Vision: Chapter 3

Story by wolfnumber9 on SoFurry

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#5 of Vision

A new story that I want to try. A story about power and weakness, gains and losses, trust and betrayal.....and the monsters we all keep inside of ourselves.

It was a sunny afternoon in St. Arnold's orphanage. It was a Saturday afternoon and most of the children were outside in the old park in the back of the building. The small park had a swing, a slide, and dusty open field where soccer was played. The caretakers usually let the children play outside when aspiring couples and parents came to visit, or to finally adopt. On this afternoon, a canine couple pulled into the parking lot. Then, the female Labrador and the male golden retriever stepped out of the car and took a moment to hug each other softly. Then the golden retriever softly brushed the brown fur on her head and kissed her.

"Are you ready?" He said.

"Yes David." She said as she hugged him tight. "Let's go...find our child."

The two then walked inside the building and were immediately greeted by a smiling and perky looking rabbit with her jeans shorts and her "St. Arnold's orphanage" T-shirt. Her sudden presence at first startled the two of them.

"Hello there!" She greeted. "Sorry to surprise you. Welcome to the wonderful Saint Arnold's Orphanage. Please, come inside."

The couple now felt welcomed and walked inside to follow the white rabbit.

"My name is Samantha. May I ask who you are?"

"Oh, well I'm Clara and this is my husband David." Said the Labrador. "We're looking to adopt and we were told that we could have a quick look around and meet some of the kids."

Samantha quickly picked up her clipboard and looked it over for a moment. She flipped through the papers, scanning each one until finally, her ears perk and she said.

"Ah, there we go. Clara and David. Okay, well you can follow me and I can show you around."

The couple then followed the perky rabbit. Samantha continued.

"So, here at St. Arnold's we have over 500 children of all species. We are small, but we make sure that every mouth is feed, every lessoned is learn, and as much fun is had. So, what made decide to adopt?"

"Well, we have had some...trouble with having little pups of our own." Said Clara. "We soon decided that adopting was a good option for us."

"Aww, well I'm glad you are here. Most of the children are outside right now, but there is a group in the classroom now. We can visit there for a while."

The three walked to the upper level of the building and then approached room 206. Samantha slowly opened the door and guided the two inside. The children were all working hard on worksheets. Stone silence was all over the room. Only the sound of pencils scratching on the paper could be heard.

"Oh my" whispered Clara. "So well behaved."

"Here at St. Arnold's, we work hard to make sure all our children get a well deserved education."

"Very nice." Said David. "Maybe we should go then and let them work."

Samantha's ears twitch to the comment and she slowly closed the door back.

"Alright, well, I'm pretty sure that this is the only class going on right now, so the rest of the children should be outside playing." She said. "Shall we join them?"

Clara wagged her tail in excitement and nodded her head yes. Samantha then guided the two through the hallways. She continued to talk aimlessly about the orphanage as they walked, occasionally naming a few kids that were 'memorable' to her. As they walked past one room with its door open, David noticed that the room was not empty. He then stopped to look again. There was a white cat in the room. The cat was sitting on the side of a bed staring outside of the window, sitting in a chair with a pencil and a sketchbook in his hands.

"David, what's wrong?" Said Clara as she noticed that David was no longer right behind him.

"Come look dear." He said.

Clara walked over to him and then looked inside the room. Her ears drooped down once she saw the cat.

"Aww." She said. "He's all alone?"

"Looks like it." Said David.

Samantha then quickly ran to the couple and took their attention away from the room.

"Um...let's just leave him be and go outside." She said with a nervous tone.

"What? But that boy?" Said Clara. "Can't we go talk to him? He just seems so lonely."

"Um...that may not be best."

The couple looked at each other for a while then looked back at Samantha.

"What happened to him?" Asked David.

Samantha was silent at first, but she soon gave up on keeping the two canines oblivious.

