The Use of Power - Part One

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#1 of The Use of Power

Toma sighed and looked around from her perch at the very peak of the mountain she called home. The sun was setting and she loved the way the red twilight made her copper scales look, she had a full belly, she'd gotten more than enough exercise hunting that day... Everything was perfect. Even the humans who lived across the valley below had been nicer to her recently: they had stopped hunting in her half of the valley, they made sure to keep in regular contact with her, they even occasionally gave her a present of a cooked meal or shiny trinket.

She liked humans, really, even if many of them seemed scared of her at first. When approached properly they could be very kind, and once used to her presence they were quite willing to get along with her--they didn't want to have to fight her, and she didn't want to pick on them either. Just as long as they didn't get in her way or try to tell her what to do.

After watching the sunset for a little while longer she unfurled her wings and pushed off easily from the mountain peak, gliding down along its southern slope until she reached a forest clearing not far below the tree line. She landed there and glanced around, listening to all the animals of the woods scurry away from her, then walked along a short path to her little cave, its entrance mostly hidden by bushes and hanging vines. After sniffing around the entrance and the interior of her home, she curled up on a bed of moss at the back of the cave to sleep.

The scent of unfamiliar humans woke her later that night, and after waiting a little while to make sure the smell wasn't going away she got to her feet as quietly as she could and began to creep towards the cave entrance. Judging by the scent there were a lot of them, and unfamiliar meant they might not be friendly. The area right around her cave seemed empty, though, and quiet aside from the usual sounds of a forest at night, so she emerged and raised her head to sniff the air. The humans couldn't be too far away.

She followed the scent along the path to the clearing she usually landed in and stopped again, looking around and listening carefully, then taking another breath through her nostrils and smelling the burnt-wood-and-smoke of a fire. But there was no orange glow to the sky and none of the forest's other inhabitants were screaming or running away, so it couldn't be a forest fire; the humans she'd smelled must have made a camp, and let their fire burn down to embers. She paused a moment longer to figure out where the scents were coming from, then turned in that direction and crouched low to the ground to wind her way through the dense trees.

The smells grew stronger as she crept through the forest until she glimpsed a clearing up ahead through the trees, and in that clearing she saw the orange glow of a fire. She'd found their camp! She paused and looked around very carefully for sentries, but aside from eight men with spears standing around a central fire the rest of the humans--and there had to be many, for there were at least fifty tents in that clearing--were in their tents and most likely asleep.

Their fire wasn't far from her, maybe a couple of lengths, and this side of the camp would allow her to get closest to them without having to leave the cover of the trees. They were armed but not necessarily unfriendly, and looked to have been traveling for some time; there were a few large packs of what could have been supplies lying near the central fire, by the sentries, they didn't have any horses with them, and the speech of those around the fire was accented differently than the human-tongue she was used to speaking--but definitely the same language.

Hopefully coming out of the trees at night wouldn't startle them too much... Who could tell how familiar they were with dragons. But she was curious: who were they, where had they come from, where were they going, what did they hope to do at their destination? She paused a moment longer, then crept forward another couple of steps, raised her head beyond the trees and into the clearing, and said, "hello there."

The humans jumped a little, startled, but didn't call out an alarm--yet, at least--and turned to face her. They all were silent a moment, then one said, "greetings, dragon. We're sorry if we're intruding, but we didn't know there was a dragon in this territory. David," he glanced at one of the other men, "go wake the captain and bring him back here, then sound the bell." The man walked away through the camp and entered a larger tent at the very center of the clearing.

"It's fine; I don't mind humans all that much," Toma stepped forward to the edge of the trees and sat back on her haunches. "I just smelled your camp on the wind, and was curious. I hope I didn't scare you."

"We aren't afraid of dragons," said a new man, who walked towards her from the tent the man called David had entered, while David rang a small bell to rouse the rest of camp. "A dragon is the lord of our city, after all, so we're used to the presence of one. As long as you're peaceful, anyway..."

