Missing Lupo

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#51 of Roman Life

The morning after the great fight, and our rottie is bound to get some more drama!

_Hello guys!

Yeah been such a long way, as explained I refrained to post before hitting the writing routine again, which I did now icon_biggrin.gif Sorry for the deal. And sorry if I interupted the story on a semi-cliffhanger too ^^ But here they go our dear friends in fictional Rome, where everything is fine and they have nice cozy jobs! Also, I tried to implement a pop-up note thingy to make it better to read the notes, unfortunately it is not possible (actually pretty understandable why ^^) Enjoy and have fun, don't forget to leave a vote, a fave and a always very appreicated comment!_ Want to thank, as always, the love of my life avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou despite not giving him time to edit this :3

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhwwww!" Ale yawned majestically, his tongue curling, as he walked out of the bathroom, his paw lazily scratching his bare rump. La pisciata mattutina1 had been particularly pleasurable, the release of piss after a long night almost akin to an orgasm.

The rottie grimaced as he recalled the previous night, padding zombie-like toward the kitchen. He never liked arguing, especially with someone he had feeling for... Plus, Clara had a temper equal to his own. Not a good combination for a litigata2, and good ingredients for making it last until the small hours of the night.

Yawning again, the bulky restorer entered the kitchen, retrieving a capsule for his favorite brew of coffee with one paw and a small cup in another, though he had to wait for the machine to come to life. That left time to think, unfortunately, something he wanted to avoid but was forced to do.

They both had shouted at first, then toned down their voices while still arguing. Both had put out good arguments, or so it seemed to the sleepy mind of the rottie, and they both had granted as much to the other.

His ears perked a bit when he saw the light of the Nespresso machine settling, the signal to go and use it. With mechanical moves, he inserted the capsule, while putting the tazzina3 under the contraption, the room filling with the smell of good coffee that made his muzzle water.

Taking back the now full cup, he sat down to the kitchen table, a bag of cookies already there, waiting to be eaten. And so Ale did, between small sips of black coffee, crunching down loudly the unfortunate biscotti4, a glance to the kitchen's clock telling him that it was barely 8.30 in the morning.

"Just six hours of sleep..." He complained to no one, as he proceeded with his breakfast. They had argued for a long while, reaching no agreement other than they would talk about the possible move later, when their spirits had calmed down.

Then, they had a rough and hot angry fuck, which had helped them fall asleep after releasing those nervous energies. He had liked that scopata5, maybe one of the best he had in a while, though he would have rather preferred having a normal fuck than... that. Surely, he hadn't needed the aid of... mental images this time around, but still...

His tired tool began to harden in his sheath, but he quickly suppressed any dirty thoughts. After all, he was far from feeling like giving attention to his cazzo6 now. Slowly, he finished his breakfast, eyeing his room's door while his brain slowly started functioning again, but there were no signs of Clara.

"That's logical, it's only 9..." The rottie thought while nibbling a chocolate cookie. He had waken up thanks to the cacophonic noises of the rondini7, and knowing him he wouldn't have manage to get back to sleep even if he wanted to... And he sure wanted to.

That meant, of course, that he would be a lone for a while. The Rottweiler wasn't mean enough to wake up Clara, after all, she deserved some sleep... Plus, he could do lots of things alone, he had so many games to finish after all... Shifting on the chair, he remembered that he was also completely naked, something that he rarely did.

Blushing deeply even if there was no one around to judge his nudity, Ale got up from his chair, walking to the living room, where he had left his boxers. While moving he noticed that Luca's door was slightly open and not closed, as it was custom for him when the rottie had lady company. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't heard the lupo come back home... But maybe he had been too fast asleep to notice.

His immediate reaction was to go and close the door of his friend, but then he remembered he was in costume adamitico8... Wouldn't be good if his friend just waken up as he closed the door buck naked... And sporting a semi, too. Sure, they have seen each other naked plenty of times, but... maybe it wasn't a good vision that early in the morning. Or maybe yes, considering the tastes of his friend...