"His name is Michael." She started. "He's...been here for five years now. On the day he came here, we were told that his father pointed a gun to his head...then his father died from a serious brain injury or something...Michael was found sitting down on the floor crying."

The couple was speechless. Then Clara finally spoke.

"And...what about his mother?" She said.

"A few medical papers said that she died giving birth to him."

Again more silence.

"It would be best if we...just leave him with his thoughts."

The three of them stood there looking at each other for a few moments. Finally, David walked into the room and walked towards Michael. Samantha sighed sadly, knowing there was nothing she could do. David sat down on the same bed next to Michael. The cat seemed to take no notice of his presence. David spoke first.

"Hello there." He said.

Michael didn't respond. He kept his eyes outside. David continued to talk.

"So, I heard your name was Michael. My name is David."

Michael finally turned his head and looked right into David's eyes. He blinked a few times, but kept his gaze on David. David was starting to feel more confident now. He continued to ask questions.

"So what are you doing sitting here all alone when everyone else is outside?"

Michael was silent for a while, but then he finally spoke.

"Why are you here?" He said.

David was a bit surprised by the question, but he quickly thought of an answer.

"Well...I wanted to keep you company." He said.

"No...why are you really the orphanage?" Michael answered back.

David was silent. He seemed very confused.

"It's not your fault that your wife can't have puppies." Said Michael. "At least that is what you believe."

David sat there in fear.

"What?!" Shouted Clara.

David finally regained his focus and said.

"Clara, no!....That's not true."

"Oh no, not again." Whispered Samantha.

Michael continued.

"Isn't that right David?" He said. "You want kids more than her and she is getting in the way?"

"You shut it, right now!" David Yelled.

"Is that true?" Said Clara nearly crying.

"No! I don't know how he knows this...I's not true!" Said David nearly panicking

"You know I hate myself for not having children of my own! You could at least be supportive!"

"I am supportive!" Yelled David.

"Is that why you sleep with the fox Kelly on the weekends?" Asked Michael.

David went from being shocked to furious.

"How the hell do you know that?!" He yelled.

"What?!" Yelled Clara. "I thought you were done with Kelly?!"

"I am....well....I will be...." David said. He was at a lost for words and still most of his anger was focused on Michael, who now displayed a small, satisfied, grin on his face.

"So let me guess: Why waste your life with me when you can have your own slutty child with Kelly?!" Said Clara, now bawling.

"No. Sweetheart. Please, It's not like that." Said David trying to save himself.

It was no use. Clara ran out of the room crying, leaving David to run after her begging for forgiveness. Once the two left the room, Samantha walked towards Michael with a furious gaze.

"Every time!" She Screamed. "Do you have to do this every time Michael?! How did you even know that?!"

"I have my ways." Michael said calmly.

"You know what, I don't even care! Every time I try to give you a chance to have a new family, you somehow screw it up! Do really want to be adopted, or do you just want to sit in this room forever and be alone for the rest of your life?!"

Michael then looked back at the window and said:

"I don't want a new family."

Samantha exhausted all her energy. She accepted the fact that there was no helping the young cat and with this, she left the room. Michael was again all-alone on his bed.

Once it was nightfall, Michael could be found in his bed like most nights. Most children were eating dinner now, but Michael would normally spend his nights alone in his bed. He wanted to sleep. He needed quiet. Michael laid down in his bed and took slow deep breaths as he stared at a blank wall. He waited until he could focus his mind. Then he closed his eyes. At first, all he saw was blackness, but then he slowly began to see something. A house. His house. The one he grew up in for his first five years of life. He slowly walked towards the house and walked up the steps. His memories slowly came back to him as he reached the front door and turned the knob. He opened the door and was introduced to his old living room. Everything was just as it was. There was even sunlight coming through the windows and partially lighting up the house. Michael walked inside the house and closed the door. He then stood there in the middle of the room and stared at the wall. He was waiting for something. Then he heard a voice.

