to be so hot, Leilani. I've always wanted to do you like this."

I gasped as I felt something pushing gently against my tail-hole, and squirmed about on the sheets as Reno thrust one digit into me. As he did, he started licking around the sides of my pucker, evidently enjoying the taste of the cream from the warm sounds he was making. When I seemed ready to burst with pleasure, moaning loudly, he stopped licking and braced himself over me, panting hotly.

"Now...hold still, girl..."

I bit my bottom lip hard, unsure what was about to happen, and then he was pushing down on me, easing his hard, thick, hot member into my tail-hole. I cried out as a stab of pain went through me, and instinctively flexed and tightened my buttcheeks. A strange, but enjoyable and pleasurable sensation replaced the pain immediately.

"Oh yeah. Fuck, do'" Reno moaned and sunk down and into me.

It was incredible. It was like I had a building, burning release deep inside me, and every time I tried to push my inner muscles, his member moved just slightly. "R-Reno...?" I panted hard, squeezing my eyes shut and licking my lips endlessly. "Ohhh..." I tucked a paw down between my thighs, suddenly feeling my mons afire once more, and stroked my clit.


It was the most unusual sensation I had ever felt, and I only wanted to feel more of it. In time, we developed a slow, gentle rhythm, him sliding his member forward and back inside my butt, and myself pawing frantically at my folds and digging digits into my heat. The rhythm increased to a much faster pace, and I could feel Reno slamming hard against my butt, every so often slapping my cheeks.

When he was ready, he braced himself over me on all fours too, and wrapped an arm around my bosom. "Baby..." He whimpered. "I'm"

I felt him throbbing at my pucker, and then the warm spatter of his seed as he emptied hard into me in several jerks. The sensation of him cumming put me over the edge as well and I reached orgasm, rubbing my clit effortlessly back and forth and spreading my sticky release across my digits and around my mons.

I giggle-churrred softly as I came down from my climax, and Reno clamped his mouth around my neck to growl. "Ohhh, baby..." I whimpered, out of breath and shaking all over. "That was amazing..." My tail came up and wrapped around his thigh to squeeze.

Reno pulled slowly from my butt, and the sensation of warmth spread and dripped from my pucker in dribbles. He then nestled against my back again and I felt his member pressing to my folds. "More..." he moaned and after a few gentle pets with my tail, his member was stiff and full with arousal. I churrred gently and welcomed his otter-sex once more, this time burying deep past my labia and clit, until I could feel his furry balls kissing my mons.

I looked over my shoulder and received warm kisses as we moved together once more, achingly slow, building a sensuous pace of carnal lust, thrusting and finally pounding and slamming against one another until one orgasm followed the next, and I felt the rush of his seed pumping into my sex over and over.

With loud cries, we knocked our heads together and fully enjoyed our sweet union, until finally spent and exhausted, coated in one another's scent and perspiration, we lay back together on the bed and snuggled together to sleep.

"Reno?" I said in the darkness, nuzzling his neck. "Thank you for coming..." I suddenly chuckled, "I mean...thank you for...being here..."

The otter laughed softly and rolled over atop of me, kissing me passionately. "I could...come again...if you want me to."

We snickered and I spread my legs, and then wrapped them around his waist to hold, while my feet stroked his firm butt. We made love for a few more hours until falling asleep like that, with his length still buried in my warmth, and spooning me from behind.

All in all, a perfectly lovely first day in another world.