The Dominion Diaries: Or the Rise of a Supervillain

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#13 of Transformation Stories

Mistday 5th Erintor:

So I've decided to keep a diary, I'm not going to write in it every day, that is boring. But whenever something significant happens in my life that deserves to be committed to word I'll put pen to paper and record it here. Especially during my rise to power, I've decided it's time to put my potentia power to good use as a bona-fide supervillain. I've even picked a name for myself, "Dominion" it has such a great ring to it!

But I need to learn how to harness it, to get the most out of my ability to manipulate people's minds and thoughts. Which means I need to know more about potentia and how I can increase my power.

Garungday 11th Erintor:

Well tonight's mission to the library of Ronasta University went totally tits up. It's famous for it's rare manuscripts, maps, histories and personal diaries of important explorers, sailors and people of note. It is also one of the largest depositories of Potentia Research on the continent and many of the treatises, charts and documents stored within it's walls are related to studying the mutagenic stone and it's properties. I am most interested in its effect on the population and manners in which it could be utilized.

It was the perfect place to acquire the information I was seeking on the strange, hypnotic properties of my voice and how to make it more powerful. It took me a week to get ready for this trip! I hypnotised three students, a bull, bear and a mink, they were three of the university's top athletes, strong, powerful and not overly bright. They were also students so had a legitimate reason to request to see rare research materials. The librarian had even accepted their story that due to sports commitments they needed to see them late in the evening.

It was however such a chore; I had to layer on the hypnotic control so thick they were acting even dimmer than usual. It is so hard to make my power stick sometimes, I need something to bolster it and the library has the clues I need! I set the mink up with a hidden camera in his glasses and sent them all inside with very carefully layered and simple instructions.

It was all going well, they got inside and started talking to the ram behind the issue desk. His name was Michael and he was doing everything like I expected; we were so close. All they had to do was wait for him to take the book out of the cupboard, one of them was to run off with it whilst the other two stopped the librarian from following!

But something... weird happened, the ram noticed them acting strange, I guess I made them a bit too dim-witted and slow. It is... it was amazing, he touched them, called their names and they woke up! He has some sort of power, some... skill, I may not have the information I need but I think I found an even more interesting lead.

Somerday 19th Erintor:

Well diary, this is exciting! I was right, Michael the librarian does have Potentia powers and tonight I saw him use them and I understand how he broke my hypnotic control! I'd been watching him for about a week and nothing interesting had happened.

So I ambushed one of his readers and used my voice on them, the delightful Mr Calfen provided everything I needed. He was a lovely red panda but by the time Michael the librarian had finished with him they were quite changed.

I programmed Calfen to refuse to leave at closing time and to get abusive and physical. The ram didn't hit him back, didn't call the cops, he grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him into a rat! A feral, squeaking, naked tailed rat! He shrank and twisted and changed right before my eyes on camera. It took about ten minutes in total but by the time it was over he was a rat and from some of the things the sheep said he twisted Calfen's mind as well.

I surmise from this little demonstration that he has the power to shift other people's shapes, both physically and mentally, he must have been able to tweak the athletes memories and set them free from my control.

Calfen was certainly acting like a rat by the end, he had all the instincts and behaviours of a domesticated rodent. It was... amazing.... I need that power, I could do so much with something like that. Anyone who could casually reduce a stranger to a mindless animal won't take much persuasion to throw his lot in with me, Dominion... he just needs something to hook him, make him want to work together and embrace a life of villainy.

Veilday 17th Quelfra:

Success, Mike the librarian now works for me and I got rid of a member of the Potentia Power Abuse Investigation Agency as well. It was all too easy in the end, Agent Robert Trevisn was starting to investigate the "stranger with hypnotic voice powers." He was also looking into a small number of disappearances around the university.

I played the terrified witness stick and set him on Mike and it went brilliantly!

He goaded the ram into trying to use his powers to transform him then BAM the monkey hit the ram with his own potentia powers. The capuchin monkey was powerful and easily overwhelmed Mike! He was going to arrest him, take him in and probably do something horrible and government to him.

