a quiet dark

Story by Vye Riosaki on SoFurry

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#4 of Short Stories

This is poem like in nature, and quite melodramatic, so to speak. Inspired by my own song with same title, I decided to try and simulate what I felt during my hiatus this summer. I also felt like writing, and this came out. So, I hope ye enjoy this story of 1,185 words.

I also couldn't help but leave two small easter eggs in this story.


feelings of anger

can't get out

no one to shout at

nothing to shout at

he wants to see her again

but it's dark

he can see a dim light above

maybe she's out there

maybe she's down here

his thirst to explore is to great



wants to see water

wants to feel rain

can't remember anything

knows people miss him

knows people love him

knows they are worried about him

but he's not out there

wants to remember

thinks it's the only way out

no other way

he only has himself

no one else can help

exhausts himself trying to picture her

tired of not remembering others faces

tries and tries to remember them all

only draws blanks

frustration grows

why can't i leave

why can't i remember

why can't i love now

why am i here


stares at light longingly

maybe patience is key

learn to calm oneself

learn to master the red feelings

wait on the light

time passes

light still the same

hope is there

hope for something greater

placing trust in time

weeks pass

his resolve is growing weak

darkness getting to him

sees shadows and demons

they're out to get him

does anyone care for him

why aren't they here

did they give up on him

have they forgotten him

is he all alone

it's cold.

He starts shouting.

he needs to get out.

Paces around the darkness.

dark thoughts black heart.

HATES the light.

Wants out

thinks of ways to hit the light

thinks of ways to never hope

thinks of ways to leave

A shell, a wall

starts looking for rocks

the shadows dance around him

her face is fading

his face is fading

their faces are fading

builds stairs to light

only knows making walls

only knows hate

only know regressing


working makes him feel calm

working makes the feelings numb

anger is hiding

rage is hiding

must work



is he able to make it to the light

is he too late to make it

is it too late for anything

shadows warn him

light brings dark

he might turn blind

might get burned

they demand he stays

no, he must work

that light is the only thing here

a beacon

must make bridges, stairs, walls

there has to be meaning for this

he forgets about time

too busy building things

he forgets about feelings

too busy ignoring them

he gets to the light this way

a door

underneath the light is a door


only knows closing doors

the shadows shake their heads

Wary of hope

knows it would be Lost, like him

ghosts of faces come back


her face stares at him, Disappointed

heart is breaking

Loneliness, Lost, a Ghost

darkness is all he knows

the door Scares him

Hate might reign again





time is passing, but he can feel it

his Soul starts to feel Restless

Sadness has him

Mellowed out


heart has cracks, his hope is weak

a voice calls out

it's his

the words are queer, dry, brittle

makes him tear up

"I am alone, and I have given up."

breaks down

starts Sobbing

shadows dance, shadows comfort

black thoughts, blacker heart

It's cold.


must not have them

they break you

must not have them

makes you hurt yourself, hurts others

he shivers

the shadows are gone

he only has that light now

it's dim as ever

the door causes Fear, causes Panic

hears knock

refuses to Believe

more knocks

hurts ears

He doesn't want Hope, Love.

Knocking stops.

He stares in Horror at the door.

All is Quiet.

It isn't Peaceful, Comforting.

Someone is behind there, wanting him to Feel.

a voice calls out

what it says is muffled

whatever was said it Scares him

it reminds him of her

Fear is behind that door

he runs from the door and into the darkness

he hides in the grey, in his mind

no matter where he is he sees the door

he hears the knocking

he hears... worry

he stops and closes his eyes

does he have to Face it

does he have to Deal with it

why can't It be easy

why can't he understand feelings

he feels the Shadows move around him

they whisper his Fears

they whisper his Doubts

they whisper Hate

but... he also hears her voice

it sounds broken, sharp

like glass

it pierces his heart

his mind

he breaks, and his Emotions escape

the Door opened

and She was there

she scared him

everything about her scared him

and she was there for him

dark landscapes changed to blinding white

the light hurt

the shadows were still there

she brought her own with her as well

they all danced around them

she spoke to him

told him about outside

The Shadows dance

he only cries

The Shadows weep

she Promises -

She promised -

... never alone


Shadows in the dark

raven thoughts

dark clouds



Anything other than her, other than It

He frowns at the ground.

She puts her arm around him.

A smile.

A frown.

Together. Together.

Sun is out. Red on the horizon.



E... Mo... Tion?

Fear and Love?

He writes these down, Hoping for answers.

She reassures him.

He stares attentively at the Shadows on the page.

E... Mo... Tion.


"Fear is the heart of love."

"The opposite of love is indifference."

He stares at those Words. He... Feels...

Anger, love, like, favor, hate, dislike, disapprove...

Indifference, apathetic, lethargic, lazy, drowsy...

sad, morose, mellow, sad-mad, melancholy...


he studies that one word

he tries to... Rationalize it

"Fear," he calls out.

"A mountain," she says.

"Scared," he adds.

"The dark," she counters.


He looks at his list of emotions.

she looks at him.

curiosity, confusion

He smiles.

she slowly smiles as well

"A journey."


It hurts



He closes his eyes


shadows stand before him

not him

They aren't him or her

He opens his eyes



He is awake

and probably happy

He stands up and pushes himself away from the desk

She looks at him questioningly

He just smiles

The paper, the pencil, and a pile of books look at him

His smile falters

"I feel I must... Take a breather."

"A breather?"

"During my stay in my own darkness, I have forgotten how to smile - I wish to learn again."

"But what if it's too hard?"

"I like to think that life wasn't made easy, and we have to learn to live - why do you think it's so easy to lose things?"

She frowns at that.

shadows lengthen as the sun rises

"Is it because we're close to the good things in life?"

He just smiles at the answer.


With a curt nod, he excused himself

Fear was with him as he reached for it.

the shadows - the demons too - were around him.

That didn't matter, he'd learn to over come them, he'd learn to be brave.

This in mind, he turned the knob, and opened the door to a whole new world.