"Oh, Michael." It said. It was a soft, feminine that came from behind him. Michael turned around and looked to see that it was his mother. He smiled a little and she smiled back.

"Welcome home." She said.

"May I please have some tea?" Michael asked.

"Of course sweetheart, just sit over by the living room. I'll be there in a minute."

Michael did as he was told as his mother fixed the tea in the kitchen. Michael sat in one of the chairs and swung his tail slowly back and forth. His eye wondered around the whole room. He could see the pictures, the small works of art, and the coasters on the table in front of him. It was all there, just like he remembered. Eventually, Amanda walked towards Michael holding a tray with cookies and two teacups. She placed it on the small table between them. Michael noticed that she was wearing a dark blue dress. It was unfamiliar to Michael.

"I've never seen that dress before." He said.

Amanda took her cup and quickly looked down at her dress. Her face then lit up when she looked back at Michael.

"Oh, I used to own this dress. I never really used to wear it though. Honestly, I only wore it once." She said.

"When was it mom?" Michael asked.

"When your father proposed to me."

Michael was silent. He looked away as he drank some of his tea. Amanda saw his concern.

"Honey, I know how you feel about your father...but I promise that he loved you."

Michael sat there silent. Amanda decided to quickly change the subject.

"How was your day, sweetheart?" She asked

"You know how it was." He answered.

"Michael, watch your tone." Amanda demanded.

Michael then sighed and said.

"It was fine." He said.

Amanda then sipped her tea.

"You want to tell me about that nice couple?" She said.

"No." He answered.

"They seemed nice."

"I don't care."

"So what do you care about?"

Michael didn't answer, but Amanda continued to pry at her son.

"Do you care about your future? Like where you will live..and who you live with?"

Michael put down his cup and said.

"All I care about is you.....and I don't even know if you're real."

Michael closed his eyes and hanged his head down. Amanda then stood up and walked over to Michael. She softly put her hands on both of his shoulders and kissed the top of his head.

"Did you feel that?"

Michael sighed and drooped his ears down. Finally he mumbled the word: "yes".

"Look at me Michael." She said.

He slowly turned around and looked at her. She smiled at him. The look in her eyes were so inviting and humble. It soon made Michael smile as well.

"I am here Michael and I will always be with you...I promise."

She then kissed his head again. Michael stood up and hugged her. Amanda hugged back. Michael spook again.

"Mom....are you trapped here? In my mind?"

"No sweetheart." She answered. "I am not trapped. We are a very special way."

The two were silent for a moment. Amanda tried to keep her composure and not worry Michael any more than he already was. Then, Amanda quickly broke the silence.

"Would you like some time alone?" She asked.

"Can I...just stay with you tonight?" Michael asked. "I am asleep."

"Okay sweetheart. Here, you can have a cookie."

The two sat down and ate they're snack.

"So." Amanda said. "Do you think that those two will make up after that fight you caused?"

"I think so." Michael answered. "Clara is weak and David might trick her to love him again."

Amanda laughed.

"Ten years old and you think you understand love." She said.

"I think I understand it." Said Michael.

"Trust me son, you don't."

" do you know?"

"Because..." Amanda took a moment to think. "Because love isn't something you understand...It's something you feel."

Michael smiled softly and ate his cookie. Amanda then flicked her tail and chuckled a little.

A few days past and the orphanage staff began to feel uneasy with Michael's presence. His constant isolationism kept him vacant from everyone else. He didn't make any friends, but this was all by choice. He only came out of his shared room for food and showers. But one day was different. On a Wednesday afternoon, the director of the orphanage came to Michael's room. Michael was sleeping as usual. He took any time he could to see his mother, but he was awoken by three loud knocks to his door. Michael opened his eyes, but didn't turn to face him.

"Michael?" He called out politely


"How are you feeling buddy?"

"What do you want?"

Michael grew impatient. The director continued.

"Um, there is someone in the office that wants to see you."

