Lucien: Nothing Sacred

Story by Lucien Lerderna on SoFurry

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#7 of Love Can't Be Different

As a rule, Lucien liked mornings. Granted, he did not like waking up before the sun every day for school, but he did enjoy being up early to bask in the quietness. It was quiet, today, because nobody else in the house was a morning person, and because everyone with whom he lived was either at work or away at college. He jumped in the shower at around seven in the morning, after eating and brushing his teeth, and grabbed his musky shampoo with tea tree oil. He washed himself thoroughly, covering himself with a vaguely masculine scent. It was not that he had run out of his other shampoo, or that he was trying to feel better about himself this morning; it never hurt to, being male, smell male.

Lucien stepped out of the shower and toweled off, before grabbing a hair dryer and setting to work drying off quickly. The loud roar was never something Lucien enjoyed, nor was the bothersome wind, but it worked efficiently, which was all he needed. For his lack of enjoyment, a silly smirk played across his lips when the hot wind drifted over his nether region. Thoroughly dry between his thighs, Lucien lifted one leg and blew it dry, followed by the other.

He left the bathroom a bit overheated with his fur quite tossed about. He stalked back to his room in his underwear, and brushed himself thoroughly to his straight-furred, straight-haired almost-beauty. After the grooming was done, Lucien dressed conscientiously, picking out clothes he thought flattered his form a little more than necessary. The pants that barely fit up his thighs, not for falling out of shape, and the shirt that rode up his stomach past his navel when he raised his arms.

Before putting his clothes on, he picked out girly mesh sleeves from his dresser drawer of gloves and contemplated adding his violet hair clips, but did not feel like enduring the half serious teasing. He slid a pair of pink and white socks up to his thighs, and slid, with some effort, into his faded black cargoes and black shirt with the cute purple coffin surrounded by fluttering cartoon bats.

Outfit completed, Lucien discovered that he had just enough time to walk to Tommen’s neighborhood without hurrying. He closed and locked his front door, grateful that everyone was gone, and began toward Tommen’s place. He started to get vaguely nervous about himself, once his house was out of sight. He was being a bit flamboyant with his dress this morning. It had been so long since he bought this outfit, he could not even remember if it was for boys or girls.

He did not remember this shirt being so small. Granted, he had grown a few inches since he had really worn it with any regularity, but it still should have fit him better than it did. The same went for these pants. They were very tight in the thigh, and had a nice looseness around the calf that really made him look much less masculine than most of his other outfits. He felt ridiculous, and blushed every time he passed a house with the blinds open.

There is very little reason to be so nervous. I have thrown every kind of weirdness at him once, already. Lucien thought, I do not imagine that I am going to shock him anymore than I already have. Despite that reassurance, Lucien still trod on with trepidation and a suspicious glint in his eye. It was not the most flattering look he could come up with, but he was becoming obsessed with this unfortunate choice of dressing.

Soon after, with the distraction of his outfit, and Tommen’s potential reactions to it, Lucien found himself coming to the entrance of Tommen’s neighborhood. He stopped for a moment, unsure if he really wanted to go in and find him, or if he just wanted to stand right where he was, shirt pulled down to his knees, and hope that Tommen was smart enough to exit the neighborhood to find him. Ignoring his irrational fears, he continued on, looking left, right and forward in hopes of seeing Tommen. He wandered around for about five minutes, before he saw Tommen come walking out of his house. Lucien hurried to meet him at his door, and greeted him when he picked his head up to discover the source of the hurried noise.

â€Hey,†Lucien mewed when Tommen noticed him.

â€Oh, hey.†Tommen replied, before pausing and doing a double take. â€Um, you’re certainly… flamboyant… this morning†Tommen said.

â€Um,†Lucien began, blushing hot in his ears. â€I â€" I guess. I mean, I didn’t exactly mean to be â€" I â€" um, sorry?â€

â€For your choice of clothes? Not really my business. Though, I must ask: are those even clothes for a guy?â€

â€I don’t, um, remember….†Lucien mewled bashfully. â€I haven’t actually worn this outfit for a while.â€

â€You know I was kidding, right?â€

No! Lucien thought. I did not, in fact, know you were kidding. â€Of course. I was playing along. I don’t… own girl’s clothing.†He replied, not making it too obvious that he was lying.

â€What about what you said earlier this week?†Tommen teased.

â€I was just saying that I was not decked out in the most male of male clothes.†Lucien defended, wishing he could take Tommen’s mind off of this silly subject.

