Through The Horizon: Futures End

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#25 of Through the Horizon

This is the final chapter of Through The Horizon. I would like to thank Dasher for helping me as much as he does. He's an amazing friend, I don't know where I would be without him. I have already started planning Beyond The Horizon. This is the last installment of the Horizon series. Lets just say I have some really tricky idea's as to how to end it. As always I welcome comments!

Ron and Seamus stood in the gate room of Accendo City. Like hearing a strange language, the idea that Bane was gone, just didn't register. Before them, a monitor showed a long range scan of the planet they had just departed. Bane was supposed to be right behind them, along with Dasher. Instead of the two stepping out of the gate, it had shut down and now there was an empty space where a planet once had been. There was nothing to be said, both knew it and the room was silent. Complete disbelief was the common emotion shared by all in the room. Ron looked at Seamus, as did all the personnel.

There was no emotion on the fox's face. He was in a state of shock and how could he not be? The full impact of the loss would hit him soon but for now, he was in control of himself.

Ron turned to the control operator of the gate and commanded, "I want a scan run of the area. I want to know of anything out there that doesn't belong. Send a message to the command center and have them go to red alert. For all we know, there are a swarm of enemy ships coming towards us and because of the bomb, we may not be able to detect them. Raise the shields and prepare to evacuate the city. Above all else, nothing you have seen here is to leave this room. Bane's death is to stay a rumor and nothing more. Anybody found leaking this information, will be charged with treason against the empire!" The staff in the room nodded and turned to carry out the tasks given to them. Most were military and trained to deal with loss but all felt rocked by what had happened. If word got out to the public, who could tell how long the empire would exist? It would be open season for all the tyrants that Bane had crushed. No... no one was willing to see things go up in flames, just yet. Riots, anarchy and attack from former enemies, who Bane had taken control of. Without that wolf's sure confidence and firm paw at the helm, the ship of state was in danger of crashing on the rocks of a storm tossed future.

Seamus stood in complete shock, over what he had just witnessed. His Bane was dead, properly, irrevocably dead and gone. No one, not even the incredible Bane and his demon cat, could survive being at ground zero of the detonation of an omega bomb! Nothing would undo this or bring him back. He had given his life for the empire.

It comforted the fox slightly, to know that Bane had at least gone out fighting. It's what he would have wanted, he wouldn't have accepted anything less. For a moment, Seamus felt the stab of jealousy against Dasher. He hadn't left Bane's side, even when ordered to. 'It should have been my place, to die with my mate!' Seamus felt before shame, tinged with jealousy, as he realized how foolish that was. His best friends were dead and he was thinking only of how they had died together, so the rest of them would live. Tears began to run from his eyes and drip down his muzzle. His breath caught in his throat and he began to tremble.

Ron stepped up and took the fox's hand in his as he said, "Dear, why don't we go to my quarters? I've got a bottle of Bane's whiskey, with our names on it. It is time we got drunk and had a talk." Seamus smiled wanly as a tear rolled down his cheek. The green furred fox asked, "C...can we go to my quarters? I can feel closer to Bane, there."

Ron nodded as he held his friend's hand. Bane had been his best friend but he was Seamus' husband and mate. Ron had always known there was a chance they all would be separated one day. It was a hazard of the job they signed up for, yet that knowledge did little to comfort his aching heart.

They stopped by Ron's rooms first, for the whiskey and continued to the shared bedroom of Bane and Seamus. Seamus opened the door, holding it as Ron walked through first. The door sealed behind them as Seamus walked into the living room. Bane had insisted upon keeping his quarters inside the city. A large palace had been built for him on a nearby island yet he wanted to stay near his roots. The wolf hadn't been royalty by birth but Ron couldn't think of anyone who was more suited to rule.

Ron looked around the room and took a deep breath. The scent of Bane lingered in the air and he coughed to hide the sob that wanted to escape his throat. He wanted to curl up into a ball an cry his grief to the stars! Yes, Seamus had lost more but this was his pain! Nothing had ever hurt this much before!

