Chapter 6

Story by RaineDiam on SoFurry

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#6 of Evolution: Phase One, "Random" Mutation

Chapter 6


               "There... That should about do it," Said Kit as he hunched over the bedroll. It was a simple roll of just bamboo shoots tied together and soft blankets on top of that for comfort. He nodded to Raine who was busy looking around the room in wonder.

Kit lived in a loft so almost everything was a single room. On the upper tier was the sleeping area which had a closet on the same wall as the stairs and a dresser against the opposite wall. The furnishings were simple and some of them a little dusty. It seemed that the owner didn't get much company. Looking around the walls were fairly bare as well.

Over the railing one could see Kit's desk against the far wall and the computer in screen saver mode. Raine let out a little squeak as a picture of a pornographic nature scrolled across the screen and he covered his muzzle to try and hide what had happened. Blinking a few times he figured it best to look away from the computer.

               Next to the desk was the doorway to the only other room in the loft which was the bathroom. And in the center of the lower tier that Raine could see was a couch say in front of what looked like a screen built right into the wall. It was a cool concept to the fennec and he was somewhat excited about being here even if it was going to be a short time.

               Kit put a paw on Raine's shoulder softly as to not startle him but get his attention all the same. The fennec turned to look at the larger canine curiously as Kit rubbed the back of his head sheepishly with a sorry look on his face as he spoke, "Look I'm not much for secrets and stuff. Crono asked me to take care of you and all cause he's worried about you. If you really are what they say you are I'm sure I don't need to babysit you but well... Just please think about making some friends and being productive. That always seems to cheer me up."

               The fennec remained silent for some time before nodding. "Thank you for all of your help. I'm sorry you got brought into this... I doubt I would do anything like what happened at Cronos' place again... It doesn't work after all," Replied the fennec rather darkly.

               Kit's ears folded back and he shook his head slowly with a sigh. He gripped the smaller canine's shoulder a bit tighter before speaking again, "I know it must be hard. I obviously can't understand how hard simply because I'm not you... But just brooding and thinking on it isn't going to help make things better. I know I'm not really good at this sort of thing and I'm a simple person... Hell I joined the military where they tell you what to do every day..."

               "I... Appreciate it," Replied Raine softly as he looked to the bedroll Kit had put out for him. It was next to a mattress on the floor which he assumed was the loft owner's bed, a simple life indeed. Maybe this was just what he needed; a break from all this excitement and danger.  Somewhere he could settle down and just live a relatively normal life.

               Kit gave a slight nod before letting go of the fennec's shoulder and wandering back down the stairs to the lower level. He plopped himself in front of his computer and shouted up to Raine, "Oh hey you have an appointment at the Sakura Palace tomorrow. It's not surprising that Masatoshi would like to speak with you I guess..."

               The fennec walked to the edge of the loft and looked down over the railing speaking softly, "What is he like? I know he's old but I don't know what to expect."

               Kit turned from the computer and quirked a brow up at the fennec. This he supposed was to be expected as the kid was rather new after all. He rubbed his chin and nodded slowly as he replied, "Well you are right on the him being old part. He is the oldest of all of us I suspect. He is very wise and not to be taken lightly. Appearance wise... well I would suspect that you look just like him when he was younger. He's blind though so do not let his white eyes surprise you. Though most of the time he wears a blindfold to hide them."

               The fennec nodded slowly as he leaned forward on the railing. "What is it like... living here and all," asked Raine softly as he was having second thoughts about it being a "normal" life.

               "It's alright I guess. I can't really vouch for the outside world. I'm darkborn... err... That means I was born here in the city. I've seen other lightborn and they seem to adapt alright I guess. They like to talk about what's up there a lot. Not that I haven't seen it mind you but most of the time it's some sort of mission that brings me up there. I'm not able to shift like some people so... well I guess you're stuck with me like this," Chuckled Kit with a smile as he leaned back against the desk resting his elbows on it for support.

               The fennec took a moment to really take in his new roommate. The baggy plain black tee, the ragged and torn blue jean shorts; he looked like a military man just scraping by but everything in the loft suggested otherwise. Simple yet complicated, it was a perplexing puzzle that would entertain Raine for months if he really wished to unravel it.