Grunting, he proceeded with his plan and reached the living room, starting instantaneously the search for his underwear. The rottie found Clara's discharged clothes quite quickly, and put them on the side so he could throw them in his room later. But there was no sign of his boxers... Not on the couch, nor on the floor...

"Dove sono 'sti cazzo di boxer9..." Ale complained as he scanned the room. One thing was dropping the sheppie's things in the room, another going there and rummaging around for clothes... That was bound to wake her up, knowing his graceful frame...

"Ah-ah!" He exclaimed once he spotted the piece of cloth hanging from the lamp. Gingerly, he retrieved it, hopefully wishing that Luca hadn't noticed it when he had come home. Probably not, knowing the other canine he would have been too caught in thoughts about a feline rump to look around the living room... maybe.

With one movement the dark furred dog covered his naughty bits, gaining a - mostly- presentable appearance. Or at least one that he wasn't ashamed to show to his friend. Nodding, he grabbed Clara's shirt and panties, carefully padding past Luca's room to approach his own; better not being bearing woman undergarments, in fear of being caught by the other dog lurking on his doorframe.

Slowly, almost delicately, he turned the doorknob and opened a slight spiraglio10, just enough to delicately toss the pieces of cloth thought it. They landed with a soft sound on the floor, a quiet sound that steered the distant sheppie in her sleep, making Ale sweat in nervousness.

The ruffle of the sheets announced Clara's turning in the bed and was, mercifully, followed by a bit of snore. Sighing, he closed the door as quietly as possible, happy to have accomplished his stealth mission without consequence. Now he had only another one before he could start playing with the PS3...

He practically walked on the tip of his footpaws, making sure not to make even the smallest of sounds. His huge paw around the doorknob, the rottie was about to acoustically insulate his friend's room so to leave him to rest, his head poking a bit just to look on the lupo's sleeping form...

And his ears flicked widely, as there was no lupo sprawled in impossible ways in the bed of a piazza e mezzo11. That surely wasn't expected... Worried, he pushed the door a bit so to have a better vision of the room, but there was no sign of Luca, not even his clothes... And he surely wasn't sleeping on the floor, that much was clear.

The big restorer started to feel unease, pacing through the house and checking every angle of it. He knew his friend hadn't passed out in his room, for sure... nor in the kitchen. Il salotto12 was clear too, not many places to hide. And the bathtub was painfully devoid of drunk lupines....

"Dove cazzo è13!" The Rottweiler cursed softly as not to wake up his girlfriend. Luca never, ever did something like that, not even with some hook-ups... even when he had his night stand with Stanley he had warned him quickly with a text, so he wouldn't worry...

"Il mio cellulare14!" He exclaimed all of sudden, right away starting to sniff around for the device. The dark furred canine hadn't checked since the beginning of the evening, and it had been muted too... Maybe Luca had left a text and such... Or even tried called, but the rottie had had his hands full with Clara one way or another and hadn't noticed...

"Where the hell is the damn thing!" Ale almost shouted, going through everything yet again. He faintly remembered having it with him while in the living room... But not exactly when, if before they had sex or... Cursing under his breath, he searched madly, upturning every pillow of the couch in the hope to find the metallic thing embedded there.

The Rottweiler was considering breaking in his room at the cost of waking up Clara when he saw that his phone was on the coffee table in front of the couch, resting like a king on his throne. Stopping himself from describing the inanimate tool's mother in colorful ways, Ale grabbed it and pressed a few buttons, the thing failing to light up.

"Certo15, the battery is dead." He bitterly though, restraining himself from bolting to grab a charger, any charger. The buff dog found one miraculously fast, plugging it to the phone and patiently waiting for the device to get back to life. Every second was painful, not knowing if his friend had warned him or not was an agony.

What if he didn't? Did it mean he found trouble? Did he meet some homophobic scum that had left him and the mountain lion bleeding on the floor? The rottie feared turning on the TV to discover the notiziario16 telling the most recent case of gay bashing with Luca's photo in an angle. But he must be right, someone would have called home, and waken him up, surely...