"I see no reason to harm any of you."

One of the men leapt forward and brandished his spear at her. "It doesn't matter. Surrender! We--"

She growled and plucked the weapon right out of his hands, tossed it away into the forest, then lowered her head and bared her teeth at him. "Just because I'm willing to talk before I bite doesn't make me a coward. I'll only be peaceful with you as long as you do the same."

"Please excuse his foolishness," the captain stepped closer and slapped the disarmed man on the back of the head. "We didn't come here to do any dragon-slaying, I assure you. I am Captain Lucas, and I lead these men." He bowed to her.

"My name is Toma," she nodded in return, then moved to the edge of the camp and sniffed at his shoulders.

The other men of the camp were beginning to emerge from their tents, and Lucas paused to wave at the sentries before turning back to her; the sentries began to walk from man to man, likely muttering assurances of peace. "Very nice to meet you. I apologize if we're intruding on your territory... We'd heard that there was a dragon somewhere in this area and didn't mean to disturb you, but through these woods is the fastest way to our destination."

"Yes, I call most of this forest and the two mountains my territory, but don't worry, I don't mind travelers if they don't bring trouble with them."

"Of course." His men began to gather around him, some starting to look through the large packs by the fire, and he paused a moment to glance around at them. "We'll be on our way again in the morning, so we won't be on your lands too long."

"All right." She turned her head to preen one of her wings. "What brings you into this wilderness?"

He shrugged. "Our lord ordered us to find something and bring it back to him, and our search has led us here. We've been traveling three weeks now, but I think we're close to finding what we're looking for."

"And what might that be? As I said, this is my territory, and I know these lands well; I could help you."

"I don't think that will be necessary," he shook his head, "but thank you for offering. We have a pretty good idea of where to find our prize, it's just that traveling there takes a while for little creatures like us."

"Oh." She yawned, then said, "well, then, I wish you luck on your journey, and hope you find whatever it is you're searching for."

"About that..." Lucas rubbed a finger across the bridge of his nose. "I think we already have."

Ropes caught around each of her horns, went tight, and pulled hard towards the ground. She roared and pulled back, revealing two lines of humans holding on to the ropes and trying to tug her head down to the earth, then something fell out of the trees and landed on her back--but it was small and not too heavy, and wouldn't slow her down much, so she ignored it. The humans on the ropes were strong together but not as strong as she was, and with one sharp tug of her neck she managed to get her head within the reach of her claws, which she dug into the ropes to cut through them.

But the weight on her back had begun to move, climbing along her neck--a man! She tried to thrash but couldn't move quickly enough with the ropes slowing her, and before she could recover he made it to the base of her skull, reached down and put the point of a short sword against her throat. "Surrender!" he shouted, "or I slit your throat."

Toma growled, but looked forward to see men with spears advancing on her, and with the man and the ropes clinging to her she knew she had no choice. "I yield," she sighed.

"Walk into the meadow, then put your neck out straight and lie flat on the ground," Lucas commanded, and as he spoke the men at the large packs finally upturned them to cast massive chains out onto the ground. She obeyed, the man who sat on her neck changing the angle of his sword so she didn't impale herself on it. Lucas nodded and waved his other men forward, then said, "good. Now, do exactly what I tell you and nothing more."

"What do you want from me?" she said, careful not to open her mouth while she spoke.

"Isn't it obvious?" Lucas chuckled. "We want you, dragoness." Three men approached, carrying an object of steel-riveted leather straps, and he said, "open your mouth."