They got into some really good back and forth taunting too before I intervened. Trevisn was going on about Mike revealing what he'd done with the people who had gone missing and the sheep said:

"Too late for them, their new bodies can't retain higher thought for long."

Agent monkey face said, "You... you had to have done something to them to cause that. I've dealt with transmogrification before, we've always been able to restore them."

Mike just smiled wickedly and said,"Gosh a total mystery, wonder what could have caused that."

It was classic villainy and then Mike tried to make a break for it, a bit of a tussle ensued but the Agent beat him. He'd probably have lost if it wasn't for his super-powers, Mike is quite the little warrior, martial arts and weapon usage quite fancy! Explains how he keeps in such good shape; he used that window pole really well but the monkey beat him down and was about to cuff him when I got involved.

Sliding out of the shadows I put Trevisn under my power, it wasn't easy, the agent had good training and mental defences but I was able to make him stand still whilst Mike got to work.

The ram laid his hands on the monkey's face and after a few minutes Agent Trevisn started to shrink, his clothes collapsing as his body morphed. Mike held his shrinking body in place with the grip on his muzzle. His protests became disjointed, his voice cracked, a whine escaped instead of words as inch by inch the simian was consumed, twisted, transformed.

It was a steady, slow process; minutes would tick past dedicated to the fluid re-arrangement of bones and muscles. The ram Mike was lost in concentration, stripping away all that made Trevisn a part of society so whilst he was nicely distracted I turned my voice on the sheep.

Trevisn's fur became a mottled mixture of grey and browns as he developed large ears, beady feral brown eyes and large buck teeth. Slowly but surely he was changing and all the while I sang a quiet, wordless tune, reinforcing the traits that made the ram enjoy this activity, the splendid delight at reducing one's enemies to a subservient position.

Agent Trevisn wiggled his new legs, all four limbs now designed for scampering and scrabbling not dextrous tool handling or technological interaction. Then at last Mike lowered the chinchilla, placing the large rodent on the table as it struggled and squeaked against his hold.

We left together after that, I convinced him to come work with me, to be my number one and we deposited the chinchilla at the local lost animal shelter. He assured me there would be just enough of Agent Trevisn left in the back of his new animal mind to watch his new life in horror but never be able to influence the instincts driving his new body.

He is deliciously wicked, there is still some work to be done on his mind to really reinforce what I started but I'm very happy with him. This is going to be a beautiful partnership, the ram is mine.

Thornday 23rd of Quelfra:

It is complete, Mike is mine, the mild mannered librarian is no more, the subtle whisper of my voice in his mind has re-created his personality. More importantly it is holding firmly, some quiet part of his psyche wanted this change to happen. His inherent desire to use his power on other people has been enhanced. His cunning and delightfully twisted way of looking at the world now shines brighter than any desire to obey the law.

It wasn't an easy thing to perform, but Mike already had a desire in him to use his power on other people. I have just stoked that fire, given it more direction and fuel, but well... we have decided that the name Mike cannot continue to be used. Dominion's right hand ram would never use such a name! We've been discussing it for days now whilst we have been preparing for the next step in our plan. He finally settled on the name Aesc... a good name from the old country that is pronounced "Ash" it is fitting though and he seems happy with it.

Encouraging the sheepy to reinvent himself has been fun but I cannot take my eyes off the prize. We are nowhere near ready to go out in public and make a name for ourselves. But Aesc has found a warehouse for us to use as a base of operations. I am going to join him now and take the place away from its owners, it should be... a lot of fun.

Somerday 24th of Quelfra:

Today went well, me and Aesc have secured ourselves a rather nice warehouse for a base of operations. It's a pharmaceutical storage unit on the river and is already divided up properly and even has a clean room so we can run some experiments. The two guards hired to guard the place are still in place too, they've just been coxed into work for me.

The take over was actually pretty easy in the end, no one cares about abandoned warehouses on the docks. Of course it's a little bit shabby but like sheeps reminded me it's but a stepping stone on our march forward. It has power, clean rooms and office space so we can set ourselves up nicely, Aesc even thinks we'll be able to convert some of it into living space. He suggested we might want to quietly drop out of sight as our public identities, get new jobs, simulate moving to new districts etc. It bares consideration but for now we need to get settled in and prepare. The next step will be to help Aesc settle into his new identity, I've got some ideas, well see what he thinks of them tomorrow.

