Xebassian's Playroom, Part 1 of 4

Story by Zycaneus on SoFurry

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Here's my latest story. Although it uses some old characters and grew out of an older short sex scene, I believe it expanded into a decent story after all.

Comments and Critiques welcomed.


STORY: * * * XEBASSIAN'S PLAYROOM * * * WRITTEN: 10/07/15 BY : Zycaneus

WARNING: The following story contains scenes that depict graphic homoerotic and non-consensual sexual encounters between humanoid animals and scenes of violence. It is not intended for minors or those that may take offense to such topics.

PART 1 of 4 : A CALL FROM THE DRAGON'S LAIR Word Count = 5,000

In a world of unlimited possibilities, Do actions have consequences when nothing is real?

The music pulsed with electronic resonance as lights flashed within the dance floor and multicolored lasers frolicked amongst the dancers. Within the hall moved an extraordinary menagerie of differing anthropomorphized mostly bipedal species. Many of these patrons could be recognized as civilized and cultured renditions of common animals. While others appeared to freely combine parts from completely different species, and still others bore no semblance to anything ever seen before. Yet together they all gyrated, pranced and bounced along to the wailing sounds of the synthesizers and the throbbing rhythms as brilliant light shows flashed across their bodies.

In the front bar area not far from the dance floor of the nightclub known as 'The Fringe', Syex Zandarr sat alone at one of the small dinette-style tables. He paid little attention to the incredible parade of fantastic creatures that passed him by. Instead, slouched in his chair sipping his fruit brandy he worked at his Personal Computer Console. Invisible to all save himself his PCC appeared as a holographically projected keyboard and screen that floated in the air in front of him.

Syex wasn't here to enjoy himself. He'd come to the club in the hopes of drumming up work for his waning Animancing business. Lacking the funds to pay for advertisement he had to rely on networking and personal contacts to locate potential customers. Ever since he'd decided to freelance just over a year ago he'd quickly found that working for himself was far harder then he'd ever imagined. He'd left his job at the Renraw-Sorb Animancing Corporation to fulfill a dream but of late he'd be happy just to be able to pay the bills that were coming due.

"A refill for the wuffy?" The effeminately dressed male tygar waiter purred.

Syex had been so focused on his waning personal finances that he hadn't noticed Yuraksha walk up. He also hadn't noticed that his glass had become empty either.

"Er, Umm . . . yes, I believe I will. Thank you."

The tygar took the bar remote from of his belt and keyed in for a refill of at table #23. A moment later a fresh sniffer full of dark blue brandy shimmered into existence as the empty one faded away.

"Nice tunic." The waiter commented as he turned to see to the other clientele.

Syex grinned with pride. The hip length, pagoda-sleeved tye-dye tunic whose multitude of colors were in constant motion like a liquid light show was indeed his own creation. Syex had hoped it would draw people's attention away from the otherwise plain appearance of his avatar.

Syex puffed air out the sides of his wuffish muzzle in frustration. He needed to find clients. As he surveyed the other patrons of the nightclub, both those wiggling their bodies on the dance floor to those sitting and drinking like he was, he didn't see anyone who looked like they might be interested in his services.

In a society where every one of its eleven billion citizens lived their entire lives plugged into the artificial reality of the World Wide Grid, an avatar wasn't just a fashion statement, it was a reflection of who you were. Because preferences usually ran towards being as original as possible it was the job of the Animancers to feed the constant demand for customized and personalized avatars. With so many people needing new avatars or adjustments to their existing avatars as they strove to keep up with the latest trends and fashions, the occupation of the Animancer is usually a rather secure one. Until one decides to go freelance. Then it's a cut-throat, high pressure competition with many other professional Animancers and especially with the large corporations. Factories that specialize in churning out commercially produced Avatars at prices considerably lower then any individual Animancer could afford to charge. And there lay the bottom line of things. Even though there were many folk in the club who'd likely love to have more original avatars they probably couldn't afford them. Especially not the higher prices an individual freelancer like himself had to charge just to make it worth his while.