Michael stood up from is bed and faced the director. He took the time to look at the director's eyes. He quickly blinked and continued his gaze. He knew what was happening. The director was scared, he already knew that, but there was something else. A psychiatrist. The director called a psychiatrist to see him. It was all the director was thinking about.

"Michael?" Asked the director.

Michael realized they have been standing there in silence for a few minutes. Then Michael heard a voice.

"All these years and they finally send someone to see you." It said. It was his mother. It was only a few seconds until he saw her standing right next to him. "You should go. Speak your mind Michael. It would be good for you."

Michael sighed for a moment, but then said:

"Lets go."

Michael followed the director to the office. They almost walked through the whole building to get to the office. Michael would occasionally look behind him and he could see his mother's smiling face, leading him forward.

Soon Michael was lead to the office room. The first thing he could see was a grey rat sitting behind the desk. He had a stern look on his face, but it quickly changed into a subtle smile once he noticed Michael. The director didn't even bother to walk in with him. He just led Michael inside and closed the door. Michael took the time to study the rat. His name was Hugh Forrester. 56 years old. Child psychiatrist.

"See, a psychiatrist. That's nice, right honey?"

Michael could then see his mother walk from behind the rat and smile. He knew that she was only there in his own conciseness, but it did make him feel more comfortable to see her.

"Michael?" Said Hugh. "That is your name right?"

"Yes." He answered.

"Alright then Michael, why don't you have a seat there."

Hugh pointed to a seat in front of the desk. Michael was hesitant, but then he looked at his mother. She kept her smile and gestured her hand to invite Michael closer. Michael sat down.

"Alright Michael." Hugh started. "My name is Hugh and I'm here to talk with you. So first of, how are you right now?"

Michael stared down at the floor.

"Fine." He said.

"Are you sure?"


Hugh paused then he continued.

"I realize that an orphanage is not the ideal place to grow up, but there are people here who do care about you Michael."

Michael was silent. He still kept his eyes focused on the floor. Hugh continued.

"And, it is because they care about you that they have sent me to help you on an emotional level."

"That still does not explain why it took them almost five bloody years to call you." Said his mother.

Michael continued to look at the floor, studying the concrete and hoping that even the slightest misshapen crack or hole would grad his attention more than Hugh.

"Michael?" Called out Hugh.

He still didn't look up.

"Michael!" Shouted his mother.

He nearly jumped out of his seat. He then stared at Hugh, where he could see his mother trying to get his attention focused on the psychiatrist. Hugh was a bit puzzled at Michael's reaction.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

He then saw Michael slightly look off to his left and then focused back at him. It was as if Michael saw something behind Hugh.

"I'm fine." He answered.

"Okay then." Hugh went back on topic. "So, how would you say the caregivers treat you here?"

Michael then looked back at his mother. She stood there next to Hugh with her arms crossed and her ears drooped.

"Well dear, go on." She said. "This is where you tell him the whole truth about this terrible place."

Michael looked down again. She was right. If there was ever a chance to tell a real person how he felt, now was the time.

"They're afraid of me." Michael answered.

Hugh leaned forward in his seat towards Michael.

"What do you mean by afraid?" He asked.

"You know what I mean." Michael answered.

"Michael, don't be rude." Said his mother.

"Fine," Continued Michael. "They never like to be around me. They say that I'm a bad child."

Hugh was a bit surprised by Michael's answer. Still, Michael could hear his thoughts.

"A bad child?" Hugh thought. "They just told me he was very distant."

Then Hugh began asking more questions.

"Well, do you think you are a bad child, like you're doing something wrong?" He asked.

"No." Michael answered.

"So, do you think they are wrong to call you a bad child?"

"I don't know."

"Well, how do you feel when the caregivers say you're a bad child?"


"Is it because you think they are wrong?"

"I don't know."

Hugh took a moment to think. He could see that this conversation was getting them nowhere. He then decided to look through Michael's papers to get some answers.