â€Right. So, I’m actually kind of interested in seeing the rest of your wardrobe, now that I am walking around with the cover model for ‘Goth Girl Magazine’.†Tommen teased.

â€Is that a real publication?†Lucien asked, still embarrassed.

â€I don’t know. Why, looking for a job?â€

â€Definitely. ‘Goth Girl Magazine, turning fetishists gay for over… three weeks!’ I could so get behind that.â€

â€Remind me to cancel my subscription. Here I thought those boyish names were just coincidences.â€

â€Nope. ‘Here we see Lucie â€" Luci â€" Luci modeling an alluring fishnet skirt. It’s so wonderful and unfortunate she is wearing underwear today.’â€

â€If those don’t exist, I’m going to learn how to sew.†Tommen gushed, a distinct picture in his head of just what a cute cat girl might look like wearing one.

â€And if the magazine doesn’t exist, I’m going to learn to publish. And take photographs.â€

â€Issue number one: ‘Does She Have a Penis?'’’

â€Of course. And the readers could win a prize for guessing correctly.â€

â€Yeah, like what?â€

â€Um, a visit by one without a penis. Well, or with. ‘Please specify preference of genitalia. Shipping takes three to five business days, and there are no guarantees to what happens when your model arrives.’ Oh man, the goth fashion/escort magazine, featuring girly boys and almost-porn. Fantastic.†Lucien said enthusiastically.

â€How much money does it take to publish a magazine? ‘Cause we so have to do that.â€

â€I thought the girly boys part would get you.†Lucien teased. â€And probably not too much, if we just hosted it on the internet. Though I’m sure we would get a lot of angry emails, ‘Tits or GTFO’, and ‘It’s a motherfucking trap!’ So probably a bad scene if we did. Might have to relegate that idea to the Maybe When I’m Retired and Need a Hobby file.â€

â€Because that would work so well. ‘Hey, pretty girl, wanna come back to my place and take some glamour shots? I run a magazine on the internet.’ Totally doesn’t scream danger.†Tommen said, following Lucien around a corner and into his neighborhood.

â€That depends. If it’s, like, early retirement and you’re not terrifying, I probably would. Then again, rape with me would be more hilarious than horrific. ‘Come here, pretty girl. I want to reward… you… for… â€" what the fuck is that? Ugh, I feel dirty.’ And I would laugh and laugh and laugh until my throat gets cut.â€

â€What a pleasant thought. Though how do you rationalize that? The penis, part, I mean. Like, throat cutting would be, like, at least the tenth thing on my To-Do List once I discover my more-than-just-model model is, in fact, a boy.†Tommen said, gesturing a bit, illustrating his interest in this topic.

â€Well, I’m sure that they would just hit you with the line, ‘but I’m a girl on the inside.’â€

â€To which you reply, ‘nope, felt like a boy in there, too.’†Tommen said, smiling when Lucien burst out into giggling.

â€I suppose there’s nothing you can say to that. Or you could respond with violence. There’s a story for the emergency services. ‘No, man, I swear to god. I found out she had a penis, and she kicked me in the nuts. Oh my god, it hurts….’â€

Tommen laughed at that scenario and stopped when he remembered something Lucien said a moment ago. â€â€˜You probably would’? Explain that, I-don’t-own-girls’-clothes kitty.â€

â€I â€" I â€" um, I’m just saying that, like, given the right situation, I wouldn’t be opposed to… you know.â€

â€Sucking cock?â€

â€Well, if that is part of the whole scenario, then, yes.â€

â€I would say I’m surprised, but, you know, I’m not.â€

â€Fine, fine. I deserved that one.†Lucien said good naturedly, â€but, my house is empty right now, if you wanted to â€" â€

â€No. You’d have a hard time selling me on that idea.â€

â€Ah, you could just close your eyes and run your fingers through my hair. I’m sure you won’t be able to tell.†Lucien teased, raising his tail over his shoulder, covering his wicked grin, and arching his back. â€I can be far more offensive than this, you know.â€

â€I don't know what you want me to say? ‘Oh my god, I’ve seen the error of my ways, let me go to the pharmacy and get a tube of lube and you can turn me gay.’ Because, really, I’m going to have to say that if you chopped that hair short, and weren’t wearing girls’ clothes, I wouldn’t even have looked twice.â€

â€But, you did.†Lucien shot back, trying to make his resignation sound accusatory.