He was reminded so much of the wolf he had loved and lost. Not only that but Dasher, the kind cheetah who had shared himself with them all, was gone. Ron felt guilty that he had barely thought of the cat in the face of losing Bane. He and Bane had indeed shared a love... not one of mates but one of friends, comrades and brothers.

Bane had helped Ron through boot camp. Ron smiled as he thought upon his first day of training. He had been a scrawny excuse for a fox, when he had arrived. Full of ideals that had been quickly crushed by the harsh reality of training. The goal was to break the man and build a team! Ron chuckled as he thought of the first time he met Bane. They had been bunk mates yet he didn't talk to the wolf until the first day of obstacle training. The fox had attempted to climb the wall. There was no way he could have made it, he simply lacked the strength. Yet the fox tried because so many had told him he couldn't. When he was almost at the top, his strength gave way and he fell backwards. He fell, right into the wolf's waiting arms. Bane had caught Ron and kept him from being hurt. The wolf had had the fox's back, when nobody else had. That was a turning point in Ron's life. Everything changed that day because he saw that in fact they weren't picking on him, they were challenging him. When he rose to that challenge, his view of the world changed. He learned, it's not enough to want something, you have to go after it as well. Even if you fail, sometimes you will fall into the right person's life.

Seamus walked over and took a seat on the sofa. He picked up the bottle of brown liquid off the coffee table and poured himself and Ron a glass of a stiff four fingers of Bane's private stock. He capped the bottle and slid Ron's down the coffee table to him. Raising his glass. He said, "To... To those we wish were here with us." He choked back a sob and took a gulp of the smoky amber liquid. It burned its way down his throat but the pain was nothing compared to what was in his heart. Bane had completed him, without Bane he didn't know how to carry on. Ron smiled as he saluted the toast and took a large swallow.

They sat on the couch, Ron beside Seamus. Ron put his arm around Seamus' shoulders and said, "Did I ever tell you of the first time Bane met you?" Seamus looked confused at the fox and said, "Ron, I was there. I remember when I first met him." Ron chuckled and leaned back as he told Seamus, "You remember your side of it. I remember his, or at least the parts he chose to tell me. Bane and I were always the best of friends. We completed the academy together and naturally got a posting on the same ship. It was an old, outdated scientific exploration ship. You were in engineering as Bane and I walked in.

Bane was mad as hell because the weapons systems kept going offline. You were running a test on some power systems and it was messing with the flow regulators. He stormed up to you, ready to chew your tail off, before seeing you didn't have one." Seamus chuckled at the memory and said, "I remember it well. He was mad as hell! I told him to go fuck himself, if I remember correctly. I was the chief engineer and if he didn't like how I ran the engineering systems, then he could damn well get out and walk home!"

Ron nodded as he laughed and said, "You left an impression on him and a rather large one, let me tell you. It might have been after we got pushed into this reality that we made love together but it's not when he started loving you. He had feelings for you from the first sight. You were unique in his eyes... one of a kind. As he got to know you, those feelings grew. The day he learned that you were Scott, returned from the dead, was the second happiest day of his life. The happiest was when you agreed to become his mate. Dear, I tell you that to say this... I knew Bane as well, if not better than you did. What he did, he did for us. He wanted nothing more than to save us. You're the leader now hun, youare the emperor. He didn't build this empire for himself but for others.

His dream was that others live free of fear, free of hate and free of want, so that they could create a good life. He saw to that in every action of his life, including his death. This is a hard time for us and there are harder times ahead. This will not be like anything we have been through before. We must pick ourselves up and carry on. Just as he would. I won't let his legacy end with him. It will live on as will his name and memory. But I can't do this if you aren't in it beside me."