Mistday 25th of Quelfra:

Today was fun, sheepy was receptive to my ideas that he needed a new look so we spent the morning conceptualizing ideas. Turns out he can manipulate his fleece, it's the only part of his power that can affect him directly. We experimented with long, thick, curly and short fleece but I finally had a stroke of genius. He was a bit reluctant to try it out at first but I "talked" him round; that was satisfying, watching him surrender to my voice willingly but I'll experiment with that more soon.

What we designed was a work of art, he fits the bill for supervillian commander perfectly. We've shorn off all his fleece exposing his bronze skin, it gives him an exotic appearance that will be hard to match. We kept a crest running from between his horns to his shoulders and spiked it into a proper punk mohawk. He then kept a waist length cascade of fleece we then twirled into a multitude of braids. It stands out, it draws the eye and publicly screams here's a ram not afraid to make a stir. He is hot, he clops across the floor with a confident swagger that makes me squirm. It also has the added benefit of being so flamboyantly obvious it'll help me blend into the background until I'm ready to step forward and take my place centre stage. By the time that happens my sheep will have set thing up, making it too late for any law-men or goodie two shoes to stop us.

It's perfect... I'm going to go back down to the floor and admire our handiwork in person... maybe even invite him to my room for a... personal inspection.

Garungaday 29th of Quelfra:

Well this warehouse is turning out to be quite a useful place, it's quiet and out of the way and we've been able to block the windows to hide that anyone is here. Aesc has settled in nicely too, he's got a flare for commanding those under my control. Not to forget he's spent the last several days practicing shifting between fleece coated regular ram and drop dead gorgeous sexy commander sheep's. It's quite something to see his fleece re-arranging itself like that.

He went out with the two guard minions we have tonight and collected a test subject. He's convinced me we need to experiment with his shifting powers and my voice. Needing to refresh my hypnotic control every twelve hours or so is going to grow very tedious. It also limits the number of minions I can have at any one time.

He collected a young pine marten by the name of Nall, he was quite excited leading the minions on a mission to snatch a citizen to further our cause. I'm a bit excited too... we've really started to further our power! Now I've hypnotized the young man and we'll wait to see how long it takes to wear off. After we've set that base line Aesc is going to turn them into another animal and I'll hypnotize him again.

Veilday 4th Cryan:

The constant failure is growing vexing. We've turned Nall into a puma, tom-cat, tiger, hyena and bear and my power has started to fade after ten to twelve hours each time. He's currently being transformed into a warthog so we'll see how this test goes but I'm not holding out much hope.

Aesc is getting faster at changing people thanks to all the practice but he still needs to physically touch someone to make them change. That is going to be a problem as well; even if we do find a species susceptible to my voice we need to increase his reach. I've got a few ideas and have started to jot them down. It's a way to enhance and project his power, a method mentioned in an old journal that uses resonat frequencies but I'm a long way off from being able to prototype anything.

Polisday 10th Cryan:

Still no luck, we've taken a day off and Aesc has left Nall as a feral ewe... it was amusing to watch him tease our test-minion. Strangely Nall seems to enjoy the constant transformations, we've either tapped into a subconscious desire or he's just becoming acclimatized to the constant changes.

I built a prototype of my power enhancer today, it really needs a snappy acronym.

Sadly the potentia crystal went critical and melted the workbench and cut power to the lab...

I need to temper the radiation build up...

Garungday 23rd Cryan:

Success! Brilliant, harmonious, potentia riddled success!

The answer was so simple but blind pride was holding us back, a deadly failing in any mastermind of my calibre. But sheepy and I are smart enough to admit when we are wrong and applied science and logic to the process.

We've been trying to make minions who are strong, powerful, intimidating, predators!

We left Nall as a ewe for three days and when Aesc finally decided to resume testing discovered them still in thrall to my power!

In the end it took six days for him... well her to wake back up!

