Open Season Chapter 18: Hen Party Part 2

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#18 of Open Season

the girls get set to have some fun

Chapter 18 Hen Party Part 2

KC, Gwen and Kel sat in the hot tub relaxing. "So, Kelso." KC asked " still in circulation?" "Oh Gods, KC. You make me sound like some old library book! But I'm still foot loose and fancy free" the vixen said with a wink. "So, Mike finally fell eh? Hard to believe. Did I ever tell you what happened the first time we met?" KC asked, a big grin on her muzzle, and mischief dancing in her eyes. "Oh please, this I gotta hear." Kel perked. "Well, it was rather was at the one year anniversary party for Open Season," KC said. "Oh, I remember that party! " Kel jumped in. "You were doing all the catering, weren't you?" "Uh-huh, yes I was. I was teaching the twin terrors how to do bar food at the time..." KC nodded. "I had just brought out a bowl of my custom blended season dip, Wooshka Dip, you remember the stuff Gwen? Anyhow, Mike was looking, I don't know, somewhat I figured he needed someone to flirt with him. So I walk up and hit him with a risqué comment...and he responds by flipping me off!" KC exclaimed. "So I think, Okay so he doesn't want to play. Fine. I run through my list of options of how to respond to this guy, most of which he would expect." She chuckled evilly. "But not this one..." KC paused to sip her tea.

"Oh gods, KC what did you do?" Kel asked.

"Well, I gave him a predatory look, then quick as a wink I grab his wrist, dipping his still outstretched middle finger in the Wooshka dip then proceed to suck it off in the most erotic way I know. The look on his face was priceless, but my parting shot absolutely floored him...I said 'Be careful what you offer a lady, you never know when she may take you up on it' then turned tail and sashayed away one hip at a time!" All three girls exploded in gales of laughter. "Oh, oh, oh Gods..." Kel gulped air to try and get her laughter under control enough to talk. "I wondered what made him stumble around looking like he'd just been pole-axed!" "It all worked out okay, he came up to me later and apologized for being rude." KC added. "We sat and talked...and have been friends ever since. But I'm glad he has someone, I've been worried about him." They all sat in somber silence reflecting on the events that brought Mike and Cassy together.

"So Gwen, why aren't you knocked up yet?" KC looked at her quizzically. "When am I going to get some nieces and nephews out of you?" "Well, it's not from lack of trying!" Gwen chuckled. "I'm just funnin' yah, you know that." KC kidded the skunk. "Well...I could say the same to you, too. Ya know." Gwen grinned back trying to keep the giggle out of her voice at the look of shock on KC's face. "Oh no. Huh uh, not me." Kacy held up her paws. "Don't go there. I'm a professional chef at a five star restaurant, and only 28 and at the top of my game. I can make a line cook burst into tears with a sneer! I don't have time in my life for kids. Besides, working eighty plus hours a week doesn't leave much time for dating." Kel looked shocked. "No way, eighty plus hours a week? How do you do it?" Kacy regarded the vixen a moment before answering. "This is a cut-throat, male dominated profession Kel, and in a little under ten years I've managed to claw my way to the top of my profession; the learning curve is brutal, believe me. I've got headhunters contacting me every week trying to lure me off to some new hot location. Hell, the Japanese ambassador invited me to be his private chef! But, I've got a good crew and I can run my kitchen the way I want to and the owner stays the hell out of my fur...I like it." KC nodded. "...aaaaand, they cut me loose every now and again so I don't go postal." Gwen bit back a guffaw as KC just winked at Kel. "Daaamn," Kel said, awestruck at what it took for KC to get where she was in life. "Yup." KC nodded "Welcome to my world, Kelso...that's why I come up here to unwind and de-stress...and take another run at that 'big ol hunka hunka burnin lovinz' bear', Bruno." KC winked at Kel's shocked look.

"KC, you don't mean our bouncer, that Bruno?" Kel asked the grinning raccoon. "Oh yeah," KC hugged herself, "Mama loves em big!" she chuckled lecherously "I try hookin' up with him every time I come through...that bear really knows his stuff." KC shivered with pleasure at the memory of their last encounter. "I've seen that fur at work, he's scary." Kel admitted somewhat wide-eyed at the way he would wade into a scrap, and 'fold' a fur into origami if they were...uncooperative. "Maybe so," KC grinned "But that big fella and I have a 'special' relationship, He can do things to me that no one has ever been able to pull off." KC's voice was like liquid silk as she arched her back seductively, trilling softly. "Sooo, why don't we go down there so you can say...Hello, in your oh-so-KC way?" the vixen piped in, a conspiratorial grin on her muzzle. "OOH, I like the way you think! How 'bout it, Gwen? Feel up to going out tonight?" Gwen mulled over the idea of seeing KC in action and nodded "I'm in. Lets get ready to roll." The three girls exited the hot tub amidst wild hooting and giggles.

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