Seamus nodded as he smiled. Ron was trying to help and the words he spoke were true. With Bane dead, he was the rightful heir to the throne. As such, it was his responsibility to rule the people in a way as to honor Bane and his memory. He smiled and laughed slightly, then shared the thoughts with Ron, "Ron, he would have loved this. You and me, sitting beside each other. Sharing memories, sharing who he was." Ron nodded agreement and added, "He would have blushed at the fact that we were praising him so highly but it was only his just due. He never liked to be the center of attention."

Seamus laughed with the thought of Bane blushing and said, "Oh, you are so right about that. Even in the bedroom he wanted all the attention off of him. Though he was our alpha, he hated being fawned on." Ron blushed slightly, remembering his first time with Bane... which was not the first time that Scott had been involved too.

As the two sat talking, the door chime rang to announce that somebody was awaiting entry to the apartments. Seamus scratched his head as Ron got up and walked to the door. He used the security screen to check first and was shocked to find Talon standing on the other side. Ron quickly unlocked the door and opened it. The usual four armed guards were outside, seeing to their safety. Talon smiled down at the fox and said, "Good evening....I know this is somewhat irregular but I wonder if I might come inside and join you?" Ron nodded and motioned for the dragon to enter.

Talon walked in and looked to Seamus with sorrowful eyes. Head lowered slightly in respect, he somberly told Seamus, "Seamus, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Bane and I were good friends. We didn't always agree on everything but he always respected me and made sure to do as right by me as he was able to."

Seamus nodded and got another large glass, into which he poured Talon the rest of the bottle of whiskey and invited him to sit down. Ron cleared his throat and had to ask, "Talon, please excuse me for being slightly rude but how did you know Bane is dead? We have not announced that yet."

Talon nodded and taking a large sip of the liquor, he swallowed and smiled at the mellow burn and heat before answering, "A good question... I was in orbit around the planet. Having come to try and aid Bane, I could see it was going to be a losing battle. The shields were up so I couldn't beam him out. I did pick up the transmission he made to you. Don't worry, I've told nobody that he's dead. As far as my crew knows, he made it out successfully and I have said nothing to contradict this. I did however, make haste to join you here. I wanted to be here for you and assure you that the Dragons will honor their agreements with Bane. You have our support as you try to keep his dream alive."

The fox nodded and smiled at the dragon. Reaching out, Seamus' respect for the dragon rose. Holding his great paw in both of his, he said, "Bane has told me many times, how much he thought of you. Talon, thank you for being here. This is a difficult time for us. We have to not only mourn the loss of a friend and husband but also consider the future of the empire."

Talon nodded and told them, "A piece of advice, for what it's worth... The empire will be here when you get around to it. Things will not collapse just because you take a few days. You two may make the decisions but there are plenty of other people in your government who can keep things running until you return. Take time to cry and clear your mind and soul. Not only is he worth it, the empire will never stop taking all you have to give, if you let it."

Seamus nodded and told the dragon, "You remind me of Bane, saying that. It's exactly what he would have said, actually. He hated being the emperor. It suited him though, as he was the perfect leader." Talon chuckled and told them, "He often spoke ill of the position. I once had a conversation with him, trying to convince him it would be wrong to shove the ruling council into a black hole." Ron and Seamus laughed loudly and Ron said, "I remember that. It was shortly after we had gotten things finalized." Ron laughed and added, "Dasher was ready to cover Bane's ass with the suggestion we announce the council had elected to explore the singularity in the name of science! I swear Bane gave it a moment of thought before deciding not to."

Talon nodded and looked worried a moment, then said, "I wish for your sake, that Dasher hadn't died with Bane. You could certainly have used his talents in dealing with the politicians. When they learn Bane is no longer alive and in charge. *sigh* your job won't be easy and with the minister gone, it is only going to be harder." He sighed and added, "I would have liked to get to know him better. I sensed he had hidden depths to explore."