Lost in his grim thoughts, he almost didn't get the familiar chime of his phone asking for the PIN17, his finger shaky as it input it. Then he had to wait for the phone to fully wake up. To have time to get the texts. Or the missed calls. Or anything.

The minutes passed without any sign, past the maximum time. Nothing arrived. Luca hadn't tried to contact him during the night. He might be lost, hurt, crying, in need of help and the rottie didn't know how to reach him and...

Ale was frantically typing the lupo's number, being forced to cancel and reenter it many times, when he heard the familiar sound of keys being fumbled outside of the front door. Darting on his feet, he moved to the entrance just as the shape of his friend appeared; he seemed to be okay, or so the rottie thought in the split of second before enveloping him in a bear hug.

"Uffff.... Piano, Ale, Piano18!" The lupo exclaimed while getting trapped in the beefy embrace of the half naked dog, but said canine didn't care, holding him as tight as possible. He had been so worried that his best friend was in trouble that seeing him was such a relief, he almost felt crying.

"I WAS WORRIED SICK!" The overgrown pup howled, clutching the lupine hard, some snot running from his nose.

"Jeez, I was away one night! Lemme go now!" Luca chuckled, feebly trying to get himself free. Regaining some sense, the rottie did as told, releasing his friend and staying a bit farther than him as he closed finally the front door. There was no sign of wounds or bruises, even if those could have been hidden by his long hair; his fur looked... a bit rumpled, and his clothes have the kind of small creases that they got after laying without order on the floor.

"Uhm, sorry for that reaction... But I didn't see you at home and couldn't help but think..." Ale's voice trailed off, not wanting to express his fears. They would have seemed silly to the other, for sure, there was no use to express them.

"It's okay, I am surprised to see you up at such an hour! Damn, I need some coffee in me!" The other dog brushed the issue off, his nose twinkly as if he could smell already the coffee. He moved to the kitchen with the rottie following him, looking chirpy and positively awake, and not at all in need of coffee...

"Where have you been? Always with Edward?" The Rottweiler asked disconnected questions, still pretty high on relief and not properly reasoning. The effects of the previous night were hanging on him still, and he was tempted to take a second coffee after the lupo had finished with his...

"Of course I was always with him, Ale." The lupine answered as he got his coffee ready in a jiff, cradling the cup for a bit while he sat at the table, munching down a biscuit first.

"Then, what did you do all night long?" The darker dog asked again, his head clearing up again. He could imagine what they had... maybe. Probably stuff involving asses and cocks. Lots of that. But he had to be sure... without too many details.

As it could have been expected, Luca blushed slightly and chuckled, gulping it down in one go without adding sugar. "Blergh, but I need to wake up." He said to himself, trying to justify his rash move.

"Why do you need that? And, again, how was la tua serata19?" The rottie persisted, all too curious now about his friend's outing and its results. Plus, there was an annoying thought forming in the back of his head, making his ears flicking for a split of second. But he kept his peace and waited.

"I've got a guide job to do at eleven." Luca grimaced, his ears laying flat for a second; probably not the best thing to do after a night of bagordi20. "Some Dutch tourists, if I remember right."

"That sucks balls, but you are blatantly trying to change subject." He expressed his sympathy briefly, staying on the piece of information he wanted to acquire so dearly. The brighter canine hadn't been so fidgety on the previous date... Well, a bit, but still not to this level.

"Uhm, I am not." His best friend said defensively, and he could have pulled off the fake air of obliviousness if it hadn't been for his flicking ears and light redness that appeared beneath his fur. He knew he had been caught.

"Then, tell me what you did last night." The Rottweiler replied matter-of-factly, keeping a firm paw on his irritation. He didn't understand why Luca didn't want to tell him, after all, it is not that hard right?

"Fine. You are really in a gossiping mood this morning, eh?" The lupo nervously chuckled, but a firm stare of the rottie got him back in tracks. "We went to eat at a pizzeria in Piazza Re di Roma21, I don't recall the name..."

