The Transformation Chapter 6

Story by Wusky22 on SoFurry

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I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! And trust me, there is WAY more to come. ;)

Chapter 6 Emotions I was back to floating in my "Dream World". I sat up and Echo was floating there smiling. "Hi Nick, how are you feeling?" "I'm fine, can we talk about my transformations?" "Yeah, your going to need some explanation." I smiled back at him and sat up so I could get a good look at him. "So, what does the pain in my chest and left wrist mean?" He chuckled and floated closer to me. "look at your wrist and find out." I was a little confused but I looked down and was amazed to find a small patch of blackish-gray fur from the middle of my hand to my wrist. I put 2 and 2 together and took off my shirt. Sure enough I saw large patch of black fur from the top of my chest to the top of my stomach. I looked up at him with wide eyes and he just smiled back like a kid would if he was getting a candy bar. "Well, that settles that." I said putting my shirt back on. "I guess it does. But Nick I am going to be serious for a moment. You are far enough in your transformation where your emotions will start regressing to that of a child's. You will have to let these emotions flow and take over you or else they will do it by force. That can cause very intense psychological damage." I looked at him with wide eyes. How can he be so serous and intelligent for a 5 year old. "Wait, regression? I don't want to be a kid again!!" "I'm sorry, but trust me, it will be much better if you just let go." "What do you mean by 'let go'?" "Well when you feel yourself start to more childish, or start to feel intense emotions towards others you just let them happen and imbrace them instead of denying them." That made me think for a minute. More childish? I'm not too prepared for that. And intense emotions towards others? Is that why I'm crushing on Elliott? This is all so confusing. "Um...Echo? come I'm experiencing homosexual feelings?" That got him quiet. That's not good. "I don't know Nick. That's from me, that's something that came without my help. It was natural. But I assure you that it won't cause any complications and that I still love you. Your my owner, and I'm you. We are one, but two. But like I said if you don't let go that can cause...some complications with us beinging two..." "I-I'd have to think about it, I don't think I'm ready." "That's ok, don't hold it back forever but, when your ready you will know how to let go." "Will I still be my normal self, or will I be someone else?" "You will remain yourself, and I will be here with you as well." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Then the world shifted and changed to a wide open plain. "Come on, let's go play!" He set himself down and ran away giggling. I just chuckled and placed myself down and chased after him. This is fun, I like hanging out with him. I caught him and yelled "Gotcha!!" and we laughed. He suddenly stopped and frowned. "It's time for you to go." I saw his eyes start to water and I hugged him. "It's ok Echo. I'll be back." "Ok, *Sniffle* Byebye." "Bye." The world faded around us and when it was darkness again Echo slowly walked away and I watched sad. I knew I would see him again but, something made me sad he had to go. I waited for about 30 seconds or so and as I predicted the same light engulfed me and I jolted upright in my hotel room. "Nick!? Your awake?" Luna runs up and starts licking my face. "Um yeah Luna, how long was I out?" I sit up and move here from my face. "I think 5 days." "Hm, that was shorter than usual." "Are you feeling ok?" "Yeah, where's Elliott?" "Getting something to eat he should be here sometime soon-" Luna was cut short as the door opened to reveal Elliott carrying a tray of food. I stand up and look at him lovingly. He saw me and nearly dropped it, he set it down on the bedside table and hugged me tightly. "Oh I missed you! Why are you up so early?" "I don't know why, but at least I'm up." Elliott smiled and kissed my cheek. "Yeah." We chatted for an hour or so talking about things I've missed. I looked over at the clock and saw 12:06 pm. I picked up my phone and looked at the date, June 23 2015. I