Prey creatures are susceptible to my mind altering power, they have (we think) a natural inclination to follow orders, to be part of a herd.

Predators are less inclined to follow orders, they are either lone huntsmen or live in a pack and a pack follows strength and power and because they want to, not because they must.

Now we just need to find the right species to make the mind control permanent.

Somerday 26th Ptenta:

Well we've gone through most of the woodland creatures in the book,

Sheep: 6 days

Hedgehogs: 5 days

Mice: 7 days

Rats: 1 day

Shrew: 3 days

Squirrel: 4 days


We turned Nall into a rabbit and I whispered in his ears and he has shown no signs of waking up in two weeks now. Even better I am able to reach some deep subconscious level in a rabbit's mind and re-write memories, thoughts, desires!

This is going to take a lot of experimentation... so I told Aesc to turn the warehouse security guys into rabbit's as well. So now I have three to work with... this may be the break we needed!

Polisday 28th Ptenta:

I built a second prototype of the enhancer today, this time I've managed to balance the potentia crystal safely. It's all to do with wavelengths and resonance frequencies and Aesc's desires.

I've found a way to identify these frequencies, whenever Aesc transforms someone his power emits a specific wavelength of Potentia radiation. It is quite fascinating really, but I've been recording them and tuning the enhancer's potentia housing to match. It will use cartridges tuned to a specific species. If I try to build a modulator into the gun it will over-heat, there are too many variables so the cartridges allow us to fit in a larger heat sink.

The enhancer focusses Aesc's power and desire to turn the target into the specified species, bounces it through the cartridges wavelength modulator and then amplifies it!. All he'd need do then is switch the cartridge if he needs another species. But it looks like the species we need the most off is rabbit's he shouldn't have to worry about changing cartridges on a job.

Thornday 1st Zine

A new day, a new month, a fresh season...

I think everything is ready, Aesc and the enhancer are primed and we have three dreadfully delightful obedient bunnies. We did have four but well... I just couldn't resist having a snack... they were... perfect in every way, really they where.

Anyway Sheepy caught me ah... sleeping off my meal and just laughed and asked if he could have the next one! I think he's ready too, the perfect Commander for my plan but first I need to convince some people to invest.

Mistday 3rd Zine:

Well where do I start journal!

Today was the day, the 1st Bank of New-Rodia was our target and we arrived at the bank a little after ten in the morning and sheepy got to work!

There were 8 guards in the bank, two on the doors, two at the counters, two in places around the foyer and a further two manning the door to the vaults. Aesc shot them whilst Nall and our two remaining rabbits secured the door and it was glorious to see the panic in their eyes as they changed.

It really is something to see; a strange glow seems to surround them, an outline of their original form remaining in place as their body morphs in a matter of seconds into that of a rabbit. Long ears, little tails, buck teeth and a mind totally susceptible to my commands.

The glow is the last thing to fade, the last remnant of their original form fading away, collapsing into dust motes and memory and that is when I struck. I commanded them to draw their weapons and take the staff and customers hostage and they did it! There was no resistance, no struggling to avoid my voice they just fell to my desires and soon we had rounded everyone up!

Two more guards came hurrying down after triggering the alarms but Aesc shot them as well, their "noble sacrifice" just swelled the ranks of loyal minions we had and we swiftly got to work.

Aesc found the bank manager and asked him nicely to open the vault, he predictably refused. Big badger like him was cocky and sure of himself, we may have the upper hand now but the cops and the heroes would soon be upon us with the alarms going.

So sheepy shot him, big gruff badger became a svelte, lop-earred bunny and then I got to work. My voice soon had him opening the vault for us and providing us with everything we needed.

It was whilst sheeps was arranging out get away that I met her, one of the customers was a black furred rabbit who oozed style and charm. She'd been quietly watching from the sidelines the whole time, cool, calm, collected unlike the other hostages.

She sauntered over to me, ignoring the bunny guards who tried to stop her and upbraided me for my dress sense! She let me have it with both barrels with a scathing attack on our costumes, our amateurish appearance, lack of style and woefully unprepared despotic monologues. She pointed out that the bunnies who arrived with us looked like hobos not intimidating minions of a genius criminal. Compared to the guards in their standard issue security guard uniforms they were a joke!