Ron looked at Talon and had to know something but he laughed softly and said, "I am sure he would have enjoyed an 'in depth' meeting too." He asked, "I am wondering why you are sticking by us? I rather expected you to make a power grab, with Bane out of the way."

Talon looked pained but answered honestly, "The idea had occurred to me. But I remember what Bane told me and I have to agree with his conclusion. I could try and take control, setting off the others in the empire to likewise try and take what they can. That way lies the end of the dream and a return to war for us all. I might gain control but then I would be fighting my own kind as well as the others who oppose me. The return to chaos would have set everyone back with little hope of even keeping what he gained for us all. No... it is better that I show I am united with you, in keeping what Bane has created and we go on from there. We all are better off for what Bane has created and I want it to continue. Will it? We can only try."

As they talked, a data pad that Ron had been carrying with him sounded an alert. He picked up the pad and opened it. To his surprise, it displayed a scan, showing a ship coming toward them from the system of the just destroyed planet. There had been no other ships there except Talon's, the scavengers and the fleeing empire ships. Looking further, Ron saw the ship was a configuration he was not familiar with. It was similar to empire technology, yet not quite. He excused himself from Seamus and Talon and walked into Bane's office. He sat down and opened up Bane's computer. His paws danced across the console as he reviewed the ship scans. It had not made any attempt to communicate yet, being still too far out. The only reason he had spotted it was because he had been modifying the city's scanners and had tied them into the deep space sensors Bane had ordered be put up to gain advanced warning.

Hoping he was wrong, he ran a scan testing for background radiation on the ship. He hoped dearly that it wouldn't show his dawning fear. Against those wishes, the screen in front of his eyes told him exactly what he didn't want to see. He sighed as Seamus' voice startled him back to the here and now. He turned to see the fox and dragon standing behind him, watching with concern.

Seamus reached out and put his paw on the red fox's shoulder and asked, "Ron, what's wrong? Don't even try to lie to me either... I've spent too much time with Bane for that." Ron sighed deeper and knew he was right. This was not a time to try and shield anyone present from the news. Pointing to the screen, he said, "There's a ship headed towards us from the remains of the planet. It's emitting a strange form of background radiation. I've only ever seen it once before... on Dasher. It's the residual radiation that's left behind when you cross the boundaries between realities." Seamus nodded as Talon looked puzzled and asked, "I thought Dasher was found on the Capital planet, when you were sent there. If he came from a different universe, that would explain why there are no others like him... but once more for those of us who don't have an astronomical IQ? Is he back now with a new ship? Maybe he and Bane...?" Seamus turned to Talon and explained, "What he's saying is that there's a ship on the way from another universe. One similar to this one but different. Sabastian warned us of the danger but I didn't take him seriously. If it is who controlled him, we have a bigger problem than he represented."

Ron nodded and said, "Perhaps we should have. I've been running scans, trying to map out the multiverse. The radiation on Dasher and that he told us he was from a different reality, gave me the idea and I've been developing an alternate reality drive. I needed the equivalent of a star chart to make it work. I've sent out automated probes with test drives, to learn as much as I can before risking lives in ships. Different universes could have different physical laws that would make it deadly for us to enter. Luckily, it seems that the ones near us are nearly identical to ours, as far as I can tell. I think it was planned that way by what or whoever is in charge. I'm nowhere near ready to tackle answering that question though, if there even is an answer. That aside, this ship is from the same universe that Sabastian is from." Seamus rubbed his chin and asked, "Do you think it's the evil Bane he warned us of?"

The fox shook his head and admitted, "There's no way to know for sure until he gets here but I would say it's a safe bet. Even worse is that the bomb may have left a weakness in the foundation between dimensions. It's possible he used it to rip open a portal to bring himself and his ship here. He can't have too many ships with him though. We would have detected a massive surge in radiation if he had. The power needed to breach and cross the barrier, would permit it to only be open for seconds at best. If he weren't positioned just right, he would never even be able to get his ship thru intact."

