Southern Fried Gator 3: One lil two lil three lil gators

Story by The Big K on SoFurry

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Ok a new story. Yay right???? This picks up after SFG2 so enjoy i got 2 more parts after this one.

Both Evens and Rupert were a bit wore out from the romp they had upstairs in the main bathroom. Evens decided he would head on down to his basement dwellings and Rupert out to the Pool area to soak up some sunshine in the late afternoon. Jay was busy working on some last minute service work he had to do for John before he could relax and enjoy the weekend. The phone rang and Jay slowly moved to grab it as he had his eyes fixed on the computer screen. On the other end was John, who sounded like he had a tad too much Southern Comfort, told Jay there was another houseguest on the way. Before Jay could inquire more the phone went dead. Jay just shook his head and chuckled to himself, going back to working on the system.

A few hours later, a car pulled up in the driveway, and from this van a man very well dressed with a suit and tie walked up and rang the doorbell. Upon hearing the doorbell, Jay walked to the door with a slow pace. Upon reaching the main foyer, Jay checked the side window to see who it was. He opened the door and the man jumped, as in shock more then scared. "Who are you and where is John?" the man said in a very shaky voice. "I'm Jay his personal tech and house sitter at the moment. And who might you be?" The man gawked at Jay and he was a relative of John. He also went into detail about he was going to stay at the hotel with the rest of the family but had to drop off a certain "item". Jay smiled and waived him into the house. The two men came back into the house as the new arrived guest asked to have the carport opened so he could unload some stuff. Jay nodded and headed for the carport on the side of the house. As he passed the basement door he cracked it and shouted down to see if Evens was there. No response, until he heard a faint grunt that sounded like great.

The man pulled the van into the parking stall and Jay hit the overhead door button to shut it. The man unloaded some bags of luggage and a cooler, he opened the side doors and called into the van. "Hey sleepyhead wake up, were at uncle John's place and I need to be back in town in about an hour" The man spoke as if he was talking to a child as a father would to a son. A yawn was heard and the man smiled and called out" Trey come on now, don't worry it will be fun! John house has lots of stuff to do here and you won't get bored" Jay saw a tentative foot emerge from the van, slowly more of the person came into view as duffle bag was tossed out. The figure slid out more from the van and Jay caught a glimpse of a tail tip, he knew it was another gator. The new arrival looked rather nervous and fussed with the duffle bag handles. "Trey, meet Jay he's a worker of John and he will show you around. Now you have my number and your cell phone and I'll call you tomorrow to see how your stay is going" The man patted Trey on his shoulder, which got a weak nod from the young gator.

The man turned to Jay and shook his hand, "I'm Clifford, by the way." Jay nodded and replied, "I take care of your, umm Trey. Should I know anything else?" Cliff looked and Jay perplexed "Ummmm like bedtimes, feeding times, care mean? He should be set, he's old enough to take care of himself." Jay nodded and began to walk back into the house. They stopped in the kitchen and told Trey to set his things down, young gator did so and looked around nervously, then looked at Cliff. "Don't worry, relax and have fun besides there are a few other family members around for you to hang out with. I need to get going." Cliff patted Trey on his back and waived at Jay as he headed out to the carport and soon pulled out and headed to town.

Trey looked around nervously as Jay started to walk towards the stairs leading up to the guest rooms. Jay stopped at the far end of the hall and opened the door, in the room was a simple bed, TV, and night stand with usual trimmings on it. Trey set his bag down and looked at Jay, "Where is the bathroom"? With a young adult tone that had sounded apprehensive. "Next door on the right" Jay pointed down the hall, and Trey walked out to see for himself. "Are you hungry? I'm going to make some pizza. If you would like, I could make something else? I just need to find the rest of the troops and see what they want to eat". Jay said as he was walking out the room and down the hall. Trey poked his head out and said he was going to unpack before he would come down. Trey began to unpack the normal teen things, Xbox and his massive amount of games for it. He soon found a problem with his pack job, no swim shorts! He thought to himself if maybe he had stashed a pair into Cliff's items but was not going to call him to find out. Trey just blew the matter off and went about his task.

Jay found Evens watching TV down in his room and was on the search for Rupert. Jay passed the kitchen window and saw Rupert outside lying on a towel sunning himself. Rupert was scantly clad as he only had on a tee shirt that was up over his chest and his package out in the fresh air. As Jay approached, he could hear snoring sounds coming from the slightly open maw of the gator. He bent down and gave the gator's tail a tug, with no response, he just stood watching the sleeping gator. One last tug on the tail and the gator yawned and looked at him. "Yes.....what can I do for you...?" Rupert stretched and gave his package a quick fondle as he sat up. "Dinner will be up shortly, and we have another gator here as well" Jay began to walk away as Rupert stood up and followed him in. "Could you summon your other half down stairs if you would?" Jay asked as he dug out the pizza from the fridge. Both gators were seated at the table pouring soda and helping Jay with the dishes. Jay walked over to the stairway leading up to the guest rooms and shouted for Trey to come and get it.