She said I looked like a teenager with an attitude problem and clearly had no sense of presence or mind. If was going to be a villain people took serious then I needed to be serious about my appearance and my name. My entrance had been an after thought, a tacky little one liner and it was simply unacceptable! I was so shocked I didn't even try to use my powers on her, there I was in the middle of a heist, holding up a bank and I was being lectured on my dress sense and style!

It was about then Aesc returned and Trish, that's her name by the way, Trish Hunter, daughter of the CEO of Hunter Industries. She gave my sheepy a look, examining every inch of him with those cool eyes of hers and then she smiled. She said he had the right idea, the bronze skin, bare arms and hooves with the mohawk and dreadlocks combo was perfect. She said it said villain without needing anything else. His outfit was ok, it could do with a few tweaks and green wasn't his colour but he was on the right path to a truly villainous style.

She then looked me up and down and patted my cheek! Called me darling and said she'd love to help set me straight. There is more to villainy than having a super-power and using it. She slipped a card into my hand and went back to rejoin the other hostages as if it was an everyday occurrence! Before she left she whispered in my ear that it was quite exciting, being so close to a dangerous super-villain... she was a pretty bunny that's for sure.

I was a bit dazed at that but Aesc dragged me back into the game and we made our escape. The police had shown up and had the building surrounded but the manager, our former badger had been on the phone with the police. He'd been very convincing, he was down in the secure loading bay when the bank was attacked. He had a van full of bullion all ready to go but they villains were trying to break in, he needed to get it out of there quickly.

Leaving the former security guards to hold the hostages we retired to the secure van and drove out of the building. A little mind control on the officers at the checkpoint to convince them we were who we claimed to be and we were away! Through the cordon and to safety before the heroes crashed the building to rescue the hostages.

We got away with 25.6 million in cash and... a lot to think about

But now everyone has heard of my name! I'm on the news, I'm in the papers, Dominion strikes! New villain in town, it's actually quite fun watching the news show pundits talking and speculating about who I am and what my plans might be.

There was also some interesting discussion about the "minions" I'd left behind during my escape. Eye witness and CCTV video footage of Aesc turning the innocent bystanders into rabbits and me controlling them was all over the news. It has them all really spooked and scared.

I'm going to go join the minions now and watch the evening show, they've got the Colonel on to give them a viewpoint from the hero community, I want to hear what they have to say about us.

We did it though, we made a splash

Somerday 9th Zine:

We've been lying low for nearly a week now, working out what to do next

We did make a brief public appearance at city hall when the Mayor was giving a press conference about us. Aesc zapped him into a rabbit and I took the podium to give the press corps what they wanted, a real story! It was helped by me being able to command the Mayor to do as I wished and make a fool of himself, it was fun.

The daring escape afterwards almost went horribly wrong and we lost a minion but it was worth the risk and our contacts with the Rat Pack say Prism will be out of action for weeks!

Polisday 11th Zine

Aesc and I had a long talk about Trish last night, we've decided to contact her, to see if her strange offer at the bank heist is genuine. We've made a splash but we're not drawing the street cred or attention we need.

Sheepy is being super paranoid about the meeting place and arrangements and it's only prudent to be careful. This could be a nasty trap.

Thornday 14th Zine:

Well I now have a chief lieutenant to compliment my commander! Trish Hunter is... well she is simply amazing

She is strong willed, powerful, clever, manipulative and steeped in style and that upper crust, first class demeanour and poise that you just can't replicate. Apparently Sheepy and I are living a life filled with thrills, danger, adventure and diabolical scheming that appeals to her.

She liked our overall plan and made several suggestions, she's also putting her considerate assets in the fashion and style industry at my disposal. She's willing to play the game with us and as long as we follow the rules and style and forms her family won't get involved, at least not too much.

I don't really understand that, if my daughter shacked up with a supervillain and I was a big corporate big-wig I'd probably get upset. But apparently her father approves, sees it as a new avenue to explore life and demonstrate her right to the name Hunter.