Syex needed work. A single good commission might be enough to hold him over for the rest of the year. But if he didn't get some income soon he may not be able to renew his Animancer's license. Which will be coming due by the end of the fourth quarter of this year of 1313avr. That would mean not only the end of his freelancing but perhaps the end of his ability to find any work at all. Syex was starting to feel so stymied and disillusioned he began to wish he could stand up with a big sign on himself proclaiming to all that he could do Avatars for cheap. But that sort of thing was really against club rules. This was a place for pleasure and entertainments and a temporary escape from the capitalistically driven society he lived in.

Syex checked the time - it was T1805. Early for anyone planning on an evening of partying and the time that many people will have gotten off work and be heading out for their evening entertainments. The club would start to really fill up soon. On one hand, it might mean many more potential clients, but on the other it meant very few would likely have their thoughts on anything beyond wanting to take their minds off of the problems of their lives.

Syex sighed inwardly and his normally erect bushy ears drooped in discouragement. He was beginning to consider perhaps it would be better if he just returned home and went off Grid to see to his own personal needs in physality. Syex was about to close down his PCC when a message alert pinged in his vision. Syex tapped his keyboard and the header popped up.

"FROM => Xebassian DeBorzak SUBJECT : Commission Request"

Syex's heart missed a beat. He had a client! He couldn't open the message fast enough to read it. The message was brief and to the point.

STX = Greetings and Salutations sir wuff, might I inquire if you are available for the commissioning of some custom avatar work? REPLY MAIL = XDeborzak$$Electrum.moc 7947 ETX = ^Z

Syex was ecstatic. He was rescued. Still he had to force himself to do the smart thing and run an Insta-search to get an idea of who he was dealing with before throwing himself at this person's feet. He quickly brought up Mister Deborzak's public info page and Frontbook account then scanned through the data as quickly as he could. From this he learned that Xebassian Deborzak was a very successful entrepreneur albeit a rather reclusive one. Someone who'd made his fortune in used computer hardware and ran a very popular casino called 'The Queen's Gold'. From some of the comments he read on Frontbook, this reclusive rich person was said to be a very demanding and domineering individual. There were some rumors of him being some sort of nut case. More, some even that hinted he could be dangerous. But Syex couldn't find anything more definite or specific about that.

Syex decided that he needed to take whatever risks he had to get a paying client, and this one appeared to be able to pay well. Not wanting to keep his life line waiting any longer Syex hurriedly typed a reply informing that he was indeed available, inquiring what sort of work did his client have in mind. The reply was almost immediate.

STX = I have come to the conclusion that I require a new Avatar. One more befitting my recent desires. But come, allow me to invite you to my personal space where we can better discuss matters in comfort. I've dispatched my T-Door to pick you up. You'll need to set yourself ; DBZ*SA_TPort=Yes Code 7947-313:257 in order to use it. I await your arrival. - XD ETX = ^Z

"Wow" Syex thought to himself, "this guy must really be rich to have his own private T-Port". Syex quickly closed down his PCC and picked up the bar tab from his table. Pressing his thumb onto the bio-scanner he then tapped the -Pay- button and the amount he owed was shown deducted from his bank account along with a big yellow smiley face inviting him to come back soon.

Syex was leaving just as the evening crowds began pouring into the nightclub. In spite of the extra wide opening that had once been the loading dock of a factory, he had to push his way past the crowds of people coming in. Syex was almost beaned in the back of the head by one of the flying smiley face door-bots as they swooped, dipped and dove to collect the cover charges from all the people entering the club.

Once outside he spied the door-sized shiny black monolith with the dragon emblems emblazoned across the top standing to one side of the sidewalk. As he approached it it's surface appeared to be as solid as marble. Then he remembered the Pass Code he'd been given and forgotten to set on himself. But as he called up his PCC again, he also realized that in his haste he'd forgotten to save the mail message. He'd have to try to type the pass code from memory. Syex set himself with what he thought was the proper code and reached out to the monolith. But its surface stayed as solid as the marble it resembled.