Footsteps where heard coming down the stairs as Trey slowly walked into view of the group. The other two gators introduced themselves and dinner went on pretty normal. The group was idly chatting about things and Trey seemed to loosen up. It was later on the someone suggested a early evening swim. Jay said he had some stuff to do as he walked away as Trey followed him. "Do you have a pair of trunks or something I can swim in handy? I must have packed them in my other bag I left in the van." Trey was hoping that he would. "Yeah I do but it's too big for you. They would just slide right off the first dive in. It's just us three here anyway and there isn't anyone around here for a good 4 miles". Trey felt angry at himself about not packing a set in his bag. Outside the others were floating about in the pool as Trey crept out and found a towel. He slid back into the house and began to disrobe, still feeling mad about not having his swim trunks he went back up to his room and sat on the bed.

Some time later Evens noticed Trey wasn't to be seen and told Rupert about it. Rupert got out, wrapped a towel around his waist, and headed up stairs to find Trey lying on his bed. "Hey, what is wrong there? Something bugging you?" Trey looked at Rupert and sat up. "Well I don't have any trunks or extra boxers to use for swimming. And I'm kinda..." Rupert cut him off, "No bigge, besides you really don't need all that gear on anyhow. The less stuff I have on the better I feel." Rupert reached out and took Trey's hand, pulling to him up to his feet. Rupert saw that the younger gator still was uneasy about being nude. Trey stood there and fidgeted with his boxers and the towel he was holding, still unsure about himself. Rupert knelt down and gave the young one a toothy grin, "Now let's get these off ya so you can go for a swim with the guys!" Trey sighed and agreed with him, then began to pull his boxers off. "Wait! Let me do the honors..." Rupert grabbed the waistband and slowly began to pull them down, as Trey watched him reach where his fun parts where he gave a slight jump and gasped. Rupert kept on pulling, more of the young one's package emerged as his boxers fell away to the floor.

Rupert gave him a pat on the back, "See wasn't that so hard? Now, grab that towel and lets head on back down and swim the night away." As he was standing up, his towel fell away and his cock just hung there with his balls taught in their sack. Trey stood there transfixed by the size of it! Unable to say anything he stood opened mouth and uttered, "Cooool......". Rupert saw the youth kneeling down to get a closer look and gave that shaft a slow, light stroke just enough to make it bounce up and his balls wiggle. Trey was curious about the rest of the older gator standing before him, he wanted to explore but was afraid to ask. "I don't bite if you want, you can give me a once over to make yourself happy" Rupert looked down and nodded, as Trey reached out and began to explore the massive package in front of him. He only touched the very head of the shaft that hung before him as quickly got up, and looked over the rest of Rupert. To his surprise, Trey didn't waste time on his other parts just his balls and cock. "I bet this is kinda of heavy and your balls too." With a giggle, he took hold of the grapefruit sized nuts and felt their heft as he looked back up at Rupert for approval to continue on his trip. Trey's next spot of tactile trip was the older gator's shaft of flesh. He began to stroke the shaft lightly with both hands, as if he was playing with a baseball bat.

Rupert let a groan out, "Just keep doing what you're doing and you will see how big I get" He sat down on the bed as the young inquisitive gator kept up his actions. The shaft began to firm up with each round of pumps and began to drip some. The more the young gator worked on the shaft until he reached full erection. Trey got up and sat beside the older gator, he marveled at his handiwork with each beat of heart the shaft pulsed and bobbed. Rupert slid off the bed and knelt as Trey stood up. "My turn, come and stand in front of me" Trey did what he was told. Rupert took hold of the young gator's shaft and began to return the favor of the hand job that Trey gave to him. Trey gasped as the hand had touched his young cock and then Rupert began to stroke it. Trey wasn't overly hung like Rupert but, he was a handful none the less. After a few more pumps, his legs began to feel weak from all the pleasure the older one was giving his shaft and had to sit down. Rupert took his other hand and cupped the balls of the younger gator as he slid his hand back towards the anal ring just under the tail. Trey jumped at that touch as a shiver went up his spine, just as he got over that one Rupert sent another one up as he slid a finger in the pucker.