She growled, but opened her mouth, and the men pulled a metal bit between her jaws and all the way back against her gums, then pushed her mouth shut and fastened the straps of the bridle around her head, gagging her and sealing away her fangs and her fire. "Keep your wings folded so we can bind them," came next, and she held still so they could wrap chains around the top joints and back edges of her wings, then they used another chain to pin her wings against her body. "Now roll onto your side." She had no choice but to follow his orders yet again, and once she was on her side they locked shackles around each of her four paws, linking them with chains that looked long enough to give her room to walk--but then they opened other links on the ends of the chains and used them to connect the shackles directly to each other, so she couldn't move one paw without moving the other three with it. Now she wouldn't be able to walk, or crawl, or even stand up on her own... Finally they fixed reins to her bridle and tied them to her shackles, then blindfolded her, and only then did the man take his sword away from her throat.

"Don't bother struggling," came Lucas' voice. "These chains were made for dragons, and our lord tested them himself to make sure they are strong enough; you cannot escape. In the morning we will begin to march back to his fortress, and we will unhook the direct links on your shackles so you will be able to march with us."

She snarled and tugged against the reins, but the bit dug into her gums when she did and pain forced her to stop after a moment. They'd tricked her and captured her, sure, but they couldn't make her walk all the way back to wherever they'd come from!

"We are leaving in the morning, to return to the fortress we and our lord call home, and you are going to march at the center of our column, whether you like it or not." He paused and touched one hand to her snout. "Would you like to know why?"

Toma snorted, bucking against the shackles, but it was useless; they were far too strong for her. "Llmmf mmm gmff," she grunted past her gag.

He ignored her demand. "You cannot escape your bonds. Your bridle in particular is made from leather straps threaded with metal cords, which you cannot pull open or claw through no matter how hard you try. You will not be able to hunt, or fly, or walk, or see, or even open your mouth if we don't let you, so if you do not march with us you will starve to death. I doubt you'll have to think very hard about which of those options you'd prefer."

She moaned and clenched her claws helplessly. He was right, no matter how much she hated the thought of having to obey him... Starvation was a terrible way to die, and she'd rather follow him than condemn herself to that fate. He didn't seem to want to hurt her, just keep her helpless and force her to go with them, so she'd likely be safe with these men. But why had Lucas been sent to capture a dragoness? What did this dragon he worked for want from her?

It seemed she wasn't about to find out, because nobody talked to her again that night no matter how much she whined and grunted through the bit in her mouth--unless she struggled too much, in which case one of the men would prod her neck with a spear and order her to stop. She gave up after a little while and went limp with a moan of despair, trapped and completely helpless in her bonds. Whatever these men and the dragon who commanded them wanted with her, she had no way to keep them from doing it.

The next morning the humans removed her blindfold, untied the reins from her shackles and unhooked the direct links so the longer chains between her shackles kept her from lashing out at them with her claws but didn't stop her from walking at the pace the men set. Toma was forced to the center of their marching column and surrounded by men with spears, which they did not hesitate to prod her with if she hesitated, fought her restraints or refused to obey for even a moment. Lucas himself even rode on her back, sitting at the base of her neck and holding her reins attentively, not that she could have hoped to escape even without him there; his force numbered at least a hundred men, likely closer to a hundred and fifty, and in her chains she wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against all of them.

They walked all day until they emerged from the forest and began to follow a more well-kept path out onto the plains, going at least ten miles, maybe more before they finally stopped not long before sunset. Once they'd made camp they took off her bridle and gave her water and dried meat--with a sword-point at her throat the whole time so she wouldn't try to take advantage of her momentary partial freedom. Once she'd finished her meal they bound her snout again and led her a little ways off from camp to let her clear her bowels before returning her to the center of camp and chaining her like they had the previous night.

The next day passed much like the previous one, except as their column passed through more densely populated lands they began to encounter other human travelers on the roads. Some just glanced at them on the way past, but others would gape at her, or point and chatter excitedly to each other (if they weren't traveling alone), or even cheer for and congratulate the humans who'd captured her! A few people shook their heads with displeasure or disgust when they saw what had been done to her, at least, but the vast majority of them seemed happy to see a perfectly innocent and reasonable dragon chained like a criminal.