looked up at Elliott and then at Luna. "Elliott thank you for staying with me for so long but we need to go, get on the road." "I agree." I smiled and we got to work. Elliott packed everything and went and took a shower, brushed my teeth, combed the hair around my ears and got dressed. We checked out and walked out of the hotel. We packed up our stuff in the car and were about to get in and leave but we were confronted by two men in large trench coats. "Excuse me but are you the dog-man on the news?" The man on the right said in a thick Russian accent. "Yeah, so?" They both smiled evilly and both pulled guns out of there coats. "Get in that van, your coming with us." Me and Elliott put our hands up and followed them to the car. I waited till they weren't looking and quickly leaned towards Elliott. "On my call, get the guy on the left." He nodded and I waited for the perfect time. I turned and kicked the right guy's gun and it went flying. Elliott did the same and they both lunged at us. My reflexes allowed me to duck and elbow the guy in the side, he fell and I turned my attention towards Elliott. The other guy was on top choking Elliott and he was flailing trying to get up. I grabbed the guy by the shoulder and threw him off Elliott. He gasped for air and was breathing heavily. I turned to find both guys up and ready to fight. I turned around and punched the guy behind me but was greeted with a hammer fist to the shoulders. I looked up at the two men ready to attack me but they both fell from there heads being bashed together and I looked to see Elliott standing there smiling. I smiled back at him and he helped me up. I gave him a tight hug and smile. I took out my phone and called the police. Elliott made sure the two didn't try anything. Shortly after the cops arrived and I was left with Elliott emotionally distraught. We stood next to the car and watched as our two attackers were escorted into a police car. "Are you ok Nick? You seem like you need to talk." I just watched as the cop cars were driving off and the newscasters were talking to the police trying to get answers to there stupid questions. I quickly got into the car, not wanting anyone to see me crying. Elliott joined me in the car and grabbed my shoulder in concern. "Nick, are you ok?" A tear fell from my cheek. I didn't know why I was so distraught, I had been in fights before and had no problem letting it go but, something about all this just scared me. "Can I scratch behind your ear, it will make you feel better?" He said encouraging me. I hesitated but soon nodded and leaned my head towards him. I felt his hand brush my hair and then he started scratching. It felt like all my worries were melting away from his touch. I let out soft murrs and rubbed my head against his hand. I heard him chuckle a little but I didn't care, all I cared about was his touch, his soothing touch. He moved his hand away and I suddenly felt agitated. "Heeeeeeeeyyyy" I said in a very childish manner. I cringed at the tone I used, these new emotions were already taking over, and I didn't know what to do. "Sorry Nick but we need to go before the news crew start to ambush us." He was right, I just turned my head to face the window and collected my thoughts. These emotions were starting to scare me and I have only experienced once or twice. I didn't know why but I was having conflicts with myself. One side of me is saying that I should push away from my childish side and grow up, but another side was saying that I should let go and embrace my childish side and I will be able to relax more and enjoy the transformation that much more. "Elliott. I think we should go back home...we have somethings to explain." "Your right sweetie. Let's pay mom and dad a visit." I place my hand on top of his and smile. Luna jumped over to my lap and snuggled close to me while I pet her affectionately. "Nick? Are you ok?" "Yes Luna, I just need some time to think about some things. For now I just some time with my thoughts and when I'm ready I will talk to you and Elliott about what I am going through with this transformation. Ok?" "Ok Nick I trust you." I smiled giving her a scratch which caused her to murr with delight. I slowly fell asleep unaware of the surprise I was about to get.