Trey didn't know what to feel pain, or pleasure as his body was worked over. The older gator stopped what he was doing and stood up and began to stroke himself as his other hand kept on working the young shaft. A few more quick strokes on both cocks, Rupert stepped back grabbed his towel, and walked out and down the hallway. Trey was still standing there hard as rock with his young cock pumping and his heart pounding in his chest. It took a few seconds for things to settle down in his mind on what just happened, Trey knew only one thing.... He wanted more.

Rupert was walking back out to the pool area as Jay passed him on the way towards the basement. "I don't feel so good so I'm going to call it a night. I think you can turn all the stuff off and remind Evens to bring the wet towels in so I can wash them". Rupert gave a nod in and continued out to the pool area to find Evens lying by the side of the pool. Evens noticed a semi hard cock swinging with each step Rupert took, as he watched it swing as the bigger gator took each step. "My aren't we happy... Think your going to ride my ass again?" Evens looked right at Rupert as he stood above him and gave his cock a caressing stroke. "Nope, unless you need it right now. I was helping our young new comer to make up his mind to come and swim with us." As he sat down beside Evens, he could see that Trey was coming out the door. Trey had the towel draped in front of him to hide his arousal from the other two gators watching him. As he made his way along the pool a bit of a chill set into him and he decided not to swim. He saw the whirlpool and made towards it, he took a few steps in to test the temperature. He found it to be quite nice and slipped into it. He tossed the towel on the chair as he sat down on the large bench and began to relax. He was still kind of in a daze after what Rupert had done to him back in the house. He was still quite hard and wanted to find that feeling once more, as he began to stroke himself. Being watched from a far by the older males, he closed his eyes to bring back all the details that happened minutes before.

Evens glanced over at Trey and saw him rather enjoying himself in the whirlpool. Evens watched Rupert run a finger up and down his cock and gave it long pulls to regain his hard on. "I think I'm going to join the kid in the whirlpool. I know how you are when you start jerking off, and my ass is still quite sore from the last ride." Rupert sighed in content as his cock began to stiffen under his jerks and long strokes. Evens made his way towards Trey and stood over the youth and did not speak or move but just stared. Trey knew nothing that was going on around him as he neither cared nor minded as he was enjoying himself. Evens sat down on the edge and watched Trey jerking off and him not knowing he was there. Evens knew that Trey was in a world of his own, when he saw Trey's arm moving faster and faster. Evens spread his legs and watched the young gator jerk off right in front of him, becoming mildly aroused as well. His member began to stir with each passing minute as he sat there watching Trey, until Evens finally said something. "Mind if I join you?" Trey's eyes flew open and he almost jumped out of the water, searching for a reply to Evens. " Sure I was just uh...sitting relaxing." Evens just sat there and rubbed his thighs brushing his flaccid member from time to time. Trey was looking Evens over, "Wow you're almost as big as Rupert. He showed himself to me while I was up in the guestroom and played with it. It got Huuuge like this long.." Trey showed Evens with his hands. Evens was going to play stupid to find out what exactly has gotten this young gator all excited.

They both sat there until Evens asked, "what did he show you?' Trey was searching for the word but him not knowing all the sexual terms like the older gators did, he was at a loss for the right term for his cock. "His thing that goes down there I'm not sure what you call it...but his was big and then he played with it and it got really hard and grew! Then he let me play with it for a little while. Then he took mine and began to play with it too.". Evens knew why the youth was all horny about, he was sure this was his first sexual encounter of any type. He decided if anyone was going to show him might as well be him since Rupert might try something else. "Can you show me what thing he was playing with? You have a lot of things on your body that other might like to play with". Trey looked around and stood up showing his erection to Evens. "This thing right there and it feels good when he was playing with it as well until he touched me under my tail. After a bit that was a good spot as well." Evens motioned Trey to come closer. "Can you show me what he actually did?" Trey got excited and agreed to show Evens what Rupert did. He moved closer to Evens and slowly reached out and took hold of the older one's cock, Trey began to do his show and tell for Evens. Ever so carefully, he took the gator's cock into his hand and began to jack it slowly, making long soft strokes up the length and back to the head. Trey was doing a good job and Evens was in disbelief at the younger gator skill. He kept working the meat in rhythmic motions until he stopped. Evens could not understand why he stopped until Trey stood back. "That is what he did and then he took mine and did the same thing to it like this" He began to pump on his own self as Evens watched him jerk.

