The party! [PARTY 16]

Story by LunaticLens on SoFurry

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Oh my~

Another one! :D

Hope you enjoy, this one's completely SFW.

Luna woke up in the huge bed that Vermont owns feeling a bit chilly. He looked down and noticed that he was merely wearing a huge, black bathrobe. Before noticing his attire, the wolf couldn't help but notice how incredibly icy cold he suddenly felt. He looked over to the two glass-door windows, seeing that one of them was completely opened and guessed that Vermont is probably on the balcony right now. He lied his head back down on the pillow and waited out for Vermont to come back in. Luna completely closed his robe and tucked himself inside the sheets, trying his best to warm back up. Just as he tucked his feet inside the blanket, he heard the balcony door creak and close. The wolf didn't bother to move anymore, as he was still very chilly. The large canine lied back down on the bed and threw the blanket over him. Though his eyes were closed, Luna felt like Vermont was looking at him. He heard a little noise, then he felt Vermont kissing him on his forehead and then his hand ran through his headfur. He felt like the canine was admiring him, which felt pretty good nonetheless. The wolf slowly opened his eyes and looked at the blurry outline of his mate. "Good morning, Luna." The wolf let out a slightly muffled "Good morning..." and started rubbing his eyes. "Wait, didn't you have to go to work...?" Vermont began to near the bed. "Nope, i called in and explained that i have a friend whom i'm helping and therefore, can't come back to work today." Luna was a bit worried. "Wait, do you do this regulary?" The canine nodded. "Albeit i don't work alot, i can effort everything i own easily. I invested big-time in this guy. I don't even remember correctly what he does or sells today, but i get money. Don't think im spoiled though. I worked really hard to get here in the first place, but all i really wanted was somebody whom i could love and care about. Being alone was really sad." Luna was listening closely to everything Vermont explained to him. The whole "Being alone was sad" was really heartbreaking to him, as he knew that he did leave Joe for him. "I...I understand. I am really happy i can be with you, Vermont. You are a very caring person and i appreciate that dearly. I've never really been with anybody like you before, but i'm very happy i am with you now." Vermont sat down next to the wolf and ran his hand through his headfur. "That is wonderful. I really want you to be happy with me and how you're living as of now. I just want the best for you." He gave him a kiss on his forehead an held him close. "Did you sleep well?" Luna felt a bit warmer as Vermont held him close. "I really did... I didn't even notice you carrying me here. I guess i must be really light for you then." The canine chuckled and bumped his head lightly against Luna's. "You were light as a feather. You have to realize that i am alot bigger than you though." Vermont signalled the wolf to sit in his lap. Luna sat back and as soon as he sat down, he felt alot warmer already. The canine began to slowly pet the wolf like a plush toy. Although he felt like he was given too much attention, Luna couldn't help but notice how comfortable he felt right now, with Vermont almost engulfing him with his arms. He leant back against his chest and heard the heart beat slowly within. Vermont seemed to enjoy smaller specimen as partners, almost treating them as if they were porcelain dolls. Luna began to imagine what Vermont's other intentions were, if he wants to treat him like this at all times, or if he will show a twisted side of him. But Luna didn't care at the moment. He felt loved and accepted, something that he rarely felt from other people. "You're caring, beautiful and intelligent, Luna. You are what i was searching for." The wolf got squeezed by Vermont's arms a bit and was sure he was blushing on an extreme level. "T-thank you... I... I have never heard a phrase like that being directed at me." The canine gave Luna a kiss on the cheek. "Well now you have." The wolf closed his eyes and let his hand flow over Vermont's legs, gently rubbing over the thick muscled areas. "I still have quite a few flaws. I'm not happy with myself, like, at all. I talk too much, i am far too jumpy, i am too shy and i can't look over my flaws, fuck..." The canine sighed and started playing around with his mate's headfur. "Just remember, nobody's perfect. We all have our individual flaws we can't, or can, beat. I myself suck at keeping track of events and time, i also am picky as fuck. Your flaws are cute in my opinion. It matches your willowy, slender figure and cute face. Your