â€Only because it is easy to mistake you for a girl.â€

The joy that Lucien felt at that remark was wholly masked by his tail which was still sitting over his muzzle. Lucien replied evenly, â€You wouldn’t be the first to make that mistake, though you could be the first to make it so… eh, thoroughly.â€

â€Nobody’s ever raped you in an alley, before?â€

â€Well, there’s been a very futile attempt, but I broke his wrist. So, um, kinda… killed the… mood.â€

â€You’re… kidding… right?†Tommen asked, stopping and looking Lucien in the back of the head.

â€Well, yeah.†He replied, lighthearted. â€If somebody tried to rape me, wrist breaking would be the least of their worries. Castration and death would be a distinct possibility.â€

â€How do you explain that to the police? ‘Well, officer, he tried to rape me, so, I â€" I, uh, â€" alright, I chopped his cock off.’ ‘Well, I don’t think that’s quite the usual response of a rape victim, but, um, could you describe the suspect?’ ‘Um, the only guy in a mile radius with bloody pants.’â€

â€But then the guy would just run into a hardware store and dump a bucket of red paint on himself. ‘No, officer, I haven’t seen anyone with bloody-fronted… â€"’ of course, he then passes out from blood loss, and everyone lives happily ever after. Or something.â€

â€Whatever it is that you smoke in the mornings, I want some of it, because there’s no way you can just come up with stuff like this off the top of your head.â€

â€Imagination. Though I usually let it out to play more than most people, so it’s better with stuff like this.â€

â€Clearly.†Tommen said. After this, Lucien decided it would be better to stop coming on so strongly. He did not want to scare him away. More importantly, he figured he could wait however long it would take for Tommen to get comfortable with him, and then the regret accompanied make outs could begin. That thought in his mind, Lucien was in an entirely happier place.

Though it did not feel like they had been walking for an over an hour or five miles, they approached Lucien’s home, walking the long driveway in continued silence. Lucien unlocked and opened the door, ushering Tommen inside. He wanted to do something irrationally sexual and inappropriate, but decided better of it, and simply guided Tommen up to his room. Tommen immediately took note of several things in Lucien’s room, and began the interrogation early.

â€So, this is the room of a crossdresser, huh?â€

â€I already told you that â€" â€

â€Makeup.†Tommen interrupted, holding up a tube of lipstick and checking its color. â€Really, really offensively colored makeup, at that.â€

â€You know what? That’s none of your concern, and you can’t say anything about the color until you’ve seen me wearing it.†Lucien rebutted, blushing hot in his ears, and blushing more so, after he finished.

â€Is that an offer, or an argument?†Tommen questioned suspiciously, putting back the cosmetic as though it was poisonous.

â€It’s… an argument.†Lucien mewled, â€and more importantly, I’m â€" I’m not sure what point there is teasing me about makeup, which really should go without saying. Damn it, you could have walked in, and I could have screamed ‘oh shit!’ for hours after in my mind, and that could have been it.â€

â€Sorry? I didn’t think it would bother you. I guess that means I don’t get to snoop through your underwear, then?†Tommen joked.

â€Only if they’re the ones I’m currently wearing.†Lucien mewed, smiling.

â€I’ll pass. Or wait until you’re asleep. Either way.â€

â€You think I’d be dumb enough to put anything incriminating in my dresser drawers? You are very mistaken.â€

â€So, I just pull on something in this bookcase and reveal the walk in closet full of skirts and heels and panties?†Tommen asked, looking for a suspicious book to pull.

â€Well, no. Though I should so see about doing something like that, even though I have nowhere to go. I mean, I guess I could build upward, but that would be a bit awkward. ‘Lucien, why is there a mysterious… shack… in the attic?’ ‘Oh, that’s just some personal stuff. Nothing to be worried about.’ Of course, the sound of a reciprocating saw would wake me from one of my probably better dreams. Then I get killed. Or worse, a haircut.â€

â€God forbid.†Tommen sneered playfully.

â€I should make one that does so. ‘Thou shalt not cut thy hair shorter than the bottom of thy shoulder blades.’ I wouldn’t just worship that god, I would â€" â€

â€Suck His cock?â€

â€â€¦Yes.†Lucien giggled. â€I’m sure there are tons of perks, being a god’s whore.â€

â€Oh yeah. ‘For sucking my cock every morning while I drink my ambrosia, I shall give you eternal youth. And… a cookie, or something.’â€

â€Oh man, that would be the best. A god-cookie and immortality. Like, unless said god’s stuff was, like, the size of a couch, or something. Then things would get a bit weird.†Lucien said, before pausing for a long time. â€I dunno. Still worth it. Live forever versus giant cum shot, live forever… giant cum shot…. I say, let me get my raincoat, or a shower, and we’re good.â€

â€Seriously?†Tommen asked, trying to picture Lucien’s ‘giant cum shot’ as more humorous than alluring.

