Lost archives of the Xenomorphs: Plot before the War

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Alien lives

I finished this and it took me awhile so think and give on what might happen in the future

Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs: Plot before the war.

The first few days of escape for the xenos has been quite successful. The xenos have been outside of the facility and the queen has successfully laid more than a hundred eggs. Some of the animals that have been impregnated has given the chestbusters new forms. All in which are fully adaptable to the environment and pose a new threat to other creatures.

However, they remain close to the base for the queen, Jnssso, and Lesley know that that human are to come here to pick up the distress signal that the last humans had sent out, would bring more of them here along with the military. The only thing that was stopping that was time and it had only three days since they have escaped. They all still had a four weeks before the humans come and bring them here. But as for now, the queen laid here eggs, while the xenos multiplied and grow into more sophisticated forms.

Jnssso and Lesley would remain in the facility with little xenos. Lesley would still cower or run when she saw a xeno. Luckily Jnssso was always by her side. They had left the facility intact for some specific reasons. Lesley knew how to handle some of the equipment which helped and Jnssso thought that incase they needed to use the machines or labs for occasions of human test subjects or anything else.

Everything was waiting for the inevitable war that is soon to come.

Jnssso had just woken up on his bed. He saw that Lesley was sleeping peacefully yet, she had barricaded the door so the xenos don't eat her in the night. It got to a point were once or rarely that Jnssso would chuckle a bit. The most he could do before was smile but now, he would give chuckles or give a giggle.

But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering him. A certain xeno which was a female, was always stocking him. He was not frighten by it but more confused. She or as all called her "Sksaszzl" has been looking over him ever since he helped escape them. She was always there when he tried to be with Lesley or when he was out by himself. Once in a while he would encounter her but she would pass by with a usual look and then when he had his back turn, she would take her time to look at him.

He did his best to ignore her and try to find someway to fight the humans when they would arrive. Lesley did her best to avoid the ideas since she was human still. Which brought him and her to a certain topic that he wanted to try and she wanted to avoid but couldn‘t.

They both wanted to see if they can turn Lesley into a hybrid like him. She somewhat dreaded the thought and he wanted to pursue it.

"I will not go through that process! I cant!" she said loudly.

Jnssso in his somewhat regular, non-emotionless mood, sighed. " I know you think that is dangerous or it's fearing but trust me its not." he said comely.

She sighed heavily and sat down on her bed. Night had quickly come and the room was lit with Lesley's lights. "How do you know its not dangerous or that its fearing? I fear every night that one of them would come in and take me and eat me. How do you know that they won't attack you? How can you not fear or be hurt?!" It seemed as she was on the verge of tears and was with real heavy fear.

Jnssso sat by her and brought his blanket over him. "I know that you fear it and I will tell you this right now." she looked down at his green eyes and looked deeply. "You should fear this for I do but I have learned that I am now part of them. We share blood. We share thoughts and its all through the queen."

"But I can't handle that." said Lesley quietly. "I can't handle being them. Every night you would go to sleep knowing that you are part of a race of creatures that is suppose to be on other worlds, let alone destroyed."

"What do you mean destroyed?" he asked curiously.

Lesley sighed and laid down fully on the bed while Jnssso looked down at her. She sighed as she tried to think of the topic she had wanted to avoid more then becoming part of the xenos. "Well to tell you now then having to worry about it later, I guess since I will probably get killed by them, I minus well tell you about them... or the xenos. They start way back.

From as far as the records go, the xenos have been around before human life began. From what we did to see how old the eggs dated back, the number were excruciating. They were all from a period longer then humans so it's kind of hard to tell. But there was a question that startled us. Ever since we have found them in a ship and other worlds, we have wondered, how did they get inside of the ship since they had little intelligence? We knew that they couldn't fly nor handle any vessel. So we have found out that they were scattered around the galaxy and were bred in different planets that carried life."

"So your saying that there are creatures other than my own?" asked Jnssso.

Lesley nodded. "Yes but human have only seen them on rare occasions and just like the xenos, they have been around longer then us. But these aliens were different. From what we gathered trough out history of "aliens on earth" was that theses first came thousands of years before human technology ever began to leave out planet. The creatures were somewhat our teachers for they taught humans how to build and were as many cultures and other myths believed were gods. They were worshiped, had sacrifices for them and were learned from. But later on, humans have come to fear them. They had brought the xenos here so they could use humans to sacrifice and breed them. Then they would fight the xenos and prove their, somewhat "warrior side" of them. But that didn't last to long.

The xenos were cleaver and started attacking back at the alien gods which proved they weren't gods. These creatures or now as they are called "hunters", had technology far beyond ours. Even now they still out smart us.

Anyways, the hunters started losing control of the xenos and had no choice but to sacrifice themselves to make sure the xenos don't set lose and kill everything on the planet."

Jnssso made a mental note that somehow, these "hunters would come here and try to fight the xenos.

Lesley continued her tale. "After that time, only the hunters would come but they didn't bring xenos to hunt. Instead they started hunting humans. From what every record could tell, they hunted for sport. Killing and creating bloodshed through out the world. All this was spread out through out history.

It wasn't till when human technology got advance that the hunters had found that humans became more of challenges. Do to that, several of these hunters were captured along with their technology and were all studied.

