A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 14-Chyane Mountian

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#14 of ADT-The Star's Journey

Emelia Renxiang is the Animal Tamer in one of the world's most premier traveling circus. She and her sister have tamed anything from Ferrets to mighty Lions. One day, an event leads to an introduction of a new friend, an Eastern Dragon. What happens next will shatter Emelia's world and cast her into a chain of events that promises to forever change the way she will look at the world.

I took up a lot of space in the Chinook, but I don't think anyone really cared, they were more focused on John and making sure we got to Chyane mountain before he bled to death. When we finally made it to the base, Holland cleared everything, stopped all operations and made us the priority. Two medics rushed out and John went straight into reconstructive surgery, leaving us to bite our nails for almost five hours. We were stuck in a decent sized, 20/20 room that had enough to keep us busy, but no where near enough to distract us from our friend. Then, the hammer of God came down on our heads. The door nob turned and the lead doctor walked in, he was covered in sweat and his hair was matted. The look in his eyes...I'll never forget it.

"I have seen some shit in my 22 years", the doctor said, "punctured lungs, popped heart, spine shattered in six places, three missing limbs, 3rd degree fuel burns to 99% of his body, missing eye, Grade 4 concussion. The fact that your friend made it here alive is a miracle."

"I think it goes without saying what's about to happen", Issac said wiping tears from his eyes, "but, I still have to ask. Is there chance?"

The doctor shook his head, "unless we get a miracle in the next thirty minutes....no."

Holland sighed, "I assume given his condition we don't get to see him?"

The doctor shook his head, "no. I'm very sorry general. I did the best that I could...but those injuries are going to kill him."

He sighed again, "you tried, that's what matters."

"There may be some hope though", a man in a lab coat said walking in, "Task Force Raven, General Holland. You may refer to me as F, my real name is beyond classified. I work for a US Army project designed to replace Project Draco. General, I believe you are familiar with them."

"I am", Holland said, "what the fuck do you want with my Marine?"

"We'd like to draft Major Mason into a project that can only be called HDR", F said, "Due to bureaucratic red tape and funding issues, I require all of you to sign a document that says you allowed your commanding officer to be used as a test subject."

"What will the project do?", Holland asked.

"I'm not at liberty to disclose that information General", F said.

"And if we don't?", Holland asked.

The man shrugged, "your Marine will die. Simple as that."

"Give us a minute", Holland said.

F turned around and closed the door. We all looked at him.

"I just lost a team of my best dragons to the Higher Ups in Draco", Holland said, "I will sign that paper in a heartbeat....but only if you guys think this is the right thing to do."

I looked around, feeling tears well into my eyes, "I'm going to sign it. I know it might fail, but if it means he'll be back, it's worth the risk."

Hudson sighed, "I'll sign. Wyatt?"

"John just saved my life", Wyatt said, "it would be a slap in Taylor and the boy's faces if I didn't sign that paper. Issac? Your the older brother. What do you wanna do?"

Issac looked up. He didn't have to answer.

"It's settled then", Holland said tapping on the door. F came back in.

"Have you reached a decision?", he asked.

"We have", Holland said, "let me see the paper."

F pulled a small document out of his jacket, "all you have to do is write your names and we take care of the rest."

Holland pulled a pen out of his vest and signed the top line. He handed it to me and I signed mine underneath his. The pen went around the entire team and everyone signed their names.

F seemed to breathe a relived sigh, "now if you'll come with me....I think you'll want to see your friend one last time...at least for a while."

We followed the doctor, who was still outside, to the operating room. John's condition hadn't improved at all, minus the fact that he was at least bandaged. It was like a knife in my chest to see my friend laying on that table like that. John was covered in white gauze that contrasted sharply with his charred skin. He appeared to at least be breathing on his own, but who knew how long that would last for. F followed us in and turned to one of the doctors.

"Is he ready for the extract serum?", F asked. I saw Hudson's face twitch.

"Wait what?", he asked quickly, "what serum? Extract? The fuck is going on here?"

"Simple", F answered, "human minds and memories are nothing more than programming. Just before death, he will be given a serum that will pull this programming from his brain and re code it to be installed into a dragon body."

"You didn't say a fucking thing about making him into a dragon!", Hudson shouted.

"Calm down Hudson", Issac said, "you know it's the only way he's going to live!"

There was a cough from behind me and I turned around to see John's one good eye open. It was almost eerie to see him awake with how badly he was messed up.

"Hey", Issac said, "he's awake."

The others went to John's side as I pushed my head underneath his arm, not trying to hide the pain or the tears.