Talon nodded and said, "Alright, let's pretend I understand what you're talking about. How bad is this?" Ron turned to the dragon and told him, "It's not good but it's not a total loss either. I've been working on a way to send Sabastian back to his universe, as one way to stop his scavengers. That problem was solved before I could try it but now it looks like I can turn it against his master. It's dangerous but it is possible to force him back, assuming it's only one ship."

Ron couldn't help trying to explain his work, as he would try to teach his staff to handle his new inventions. Ron told them, "As you may or may not know, we have a special reactor that is able to pull energy from the very fabric of space around us. There are a number of them in use, several in space ships even. We first used one to power the capital city. What many don't know is that they are all tied together on the quantum level. No matter how far apart they are from one another, they have a connection that makes them all act or react as if they were all one machine. I can initiate an energy pulse in one reactor, to force him back to his universe and seal him there. Unless he has the power of a god, he won't be able to resist the power of two universes. Ours pushing him out and his own pulling him back, I just don't see how he could stop it. The only issue is, I'll have to push the reactor to critical to do so. It will be noticed, we won't be able to hide it. I only hope he doesn't figure out what we are trying to do, before we do it."

Seamus was thinking hard and asked, "Alright but how do we target him with it? Do we need to sacrifice a ship or a planet?" Ron grinned and said, "That's what's so wonderful about it! When he beams down into the city and he will beam down, the city will automatically run a scan on him. The same system we have to detect spies, will tell me the exact frequency of the radiation and should target the pulse to draw him and anything from his universe, back to where they came from. By the time he knows anything, he will no longer be our problem and I expect he will be so angry, he will take out his rage on all near him. That should cause enough havoc that he will be doing damage control for a very long time!"

Talon nodded. It sounded like a good plan, if things worked as Ron hoped it would. None of the technical side made any sense to him but he trusted Ron's skills. The fox had helped create some marvelous things, saving them all before... If their luck held, he would do so again.

Talon knew for a fact that Bane was dead. There was no way that the wolf had survived that blast. Hell, the planet hadn't even survived. If they were going to triumph and go on, it was on the shoulders of Bane's mate, who had been the wolf's choice as successor and this genius fox....

Talon stood looking at Ron and Seamus. Nothing made very much sense to him right now, but then again it never did when it came two these two. He sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand. He asked, "What exactly do we need to do to prepare for this?" Ron rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "well in truth, not much. I've already got the program ready to emit the blast, the city will do the scan and once the wave is triggered he will be pulled back into his reality. He can't stop it any more than we can stop the sun from setting." Talon nodded, Alright, now what are the risks?" Ron paused briefly and continued, "Talon this is risky, very risky. The only way to do this is to push the core to its very limit. It can pull limitless energy but it can only process so much at one time. The power needed for this is off the charts. Only a zero point reactor can do it and only by pushing it almost to meltdown."

Talon nodded and asked, "What happens if the core goes too far?" Seamus gulped, this was a big one. He saw no choice but to answer truthfully, "Talon, if the core goes too far... then it will rupture the very fabric of space and time. The blast will echo through every known reality and erase our universe entirely. It will be as if we never were. No trace will remain. On the positive side, no one will suffer as it would be instantaneous. It will be the ultimate reality bomb. However, given our options I think this is the only one that will work. We have to send him back. He won't surrender. If we destroy his ship we have no way to know if more will follow. We don't know his power structure, his army's strength, or really anything about him."

Talon nodded and felt the weight of the desperate gamble hit him. All or nothing, victory or defeat, there would be no middle ground. He asked, "What about that reality drive you mentioned. Is it operational?" Ron shook his head and told them, "It's far from ready to be put in a ship. It will work on smaller drones that I can send to do my mapping but it's far from safe. The forces at play when crossing boundaries are horrific at best. We would be ripped apart by the quantum forces alone. I have been working on shielding of the ship but there has been no time to discover if anything living would survive." Talon pointed out, "Well, whoever is in that ship managed it alright, why can't we?" Ron shook his head and told him, "They have had much more time to plan and design whatever they used. I have no idea if we could use it to send them back. The chances are they were fortunate to make it at all."