"Awww dammit all to deletion!" he cursed as he tried pass code after pass code to trigger the T-Door to open. After five more attempts accompanied by an increasing intensity of curses, he was about to give up. But thankfully on the sixth try when he stretched his hand out to the black door its surface had become likened to a black shadow. Syex let out a long sigh of relief as he quickly stepped through and found himself standing on the top deck of a huge antiquated paddlewheel steam ship which he assumed must be the Queen's Gold. Mister DeBorzak's floating casino.

There's a drawback to T-porting about Syex thought to himself as he surveyed his surroundings, it doesn't give one any sense of where in the city he might be. Was this the docks of the port town of Honnche on the Wynditarra ocean? Or was it a town along the banks of Lake Adolalee? For that matter was he even still within SAN Loconnix town anymore since he could literally be anywhere within Terra VIK. The oldest and largest Virtually Interfaced Kingdom in existence.

From his location Syex couldn't tell just how many decks this ship might have. But judging from the distance to the docks below he figured he had to be at least five or six stories above the waterline. The ship itself he guesstimated its length to be no less then 190 paces. Beyond its massive size the sheer amount of detail and opulence of its trim and ornamentation must have cost a real fortune.

Syex crossed the sun lounge to the wooden double doors and entered a large office that looked like something out of the ancient books where all the heavy wooden furniture had a hand crafted look to it. Standing beside the big oaken desk was a rather attractive golden hominid-bodied dragon dressed in a smart, deep purple double-breasted blazer jacket with flamboyantly peaked lapels, a red ascot and white trousers. He wore a monocle on his left eye and was leaning on a dress cane.

In a crisp tenor voice that held an air of supreme confidence he announced; "Greetings Sir Wuff - I - am Xebassian DeBorzak. Welcome to my parlor."

Xebassian presented a strikingly dashing and suave presence if not garishly bombastic in his brightly colored dinner jacket Yet the Animancer in Syex noted that all of this dragon man's claims to uniqueness were purely cosmetic. His torso had obviously been made from a generic hominid template on which a long neck and a standard #011 dragon head had been attached. The only difference was that instead of the typical horns or sail-like head crest, his drawn-out tapered conical head sported a long horse-like mane that flowed down the length of his elongated neck. Syex recognized that the bat-like wings and dragon tail had likely been added from the drop down menus of the "Animancer's Stand" Avatar generation program. His arms and legs were also quite hominid in shape with only his feet becoming the heavily taloned digitigraded feet of a dragon. Beyond that his only individuality of note was that he had a soft leathery hide instead of being scaly that was a deep metallic gold in color.

No wonder this guy wanted a new Avatar, the one he had was obviously a generic 'pop-off'. Not that the old AMS program didn't turn out excellent products, but ever since it had become the industry standard its cookie-cutter designs were readily recognizable. In a society where uniqueness was fashionable and personal appearance often seen as artistic expression the only good thing to be said about using a pop-off avatar was that they were cheap. Syex was just about to introduce himself when mister DeBorzak did it for him.

"So, you are the Animancer known as Syex Zandarr. Fannastix! I will say I was impressed by your Frontbook page, especially your work on the canine-based Avatars."

Syex started to open his mouth to comment "Oh so ya'like canines then?" But Xebassian beat him to it.

"Yes, yes I've grown rather infatuated with the canid species of late." Xebassian said as he began to pace or more precisely sashay back and forth in front of his desk. Speaking as he did so more to himself then to his guest. "Understand that back when I'd originally chosen 'dragon' as my choice of self image, I appreciated the mythic power traditionally associated with the species." Xebassian paused for a moment to gaze at himself in the full length mirror. Xebassian turned running his fingers slowly through his long golden mane. He returned to his animated pacing, mostly speaking to the empty air in front of him. His hands danced theatrically as he spoke. It wasn't so much that he was avoiding eye contact Syex noted, but rather that he seemed to be too preoccupied and engrossed with his thoughts to acknowledge his guest's presence just yet.