               "I guess I should rest... I've been through a lot lately and my mind I'm sure is under a lot off strain... I just want you to know that well... I'm not crazy," said Raine softly as he looked down at himself with a frown.

               Kit chuckled a little and gave a nod to his new companion replying, "Hey don't sweat it man. We all go through it at some point. Some people just react differently. Crono didn't send you to me because he thought you were crazy. He sent you here because he trusts me."

               The vulpine smiled slightly with a nod before he turned to the beds and slipping out of the duster he slipped into the blankets before slipping off the jeans, ever the modest young man it seemed. It took time for the fennec to even feel the weight of sleep on his eyelids. He lay on his side not really looking at anything in particular as his mind wandered. He wondered what he was going to do with himself in the underground city and how he would deal with the change.

               So much was different but from what he saw the Familiaris tried their hardest to make things as similar to the world above, if not better, when they could. At least that would make the transition easier but what was he going to be? He supposed he could just work some store like he did above the ground but that just seemed like a step backwards to him. He needed to become a new person when he thought about it.

               It wasn't that he wanted the adventure of becoming something new it was that he just hated his old life. He worked a menial job for minimum wage under a boss he hated. He was treated badly but his customers and managers alike and being a salesman is just a kinder, gentler, word for common con artist.

               The vulpine eyes were getting heavy and his breathing slowed as the eyes closed and he drifted off into his dream world as Kit walked up the stairs to the loft. He rubbed the back of his head looking down at the sleeping fennec and smiled a bit talking to himself, "Not so intimidating when he's like this at all..."

               Kit saw the uncovered mark on Raine's chest and reached up almost instinctively to touch his left shoulder blade. Gripping the shirt he pulled it free from his torso and looked into the full length mirror next to the dresser to see the moon shaped mark on the shoulder he touched, "You're not alone Raine... Some of us know what it's like to want to be kept secret..."


               "You have come back again so soon... Why," asked Raiden as he stood himself up from his sitting place on a rock.

               Raine took a few moments to look around to see they were once again in the dark desert but Raiden was no longer in his more intimidating form, in fact they looked like twins. The two fennecs looked at each other for some time before Raine finally spoke, "Actually I was just tired... Well I guess not tired. I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted. So much has happened so quickly I don't know what to do."

               Raiden chuckled softly and looked out over the desert for some time as he put his paws on his hips and swung his tails behind him idly, "Perhaps it's not yet time for you to learn of the past then; to see the wheels turning through the centuries."

               Raine sat down on the rocks next to Raiden as he looked out into the blackness. He took a few moments before he spoke, "You're not trying to scare me anymore..."

               "Scare you? It would be silly to try a tactic that didn't work again. Besides... you fear I will come to the surface enough already but I tell you it is not quite time for that to happen yet. There is much that must happen and my minions are preparing my return as we speak," Replied Raiden with a slight grin before he sat down next to his body double.

               Raine reached for his twin's paw and took it in his own feeling the cold skin under the fur. He rubbed his thumb along the fur almost affectionately before he leaned against the cold fox. Raiden held Raine softly and whispered, "I know you will never agree with me but understand that this world is going to change with me or without me. I simply want to push it into a direction without conflict in the future where your ideal of free will... It will destroy the world eventually."

               "Free will is the right of every creature Raiden. If you take it away there is no meaning to life, Just survival in a dead world. I can't accept that," replied Raine softly as he nuzzled into the other's neck and closed his eyes finally feeling relaxed.

               Raiden nodded slowly as he held a little tighter, "Yes I know."

               "Then why?"

               "Because I have to. Because the world has become lazy and broken in my absence. I've been sleeping for thousands of years in the umbral dark waiting for the world to become the paradise I was promised as a child. Waiting for the return of my heart and when I woke I found the world in complete disarray," Replied Raiden and he actually kissed Raine softly on the head.

               Raine felt comfortable in the cold arms of the demon. They understood each other even if they didn't agree. The cared about one another on a deep level and Raine knew he could trust the words Raiden told him. Raiden knew that the words he gave to Raine would be held secret as well and so the poor boy dragged into a world of terror would be taken care of.