Seamus nodded and made his decision. He told Ron, "Alright... With Bane gone, it's my responsibility to protect the empire. Ron, proceed with your plan and use whatever you need. As of now you're my second in command. Talon, I have no authority over you nor will I attempt to gain any. You were Bane's friend and I hope to consider you my friend as well. This is not your fight. If you go now, you might make it to a safe distance in case it doesn't work. If the worst case happens... We will never know it." Talon chuckled and told them, "Aw hell, I've come this far. I might as well stay for the fireworks. Besides, if it goes south, there will be no safe distance. I don't understand much of what any of you have said but the words reality bomb, tells me all I need to know."

Ron and Seamus walked to the command center as Talon used Bane's office to coordinate with his troops. At Ron's request, he would send as much of his fleet as was possible to the ruins of the planet where Bane died. If there were more ships, they would need to know. The radiation would prevent accurate scans for some time. Seamus entered the command center first, all who were present stood and gave a salute to the new Emperor. News of Bane's death had spread among the troops, despite the order to keep it secret. It was only natural that it had done so. Seamus motioned for everybody to relax and told them, "Ladies and gentleman, under normal circumstances I would be an emotional wreck. My beloved mate is dead, along with my best friend. Ron and I are in deep morning. We cannot allow that to affect the performance of our jobs and neither can you. We have yet another fight ahead of us and we don't dare fail to win in this. There will be time to bury our dead and mourn their loss but today is not that day. Everybody to battle stations, sound general quarters for all citizens. I want the entire city locked down. Have fire crews on standby and disaster response at the ready."

The men and women in the control center began to work feverishly to carry out their commanders orders. Ron walked over to the engineering control center and took a seat. He brought up the reactor control program and began to read its current state. Everything read normal but that would soon change. Seamus looked over to his friend and relayed, "The ship is almost within communication range. How long will it to initiate the blast?" Ron shook his head, wishing there was more time but answering, "We have to stall him for at least twenty minutes. It will take me that long to override the safe guards, then begin the overload and initiate the targeting program." Seamus nodded and glared at the main screen. His resolve was strong that this was for Bane. This was for every man, woman and child who had died because of this selfish bastard. This was for the misery the scavengers had caused, the planets lost, the lives stolen, the futures destroyed. This was personal in every sense of the meaning.

As Seamus stood, wrapped in his own desire for revenge, the display screen lit up with an image of a solid black wolf in a military formal uniform. Seamus's blood ran cold as he looked at the image.

Color aside, it was a dead ringer for Bane! The wolf grinned wickedly and demanded, "Where is this Banehollow Accendo? I will speak with him immediately!" Seamus grinned and answered, "Come within firing range and I'll make sure you meet him!" This was no amused grin, this was a grin of hate.

The wolf scowled his irritation at not being obeyed and said, "Who are you? I have no interest in you or any of his underlings, I will speak with Bane! Do not issue idle threats that you cannot hope to back up." Seamus considered his response carefully. He couldn't risk Bane leaving before Ron could get his scan, so he needed to stall the wolf. On the other paw, the thought of carrying on a conversation with this creature turned his stomach.

Seamus stiffened his resolve and returned, "Bane is dead... He died in the blast that destroyed the planet you came from. He died to protect every man, woman and child in this empire." Ron stood with his tablet and walked into view. Standing beside Seamus, he said, "Greetings Bane. I assume that is in fact, your name too?" The wolf scowled at this new creature and demanded, "Who the hell are you?" Ron smiled softly and answered, "Me? Oh, I'm nobody. Just a lonely engineer. I'm here to accept your surrender on behalf of the Empire... that's all."

