Victernus - Chapter 23

Story by Baumarius on SoFurry

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            It wasn't until a few hours after

Mahalia had come home from the School with Athius that she realized that Namara

still hadn't made it back yet. She switched on the small computer in her room

upstairs and sat on her bland, grey bed. As she waited for it to load, the bed

reminded her of why she never really personalized her belongings. She sighed.

            The screen lit up, and she quickly

launched the tracking program. It had a green, three-dimensional wireframe map

of the city and a small blue dot for the signal that was being generated by

Namara's implants. It took a moment to find him, but when it did, she narrowed

her eyes and zoomed in on him, turning the map around to get a better look.


it, he's in the palace... Something must have gone wrong.

            She shook her head and closed the

computer. I guess it's finally time to

leave... Setting her computer aside, she let her hands touch the bed one last

time. The thought of how long she waited nearly overwhelmed her, and she

realized that she never actually tried living her own life. Her room was a

testament to that. She simply waited, hoping that her friend would return, and

took on a nomadic lifestyle.

            Mahalia got to her feet and decided

against these thoughts. I can't think

this way anymore... Namara is here. He's in trouble, but he's here. I will let

the past be the past, and now I will live. She left the room and ran

downstairs, grabbing her shoes from beside the door. She sat down on the floor to

put them on.

            Theo, who was at his computer

working on the weapons for Namara, smiled and asked, "Gotta go fast?"

            She smacked her palm on her forehead

and slipped her feet into her sneakers. "Theo!"

Athius, who was sitting at the table reading an old

book, was clueless. He asked, "What?

Ignoring Theo's previous comment, she began to issue

orders. "Never mind. Namara's in the palace and we need to go get him. Athius -

you're coming with me. Theo - get Kyon and head to the tunnels. Wait just

outside of the forest. I'll take what you have for the weapon system now and

give it to Namara. He can use it if he feels it is necessary when he finds what's

generating the power here."

Theo scratched his head, "It might be a little bit

unstable... he might not be able to use his implants after he uses it."

She nodded and then beckoned Athius to come

upstairs. "That is why you are going to find a way to get him his hand and foot

back after we leave here. Athius - come. We're going to need a little bit of

firepower ourselves."

Athius put his book down and then followed her

upstairs. He raised an eyebrow as he asked, "Firepower?"

Mahalia sighed and said, "Guns and stuff," and then reached

the top of the stairs. To the left was a metal door that was locked tight, and

it had a hand scanner attached to it. She placed her hand there and watched as

it shined a dark blue. When it faded, the door unlocked and cracked open. She

pushed it open and set her eyes upon the stash of weapons that they had

salvaged from the Collapse. They were organized on three tables that were

spread evenly about the room.

Athius stood behind her and asked, "Where did you

get those?!"

She shrugged and picked up a shiny grey laser rifle.

"It's not important now. Just grab something and go - we're not really going to

need much, honestly. Nobody in your city really has weapons."

He nodded and picked up a rifle similar to Mahalia's.

He looked down its sights and started, "So how do I use-" and then accidentally

pulled the trigger. A pulse of light shot across the room and burnt the wall.

Both he and Mahalia jumped, startled by the sudden

blast. Mahalia rolled her eyes and scolded, "Not in here! You'll burn a hole into

the next house and expose us!"

"Sorry about that." He blushed and attached a strap

to the gun, letting it hang across his back.

Mahalia did likewise and then picked up a thick

wristband. "Hold out your arm, Athius."

He held his arm out and asked, "What's that?"

She strapped it onto his wrist and said, "It's a shield,"

before aiming her rifle at his chest and firing.

            Athius jumped when the blast reflected

off of the shield and hit the floor. He scowled, "You could have warned me

before doing that!"

            Mahalia chuckled, "Sorry. The main thing

to know is that any force as powerful as someone throwing a punch at you or

greater will be deflected. Just don't fall too far - I've heard stories..."

            He looked down at it and asked, "What

happens if I punch someone else?"

            She smiled and took two more of the

bands, putting one on herself. "They'll feel it pretty hard, and they'll

probably get burned too."

            He grinned. "That's awesome!"

            Mahalia rested the rifle on her back

again and then directed Athius downstairs, "Let's go now - I don't want to

waste time here."

Athius turned back out of the room, but he stopped at

the stairs. He asked, "Wait, what about Gala? If we're leaving today..."

She thought for a moment before answering, "Oh right...

Don't worry about it. Once we get Namara, we'll gather the people in the city and

tell them of what's going to happen. I know you told your friend to meet you

tomorrow night, but we might not have that much time. She will hear us though.

Everyone will have a chance to leave."

            He nodded, "Oh, alright. That'll be

fine, I guess."

            Mahalia prodded him to move down the

stairs and then followed when he went. When she reached the bottom, she asked

Theo, "Hey, is it ready?"

            Theo squirmed in his chair briefly

as if he was uncomfortable with her rushing. But, before he could say anything,

he unplugged a tablet from the computer and nodded, "Yes, I just finished

compiling it. Just give it to Namara, and he can upload it wirelessly onto his

implants straight from there."

            She held out her hand, "Great!

Athius and I are going to head out now, so why don't you go get Kyon and leave


            He nodded and handed the tablet to

her. "Okay. I'll meet you near the forest. Just don't get yourself into too

much trouble."

            Mahalia laughed, "Theo, this is New

Selania. A bunch of scientists who've never seen a gun in their entire lives

aren't going to mount much of a resistance."

            Theo shrugged, "You never know."