Toma hated the humans a little more each time another group of travelers pointed at her and called taunts or insults or even talked to her captors or each other as if she couldn't understand them; she snarled with frustration and kicked or swiped with her claws sometimes, but they would just laugh at her helplessness, and her struggles would only earn her the prod of a spear or a sharp tug at her reins for her trouble. She couldn't stand how so many of them talked about her and treated her like an animal or a lesser being than they themselves were, and if not for her bonds she was sure she would have attacked some of them long before Lucas brought her to their destination.

The routine barely changed as the days wore on; they marched from dawn to dusk each day no matter what kind of weather or terrain they had to deal with. Eventually she managed to shut the other human travelers out of her mind, and the journey got a little easier after that. She certainly had a lot of time to think, as neither Lucas nor his men said anything to her aside from the occasional marching order. Her mind wandered; at first she just wished to be home in her cozy little cave, to smell the familiar scents of her forest, to see the nice humans who lived in her valley, but it didn't take long for her mind to wander towards darker subjects.

What did her captors want with her?

Lucas had said his lord, a dragon, had ordered him to capture her. But had the orders been to catch her specifically, or any dragoness, or any dragon of either gender? She couldn't remember ever meeting a male dragon aside from her father and brother, so that the men had been looking for her specifically seemed unlikely... But why would this dragon want a dragoness? She nearly tripped over her chains when it crossed her mind that he might have asked these men to find a mate for him, willing or otherwise. Or maybe they had just been looking for any dragon, which would mean... what, exactly? Was this dragon looking for another dragon to be his slave, or just a friend of his species, or who could tell what else might be possible?

But all those options assumed that Lucas had been telling the truth, and after how he deceived her just before her capture she knew she couldn't trust his word. Maybe they were part of a group of humans who enslaved dragons, or imprisoned them, or maybe they brought dragons back to their lands so they could sacrifice them to their gods, or execute them, or torture them for sport... She'd heard a story once of dragons chained and forced to fight humans or each other to the death just for human entertainment, and shuddered at the thought of them taking her to be the next combatant in their terrible games.

Trying to listen to the humans talk during the march or after they'd made camp and bound her for the night gave her barely any information. Occasionally Toma might hear two of the men say something about how they couldn't wait to get back to their homes so they could get off their feet and relax, how they'd be rewarded for their catch and the types of luxuries they might be able to afford for themselves and their families... But the daily marches exhausted the men as much as they exhausted her, and the sentries who guarded her during the night didn't ever talk around her--at least not before she fell asleep herself--so she learned almost nothing from them, and of course with her bridle on almost all the time she had no way of questioning her captors. She tried a couple of times to ask them things while she ate, but they just ignored her, and if she tried to refuse to let them bridle her until they answered at least one of her questions then they would beat her with the shafts of their spears until she put her head down and opened her mouth for them.

The humans never gave her any opportunity to escape; she was under guard every minute of every day, and whenever they gave her a little more freedom to eat, walk around or stretch her wings a bit they would always bring even more armed men to make sure she didn't try to flee or break her chains. It only took a few nights before she gave up fighting them, for the chains were too strong, she was too thoroughly tied, and the humans were too quick to punish her for her to have any hope of breaking free. There was nothing she could do but keep marching with them until they arrived at their destination--wherever that was.

Finally almost three weeks later the number of travelers around them suddenly decreased, and later that day the walls of a fortress--or a small city, for the walls and gates were large enough, rising so high that it looked like she could fit through the gates without having to crouch--came into view on the road ahead. When the men saw it they cheered for a moment before quickening their pace--and hers, as the tip of a spear to her haunch was quick to encourage her. Lucas stood up on her back as they approached the main gates, and once they were just half a length away an armored man hailed them from atop the walls.

"Is that who I think it is?"

All the men stopped marching and Lucas tugged hard on her reins to make sure she stopped as well, then waved to the man who'd greeted them. "Marcus, good to see you again! Open up, we've found this beauty for His Scaliness."

