Unusual Love #11

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#13 of Unusual Love

Cindy's arrival was very unexpected, but it was still a welcome sight in Lucy's eyes. She felt good knowing that she had someone around that she knew something about. For the most part, she was quiet. Sam and his friends didn't seem to care if she was there or not, they were so relaxed around him that it was almost like they became him. She had remembered in the past before she met Sam that they were always kind of shy, but the way they looked now... it was a completely different thing than Lucy was used to.

Sam and Jim were still playing the game, when Sam said, "Damn, that pizza smells really good. Agh! I should have eaten something today." Lucy giggled, not because it was funny, but because she knew why he hadn't eaten. "Screw it." he ran his character in the game into the middle of a pile of the monsters and kept throwing something. He died, but shortly after there was a big explosion that killed everything. "Alright Jen, you're up." he said as he moved over to the pizza boxes.

For a while, Lucy started to lose interest. So did everyone else, as she took notice. They stopped the game and Jen pulled a movie out of her bag. It was an anime title, but Lucy and Cindy had no idea what it was. Sam seemed happy, but something about his expression just didn't look right. (He's smiling, but he looks so sad... maybe I should ask him now. Or... no, a public thing would be bad. I need to get him alone somewhere, but how?) Lucy thought. She spent the next 10 minutes thinking of a plan.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sam walk to the kitchen and decided that it was time to make her move. However, before she could get up, Cindy had followed him in. Lucy's curiosity got the best of her once again, and she snuck around the long way so no one would see her. She was hiding on the other side of the kitchen and peered in the door. Sam was getting a drink out of the fridge when Cindy walked behind him, staying about five feet away. When Sam had spun around to see her, she bowed down on one knee.

"Master of the Memento Mori, please forgive my rude behavior and past insults at your expense." Lucy had remembered how her mother said that everyone in the community was a member of some clan or another, but she had hoped that Cindy was an exception. (That bitch! She just wanted to try and get Sam to marry her!) She fumed. "I have no intentions of asking for your hand in marriage, nor am I a worthy candidate. I only ask that you do not punish my clan."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "Uh... okay? Bleh, I got it! If you are truly sincere, then forgive Lucy and everything she has done to upset you. Stand up for her decisions and be a good friend to her. See, isn't abuse of power fun?" Lucy was aware of it, but her mouth was wide open and she hadn't blinked for over a minute. She watched Cindy leave the room and join the others. "Lucy, you can come in now."

"U-um... how did you know I was here?" Lucy asking innocently as possible.

Sam looked at her and laughed, "Come on, now. You know me better than that! I knew you were looked at me when I was playing the game because I could see your reflection in the screen, and now because, well, your cabinets are very shiny." He opened the can he grabbed and started to drink it.

Lucy knew that it wasn't the right time to ask. Not yet, at least. They went back into the living room and sat next to each other on the couch. The night was starting to claim Lucy, but she fought it off. This was made easier by the lightning and thunder that kept making her cringe. She thought it would be best to cuddle in close to Sam, but realized only too late that the comfort she got from that pushed her into a pre-sleep state. Sam looked down at her and pinched her tail. Lucy snapped back into reality, contemplating slapping him, but decided that he did it for her. The movie had just ended.

"Not bad, too bad I couldn't afford it." Jim said.

"Yeah, I ain't got any money either." Marlene chimed in.

Sam stood up and walked behind the couch, "It was good, I'll give it that, but I bet I can do one better." This caught everyone's attention. He found his bag and pulled out a DVD with a plain looking cover where the only thing on it were some tiny words. Cindy and Lucy were the only two who had no idea what it was (What's the big deal about a movie anyway?) Lucy looked around (Huh? Could it be that good?)

Jim hopped over the couch in a single leap, "Where the hell did you get this!? I've been looking all over! This thing is impossible to find, and ridiculously expensive."

Sam laughed, "Let's just say that I know where to look." He left out a lot of details again. However, he did look over at Lucy, "I've watched it before, so you can all enjoy it in quiet, eh?" The geeky anthros were thrilled. Lucy was positive that he couldn't tell what she was thinking, but she took the opportunity.

"Umm, Sam? Since you've seen this movie already, could you help me move some furniture upstairs? It's a little big for me." Lucy waited for an answer while he rubbed his chin.

"Sure, why not?"

(Perfect!) she thought, fighting back her joy. She led Sam upstairs into her room. The pink on everything seemed to be more of a violet because of the rain and the night. She sat down on the bed and took notice of how his necklace didn't lose it's shine. In fact, it seemed to be brighter and more valuable. Sam sat down next to her, "What a lame excuse to get me all alone with you."

Lucy cringed at the thunder, "Well it was all that I could think of! Cut me some slack, we're not all geniuses like you"

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

Lucy opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She had planned for this, wanting it to be perfect. And yet, now should couldn't even think of the words. Her tail flicked the air as she looked down to her side, shutting her eyes. All of the courage she had earlier had vanished once again in his presence. (At least this time, no one is getting stabbed) she thought as a weak smile formed on her lips. She looked up at him, but an unusually loud rumble of thunder startled her so much that she screamed and bounced in the air. For some reason, her thoughts cleared and she was making the same mistake as before. Sam reacted this time, since there was room to move and Lucy landed on his chest. Her face was no more than two inches from his.

Her courage came roaring back, and she said what she wanted to, but the roar of thunder overwhelmed her voice, and the lightning illuminated the room. (If I couldn't hear it... then... I can't do it again) she felt the shame flood her face. Lucy tried to look away, but Sam put his hands on her face and pointed it at his. Lucy was confused when he reached for his necklace and pulled it off. He gently slid it over her head. Lucy went numb, unaware of anything in the world but her quivering lips. Sam moved his head forward and gently kissed her. After he pulled away, Lucy dove in and started to passionately kiss him.

It was at this point in time that she realized just how much she had fallen for this human. Lucy didn't care if he was famous, rich, poor, or anything. All that mattered was that he was with her.

About a minute in, Sam stopped kissing her. Lucy leaned her head back with a quizzical look on her face when all of her senses came back. She felt something soft and warm on her knee, and looked down. "Ah, dammit!"


Heh heh heh, testicles. But in all seriousness, this is the shortest on thus far. Thanks go out to the dwindling amount of readers. I love you all. I know where this seems like it is going. Two teens, alone in a dark room, kissing. But then his boys get crushed. Bleh... I lost myself. Anyway, more drama next time, and Lucy won't be the only one to learn the secret. What secret? Not the one I have already written. A new one. Next time, on Unusual Love # 12.