Evens liked the show that was going on in front of him. "What else did he do to you Trey?" Trey looked confused and thought for a moment. "I can't show you sitting up there, it will be much better if you came into the water so I can do it." Evens slid into the water and stood by him. Trey sat back down and once more began to pump and jerk Evens. He caressed his balls, and slid his hand up under the older males' tail and popped a finger in the hole. "That is what he did it kinda hurt for like a few seconds, but felt rather good after." Trey then asked Evens something" Does this feel good to you?" Evens groaned and agreed it was wonderful. "Did he do anything else to you that you would like to show me?" Evens was getting rather hard from all the work his cock was getting. Trey stopped what he was doing and sat back down working on his own need. "You know there is a more you can do to make someone feel good, other then just what you did to me. I could show you a few more things if you would like?" Trey could hardly contain himself upon hearing there is more that can be done. "Can you show me? PLEASE......" Evens thought for a second and tried to think of something that wouldn't scare Trey too much. "Ok lets try this... Stand up and come closer to me." Trey stood up and moved in closer to Evens as he was told to. Evens took hold of the young cock and began to play with it, watching as the foreskin rolled back over the head and wrinkle back along the shaft on each jerk. He brought his snout level with Trey's cock and was about to suck on it as Trey jerked away. "Are you going to bite me? I don't think that will be any fun." Evens pulled the youth back to him. " No I'm not going to bite you off or anything just trust me and I'll show you more after we get this done" Trey was apprehensive about this but he wanted to know more. Trey moved towards Evens once more and let the gator do his magic and show him more fun things yet to come.

Evens opened his maw and slid his tongue across the younger gators' cock, and took it into his mouth. Bobbing up and down on the cock, Evens could feel Trey thrust a bit in his mouth and felt his cock stiffen more and more. Trey could contain himself any longer as a groan let loose and his body tensed when his very first orgasm hit him like a train. With each wave, Trey twitched in time with them as washed over his body and his mind was sent spinning out of control. Evens was caught off guard as the cock spurted into his mouth filling it with a salty taste. Trey sat back down breathless and panting, his eyes tightly shut. Evens rolled the load in his mouth around, tasted it, and then swallowed it down. Trey soon was calm enough to realize that nothing could ever feel that good until now. "So how did you like that? You ok?" Trey opened his eyes, looked at Evens, and just smiled weakly. Trey was still feeling the delight of Evens handiwork, when he asked Evens "Can I do that to you? I would like to try it on you." Evens stood up, as Trey moved in and began to work on it. Trey gave the meat a tentative lick to see how it tasted, salty but sort of bitter but it wasn't that bad. He took as much as he could in one bob and raked his teeth over it since he was new at oral pleasure, Evens didn't complain. On the second time, Evens decided it was a bad idea. Evens stepped back and began to stroke himself hard and fast. "You did a ok job but I like this much better. Just do this to me and keep your mouth open while you do it". Evens was working on his cock, took Treys' hand, and showed him where he liked it best. Trey just kept up what Evens showed him, he noticed a clear runny fluid coming out the end of the cock. Curious he gave it a lick, to his amazement it tasted salty another first for him as he kept on pumping away. "What is that stuff coming out of your thing? It tastes like salt and chips!" Evens was close to his turn on blowing his load, "You will see something else when I tell you open your mouth wide. What you see is precum." Trey looked confused, he never heard a word like that before. Evens felt the pressure building in his groin as the young gator worked his cock and licked at the head. Evens began to thrust as he was getting closer to his moment and felt the twinge of a orgasm start to build. He knew this was going to be a big one at that. "Ready Trey? Open wide......a few more pumps...and..." Trey heard Evens groan as he stuck his tongue out and opened wide. Evens first shot hit the roof of Trey's mouth and each spurt after that was on target, soon spurt after spurt filled the gators' mouth. Trey could feel this slimly, bitter tasting stuff pour over his tongue, so he closed his mouth unsure what to do with the stuff inside. As he did Evens was spurting more cum over his snout and top of his head, until an errant shot hit him in the eye. He scooted back and began to rub the stuff out of his eye the best he could as Evens stood there pumping away yet.

Eyes closed and the wave of pleasure dying and his balls emptied, he looked down at the cum covered gator rubbing at one eye. "What is the mater Trey?' Evens knew what had happened but wanted to sound concerned about it. Trey was cover with a thick layer of cum from the top of his snout all over his mouth and small drops falling away from under his chin.

"Some of that stuff hit me in the eye and it sorta burns...What is that stuff?' Trey ran a hand over his snout and smeared the rest of the stuff away from his eyes. Looking at his hand as the cum made webs and long strands between his claw tips. "Did I make that much stuff when you made me feel good?" Evens just laughed at that, he still couldn't get over how new all this stuff was to Trey. "Sure I was a good amount, next time I'll let you see for yourself".