Marcus nodded and called something to the people on the other side of the wall, then said, "I'm sure he'll be glad of that. Wish I could have gone hunting with you, but with my leg..."

"Of course, of course. I'll take her to the antechamber, send a messenger to him that we were successful, and then I'm sure he'll call a general audience this evening with as much of the army as he can fit into the throne room."

"Right. Think he'll like her?"

"She's got some fight in her, not sure how much though. We'll have to see how she holds up, but I never would have pegged Asara as a tough dragoness and she lasted ten years, so who knows?"

"Well she seems pretty enough, that's for sure. I'll meet you in the barracks tomorrow morning, all right? My shift doesn't end until after sunset."

"See you then." The gates finally opened, and they continued into the fortress. There were some smaller buildings scattered about, humans moving about between them, but the bulk of the interior of the walls was taken up by a large stone structure directly in front of them. Lucas kept his hold on her reins but climbed down from her back to lead from the front of the column, and after a pause to show something from his pocket to another set of guards at the doors to this building they let him, Toma and his men inside.

He led her down the carpeted hall towards another huge set of doors, but stopped short of them and turned to the right, going through a different doorway and into a smallish room that was completely bare of furniture. "Welcome to the fortress of our lord," Lucas said to her, and after hesitating for a moment she laid down on her belly with a muffled groan. "This city will be your home as long as Juneas, the lord of these lands, sees fit; you'll be meeting him soon, so nothing left to do until then but wait."

She perked up a little at the name: it was a dragon's name, which meant he had at least been telling a partial truth when he captured her. As for what this Juneas had planned for her... it seemed she wouldn't have to wait much longer to find out.

Lucas dismissed all but twenty of the men at his command, then leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to wait. None of the other men talked, either, which left the room in near-complete silence. In that silence Toma could hear echoes of noise from other parts of the building: occasional footsteps and human voices, and once she thought she heard a dragon roaring. Everywhere it smelled of dragon, male dragon, though occasionally she thought she caught a whiff of dragoness as well. A couple of hours later the sound of many human voices built in the hallway outside, along with what had to be two dragons speaking, but the many conversations echoed and covered each other too much for her to make out any of what was being said.

After a little while the noise outside died down again, and Lucas said, "almost time now." The low buzz of human conversation continued for a little while, then the door they'd come through opened and a man walked in.

"He's ready to see her."

Lucas nodded and took hold of her reins again, and his men readied their spears in case she tried to resist. But she knew it would be useless in the heart of their stronghold and followed him quietly, holding her head up as high as the reins would allow and doing her best not to look defeated despite the chains that bound her. He led her back into the hall and through those massive doors this time, which a group of human guards swung open for them. The carpet continued down the middle of the next room, a huge chamber of stone that was nearly full with humans aside from the carpeted path down the middle of the room that ended at the very center of the chamber. The floor on either side of the central area was sloped, so humans near the sides and back of the room could have a better view of the center, and the room was well-lit by torches and late-afternoon sunlight streaming in through windows along the walls.

The humans all went silent as she entered, and she looked around at the room for a moment before seeing what waited for her at the room's center: a big, muscular white-scaled dragon, who sat on his haunches on a raised dais, watching her intently. Human attendants stood around him and there was even another dragon there: a dragoness with dark green scales, who sat on her belly and wore a thick steel collar around her throat, along with a couple of straps around her haunches and the base of her tail that had no clear purpose--they didn't seem to restrict her movement in any way. But the other dragoness wouldn't meet her gaze, and shivered a little bit every few moments.

A short walk brought her and Lucas to the center of the room, and some of the attendants stepped forward to help his men with her restraints. They attached her shackles to anchor-rings set into the floor, then removed the chains connecting the shackles and took them out of the way somewhere; the anchors forced her to stand in place, her paws a little farther apart than was comfortable but not in an especially difficult or painful position. Next Lucas pulled down hard on her reins and she had to lower her head, her neck falling into the open collar that waited for it. This they locked shut around her throat, then bound to another anchor-ring that held her head just a claw's width from the floor, and finally Lucas removed her reins before all the humans hurried out of the way, leaving the space between her and the white dragon clear.