"So, it says here that both of your parents are no longer with us, correct?" He said.

Michael's ears perked up. He then nodded his head in agreement. Hugh continued.

"Your mother died after your birth..." He said.

Michael slowly glanced up to see if his mother was still there. She was, but her smile was gone.

"...And your father died of alcoholism and brain trauma."

"No." Michael interrupted. Hugh was looked puzzled.

"No what?" He said.

"He didn't die from...alcoholism....or...brain trauma." Michael said.

"I'm sorry then....what really happened?"

"....I killed him."

"Michael!" Amanda screamed. "No, honey! You did no such thing!"

Hugh continued. " did what?"

"I killed him.....I killed my father." Michael said with a shaky voice.

"No Michael! No! That's not true!" Yelled Amanda.

Hugh was still silent, staring down at his papers and then back at Michael. Michael could still read his thoughts.

"He killed his father?...I mean, I am looking through his papers but....this doesn't make sense."

Hugh continued to think everything through. Then Michael began to stare at him. He could see the dismay in his face. At first, Michael was a bit afraid, but then he seemed more intrigued by Hugh's discomfort. It was strange, but he wanted to know more about the way he made people feel. So he kept staring, silently, with a blank and observant stare.

"Michael?" Amanda said. Michael didn't answered. He kept his stare. Hugh then noticed his glare.

"Michael?" Said Hugh.

Michael still stared him down and then spoke again.

"Are you afraid?" He Asked.


"Are you afraid...of me?"

Hugh still didn't answer the question, but Michael continued.

"Does it scare you...what I've done? scares me?"

Amanda then seemed to panic and said.

"No. Michael, no. You've done nothing wrong. You did not kill your father. Do you understand! You did not kill anyone! You are innocent! You hear me! You did not kill anyone!"

"Stop lying to me!" Michael screamed.

The whole room was silent. Amanda stopped talking. She just stared at Michael with despair. Then, in the short few seconds of silence, Michael could see her shed a tear then slowly fade away from the room. She was gone. Hugh was completely stunned by Michael's outburst. He then quickly put down his papers and stood up.

"Will me?" He said. Then he quickly walked out of the room. Michael then closed his eyes as he was surrounded by silence. He tried to calm down, trying to realize what he had just done, but in reality, he had no idea what he had just caused.

It was nightfall. As per request, Michael slept alone in a room all by himself. He laid there in silence, only half awake and having the same thoughts circle through his mind.

"Am I a killer?....Am I a murder?"

He would sometimes run through the whole scene in his head. He vividly remembers the look on his father's face. The fear in his face. This look of fear was all too familiar to him, as he has seen on many faces before. Each one a constant reminder of his father and all he could do was dwell in his sorrow and confusion. Until suddenly, he heard a voice.

"Michael." It whispered.

Michael ignored it at first, but it just kept getting louder.


The voice was nearly screaming, but Michael was still trying to ignore it. Then, suddenly, Michael could feel something grab his arm tight. He quickly jumped up and flailed his arms in numerous directions. He then looked behind him and saw his mother standing there by his bed.

"Ugh...mother what are you..."

"Shhh, there's no time." She interrupted. "Start packing up everything you can and find a way out of here."

Michael rubbed his eyes in confusion.

"What?" He said as he slowly awoke.

"Come on, come on, pack up!" She kept screaming.

Michael then got out of bed and said.

"Why are you screaming?"

His mother then quickly moved to the window and said.

"Come, come, look!"

Michael was still half asleep, but he followed her to the window. He wiped his eyes one more time and looked out the window. What he saw was confusing at first, but then he looked closer. It was Hugh, but he was talking to two large and tall furs. The looks on their faces were aggressive. Michael seemed worried, but once he saw one of the large fur's eyes, he took the time to concentrate and read his mind.

"Alright, sounds easy." He thought. "We ask the kid nicely to come with us and if he fights, we hold him down and sedate him. I still can't believe a cat this young needs to be in a psych ward."

