Wish Come True (Gardevoir TF/TG)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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This was written as a contest prize for a contest I held over on DA. They wanted a Gardevoir TF/TG that was a bit more on the anthro side, so I delivered!

Steven lived in the small Viridian City. He was a large Pokemon lover, and never sought to become a trainer, he didn't like the idea of them getting hurt. He saw how some people, and even pokemon enjoyed it, but it was something that wasn't meant for him. Steven lived alone, excepting for a Snivy. While on vacation in the Unova Region, he saw it shivering on a street corner. No one seemed to own it, and he couldn't bare to see it out there. He took it under his care, but the Snivy grew attached to Steven, and refused to leave his side when he brought it to the abandonment center. Steven didn't have the confidence that he'd be able to properly take care of it. However seeing this, he had a feeling the two would be just fine. He brought the Snivy back home where they were the best of friends.

Eventually, Snivy had evolved into a Servine. Steven thought it was cool, seeing him evolve without ever battling. He would never make Servine do that. Although with Snivy's evolution, the one thing Steven always wanted to do but never could was to have conversations with him. Sure he could say something to him and he'd respond, but Steven never understood what he said. Considering how close they were he had wished they'd be able to talk, and be closer with each other.

That night, Steven had walked out and was star gazing along with Servine. It was a hobby the two recently picked up and had become a nightly tradition. Another thing he wished he could legitimately talk to Servine about. While looking up to the sky, Steven noticed something strange. It looked like a shooting star, but at the same time not. Despite the lack of a solid identity of the entity, Steven made a wish upon it, to be closer to Servine, to be able to talk to it and have back and fourth conversations. Little did Steven know the "shooting star" was Jirachi, of which heard the wish and it was going to come true.

Once both Steven and Servine and grown tired, they had retired back home where they got ready to go to sleep. While getting changed however, Steven noticed a strange oddity on his legs. They looked a bit paler than normal. He originally shrugged it off, thinking maybe it was because he only wore pants. Perhaps it was time to invest in some shorts. He went into his bathroom and began brushing and teeth. After wrapping that up he looked back down at his legs and was greeted with a bigger shock.

His legs weren't pale, they were full on white. He looked at his feet as well, which were now much smaller, and just as white as his legs. He looked in the bathroom mirror completely in awe as he watched his hips begin to push outward, rear gaining a bit more mass and noticability. Alongside this, his arms were becoming green, and that his hands were starting to merge with it, losing some digits. As a red petal forms at the center of his chest, Steven realized exactly what was happening, and what he was becoming.

To add onto the radical transformation, Steven felt a certain something in-between his legs vanished inside of him and was turning into "equipment" that were female exclusive. Surprisingly, Steven didn't react negatively to that sudden change. As he, or more appropriately now, she grew a bit out at her chest Steven got a smile on her face. Sure she'd be a Pokemon and a girl, but she'd finally able to talk with Servine. Plus, she'll be in a new body, might as well experience it as a new gender!

Steven watched as the last of the transformation set in. Her hair turned the same green as her arms and went out into bangs. Steven's eyes turned red as her face became white, pushing out in some areas to vaguely resemble a masquerade mask. Her body alters to make it appear as if she's wearing a white dress along with a green streak going from her arms to the other in a "U" shape. Steven had officially become a female Gardevoir.

She walked out of the bathroom and into the room where Servine slept. Unfortunately, he had already drifted into a deep sleep, and he looked to peacefully to wake up. I guess the surprise would have to wait until morning. At least Steven had time to get used to sleeping in her new body. She ran her hand down Servine's back. "We're going to have a long tong when you wake up..." she says with a smile, walking off into her room excited to have her first ever conversation with Servine.