The room remained silent for almost a minute while the two of them stared at each other. He swept his big blue eyes along her form, his gaze lingering on her face and hindquarters before he finally stood and stepped off his dais, prowling towards her. "Welcome to my fortress," he said, loud enough for the whole room to hear his words. "I am Juneas, the lord of these lands, and I've had you brought here to be my... guest, for as long as I decide you're welcome here." He paused and glanced back at the green dragoness, who whined a little in the back of her throat before looking away again.

"Captain Lucas," he continued, "tell us how you found me such a prize."

Lucas returned and paced from one side of her to the other as he told his story, so he could face the whole audience--though he didn't give any hints as to why he'd chosen to capture her and not some other dragon, or how he'd found her in the first place. She only half paid attention, trying to keep an eye on Juneas while he walked around her to get a closer look at her body. She growled at him--though the bridle muffled it so much she doubted anyone more than a length away from her heard it--and thrashed a little, whipping her tail towards the big white dragon as he approached her hindquarters, but she couldn't bend her neck to see him properly with her head bound by the collar and missed by a wide margin.

Soon Lucas finished his tale, and Juneas nodded down to him. "Congratulations, captain, for your fine work. You may watch the rest of the ceremony, then I will decide how much of a commission you and your men deserve and send an accountant with the figures. Now let's have a look at what you've brought to me."

And every eye in the room turned to look at her.

"She's beautiful," Juneas began. "Wonderful lines on her, especially those cheeks and forehead. Nice smooth horns, long, graceful neck..." He began to move down her body, looking closely at each part of her before telling the humans about it. "A good full chest, muscular forelegs and sharp hooked claws, wide wings, though I can't let her spread them for us just yet. The scale colors are just beautiful, that rich copper color, good consistency and proper thickness, too. Fine curves on her belly, not too fat, not too thin, and very nice definition on her hindquarters. Look at the muscle in that haunch! And of course... her tail."

She felt his hot breath on her flanks as he smelled her. "A nice long tail, supple, but strong and fast as well if that last whip was any indication..." Then to her horror he nudged her tail aside with his snout and pressed his nose right against her vent. She bucked in her restraints and tried again to strike him with her tail, howling with rage, but after a couple sniffs he pulled his snout away and she quickly lowered her tail tight against her flanks to hide herself from him.

"A very nice, healthy vent, too. Now, I was told she lived in a place far from any male dragons, at least according to the humans in the area, yet... she is not a maiden." He paused a few moments for emphasis. "You naughty girl!" he laughed, and slapped her side with his tail; the whole room laughed with him while he returned to stand in front of her again.

Toma felt her face flush hot. It was true; she'd never had any intimate contact with a male dragon, but after she'd first come of age she had experimented with herself with her claws and tail--and had quite a good time of it, in fact. She started growling again and glared at Juneas, baring her teeth behind the bridle, but he just flicked his tail in her direction before raising one wing to quiet the crowd.

"I think it's time we meet her," he said, and some of the attendants stepped forward again. This time they removed her bridle; she twisted her neck and snapped at them as soon as her jaws were free, but they were too fast, and Juneas pinned her snout against the floor with one paw after a moment to get her to stop. "So, dragoness," he said, then released her muzzle and circled around to stand next to her, lowering his head to look into her eye. "Why don't you tell us your name?"

She just snarled at him. "Why am I here?"

He dug his claws into her shoulder, piercing through scale and drawing blood; she squirmed and clenched her teeth with pain. "That is not the answer to the question I asked. What is your name?"

"What do you want with me?"

"It is a simple question!" he roared, and slashed his claws down the side of her neck, leaving bloody furrows and making her howl. "What is your name?"