"Yes the image of an nigh immortal being atop his golden horde was an ideal that had greatly appealed to me. I saw it as a metaphor for the goals I'd set for my life just so. In those days I sought out others who were also children of the serpent as it were. Both for the companionship of fellow entrepreneurs and impresarios but also for more intimate liaisons of a reptilian nature. Yes I was quite specific in the species that I found alluring. For a while it was right bang on for me. But lately my tastes seem to be changing. I've commenced to lust after the soft fur and the narrow toothy muzzles of the canidae lines you understand."

Xebassian paused in front of his mirror again. "But I've noticed that in spite of many who proclaim species neutrality in their tastes for partners, the truth is that most caniforms tend to prefer the company of other caniforms, in much the same way I used to seek out only other herptiles am I right? It was then that I decided perhaps it was time for a change. I needed a new persona. I want an avatar that's a canid of some type."

Syex thought he saw an opening and started to ask, "Um. . . right, so what . . ?" But Xebassian cut him off again.

"What sort of canid did I have in mind?" Xebassian said, pausing only for a moment before returning to his pacing and gesticulating manner of speaking.

"Well to tell you the truth, if truth be known, I haven't quite made up my mind about that. I was rather hoping in fact that I might entice you to show me what my options might be? Yes I was considering the wuff as an Avatar of course. Yes and there would be some stipulations on certain details of course such as adhering to my theme of being golden in fur color and I'd really prefer to keep my beautiful mane. But while the legendary strength and leadership qualities of the wuff undoubtedly appeals to me, unfortunately wuffs are already too popular. I require something a bit more original and dare I say unique."

"Which brings me to you." And Xebassian abruptly stopped and turned to face Syex as though noticing him for the very first time. "You sir are a wuff. I would've thought an Animancer would have the most original and unique Avatar of anyone. Although I am impressed with your tunic's effects and I will say you're a rather attractive wuff at that. But still, even if your fur is striking with an unusual shade of iridescent blue and contrasting black accents, I'd think you could be so much more, am I right?"

"Um if I may explain." Syex interjected by poking a finger in the air for emphasis before Xebassian could go on. "Firstly of all I've always . . . well, felt a deep attraction for the images of the wuffs that um, Xeno-ologists? Paleontology-ists? say used to roam the world. Ya'know, way back in the ancient times? Second, an Animancer ain't able create himself. Yeah I could do the basic designs. . . but then I had to submit those designs to another Animancer for the actual creation. And the more complicated the design, the more it costs. At the time I didn't have a lot of creds for any greater detail. So the trick was to sub as simple a design as possible. The idea being I could apply my own . . . 'adjustments' afterwards. Um, this outfit for example . . . is my own work."

As Syex was speaking, Xebassian had walked up to him and was slowly circling him. Xebassian was a full two heads taller then him, although the dragon's shoulders were only about as tall as his own. Syex felt like he was being looked over like a piece of meat. But then with a swirl Xebassian moved away and flopped himself down on the large ornate couch on the far side of the room.

"Come." he said patting the sofa beside him. "Let us discuss matters in comfort, yes?" As Syex shrugged and took his place beside the dragon, Xebassian touched a concealed panel in his armrest and a soft background music flooded the room. Another tap and drinks rose from between the cushions. Elegant cut-crystal stemware filled with some golden effervescent liquid. Syex was acutely aware of the dragon's gaze upon him, It was a look that suggested Xebassian might have more in mind then just a commission.

"Shall we?" Xebassian said retrieving one of the drinks from the holder.

"Oh why not" and Syex took a sip of the other glass. The taste reminded him of a sparkling apple juice but with the kick of a brandy or perhaps even a whiskey.

"Yes, now then as for my new avatar, as I've stated I'd like you to suggest some nice alternatives to the rather typical wuff motif. And let me assure you that credits are no problem here. I'm willing to pay above the going rates of ten meg for a really well designed avatar."