The wolf howled with rage as he said, "Who the hell do you think you are? I already own you but you just don't know it yet!" Ron laughed as Seamus stepped out of the view and he said, "Let me get this straight... You use a hole created by our bomb, force your way into our universe with one little ship. You then, proceed to the capital, arguably the most defended part of the empire and demand that we surrender? Is that about it?"

Ron began to laugh so hard, he had to hold his sides from the pain. The wolf glared, scowling at this fox, this pathetic creature who dared to mock him. The only thing left, in the wolfs' mind was the manner of the foxes death.

Seamus felt the floor of the control room vibrate as the reactor warmed up. Alarms sounded in all parts of the city as security doors sealed themselves shut. Isolation protocols kicked in and raised containment shields around all areas where citizens were. Ron smiled as Bane ordered his ship to go into orbit above the city. Ron grinned as the wolf glared at him and told him, "You have some balls to think you can order me around. I have enough weapons on this ship to blow you into the next universe! Nothing you have can do more than dirty the paint of my ship." Ron grinned and taunted, "Over compensating for something, wolf boy?"

The wolf snarled as he opened fire on the shield surrounding the city. Ron smiled from ear to ear as the entire city shook violently but not from the weapons fire. Alarms sounded on Bane's ship alerting him that something wasn't right. "What have you done!!!?"

Ron happily smiled and told him, "I assume you just realized that your warp core has dropped offline. That's a result of the instability of this part of space. You see... when you fired on me, you gave me an opportunity to scan you. I know what reality you're from!" The crew in the control center began to evacuate as control panels began showering sparks as they were hit with power surges. Sparks flew everywhere, smoke rising as the control room tore itself apart. Ron went on, "You see, I built a zero point reactor at the heart of this city. That reactor is currently, moments from going critical. The scan allows me to target all this energy directly at you! Hope you brought some lube boys, this is about to be one hell of a bumpy ride!" Ron tapped the release button on his tablet. The entire city shuddered and shook. Windows shattered, walkways crumbled and lower levels began to flood. The city nearly tore itself apart as a massive blast of dark energy shot from the center of the city and impacted Bane's shields. The ship shook violently as its hull began to vibrate. Ron smiled as he watched Bane roar and scream with rage as his ship was forced out of this reality.

Ron said, "Enjoy your defeat, as I will enjoy our victory!" He hit one more button on his control pad and the ship vanished as the control room finished ripping itself apart. Ron turned to see a panel behind Seamus bulge before ripping apart. The fox dove forward, pushing Seamus out of the way but leaving himself to receive the full impact of the blast. The world went black with the taste of blood in his maw and pain shot though his body. He followed, into the darkness of unconsciousness.

Seamus picked himself up and screamed as he saw what had happened to his friend. Ron lay on the floor, his left arm and leg completely severed by shrapnel from the control panel that he saved Seamus from. Blood gushed from his body as Seamus roared orders into his com badge. Medical crews ran into the room with tools in hand. Seamus grabbed a medical bag and opened it. He shouted to a doctor who had rushed to the scene with the medical teams, "Let's get the wounds sealed and then we can get him to surgery." The doctor nodded as he retrieved some tools from his bag and worked on the leg as Seamus worked on the arm. He could tell that things were bad. The fox had lost a lot of blood. His arm and leg were damaged beyond repair. They couldn't be re-attached, even if they were in surgery right now. This was going to be a long night.

Ron opened his eyes slowly. The brightness of the lights in his room blinded him momentarily. He coughed dryly as his senses slowly came back to him. He blinked the world into focus and realized he was in a specially designed unit of the hospital designed to treat high level government employees. A slow beeping sound alerted him to the presence of a heart monitor. Okay, so he wasn't dead... That was good. He looked over to the television on the wall. He used a control pad on the right side of the bed to turn the sound up. It was the local news channel for the city. They were covering the events of the past week. 'Good lord!' thought the fox, 'I've been out a week!'