               "I know it's messed up... but killing everyone and turning them into undead monsters... Raiden you know it's not the right answer," Replied Raine after some time.

               Raiden nodded, "It's not the right one... It's the one they deserve. Men grow fat off of the suffering of others and when their actions threaten to destroy all that the humans hold dear they are given more lard to feast upon because they have become so important that were they to fail the rest of the humans would go with them. They are a weak species and I am partially responsible for their rise to power," said the cold fennec softly as he pet along Raine's braid.

               Raine sat up and looked into Raiden's eyes curiously as he spoke, "How were you responsible?"

"Mistakes of the past. I was young and foolish but I made one right choice in releasing the familaris virus it seems. I was once a creature known as a kitsune... That was a long long time ago though. Now I am something greater; Something undying and unstoppable. I have ten thousand years of momentum and an army waiting to strike when the time is right," Replied Raiden softly as he put a paw under Raine's chin affectionately.

Raine quirked a brow and tilted his head to the side as his ears folded back against his skull, "You didn't answer the question though..."

Raiden chuckled softly and nodded, "I suppose you are right."

The cold fennec shook his tails and lifted his paws in front of them as he ushered Raine into his lap. The paws weaved tendrils of ice into a scene in the sand as Raiden spoke, "Once there was a great city where our kind gathered; a great capitol of the Kitsune, Kitsumantra. Many say Inari herself sat on the throne in the great temple but only the greatest of Miyobu were allowed entrance."

The ice sculpture grew in complexity until the desert around them lit up and they found themselves sitting on a bench in a sakura garden. Raine looked around in amazement but then remembered that they were in a dream. Raiden helped the younger fennec up and took his paw in his own as he continued to tell the tale, "Here we are... The great Sakura garden behind the temple."

There was almost no one in the garden but one pure white fox woman sat in a rather ornate set of crystalline armor holding a sword at the ready towards Raiden and himself. Time froze and Raine looked into the angry violet eyes that stared at them blankly. The crescent moon on her head seemed to be holding a starburst.

The woman swung what looked like a Katana made of glass at them and Raine gasped jumping back as Raiden gave a little chuckle. No harm was done as she swung again and it became apparent that she was practicing. She continued to swing and practice her stances as Raiden walked around her form and nodded slowly before speaking, "This is the Lady Realina Proudmore."

Raine nodded slowly as he watched the woman practice with her unique blade. He was fascinated by the seemingly mystical nature of everything around her. Raiden noticed this and walked up behind Raine to hold him from behind and speak softly, "She is our mother... but see... we are special."

"Realina-Kun," Exclaimed another feminine voice as a second kitsune completely white in color ran through the sakura trees with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her emerald eyes. Realina stopped swinging the blade and sheathed it to offer the woman running to her open arms. When they met a loving embrace was shared.

The two spoke in a language Raine didn't understand at all but he could easily assume it was Japanese. The newcomer looked over her shoulder and Raine was surprised to see a scar over her right eye. Looking back to her lover the long braid along her back swayed softly like a black rope in the wind.

"That is Rukan Hisashi... Rumored to be the daughter of a goddess and one of the fiercest shinobi the kitsune had to bring to bear... she is also our mother," Said Raiden as he held a little tighter and rested his muzzle on Raine's shoulder.

"H...How is that possible," Asked Raine now confused. Obviously there had to be some sort of trick here.

The demon chuckled softly and nodded, "Kitsune are not beings of flesh and blood. They have avatars that appear to be such but in truth their spirits inhabit things and they use their magic to make them appear to be whatever they want to appear as. We were born of a spiritual fusion... our twin sister as well... A little piece of their spirits resides within us."

The two seemed happy with one another which gave Raine a small smile. They didn't look much older than he was at the time but if Raiden was right about their abilities they could be any age.

Raiden held a little tighter as he continued to speak, "In two weeks this city will fall and from the ashes will rise the crisis that threatened to end this world forever... if it were not for that damned sword... but that is a tale for another time... You are being roused. Meet with the blind Swordsman and have a glimpse into the past."