"Hope the pizza was good." Ale commented, still staring at his friend in a way that conveyed the message to go on in the most perfect wordless way.

"Then, we went for a walk and ate some tiramisu at Pompi22." The other continued his rather scarcely described tale.

"Logical, it is right in that neighborhood. I guess you two took the banana flavored one." The buff restorer couldn't resist and joke about that, even though his mind was filled with only serious thoughts. And a distant, tiny one that was saying_"Tehehheh banana"._

"Y-yeah. And, well... He lives close and... offered... Uhm..." Luca was clearly in difficulty now, his tall hearing apparatus constantly moving as he tried to find the good words to use to justifying him going to the cougar's place.

"To drink a coffee at his place, a banana flavored one. I got it." The rottie helped him out, resisting the urge to chuckle at the name of that phallic shaped fruit. He has to be serious through this, he has to!

"Yeah exactly, eheheheh." The other canine chuckled nervously, trying to take a sip of an already completely drunk coffee. A clear sign of how uncomfortable he was about the topic of him topping that sweet American ass, that was for sure.

"I am sure you tried to contact him before getting there. You know, to tell me you weren't coming home." The bulky dog stated, going right on what was bothering him. The lupo hadn't even tried to send a text, while the Rottweiler always did that when he was staying at Clara's. Almost always. Most of the times.

"Uhm, beh, uhm, in realtà23..." The lupine was at loss of words, though it wasn't clear if such a thought had occurred to him before or he had just realized his misbehavior. It didn't really matter in the end, what was done was done.

"Or maybe your phone had problems." He insisted, wanting to see how his friend would react. The fear that had assaulted him that morning had been so devastating, if brief, and so deeply rooted and... And ... He should say that, but only bitter words seemed to come out of his muzzle.

"Of course not. I just forgot to text you. Sorry." Luca didn't forge an excuse, answering truthfully. And with a hint of irritation, maybe caused by the rottie's own tone.

"Well you should have done that Luca." The darker dog reproached, now showing his distress, his voice raising.

"Well, next time I will tell you I am busy getting laid." The other replied, his tone getting higher too.

"Well, yeah. Please warn me if you are not coming back because you are having sex." Ale answered back, making things clear.

"I was going on a date, if you don't see me coming back you should assume that!" The lupo almost shouted at this point, outraged and probably a bit embarrassed of talking about this kind of stuff.

"No I shouldn't! Don't leave me guessing next time!" The rottie was shouting now, his anger fueled by exasperation and the fear he had felt so far.

"I will then! Maybe even send you pics of me doing the deed, so you won't assume anything!" Luca rebuked, standing up growling from his sear. The rottie did the same, the two friends looking at each other in cagnesco24, the stouter one opening his muzzle to say more.

"What the hell is going on here?" The cold, calm voice of Clara cut in first


1) Morning piss.

2) Fight/argument.

3) Small cup, or, in this case, an espresso cup.

4) Biscuits/cookies. I know that there is a difference in English, but in Italian there is not ^^

5) Fuck.

6) Dick/cock.

7) Swallows.

8) Italian expression akin to the English "birthday suit", here referred to Adam's suit.

9) "Where are these fucking boxers."

10) Chink.

11) After going mad at finding out how it translates in American/international system, I decide to say that this kind of mattress can be used comfortably by two people, but not without too much comfort.

12) The living room.

13) Where the fuck he is!

14) My phone!

15) Sure.

16) News, newscast.

17) Personal identification number. Put it as a note before I dumbly discovered it is an English acronym ^^

18) Easy, Ale, easy!

19) Your evening?

20) Revelry

21) Big and notorious square in the San Giovanni neighborhood. Re di Roma means Kings of Rome.

22) Famous patisserie which makes the best tiramisu (as they advertise) in Rome.

23) In reality...

24) Italian expression that means "to glower". "Guardare (here not translated) in cagnesco" literally means "to look (someone) in a dog-like manner".