shyness is definitely noticable, i won't lie, but it's not over the top anxiety or anything, which gives more of a mysterious vibe. I don't mind long talks at all, it's quite refreshing and helps building conversations and breaking the ice." Luna kept playing with the canine's legs, basically making them a stress toy. "So... You actually like me?" Vermont smiled lightly as he kept petting his mate's head. "Yes, yes i do." Just as he completed this sentence, the canine was hugged very tightly by the wolf. "Thank you. Thank you for liking me for who i am. You're the first person to not pity me like i am helpless, but treating me this well. I could never thank you enough for being such an enormous help in my life and helping me get through these difficult times." Luna said, in a unusually calm tone. He brushed his head on the canine's chest. "It's okay, pup. Im glad i can help you this much. You're a mesmerizing part of my life, and from now on, i will almost always help you with your struggles." The wolf felt Vermont paw on his neck making a circular motion which felt unbelievably calming. A murr escaped Luna's maw, following him leaning back into the paw. The canine smiled as he kept playing with the wolf. "So what would you say if we would go on a date?" He asked out of the blue. Luna accepted. "Y'know, i'd actually be pretty happy." With a smile, Vermont kept brushing the wolf's fur. "I know you've asked me this, but now i want to ask you; what do you like about me?" The wolf began searching for his words before answering:"I love you personality, it's so lovely, caring and kind. You have such a great mentality of putting brain over brawn, you go into things with a clear mind and no different intentions that you wouldn't mention before. You're so... Incredibly lovable. I can't even explain it." Vermont listened carefully to everything Luna said, his paw still gliding over his fur. "Say, Luna. Were there any others before me?" The wolf thought merely for a moment. "Two. One of them was Joe. The other one was in college. He was one, or two, years older than me. His name was... Rory, if i remember correctly. Why do you ask?" Vermont rested his paw on Luna's back. "How did they treat you?" The wolf was kinda confused, he had to admit, but he proceeded to explain. "Well, Rory was very nice, but since we were both not out of the closet yet, we decided to keep it a secret. We only studied together at his house, since i was too insecure to tell my parents about him. And, uh... Well, heh. I-i kinda lost my..." "-Virginity." Vermont interrupted. "Ah, y-yes. Virginity. To him. He asked me to come over to help him, but i didn't know his dad wasn't there. So, i walk into his room and see him, butt-naked, on his bed with a halfie. And... I kinda just... Joined in. That's it, i guess." The canine chuckled. "That's actually pretty common stuff. I mean, not somebody being ass naked and just joining them, but much rather somebody asking you over to them for help or so and then ending up screwing. I lost my virginity to my... Second? Boyfriend. Oh boy. He was this really hunky guy you would only expect to latch onto women's asses, but appearently my ass was cool too. It was in his truck on top of some deserted hill, we both were super drunk, so we both just kinda fiddled around on each other and then started making out and all. I ended up going to hospital because i got a neck injury from us squeezing into eachother inside of this really trashy truck." Luna laughed hysterically as Vermont told the embarrassing story. "Your neck?! Goddamn, if we bang, let's only ever do it in a wide open space, aka, a bed." Vermont smirked. "So you're trying to imply something?" The wolf rolled his eyes and laughed. "You know we will have sex sometime. I still just don't feel well since... -That day." Luna's laugh became silent. He began starring down at his paws, slowly clutching them. The canine immediately calmed down as he noticed his mate's mood dropping immensely. He grabbed hold of the wolf's paws. "Pup, i know this is a very difficult time for you, you just take your time. I won't force you to do it. If you do want to do it, i will always watch out not to hurt you. Don't worry about sex." Luna smiled lightly, eyes still fixated at his lowered paws. "C'mere." Vermont wrapped his paws around the wolf's waist and pulled him closer. He put his hand on his mate's chin and guided his vision towards him. The canine smiled at Luna, slowly stroking his headfur. "It will be over soon, don't worry. Better times will come." Just as Vermont wanted to let the wolf go, his phone started ringing. The wolf looked at the illuminated screen, it was the same number that Joe called from last time. He didn't hesitate to pick