Syex swallowed hard. A ten meg commission would look really good in his bank account, but he couldn't bring himself to take advantage of people the way the big corporations do.

"Um . . .well perhaps I should inform you that, um I'd be more then happy to create a brand spanking new avatar for you. But if all you're interested in is a new image for yourself, you can do that without changing your Avatar for a lot less creds."

Xebassian, studied his glass for a moment. "Yes, I understand you could probably make minor adjustments to this image and yes I do appreciate the fact that you're offering to save me money. But I've considered the question for a while now and I decided that a really want a whole new look. Yes, I'll admit I am still rather fond of this one and I'll be a little saddened to see it disappear, but I understand it's against the law to have more then one Avatar is it not?"

"Yeah but I'm talking about a whole new look for you. You could skip the cost and hassle of creating a new registered avatar and just get a new image for the one you have."

When Xebassian looked like he was about to object to the idea Syex jumped up. "Look, let me show you what I mean." Then Syex called up his PCC and with a few keystrokes his image began to shimmer like a wave of heat was passing in front of it blurring the image. Then in a flash, the hominid wuff had been replaced by a large four legged beast the size of a small pony with long shaggy midnight blue fur and long fearsome toothy wuff jaws. The monster wuff-beast turned its glowing yellow eyes on the dragon who for a moment sat in stunned silence.

After a few seconds Xebassian found his voice again. "Oh by Midas' Golden Wand! That's legal? I didn't think they allowed you to swap avatars like that."

"I haven't." Syex rumbled in a deep growling voice. "My A'tar's Identity Protocol hasn't changed. All I did is swapped out the actual image associated with it. It's called the 'Identity-patch'. And not only are you allowed to change them without all the licensing fees and cost of a new avatar, but you can have more then one."

"Amazing, even your voice has changed. Well yes this is wonderful news. Still why the deuce had no one had informed me of this?"

"It ain't common knowledge. Law Enforcers don't like it. Supposedly lets crooks disguise themselves while committing their crimes. But mainly it's the big Animancing corporations that prefer you didn't know it. That way they can continue to charge top creds for whole new A'tars. Ident-Patches or um, IDPs cost considerably less."

"Sooo," Xebassian said while thoughtfully stroking his chin. "Are you implying that the song and dance the Yensid Company fed to me was a total sham?"

"I doubt they'd actually told you anything that wasn't true. 'Twas more likely they jus didn't tell you the whole truth." Syex then reached up with a paw and tapped on his PCC keyboard and his monster wuff image shimmered and was replaced by his hominid wuff image. But then he saw Xebassian's jaws drop open in a wide smile and realized he'd accidentally managed to manifest himself without his clothes on.

"Awww crap! Sorry!" Syex exclaimed as he hurriedly corrected his mistake. Then he noticed the dragon running his long tongue over his lips.

"No apology required Sir Wuff. Yes you needn't have dressed so quickly. I was rather enjoying the view just so."

With that, Syex's earlier suspicions that this dragon might have more on his mind then just a new Avatar were confirmed. Syex decided to steer the conversation back to business.

Um, so as I was saying. While I'd love to take your creds for a new complete avatar generation, you could not only save yourself the cost by only commissioning for a new Ident-Patch but you could also keep your current Ident-Patch as an alternative."

"Hmmms, Yes, sounds wonderful. But I don't quite understand, if an Ident-Patch as you call it is what I look like, then what's an Avatar exactly?"

"Well, the A'tar is the base program that interfaces you with the VR system. It's what sets you as a presence within the Gridworld. Without the IDP the A'tar appears like a blank silhouette. An empty template. Ya'know like the inner workings of a robot . . . but without its bodywork."

"Yes, that appears straightforward enough, but I am still curious as to why you're offering to save me credits like this."