"Where's...Frank?", John croaked. I could tell by the way his jaw was moving that his jaw was broken.

"He's dead", Wyatt answered, "he got crushed in the chopper crash."

"No",John rasped, the tears streamed down his burned face,"first Jackson in Vietnam,Frank in Africa and now I'm next!"

'Maybe not soldier",a doctor said walking in,he had a long syringe in his hand,"Marine,this is extract agent,you are at the center of quite possibly the biggest advancement of genetics in human history,I'm going to ask you a few questions,here we go."

"Marine,do you want pictures to be filed of what happens during this operation?"

"Yes", John asped out.

"Your new body must be grown,there are two ways of doing this,the natural way, which will take upwards of 18 years to fully mature,due to the fact that you must literally be re born,and artificial though this way makes the body less durable and will result in a quicker deterioration,do you want natural or artificial?"

"Natural",John said,"I want a clean start."

"Last one Marine",the doctor said,"do you want your memory wiped or implanted,if you have it wiped,we will integrate triggers in your DNA to restore it."

John coughed up a bit of blood before answering,"wipe it."

"Taylor's gonna have my head", John laughed.

"Are you ready soldier?",The doctor asked.

"Do it", John rasped.

The doctor stuck him in the neck with the needle. A few seconds later I saw him began to slip. John pulled meas close as he could and I gently licked the side of his face,tears streaming down my scaled cheeks.

"Issac?",John said with his voice trailing off.

"Yeah",he said crying,"I'm here little brother!"

"Keep...keep the team together",John croaked,"when I come back,I want a combat ready team...un...understood?"

"Understood Major sir!",he said saluting me,his eyes filled with tears.

"Come on John", I said through tear filled whines,"don't leave us,please don't die!"

"Emelia?", John rasped smiling,"Marines don't...die."

It was the last thing John said before slipping over the edge.

Hours Later-2:03 AM

Chyane Mountain Complex

I took the time that night to sneak around get everyone's card placed. I had a close call with Issac and Hudson actually caught me, but fortunately I was able to lie my way out of the situation. Once I had the cards placed, I grabbed my equipment and went looking for Holland. I had already said my final goodbyes to John. After about an hour or so of sneaking around the dark mountain tunnels I found Holland in the cafeteria. He had his General's outfit on and had a bottle of whiskey in hand.

"Your up late Emelia", Holland said,.

"I've been looking for you", I answered, "I need a favor."

'What is that?", Holland asked.

"I need you to clear any evidence of me from the Draco system", I answered, "I can't tell you why, but you need to because where I need to go I can't have anyone following me....not even Raven."

Holland sighed and took a drink of whiskey, "consider it done."

"You okay?", I asked, "I can hear regret in your voice."

"I had to send Talon squad on a suicide mission", Holland sighed, "they found out about Draco being a control program for something else much bigger, so the higher ups gave me an ultimatum, either I send them on a suicide mission and maybe they die like soldiers, or they'll court martial them falsify evidence and have them put down."

"Neither option sounds every attractive", I answered, "how'd it happen?"

"Their leader Taro caught me talking with a terrorist agent hired by the Draco program to test DK ammo", Holland said, "ammo that can get through dragon armor and scales. His trigger happy goons used their supply and he called me asking for more."

"I don't", I said, "why are you telling me this?"

"Because I feel guilty as fuck", Holland answered, "those kids didn't deserve to die the way they did. I'm going to go to where their helo went down and maybe I can turn this around. From the radio chatter, Taro and Firedrake are still alive and kicking, but who knows how long it stays that way. Honestly I hope one of them shoots me so I won't have to deal with Draco brass anymore. You'd think after 40 years in the field I wouldn't be corrupt...but I'm no better than the rest of them."

Holland stood up, "so when are you leaving?"

I motioned to my vest, "now. My next stop is Japan."

Holland held out his hand, "it was an honor Emelia."

"Likewise sir", I answered shaking his hand. When I let it go, I found a patch in my hand. It was Velcro backed and was woven with a black Raven against a black background with what looked like bronze thread embellishment. The patch read "Task Force Raven-Draco Operator-United States Marine Corps."

"When you finish what your doing", Holland said, "maybe I'll still be around. Either way, go to Firebase charlie. I've left instructions for the commander there in case you turn up again. Come on, I'll walk you out."

Holland and I walked to the entrance of Chyane Mountain.

"Thanks for everything Holland", I said, "maybe I'll be taking orders from you again someday."

"And it would be an honor to have you under my command", Holland said saluting me.

I gave him the best salute I could with my wing before flaring them out and rocketing up into the sky. Next stop, Japan, and the next player, Remmy.