up. "Hello!" Luna greeted happily. "Hey Luna... How's it goin'?" Joe sounded alot better than he did last time. "I'm fine, how about you?" The wolf replied. "I'm feeling kinda tired. I've gotten my first therapy and group therapy aswell. I hope i will be a better man once i step out of here. I hope i can see you again sometime soon without you fearing me." Luna sighed. "Joe, i can't wait until you're out too, but we both have to be patient. I hope i will be able to. But, tell me, how's physical activity there? Is there a sports hall or something?" The leopard replied:"It's pretty bold. We do train here, mostly stuff like Jumpin' Jacks or jumprope and sometimes we will meditate or we do muscle strengthening, stretching or cool downs. Do you have any 'physical activity', if you know what i mean?" Luna blushed slighly. "I-i mean... Vermont and i cuddle alot, but aside from... Uh... One... Blow-job, we didn't have sex. I... I am still... vastly insecure about it." Joe was silent for a mere moment. "It's nice to know you two are getting along so well, i really want Vermont to treat you as you deserve it." The wolf smiled lightly. "He is, Joe." He put his paw on Vermont's thigh. "He is." The canine was listening along, still gently petting the wolf's headfur. "That's great to know Loonie." Luna heard a sensible chuckle come from Vermont. "Why are you chuckling now?" The canine was still laughing. "'Loonie' is just a very cute name, okay?" Joe began to chuckle too. "Do you remember when i gave you that name? That was back when we were in high-school. I had you with me at recess and i introduced you to my friends. They called you just that! Well, they were also the reason you didn't talk to me at recess because you were scared that they'd bully you..." Luna sighed deeply. "Well, being honest, you're really hot and i was actually really, really, really scared that you might find out i'm gay and would start bullying me too. We didn't know each other that well back then..." The leopard was still listening as the wolf explained. "Luna, i thought you were mesmerizing in high-school. You're so... Unique... God damnit, you even got me sexually confused for quite some time." The wolf chuckled as he leant back against Vermont again. "Anyways, i'll have to talk to you later. Greet Chester, George and Benji from me, alright?" -"I'll do that." -"Okay then. Take good care of youself, bye." Without any hesitation, the leopard hung up. Vermont was looking at Luna. "You still miss him, do you?" The wolf sighed. "How did you know?" The canine smiled dearly. "Joe was your first. He helped you out of a bad situation, he practically adopted you, he has a big heart and atop of all that, he's fairly attractive." Vermont huffed. "Luna, this man is your teenage dream. If it wasn't for his bad habits, you wouldn't be here, sitting with a 30 year old discussing life choices. I'd go as far to say you would probably already be married with him. Alcohol ruins great people, pup." The wolf felt enlightened with the explanation Vermont gave. "Say, Vermont." He began. "Did you have bad experiences with alcohol or alcoholics too..?" The canine sighed as he stood up. "I won't lie. I did." He opened his closet and took out his pyjama pants and a t-shirt. "But i don't want to talk about that though, really." Luna didn't hesitate to apologize himself. "I didn't want to-" Vermont began dressing himself infront of the wolf. "No, no. It's alright. Afterall, you were just asking." He pulled up his pants. "Is there anybody you want to see or talk to? I could drive you to them, if you want." Luna stood up and explained:"I don't really feel like talking to anybody about my current situation. I don't want to bother anybody." He walked to his suitcase, just to find it being completely empty. "I put your stuff in here..." The canine pointed pointed at a small, black wooden cabinet. "...Some of your stuff is still in the dryer, you can help me fold them once they're done, if you want." Luna smiled as he went over to the cabinet. "I'll gladly help you with anything." He opened it and saw everything he had in his suitcase, had been organized into small stacks, from his shirts to his underwear. "Do you want to do anything particular? I'm just a bit curious, since most you did, the time you were here, was stay in this room... Do you want to go and watch TV? What would you like to do?" Vermont asked, kneeling down to Luna, who was sitting on his knees. "Oh. I'm up to anything, really. Do you want to do something?" He answered with a smile, as he picked out clothes, to wear for himself. The larger canine lightly ran his hand through Luna's headfur. "I'd enjoy to just sit down and relax a bit in the back yard. It's quite relaxing, since it doesn't point