It seemed Juneas was as unwilling to give any information as she was, but she wasn't about to stop asking just because of a little hurt. "Why did your men bring me here?"

He roared again and bit down on the back of her neck, hard. "Answer me!" He wormed his fangs in a little deeper until she started to squirm again from the pain, then finally released and growled, "tell me your name, or I will have you bridled again and just call you 'Toy' from now on. Your choice."

That froze her for a moment. Toy? Just what did he have planned for her? As much as she wanted to press on and demand an answer from him, she couldn't keep asking questions if he had her gagged again, and she sighed. "I am Toma. Why did your men bring me here?"

"I will be the one asking the questions, Toma," he struck her in the side with a hind paw, stabbing through her scales with his claws and partially knocking the wind from her lungs. "Speak only when spoken to, or you will be bridled."

Some of the humans watching them started to call out to him while she struggled to get her breath back.

"You tell 'er!"

"Put her in her place!"

"Just gag her again and get on with it!"

"Show her the answer to her questions!"

Juneas waved a wing for silence again. "And how old are you, Toma?"

"Forty-three," she growled.

"Good, see? Nothing hard about answering questions," he purred softly and stroked her neck with a claw. "Do you consider yourself a strong dragoness?"

Toma hesitated; was he planning to make her fight the other dragoness, or him, or some of the humans? Because that was the sort of question he'd ask if that was the case... "Yes, I do."

"How do you like to live? Do you prefer to be alone, or with humans, or with others of your own kind?"

"I... I've lived alone ever since I left my parents' cave, and I like things that way. I do have regular contact with humans and I'm friendly with them as long as they're friendly with me, but I don't rely on them for anything."

"Just what I'd expect from a strong, independent dragoness. Now I realize it was rude of me to look under your tail, then make claims about your maidenhood without letting you confirm anything, so tell me: have you mated or had eggs before?"

She growled again, but said, "no, neither of those."

"Then my information was correct," he tilted his head.

She wanted to ask him just where he'd been able to find such information, but didn't dare ask with the threat of the bridle already given to her and had to settle for glaring at him again.

Juneas paused and glanced around the room, and a low buzz of muttered conversation began among the humans. "It seems the audience is growing restless... Well, Toma, even if you don't know what to expect here, the humans watching us do." He paced another slow circle around her before approaching her head from her other side, fangs bared at her in a feral grin. "Would you like to know why I've brought you to my home?"


He chuckled and looked at the green dragoness again, and she once again wouldn't meet his gaze--or Toma's. "I have brought you here to fill a position for which 'Toy' would have been a most appropriate name, because you are here..." he stepped forward to bring his hindquarters and his full arousal into her view, "to be my unwilling sex-toy."

Shock paralyzed her for just a moment, eyes going wide, before she bellowed and began to thrash in her chains. "No! No, you can't! Let me go!"

But he ignored her, raising his head and saying, "I think I should make her mine here and now. What do you all say to that?"

Toma's desperate pleas were drowned out by the cheers of the assembled humans, and Juneas roared in response before putting himself in front of her and sitting back on his haunches, giving her a perfect view of his cock. "Like what you see?" he snarled to her, thrusting a little in her direction for emphasis.

She roared back at him and loosed her fire only for him to screen himself with his wings, then leap out of the way and swipe his claws at her cheek. She tried to chase him with her fire, but the collar wouldn't let her turn far enough and then his paw was there, striking her hard on the side of the face and leaving dripping rows of blood. Finally she ran out of breath and had to cut off the flames, gasping for air as he returned to sit in front of her. "A feisty one," he laughed, drawing another cheer from the crowd. "Just what I was hoping for."

"Let me go!" she cried, bucking as hard as she could, but the shackles held firm and she could only watch as he began to circle around behind her. "No! Stop! Don't you dare!" She whipped at him again with her tail but couldn't reach him and protect her belly at the same time, and held her tail down again after a moment. "Somebody help!" Juneas clearly wasn't going to listen, but maybe some of the humans would be sympathetic, or that other dragoness: she wasn't bound in any way, just that collar and the straps on her hindquarters even showing her position as another of his captives, but she just looked at the stone beneath her paws, rocking back and forth on her hindquarters and huddling against the ground.