Syex let out a long sigh and returned to the sofa, "Umms you know one of the things that used to bother me . . .working for Renraw. Was the way they pressure their customers into buying the most expensive products they can sell them. Then after the contract has been drawn up hit them with all the licensing fees and taxes. Then after the poor cussymer is still reeling from the soaking. They turn around and hammer their Animancers to produce as quickly and cheaply as possible. Call me a purist if you like, but I consider Animancing to be an art form. I always found it rather irksome to know that clients were paying top creds for less then my best work."

"I see. . . ." Xebassian was gazing off into the distance with a frown, likely remembering his own experiences with the commercial Animancing businesses.

Syex allowed him a few moments for the ideas to sink in before continuing. "Um, so I'll say again that if you really want a new avatar I'm very willing to produce one for you. I just um, wanted to make sure you knew what your options were."

"Yes . . . I thank you for that. Just so." Xebassian seemed to be looking over Syex with renewed approval. He had been reclining on the sofa sitting with his legs crossed. Then in a causal move he slid his right arm across the back of the sofa behind Syex.

"You know sir wuff I'm not usually the type to go out to bars or nightclubs." Xebassian said in a softer, more relaxed tone. "Yes, I usually prefer to find my liaisons via Frontbook pages. I find it more . . . -comfortable- to get to know someone within the sanctity and privacy of my abode as it were."

Xebassian shifted himself so he was facing Syex more directly. "Yes, I believe I rather liked your public profile sir wuff. You did have yourself listed as 'Available' am I right?"

Syex shifted uncomfortably as the thought occurred to him that rejecting this guy's advances might also be turning away a much needed customer. Still, it wasn't that he was a dragon that made Syex uncomfortable. While dragons might not be his preferred cup of tea, Syex had friends who were dragons that he'd played intimate games with albeit on rare occasions. And for the most part Syex actually preferred male partners over females. It was what he'd read about mister DeBorzak being known for his dominant character. An overbearing personality that Syex was clearly sensing. "And looking . . . Um but I think you should know that I don't readily take too kindly to being dominated. I prefer being on top you see."

"Ahhs, I see." Xebassian took a moment as though considering something. "Yes how about I offer you this. I hadn't really decided on what breed of canid I wanted to become, and since you've told me that I can have my new appearance for considerably less then what I paid for my present avatar. . . "

"Umms, prolly no more then half of what the Yensid Corporation charged you. Especially since you don't have to pay any licensing fees."

"Oh yes, indubitably that would be a substantial savings. Well then what if I commissioned you to create for me a creature that you yourself would find the most desirable?" Xebassian leaned in close. "What if I paid you to create the lover of your dreams, with perhaps requiring only a few specific details such as I'd prefer to keep my golden color and my long mane? Then for you agreeing to play my games, I would promise to play whatever games you wished in return? Would this be acceptable?"

For a few moments all Syex could do was to think to himself; "Wow! What an offer". The chance to make the perfect lover was decidedly appealing. Then it occurred to him that it might be the end of Xebassian as a client if he refused. It didn't take Syex long to make up his mind.

"Umms, I believe we should to go back to my abode to discuss this farther. After all, that's where my Animation Engine is along with my workstation." Syex said with a wide grin.

Xebassian returned his smile, "Ah yes, your place it is then. Fannastix!" Xebassian quickly rose and retrieved his dress cane. Touching a hidden button on the side caused the glossy black monolith which was his private T-Door to appear right in his office. "Yes, now tell me the closest public location to your abode and my T-Door will take us there."

"Um, my store entrance is on the lower levels of the Jak'Skann center." Syex said rising from the couch to stand beside Xebassian.

"Oh bother, I'm not allowed to T-Port directly into the mall itself. What then would be the street that is closest to the mall entrance to your abode?"

"That would be Wayverside, near Waygriff Park."

"Yes, that will work." Xebassian said as he typed in the empty air on the keyboard only he could see. A moment later the smooth marble-like surface of the T-Door became a deep shadow. Xebassian stepped aside and gave a slight bow, "After you sir wuff."

Smiling, Syex stepped through the shadow and onto Wayverside street.