directly at a street, and rather just connects to other backyards, which belong to other people, and aren't used much at all." The wolf smiled happily as he pulled out his clothing choice. "Sounds nice! You can go ahead, i'll just change and come after." The large canine stood up and brushed his hand through Luna's headfur one last time. "Alright, pup." He smiled as he left the room, going down the stairs and heading into the backyard. He pulled open the glass door and stepped outside. "Hey, Vermont!" A voice halled from the other side of the fence. A bit startled, he answered "Hello, Timothy." Simply by standing there, the cat seemed to be able to look above the fence. "What'cha doing, dude?" He asked. "Nothing much." Vermont answered, unfolding the deck chairs. "That doesn't look like 'nothing' to me." Timmy chuckled, Vermont only sighing lightly in response. "I'll just be relaxing a bit with Luna." The grey cat wheezed. "Oh yeah, Luna. I almost forgot about the little one." Whilst staying unnoticed, Luna stood in the glass door frame, listening to the talk. "How could you forget about him? You've spent almost your entire yesterday with him." Vermont mentioned, unfolding the second chair. "Oh yeah, right. Haha." After Timothy seemingly remembered, the wolf decided to walk on in. "Hello Timmy!" He greeted the grey cat with an unseeming smile. "Hey little fella! How you doin'?" Timmy replied, with a huge smile spread across his face. "Well, i'm fine. How are you?" Luna answered, stepping a bit closer to the fence. "I'm fine too!" Timothy tilted his head slightly. "I just noticed that you kinda look like one of my students... Weird. Well, anyways, i'll let you dudes have your privacy now, i don't want to bother anybody." With a quick wave, the cat disappeared behind the fence again. Just as Luna wanted to sit into his chair, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out of his pocket and immediately picked up the call. "Hello?" Suddenly, multiple voices began to greet Luna. "It's just the punks and me, kid." Chester said, sounding a bit annoyed. "Oh! It's nice to hear from you guys again." The wolf cheerfully said. "We're glad we can talk to you, since we can't really come into contact with Joe ourselves." Benji exclaimed. "I do think that they have visiting times there. It's not like it's a jail, but a clinic. I'll have to ask Joe about that to make sure though." The wolf mentioned, sitting down into his, rather huge, chair, along with Vermont. "That'd be great of you." George huffed. "I can assure you that he's safe and sound where he is." Luna explained relievingly. "We weren't just wondering about Joe!" The lion exclaimed in a worried tone. "Yes, we were also wondering about you, after what happened." The cougar said in a rather shy tone. "I'm alright guys! I'll currently be staying with Vermont, a friend of mine. He's very caring."


It was getting quite late and the sun was already setting in it's usual orange colour. Luna and Vermont were still in the backyard, talking and discussing various things. With the time, the two didn't even need the second chair, as the wolf had laid on top of the larger canine, snuggled up in a blanket. "Do you want to go inside?" Vermont asked, sounding very tired. "Sure." The sleepy wolf said, standing up and yawning shorly after. He helped his mate carry the chairs back into the house and made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed himself a glass of water and leaned back against the counter. He heard alot of noises come from outside, so he looked outside the window to see what was going on. There was traffic jam on the street close to the fence. It looked very crowded on the streets too. "Where the people might wanna go" Luna thought. "Uh, hey, hey Vermont!" He called. "Huh?" The canine's attention was caught. "Is there anything going on today? Like, anything major?" Luna asked, eyes still fixated at the traffic. "Uh... I think there's gonna be a football match today. I'll watch it tomorrow." The canine answered, entering the kitchen aswell. "Why were you asking?" "It's just this weird traffic over here. It's incredibly riddled with people." Luna answered, emptying his glass. "Do you wanna head to bed?" Vermont asked, leant against the door frame, leading to the hallway. "Yes, i'm incredibly tired." The canine nodded, before walking back to the bedroom, with the wolf following him. Vermont sat on, what was considered, his side of the bed and took his socks off and slipped into the blanket. Luna did the same, and joined the canine in the bed. "Goodnight, pup." Vermont whispered, before giving the wolf a small kiss. "Goodnight, sleep well." Luna whispered, before shutting off the light on his side of the bed and going to sleep.