Years would go by and the technology that the hunters had, were reversed engineered to make weapons and technology better than before. That is how most of our technology has past into great us and now is radically more advanced. However, the hunter's thought that it was a bad idea and decided to try and take it back. They managed to do parts of that but they involved the xenos several times before. This resulted times when the two creatures would go to war with each other and humans would be stuck in the middle trying to fight them both off. It was surprising that the fights would be found only in small areas where no humans could learn about so much. It was hard but eventually, the xenos were killed off and the hunters would go back home. Now this brings me to your question. Well first off it..." they were both silenced as the door opened and a single xeno came in.

Lesley was shaking a bit and started crawling back a bit from her bed.

Jnssso however was a bit dazed as it was Sksaszzl who came in. He got off a bed and walked to her before looking back at Lesley. "I will return, just stay here." Lesley nodded as they both left the room.

Jnssso and Sksaszzl walked out and headed to the outside. The facility was larger on the outside then in the inside. It was surrounded by jungles of plants and animals. Not one place out here you wouldn't be able to hide. This is why all the xenos would be out here in stead of reaming inside of the facility. Here, many of the xenos were keeping guard of the security while many of them were coming back, bringing in hosts for impregnation. The queen stayed outside but within the walls of the facility. Once they were both outside of view and in the forest, Jnssso turned to Sksaszzl. "What do you want?"

She gave a gentle hiss and crackled growl.

He lowered his head and shook it. "You did not bring me out here to warn me about the human, so tell me what you want."

She gave another gentle hiss before she lowered herself to all fours and brushed against him. He was a bit startled by this . Never has a xeno have come this close to showing it's nature, let alone its emotions. Him being part like them, he knew they had emotions. They fear, they hate, they care, they anger, they have joy and they show affection. He just never know any of them had any emotions that would go this far. He sighed and hugged the giant female and brushed his head with hers.

Her tail was reaching out behind him before it made contact with his back and slowly giving him a gentle scratch. He purred a bit to this before he ran his hand to her maw were she opened it a bit, revealing her second jaw. He slowly pet it a bit, giving her a gentle tickle. She gave a chocking sound which to him meant a chuckle from her. They both fooled around a bit before they both headed back into the facility.

Jnssso and Sksaszzl entered Lesley's room were they found her sleeping. Jnssso thought it was best that she didn't wake. He quietly walked past her bed and laid by the corner along with Sksaszzl. She laid down first and curled herself. He laid within her large body and let her warm, acid warm blood, heat his body. It seemed of a weird nature to see this but it was of a different kind of nature.

So the two sets of yellow eyes saw. It was accompanied by another two and then another two, making three sets of yellow eyes. All were hidden behind trees and leaves or so it would seem. To others they were just part of the forest behind them but were all camouflaged. They were at a distance away and watched through their eyes. They were all most curious as to the connection between the human and the xeno. They all studied this through their eyes before the one in the middle of the three, gave a muffled growl to the other two. Each one growled a bit back before the one in the middle increased it's eye vision and looked at the human and the xeno. Though it was apparent that the two were sleeping together, their bodies were running high on heat, both exceeding that in which any normal creature would die from.

The other two saw this as well before the middle one gave a commanding growl. Both had acknowledged and disappeared into the forest. The one stayed behind and studied more on the two creatures. It clicked its throat, muttering to itself and trying to find a solution.

It waited there for about an hour, watching the xenos on the outside sleep. But it kept its study on the human that was sleeping on its place while the xeno and what the creature could tell was a child. If not surprised by this, that two humans live with one of the xenos inside, that it would be a great discovery for the clan back at the ship. The other two went to go report this but seeing this was a bit of a surprise.

It had made itself visible showing off what kind of creature it was. Taller than any human, gray skin with black spots. It wore armor all over its body, made of a material not know to humans. Knee pads, chest armor, blades that covered the top of its feet. A net that helped easily remove its armor. It wore a mask in which its eyes were lit. It scanned its environment, using its helmet to look for anything and it's burner mounted weapon on its back, moving along with its head. It kept a metallic disc attached to it's side belt which was razor edged. It along with small laser minds, a medium sized maul, which would be big to human standards. And on it's clawed hands, it carried a long double edged spear, acid proof and edged well from tip and sides to cut anything.

On its right wrist was a large mechanical computer that was its key to its cloaking ability along with its helmet, burner and other things. It carried enough power and energy, if activated to destroy nearly two miles of land. On its left wrist carried wrist blades which can hide an a wrist brace.

It was way past the middle of the night when the creature heard noise come its side. It turned to see its fellow companions have returned. It returned back to its focus on the humans and the xeno while its companions have returned. Both of them looking almost like him only different skin color and differences in gear.

The middle gave a small growl. The one on the left responded and gave small chirps and growls.

The middle growled in gentle agreement and they all headed back to their ship.

They would return and study more on these xenos before they brought their clan and fight them off in a couple of weeks. This would bring these xenos down and the two humans would be studied as to how they can live among the xenos. The ‘hunters' would study but they knew that this would bring a war. The ‘hunters' cloaked themselves again and left the forest.

Human military were only two weeks away and hurried to hopefully find survivors in the base. Hundreds of infantry were waiting with guns and machines ready for attack. War was to come and it would come by three species.