Welcome to Valhalla: The Children of Earth ; Chapter 2

Story by Aries_Hausdorff on SoFurry

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This is the second chapter of the book "The Children of Earth", the first in the "Welcome to Valhalla" universe.

Peter meets his rescuers


Peter emerged from a hole in a small green meadow. Meadow was maybe too much. It was a space shaded over by an acacia tree. The surface was grown over with short-cut broad leafed grass. On three sides the space was surrounded by high, rough walls of sandstone, the fourth side went to a gravel-covered ... road.\

Peters vision was blinded for a moment as the sun burnt down brightly onto the gravelroad, and reflected off the bright yellow walls beyond. The chittering of his rescuers was around him and behind him. Small fuzzy hands grabbed his wrists and shoulders and pulled, whilst other hands got hold of his legs and pushed.\ Like a cork from a bottle, Peter popped out of the hole in the ground.\

All around him there were... people.\ Rather, creatures from fairy tales.\ On the gravel, five giant knights stood, the light reflecting off their polished armor. Looking around, Peter saw his rescuers for the first time. The one who must've been in front of him stood on the grass and was shaking himself, sending dirt flying all around.\ It was a sand colored fox.\ With extremely huge ears, that seemed to move all on their own.\ And, once the roughly one meter short fellow stopped shaking so fast that is outlines were all fuzzy, Peter saw that the fox was wearing a sort of leather cuirass and a kilt made of leather strips, both in dark green and dark brown shades.\ When the fox stopped shaking, he gazed back at Peter with big black eyes, flashed a ... grin ... full of small sharp fangs back at him.\ Behind Peter, over his legs which were still in the hole in the ground, four more of the fox-people emerged, walking rather unceremoniously over Peter and starting to clean themselves in various corners of the mini-meadow.\

Around their necks were thick neckties of sand-colored silk, Peter noticed. And they wore all the same types of leather armor. Only their belts, from which a pair of stilet-like daggers were dangling on each, really differed. All were of leather, but they were embroidered with differnt patterns, in different colors. The fox that had pulled Peter on his wrists out of the hole looked down himself, turned halfway around, inspecting his bottlebrush-like tail, combing last traces of sand out of it.\

Peter pulled his legs out of the hole, sat up and pulled his treasurechest against his body.\ The sight of the five giant knights was unsettling, especially as they stood in the blazing sun and the light reflecting off their armor partly blinded him. The "lead fox" walked over to the knights - Peter tried to find a word for "running with a swagger", but failed - and one of the giants knelt down, and took off his helmet.\ Kneeling now for the greater part in the shadow the acacia tree cast, Peter had to correct some of his assumptions.\ The knight wasn't a "he", but a "she", as the great amount of cleavage the armor showed quite cleary indicated.\

Whilst the foxes movements always appeared hectic and cut short, the knights motions were slow and fluent.\ It was a striped horse, a zebra. Her mane had been pressed flat by her helmet.\ "Not pressed flat," Peter realized.\ She wore it combed all over the left side of her head, and it flowed down to the shoulder guards of her armor.\ Like a white-black waterfall.\

The fox gesticulated wildy with arms, ears and tail and yipped and barked in rapid order at the zebra-mare-knight, who then and when nodded in a very human fashion. The noises... voice of the fox - a fennec, Peter remembered, guessing by it's large ears - where high pitched. The voice of the zebra-mare-knight, when she responded, were much lower, deeper.\

With his eyes accustoming to the glaring brightness, Peter could see more and more details on the knights armors. "Zebra-Woman-Knight sounds stupid," he thought. "Amazones. Yes, that sounds better."\

The Amazone kneeling in front of the wildly gesticulating fennec petted his head and then looked up to Peter, her ears flicking. One of the fennecs that had come out of the hole behind Peter, flailed his arms, jumped to Peters side and mimicked to be holding something in his hands. Peter was startled, even more so when a second fennec jumped to his side, a third jumped upon that ones shoulders and snarled ferociously, clawing for the fennec who jumped to Peters side first.\ Peter gazed.\ The first fennec moved his arms - and Peter realized that he was mimicing his own motions earlier and so...\ When the imaginary case the first fennec was holding was smashing into the face of the third fennecs muzzle, he and the fennec upon who's shoulders he stood, toppled over like Goliath hit by David's slingshot. The two made an impromptu performance of dying from terrible wounds.\ Peter was sure he, at best, broke the tigers nose, but nevertheless:\ When the other fennecs started banging their chests, the amazones clapped their hands and bowed lightly to Peter.\ The kneeling amazone, who's armor was inlaid with golden leaves on her shoulders and torso, lowered herself until she sat on her haunches. She whinnied - said - something to the four other amazones who bowed their heads and made a step backward.\ Then she looked at Peter, flicked her ears and then, after a few second, made a waving gesture with both her hands.\ The fennec that had stood aside when she adressed the other amazones, dashed to Peter, grabbed his wrists and yipping excitedly pulled him toward the kneeling amazone. Peter stumbled to his knees, then, as more small hands started to push him from behind, got up and, clutching his treasurechest to himself, stepped to the kneeling amazone.\ Despite kneeling, she was still half a head taller than Peter.\ She looked at the metal chest he held protectively against his chest. Then she nodded.\ She moved extra slowly, much slower than when she had talked / gesticulated with the fennec, placing her hands upon Peters shoulders and then leaned forward, until her broad nose touched his forehead.\ Peter didn't know what to make from it, although the warmth of the velvet muzzletip against his forehead felt very reassuring. In the shadows he could see on the ground he saw that the four standing amazones bowed, and the fennecs jumped into the air and made saltos.\

"Whatever that means... it seems to be something good," Peter thought and relaxed a bit.\

He didn't know how he had come here, or where "here" actually was. He missed his mother and father, but he had seen the other children having been brought into the city, and he was in it now, too, and, ... \ He inhaled deeply whilst the amazones gloved hands carefully caressed his shoulders, her breath washing through his hair.\ The air was warm, and there was a sweet scent in the air that sent a reassuring tingle through his spine.\ He would be safe here.\ The Amazone stood up, her armor clicking and tinkling as she did so. She flicked her ears looking at Peter, then pointed at the fennec who had spoken to her earlier, issuing a short sequence of whinnies and other noises that were so well modulated, that Peter was sure it was a proper language. Just one he never even thought of possible.\

The fennec ... saluted to the amazone in the gold-decorated armor. He stood first very straight and then bowed in a motion that, considering the swiftness of all his other motions, was ceremoniously slow.\ Then he barked a single high pitched "Yep!"\

The amazone nodded to the fennec and to Peter, then turned around, trotting away. The four other amazones fell, two by two, in behind her.\ "Looks like I got kissed by a female general, or a queen," Peter thought, clamping his his case between his legs and rubbing his forehead. His skin and hair was moist where the zebra mare... zebra woman... Amazone had breathed against it, but the heat of the air was drying his hair rapidly.