â€Well, yeah. No matter how long it lasts, it’s not even a portion of eternity. Ten minutes, an hour, a day? Nothing.â€

â€Wouldn’t your mouth get sore after a day? Well, an hour, probably, for that matter.â€

â€Well, we could use you as a test cock….â€

â€Finish your sentence.†Tommen prompted.

â€And we could use me as the test mouth. See how sore I get?†Lucien teased, cutely smirking at Tommen, who sneered sarcastically.

â€No thanks. I would say you’d have to get me pretty off guard for that, but I think I would freak out, so, no.â€

Lucien mewed pitifully, smiling all the while, â€Damn it. My last come on.â€

â€I’m sure you’ll have a million more for school in a few days â€" shit! We have a chemistry test in a few days!â€

â€Yeah. Didn’t you study?â€


â€Of course not….†Lucien sighed, exasperated, â€So, do we need to study now?â€

â€No. I’ll do it when I go home tomorrow.â€

â€You so won’t.â€

â€Probably not.†Tommen agreed.

â€Then why don’t you let me pull out the book and we can study?â€

â€Mostly because I want to look like an idiot in the privacy of my own home.â€

â€Ah, you’re no fun.†Lucien chided. â€Since you’re not going to let me have fun at your expense in that fashion, what would you like to do now?â€

â€I dunno.â€

â€Well, I could go slip into something more comfortable, and…†Lucien cooed, leaving the end open to interpretation.

â€Do you have any good games for that system sitting on your floor?â€

â€Depends what kind of games you like.â€

â€Anything with violence?â€

â€That’s, seriously, every game ever made. Like, no matter how small a part of the game, there is violence.â€

â€Whatever. Fighting games are nice.â€

â€That, I can do.†Lucien mewed, holding up a case which boasted artwork of a well-endowed Siamese cat kicking a very tall skeleton in the face. â€Like this. Good enough?â€

â€Yeah, that works for now.†Tommen replied, making himself comfortable on Lucien’s bed, while Lucien set up the game. Tommen may not have been interested in Lucien sexually, but that did not stop him from watching his cute butt as he leaned forward to open the disc tray and sync his controllers.

Handing Tommen a controller, they began the usual fare of beating their characters to death in the most spectacular manner possible. Tommen thought it was unfair that Lucien always played a female character. Distraction, distraction. More importantly than the jiggling girl-parts, was the fact that Lucien was very good at the game.

â€I don’t really think it’s fair. This whole thing.â€

â€Why not?†Lucien cooed sweetly.

â€Well, for one thing, you own this game. â€" â€

â€And for a second thing, I always play jiggly, fast, female characters who happen not to wear too much in the way of clothing?â€

â€Yes. Exactly.†Tommen replied, groaning as Lucien’s vixen character drop kicked Tommen’s rat.

â€Call it a meta-advantage, then. And we could play something else if you wanted to?â€

â€I don’t know. I think we’ll keep playing until the prospect of mostly visible girl-parts is less appealing than that of losing another game to you.â€

â€We’ll be playing this all night, then, won’t we?†Lucien asked with fake despondence in his voice.

â€Probably not. After a few more hours of this, I’m sure my imagination will have plenty of reference for my version of the game.â€

â€Your version? Oh, naked, right. Got it.â€

Lucien and Tommen did play for several more hours, Lucien playing a female each time, and Tommen whatever character Lucien suggested. It took only two hours for Tommen to really get the hang of the game, leading to far longer matches that made Lucien work for his victory. It did not matter, and by the time Tommen was good enough to really be a challenging fight, they had both tired of the game.

As the system shut down remotely, Lucien stretched cutely, squeaking as his shoulder loosened and his shirt rose up. Tommen glanced at Lucien, looked away, and tried to remember what it was that he was about to say. Lucien glanced at Tommen, and let his gaze linger just a bit longer than he should have. He mewled quietly and stretched again, just to fluster Tommen.

â€What do you want to do now?†Lucien cooed quietly, a seductive note at the edge of his voice.

â€You.†Tommen mouthed, facing away from Lucien, before grinning and replying, â€I don’t know, any game you’ve got that is completely different from what we just played? I think if I see another high kick I will either throw up or get hard.â€

â€Don’t think I didn’t see your mouth move.†Lucien teased, blushing hotly. â€And I think I could take those odds. Should I get up and do a split kick, ‘cause I can.â€

â€I didn’t say anything. And I really don’t want to see another kick.†Tommen defended.