Anyway she has designed a new costume for me and an outfit for sheep as well.

We look good, at least on the screen

She also said we need to go... underground, the big flashy stuff is good, it builds name and identity. But the really successful villains have a base that generates money that doesn't show up in the headlines.

I've been thinking about it since we got back and I think she is right, we need a base of operations, a power centre we can fall back too if something goes wrong. I've got a lot to think about... I think I'll ask Aesc to join me and we'll come up with a plan over Nall. Or No. 1 as we affectionately call him, he was our first successful rabbit minion after all, I've made it quite clear he is not to be risked. He's part of our success and not to be wasted, eaten or lost.

Mistday 17th Farein:

Hello Diary

Well the last three months have been rather hectic, I've not had much time to write in you

Trish came through with her ideas, our last few public appearances have really stuck in the minds of the people

But this is secret, last night, when we got back... Trish, Aesc and me... we... well

It was amazing, the three of us just... ehee I can't even write it down but it was... amazing we are totally a thing and it throws societies rules about relationship out the window!

It was... good

Veilday 24th Farein:

Well we did it, Wolf Electronics now exists, a totally legitimate company that is registered with the tax office and company house. We are a privately listed company and are also now the suppliers of electronics to several reputable sources and even hold the contract for the Town Hall and Police Precinct IT infrastructure

Its weird, everything is above board, except for the odd dalliance with the Rat Pack to make sure our new electronics factory in the Industrial district doesn't get petrol bombed. Of course no one knows that Mr Forest Wolf is really the civilian guise of the arch-criminal Dominion or that his beautiful personal assistant is his shadowy second lieutenant. Who would suspect them!

The company comptroller is a mild-mannered ram whose polite, kind, caring and always on time and a devil at keeping the books in order. Not at all the sort of people who lead double lives as Super-Villains!

It has taken us months to set this up but it worked. It was brilliant and it has allowed us to purchased the Velvet-Cavern casino and hotel complex on the waterfront. The property also owns the New-Rodia Marina out front, the Tervin Theatre attached to the hotel and is a legitimate business in its own right.

Of course it helped that tAesc and I took out Verinil and his mob boys when we "acquired" the casino all legitimate like. Aesc is working on folding them into the minion corps as I write this. They are going to work out just fine though Verinil sadly didn't make it. Everyone knows the casino belongs to me and people are flocking to attend! Business at the marina has never been better and several theatre troupes have contacted the office asking about putting on shows!

What's even better is we purchased it legitimately in the eyes of the law. It just happens to be a business that I, Dominon own publicly, it drives the lawyers and cops up the wall but there is nothing they can do. Trish used her skills and contacts to outflank the police and lawyered up expertly, they can't prove any of the funds we used to purchase the place came from dodgy sources. Claim whatever they like there is no way to prove the money I used was stolen. It also isn't illegal to remove a mob boss from power, it tends to be encouraged. The Police Commissioner is fuming and the Mayor looks like a fool but hey the media are loving it.

It's amazing how many people are coming to play the tables or rent a room and the rich and famous are still mooring their boats in the marina. I'm evil but I'm legitimate evil, I'm a name to be feared, I am Dominion.

Thornday 3rd Lasain:

I had a very interesting meeting with one of the minions today, No. 234, he's been messing up a lot lately. He seems unable to focus on anything at all, even the simplest of tasks. It's grown to be something of a concern, we can't have a minion causing issues, not at this crucial moment. Trish is worried he might mess up our next heist so I have ordered him to my office tomorrow to ... deal with him.

Mistday 5th Lasain:

Ok, that was a very interesting meeting, turns out No. 234 isn't clumsy, he's just the most susceptible person I have ever encountered with regards to my powers. He doesn't resist, at all, in fact he enjoys surrendering to me.

It is... interesting and certainly requires further investigation, the problem is he's a bunny. This gorgeous, lop earred, brown furred male. He's adorable and nearly irresistable, I almost devoured him whole. If Trish hadn't stopped me I would have disposed of him there and then.... I m going to have to think about what to do about this, he's too useful to dispose of.