Then Juneas demanded her attention again, his forepaws coming down on her back. He was still for a moment, then began to step forward, his chest and belly lowering to press against her back even though she still had her tail in position to deny him access. "Get off!" she howled, bucking, but he was too strong and too heavy for her to throw him off. "Don't do it!"

"It's too late," he snarled, to the obvious approval of the gathered humans, then he got his hind paw beneath her tail and forced it aside, pushing it first with his leg and then with his side, until finally his belly pressed the base of her tail to the side and left his path to her completely open.

"No, stop!" she pleaded, trying desperately to bring her hind legs together, to pull her hindquarters forward and beyond his reach, but the chains kept her helpless and exposed and there was nothing she could do to keep him from taking that last step forward, driving himself into her.

Toma screamed and thrashed as hard as she could, but there was no way for her to stop him now. He groaned, shivered a little inside her, then dug his claws into her shoulders deep enough to draw blood and began to thrust. "No!" she screamed, begging over and over again for him to stop, to leave her alone, but he just responded by thrusting harder and harder against her. Any pleasure she might have felt from the sensations of his hard cock inside her was buried beneath alternating waves of rage and despair as he took her, pulling back now against her shoulders and pressing himself still harder within her.

She finally gave up, legs buckling as she collapsed onto her belly, her pleas dropping to whispers she wasn't sure even she could hear as the humans all cheered and the dragon above her growled with pleasure while his flanks pounded over and over against her own. After thrusting a little while longer he shifted forward still further and bit down on the back of her neck, panting through his teeth and warming her neck with the heat of his breath; Toma could only whimper and shudder beneath him when finally she became aware of the feelings building in her as he slid in and out of her embrace. But she didn't want to feel them, didn't want to even consider enjoying what was being done to her; it was humiliating enough to be forced like this, especially in front of all these humans and the other dragoness, but she wasn't about to make it even worse by letting him take her to her climax, and shut out the first hints of pleasure with another surge of anger.

It seemed as if Juneas kept humping her for an eternity before he moaned, clamped down still harder on her neck and shoulders, then went rigid for a moment and released himself inside her, thrusting hard and fast against her flanks as he pumped her full of his seed. Then it was over, though he didn't move from his position for a little while as if he wanted to make her suffer as long as possible. She didn't cry; she was far too enraged by what he'd done to her to cry, but the green dragoness was sobbing in her place by the dais, her whole body shaking, and still would not look at them. After another few moments he stirred above her and slowly, almost unwillingly tugged his claws and teeth out of her flesh before finally stepping back and pulling his spent cock free from her vent.

"Welcome to your new home," he purred, chuckling when she snapped her teeth at him, then looked towards Lucas. "Bridle her, take her to her cell and chain her securely there. Asara," the green dragoness snapped her head up and finally looked at him, not trying to hide her tears, "go with them and clean her up, then return to your cell. I'll speak to you there. Thank you all for coming," he raised his head and roared to the crowd, and they all cheered one last time before starting to head for the exit.

"I'll kill you!" Toma roared at his tail as he walked away towards a door at the very back of the room. "You hear me? I'll kill you for this!" Then there was a spear at her throat and she had to let Lucas and his soldiers bridle her again. They brought the chains back from behind the dais and put them back onto her shackles, then removed them all from their anchors--though they didn't take off the new collar--and led her towards a side door near the door Juneas had left through. The green dragoness Asara went with them, though the straps that had been attached to her hindquarters were gone; she waited for them to pass, then followed along at the rear of the group. Toma tried to look her over but a tug at her reins made her face forward again, and she growled a little before letting the humans lead her, head low, into the depths of the fortress.