He blushed as he realized that footage from inside the control room of him and Seamus was being played throughout the empire. They were being hailed as heroes! But it didn't feel like being a hero when your loved ones weren't there. He sighed as his thoughts turned to his beloved Dasher. The cheetah could never be a mate but he had been so much more. He had taught the fox so much about how to love and live. He had brought the fox out of his shell and into the world. He smiled as he imagined Dasher scolding him for feeling sorry for himself. Likely he would have turned Ron over and given him something else to think about. He smiled as the door to the room opened. In walked Talon and Seamus. Seamus smiled tearfully and greeted his wounded friend with a careful hug.

Seamus smiled happily and said, "I thought you were going to just keep right on sleeping. I'm glad you're awake." Ron chuckled tiredly, "As am I. I see the empire has been busy while I was away." Seamus nodded and informed him, "The city was badly damaged. Some citizens were hurt but none killed, thankfully. Repairs have come along steadily. We have begun to rebuild across the empire. The fox empire even reached out to us, asking for our help. We have opened talks with them but it is pretty much a face saving thing for their leaders at this point. There has been an outpouring of support, for the loss of our mate and friends as well as our victory."

Ron nodded as tears came to his eyes. The full weight of the loss finally hit him. He sobbed silently as Seamus held his hand and Talon rested his hand on his shoulder. It took a minute after that for Ron to look down at his left arm. Shock at seeing where his left arm had been. With the remote and Seamus being on his right side he hadn't paid any attention. There was metallic arm shaped device, attached to where his arm had been. He attempted to move it but was unable to do so.

Seamus smiled sadly to Ron and told him, "I'm afraid when you saved me, it was a great cost. The blast took your arm and leg." Ron used his right hand to pull away the cover, revealing a metal leg as well. He sighed deeply as he examined it. An engineer at heart, he couldn't help noticing the craftsman ship was second to none. They were very well made. He asked, "Why can't I move them?" Seamus reassure Ron with, "Because they have to be activated. I was waiting until you were awake before powering them up and showing you how to use them."

Ron nodded as the fox opened a port on the arm just below the wrist on the bottom side of the arm. "You see they are both connected. You had a number of internal organs that were damaged as well. I used nanotechnology to repair them but also took the opportunity to connect your arm and leg. They can both be controlled from this access port." Seamus took a small adjustment tool from the access panel's lid and used it to activate the arm and leg. A small humming sound was barely audible they powered up, then the hum subsided.

"You see," began Seamus, "they are powered by a small zero point crystal. You should never run out of power so long as you live." Ron raised the arm and flexed the fingers. He could easily control it, just as he did his real arm. He rubbed the surface of it with his right hand and was surprised as he could feel small sensations from it. Seamus had obviously put a lot of time and effort into this unit. He smiled and pulled Seamus into a hug.

Talon looked at the two. It was quite obvious that they would never be the same. Ron was physically scarred from the experience and both were emotionally wounded. Seeing them now, both seemed as strong as ever. It amazed him at how strong the two had been.

With the wound of losing their lover and friend so fresh, the two had single handedly, beaten the single greatest threat to the galaxy. Not only that but they had done it together. They were wounded but not defeated. The desire to see Bane's dream live on, pulsed through their veins. There would be a time to morn and grieve but this was not yet that time. The empire needed them and they needed it. Sympathy was pouring in from all over the empire. System after system were sending representatives to the capital to pay their respects to the great wolf. The man who had saved them all. Bane was dead but in the empire, his spirit lived on. His memory and legacy lived on in the form of happiness, freedom, and safety for its residents. Seeing Ron and Seamus in full action had ensured that anybody who wished to try and use the situation in their favor, had taken a second, longer thought about it. The video that was circulating throughout the empire had displayed exactly how far they would go to keep the dream alive. Talon smiled as he realized this wasn't the end, this was only the beginning. The start of something wonderful. All the enemies were gone and peace could now rein throughout the land. This was not future's end but the future's beginning.