******* I was back in the dream world again???? What was I doing here, I didn't have another transformation, did I? Echo appeared and I looked at him with wide eyes. "Wha-What? How am I here? I didn't go through another transformation did I?" Echo chuckled at how much I was freaking out and spoke reassuringly. "Nick it's ok. You didn't go through a transformation but you not only come here in those situations but also come if either of us feel the need to talk. I'm all good so it must be you." "Um, yeah. I'm just confused about these new emotions, they already made there presence noticed in a big way and I'm just don't know how I can let them take over. One part of me says to fight it while the other says that if I do it I'll feel much better, what should I do?" "Well Nick I will tell you right now that the two voices are the two parts of you clashing together in a raging war. You have your 19 year-old side that wants to rebel and keep hold of the little bit of maturity it has. The other side is your childish side, a lot of it is me, and it's telling you that you will be a careless kid again and that you should trust me." "That sounds great but...I still don't know." "Nick, stress is caused from activity in your body or around you that causes confusion or fear. Stress is good on certain levels but if you push these emotions down they with eat you from the inside out. Nick this stress level is unhealthy, and I want to help you but I can't unless you let go." I thought for a moment, it sounds like a good idea, carefree, a new attitude about everything. But something was pushing and didn't want to give in. I trusted Echo, so I took a deep breath and looked at Echo with a genuine smile. "Ok...I'm ready." "Ok Nick, just let go, let go of the part that is resisting the treatment and you will feel a whole lot better. I will warn you though, when you take this step your inner persona will no longer be your normal age, so after you do this you will be about the age of 4 or 5 in this world, you will keep your new features but here you will be younger." "What about real life?" "That won't change." I nodded and closed my eyes. I thought back to the emotions I felt after the fight. I focused on that and tried to embrace it, that part of me that was rebelling came back and tried to push away these emotions. I felt the emotions push each other and this time I had a choice. I could enforce the childish side or, the rebel side. I focused again on the childish side of me and pushed with it instead of against it. I suddenly felt a tingly sensation throughout my body. I felt it morph and change but, not in a painful way like outside, but in a good way like this was supposed to happen. The tingling stopped and I opened my eyes. I looked at Echo but instead of him floating at my height, he was on the ground, but at my height? Echo picked up on the confusion and made a mirror appear out of nowhere. I looked in it a saw a me at the age of about 4 or 5 instead of 19. I stared in disbelief but Echo just smiled. "Ok Nick I'm sorry but I have to go, I'll talk to you some other time ok?" I nodded still staring at my reflection, but when Echo faded away so did the mirror. I sat down and waited about 5 minutes or so until the bright light engulfed me and I awoke to Elliott and Luna looking at me with wide eyes. "Are you ok Nick, you were mumbling and stirring in your sleep." "Yeah, I'm good. If anything I feel better than ever." Elliott looked at me weird and then shook it off smiling again. "Ok well how about we eat some Golden Corral if your hungry." "*gasp* YAAAAAAAYYY I LOVE GOLDEN CORRAL." I surprised myself and Elliott at how excited I was for something as simple as going to a Golden Corral. "Are you sure your ok?" He said chuckling. "Yeah I'll talk about it later, let's just eat." Elliott looked concerned but followed me to one of my favorite buffets. We walked in and everyone around me got silent. I should have been used to this by now but I really wasn't. I started to blush very heavily until Elliott stepped up. "HEY! Mind your own beeswax, its not polite to stare." This just made me blush even more with Elliott making such a big fuss over me. Everyone still turned around but I just remained silent till the front of the line. "Um, h-hello how may I help." "Hi we need a table for 2." Elliott said kindly. I just stood there silent, and blushing. The young lady up front smiled at me and that made me blush harder. "And what would you like to drink?" "I'll have water and he will have Mountain Dew" "Ok your total will $23.42." "Ok" Elliott pulled out his wallet and handed the lady his credit card. She accepted it and swiped it on the machine and handed it back all still having a smiling on his face. "Ok here are your drinks. Have a nice day." We both gave a thanks and started to walk off before the lady stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. "I like your ears, and tail. I think there cute, they suit you." I smiled and blushed. I then said something really intelligent like "hi" and walked away. We both sat down at the table and got situated. "Ok sweetie. What do you want to eat?" I nod and hold his hand. "Get me whatever your getting." I say with a shy smile. I watch him walk off and think to myself. Soon my ear twitches and I here the conversations of people around me. "-Yeah he's such a freak!" "The poor thing. It must be terrible to live like that." "Why would that guy hang out with a freak like that?" With each insult my ears lowered more and more. I then started whimpering loudly like any other canine in pain. "Why are you whimpering? Is something wrong?" "With my sensitive ears I'm picking up on everyone's conversations, and a lot of them are insults to me." "Look Nick, just ignore it. These people don't know how amazing you really are. Now, focus on eating." I smiled and looked up at him. He always knew what to say. "Thanks hun." "No problem." The rest of the dinner was uneventful with just a whimper from me every once and while from picking up more insults. Afterwards we left our table. I waved goodbye to the lady up front and we were in the car being greeted by Luna. "Hiya guys, how was dinner?" "It was good Luna, did we remember to give you yours?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, it was really good." I smiled rubbing her headfur and got in the driver seat. I drove down the road for hours thinking to myself. There was only thing on my mind, "How am I going to explain my predicament without sounding like I'm crazy?"