Veilday 15th Lasain:

Ok success, I ordered Aesc to turn No. 234 into something else permamanetly and personally. My commander took the little brown bun away, that smooth sleek body, the curves, those lop ears... ahhh. Now he's an otter. I've even given him a name, Jay, the boy has willingly submitted to me, he belongs to me, his mind, his body, all that is him is loyal to my voice, willingly and eagerly. I am still not sure exactly what I am going to do with him, but someone like that is a treasure to be kept. He's not a bad otter really, those little ears are adorable and he's less of a temptation to devour like this.

Somerday 28th Lasain:

Today I added the finishing touches to my public persona as Mr Forest Wolf. I installed Jay as the head of my household. He runs the lovely suburban estate on the edge of town where Mr Wolf entertains guests and supposedly makes his home!

No one realises that he is one of my most loyal servants and the only non-rabbit that Aesc and Trish will let near my inner sanctum and personal rooms. I've been keeping him away from my criminal activities and certainly won't put him in danger by allowing him inside any of the hidden bases and headquarters around town. He's to be kept safe and sound at home so I always has someone available to take care of the shopping, look after the house and play host to visitors and guests if I have to step out to fight some annoying heroes.

I've also transferred No. 1 there, the cinnamon furred bunny formerly known as Nall, he's been under my power so long he has no will left at all. After being inspired by the success I had at changing Jay I had Aesc turn him into something else. It was a surprise when my commander picked capuchan monkey but he seems to be fitting in well. Nall is now working as Jay's second at the house and things seem to be in hand.

It helps that Jay seems to love being under my power and thinks it's swell that he's working for a super-villain and helping to maintain his public persona or respectable business-wolf. The only problem I had was he was a bit jealous of my villainous three-way relationship with Aesc and Trish, the adorable otter is smitten with me. But we had a little celebration when I moved into the house officially, we took him and No. 1 by surprise and there was no resistance from either of them to our pointed suggestions. We're super-villains after all and Trish and Aesc certainly approve of the idea and I find him quite, quite enjoyable as well.

He doesn't have the allure of Aesc or the commanding presence of Trish but he has a cute, adorably innocent air of enjoyment which is very nice. As for Nall, well he's mine, he's a statement to my power, someone I have transformed and moulded to my will so utterly what he used to be is gone. It's exciting to have him around.

Polisday 3rd Loren:

Interesting encounter at the New-Rodia Secure Storage today, I was doing a mild raid on the vault with Aesc and some of the minions when a new hero tried to stop me!

It was cute, he was all full of vim and vigour and energetic belief in justice and good beating evil. He said his name was Morpheus and he is some sort of shape-shifter, it was adorable!

We trounced him totally and made off with about forty million in gemstones and other artefacts of worth.

It was nice to see him trying though and I am sure he will be back. I'm going to enjoy shepherding a new hero through his early days.

Garungday 5th Loren:

Well that was... fun, you have no idea how much fun

Dressed as Dominon, attended by my sheeps and Trish we went out for ice cream with the minions! We strolled down town, people stepping back in terror and awe as we went to Cargalle's Ice Cream and Milkshake Parlour overlooking Bognor park.

Ten minutes into our sundaes Morpheus attacked us!

We drove him off and now the Commissioner is screaming at the Mayor as legally our complaint about being "assaulted" whilst enjoying a quiet day out was totally legitimate. It's not of course but Trish has good lawyers and the media are loving it.

We hadn't broken any laws, we were not engaged in nefarious activities and since we've never been arrested, charged and found guilty of any crimes attacking us because we are "wanted for questioning" is no reason to endanger nearby citizens. Poor Morpheus should know better, there is a time and place to attack a super-villain and an ice cream parlour surrounded by innocent civilians is not the right time. Still it was a fun day!

Trish is really good with the lawyer talk and has the New Rodia times on our side, it's making the mayor and the heroes look incompetent. Ah it was such a fun day, we are thinking of going to the Theme Park over on Varinsa Island next weekend and seeing what we can get away with.

Anyway this diary is full, I'm going to have to get another one now and decide somewhere safe to keep this.