"Psych ward?" Michael said under his breath. He then quickly ran to his dresser and grabbed his backpack. He stuffed as much clothes as he could inside of it, but his mother was rushing him.

"Michael, Honey?" She called out. "You have to go now!"

Michael ignored her and kept packing, but then hey stopped. He listened carefully and soon heard the sounds of footsteps getting closer. Michael took no more time to close the backpack and run out of his room. He was in the hallway, but he immediately heard a loud voice.

"Hey. Hey!" It said.

Michael quickly looked back and saw the same two large furs he saw outside. A tall bull and a wolf glared at him from the other side of the hallway. Michael froze for a moment, then quickly ran the other way. The two started to run after him. Michael continued running through the second floor. He was looking frantically for the stairs. He ran as fast as he could, but he could still hear the two behemoths coming closer. Soon he found the doors and he ran straight for them. He pushed them and banged his paws against them, but they wouldn't open. It was locked. Michael kept banging his paws against the door, but the two pursuers had already reached him. Michael began to back away as the two approached him.

"It's okay boy." One of them said. "We're just going to take you to a nice, relaxing place, okay?"

Michael didn't answer back. He continued to walk back, thinking of other places to run, but suddenly, he saw his mother walk in front of him. He was surprised as she began to walk over to the two furs.

"Mom?" He said.

His mother stood between the three of them with her paws clenched tightly into fists. She then spoke softly.

"Michael, stay back." She said.

The bull and the wolf then began to charge right towards Michael, but then, his mother raised her arms towards the two and then she seemed to push in front of her. Suddenly, the bull and wolf flew back and both slammed into the wall. It was as if some kind of powerful force flung them back. Michael was stunned. His mother then quickly turned around and pointed her hand to the door. Within seconds, it flung open with its knobs blown off.

"Go!" She screamed.

Michael frantically ran through the doors and went quickly down the stairs. He almost stumbled, but he managed to get to the first floor. He didn't stop. He just kept going through the hallway pushing chairs out of the way. Once he reached the front door, he ran through it with all his strength and forced it open. He was outside, but not alone. He looked ahead of him and saw Hugh waiting patiently in front of a white truck. Hugh then noticed Michael and seemed puzzled.

"Michael?" He said. "How did you?"

Suddenly, the bull and the wolf appeared right behind Michael after running down the stairs.

"Sir! Get him!" The wolf yelled.

Immediately, all three of them ran after Michael. Michael panicked. All he thought to do was duck down in fear, but then, Hugh was lifted off the ground and then flown over Michael with great speed. He then was rammed right into the two other furs and they all piled up inside the entrance of the orphanage. Michael was stunned during the whole scene. He then looked in front of him and could his mother again, looking very furious. She quickly looked at Michael and said.

"Get out of the way!"

Michael didn't hesitate. He got back up on his feet and started running away from the whole scene. Once he was in a safe distance, he soon heard a very strange, metallic sound. Curious, He looked behind him and was in awe of what he saw. The truck that was parked in front of the orphanage was now suspended in the air. Under the floating, menacing truck was his mother with her arms raised above her. It was in that short moment where everyone, even Michael, just looked up and stared. Then, his mother yelled once again.

"Stay away from my son!"

And then, with just the movements of her arms, the truck was flung towards the orphanage's front door. Hugh and his two assistants shrieked in terror and ran inside the building. Then, the truck crashed into the entrance of the building. Pieces of the building began to crumble. Screams could be heard from inside. Michael began to panic again and was getting ready to run again.

"Michael." His mother said. "Wait."

Michael then turned around and looked at his mother. She was looking down at the ground. Tears could be seen falling from her face. Michael wanted to say something, but he was a bit frightened to say anything to her. Finally, she spoke in a shaky voice.

"You...did not kill your father."

Michael then answered back.


"You did not kill your father." She said again. Then she turned her head to face Michael and said.

"I did."