Prologue- What the fur happened last night?

Story by Erebus86 on SoFurry

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#2 of Scraps

It looks like I got drugged and dragged into the middle of the woods. I hope that's the case. A little prank, I can handle. They'll be back to pick me up before the food runs out... right?

So, I got the prologue out pretty quickly. It was an easy write, probably because I already had the general idea from the game. Anyway, I was having a little trouble staying in the right tense for some reason, so if I screwed up or something, I apologize. So far in the campaign he only got incapacitated once. (well, twice, but he persuaded the other guy not to kill him. Very high roll.) I'll post it as soon as I write it up. Any guesses, or hopes, as to what had it's way with the sexy little otter?~

D&D belongs to Wizards of the Coast

Erebus belongs to me

Rated adult for later chapters

PS: I thought it would be fun to name the chapters in this. They might be corny or cliche, but I wanted to give it a try.

My name is Erebus... At least I think it is. I'm still not sure if it is, but it was the name in journal that was left right next to me. Hold on, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I should explain it better. I may not remember much before I woke up, but I remember everything that happened afterwards perfectly. Here's what happened.

Day 1

I woke up in the dirt. I didn't know how I got there or why I was there, but damn did my head hurt. 'What the fur happened last night?' I thought to myself. I couldn't remember a thing from it. I tried to recall the events leading up to the blackout, but there was nothing. The day before last, nothing. The day before that, nothing. Last week, nothing. Last month, nothing. I couldn't even remember my own friggin' name!

Strangely enough, though, I didn't panic. Instead, I took in my surroundings and examined them. I was in a forest, and by how densely the trees were clustered, it was clear that I was deep in them. Without a guide, it would be nearly impossible to find my way out. I still didn't panic though.

During my search, I saw that there was a backpack and a large bag not ten feet away from where I awoke. I quickly untied the backpack and searched through it. There wasn't too much, but it would be very helpful. There was an axe that looked like it was made specifically for chopping wood. It would still be useful for defending myself though. There was a couple changes of clothes; I didn't like them much, but at least I wouldn't have to be naked when washing the clothes I was wearing. To my delight, there were some provisions in the pack; enough to last me about ten days if I ration it. It didn't look very appetizing, but I assumed it was the kind of food that was made for efficiency. I found a small hunting knife in an inside pocket; it wouldn't be any help for defending myself, but it could be useful for skinning and butchering wild game... 'How do I even know this?' I thought to myself.

Then I looked in the other bag. "A tent!" I exclaimed. And a tent it was, a big one at that. It looked like it would be a pain to set up, but so worth it. My assumption was correct. That damn thing took me at least two full hours to set up myself, but it was large, so I wouldn't have a problem storing things in it.

I hadn't noticed it before, but I found a journal on the ground. And it was glowing. My curiosity overtook me and I opened it immediately. The handwriting was lovely and looked like it was written by a scribe. Well, a female scribe. It was much too beautiful and delicate for a guy to have written it. It read:


It's time you learn to respect your gifts again. I hate to do this to you, but it's for your own good. You better survive!

Sincerely, Coon-chan

The rest of it was filled with indecipherable marks that made no sense.

'Who the hell is this Coon-chan?' I thought to myself. "Was she the one who erased my memory and stranded me out here? What gives her the right?!" I took a deep breath. "I'll figure all this out later. Right now, I need to find a way out of here, or at least find a way to survive long enough for someone to find me." Those rations would only last ten days, and I had a feeling that I would be here longer than that. So I headed out into the woods...