â€Fine, fine, fine.†Lucien mewled quietly, â€I’ve got war games, and a few strategy games, if you want to do that? Or me, like you said a moment ago….â€

â€War games are good. Nothing’s more fun than stabbing a soldier with a bayonet.â€

â€Especially when you have to charge them. You know, run across a field full of mortar fire, just to sever the last little bit of vitality from him.†Lucien affirmed, getting up, bending over at the hip, and raising his tail, opening the disc tray and replacing the disc with a new one. He stood back up and turned to see Tommen’s eyes dart up and look at an interesting title on Lucien’s bookshelf.

Lucien blushed low on his cheeks, and covered his chest effeminately and conscientiously. He sat down next to Tommen and drifted off a bit. It did not take long for Tommen to notice this. They were still sitting at the game’s title screen, and Lucien seemed to be taking his precious time navigating the menu. When the settings were finally correct, and they had chose their players and the map, they waited for it to load. It had a countdown timer of one minute.

Suddenly tired of waiting, Tommen turned to Lucien with an evil glint in his eyes. He leaned forward, until Lucien was resting fully on the bed. He mewled quietly as Tommen moved close and stared Lucien in the eyes. He closed the last few inches and pressed his lips to Lucien’s, making him purr and squeak. They broke for a moment, and Lucien cooed quietly, â€I’ve kind of wanted this for a while….â€

â€What, a week?†Tommen chided. Tracing a hand up Lucien’s arm and resting on his chest.

â€Don’t make fun of me.†Lucien mewled girlishly, blushing and looking away from Tommen’s brown eyes.

â€You love it.†Tommen insisted, leaning back in for another kiss.

â€Yeah…I do.†He mewled, before his lips were sealed with the hot press of Tommen’s lips. It did not last long, because Tommen broke to whisper something in Lucien’s ear.

â€Lucien,†Tommen whispered.

â€Lucien,†Tommen said, a bit irate. Lucien responded by sitting up straighter and looking at Tommen.

â€Hmm?†He cooed dreamily.

â€We’ve already started the match.â€

â€Oh! Oh, I’m sorry. Um, yeah, was a bit out of it, for some reason….†The reason being your imaginary kiss, Lucien thought. He noticed that he was getting stiff, and blushing hotly in his ears, he crossed his legs tightly, put his hands on his lap and began to play. The game was fairly slow-paced for being a war game, but Lucien attributed that to there only being two of them playing.

â€So, what were you thinking about?†Tommen asked, while they were both traversing the map to find each other.

â€N â€" nothing. Just little bits of… stuff.†Lucien squeaked.

â€Yeah…†Tommen replied, completely sure that Lucien was thinking about something in particular, and not just letting his mind wander.

After their conversation ended, Lucien and Tommen went online to play, and found much more excitement to be had at the hands of screaming idiots with microphones and scoped rifles. They played this game for several hours, also, and stopped when Lucien suggested that it was getting late. When the time was brought to Tommen’s attention, he announced that he was hungry. It was a short conversation.

â€It’s way later than I thought. What do you have to eat around here?â€

â€Not much…. I usually just eat fruit and bits of raw meat when I’m alone. Which is, like, always.â€

â€That doesn’t sound very appealing.†Tommen said. â€Wanna order a pizza, or something?â€

â€Um, okay. You won’t be offended if I say that I won’t partake?â€

â€Watching your girlish figure?†Tommen teased.

â€Yes, and I don’t really like all the processed-y stuff that comes standard for most pizza.â€

â€Fine. What’s the address for your house?â€

Lucien told him the address, and Tommen ordered a medium pineapple and ham pizza. â€Marry me,†Lucien said jokingly, when he heard that.


â€Your choice of food.â€

â€That’s totally a nice thing to base your choice of life partner on.â€

â€Oh, I could go on and on about your pretty eyes, or your voice or mannerisms, but fruit is the quickest way to make me fall in love.â€

â€So, what, I take you to a field full of strawberry bushes, and you just immediately go face down, ass up?â€

â€If that’s how you wanted me, then yes.†Lucien purred seductively.

â€I think that’s the only way to fuck a girly boy.â€

â€You sound like you’ve had experience.â€

â€Oh, totally. There was Ginger, and Heather, and Terry, and, and… â€" out of names.â€

â€Yeah. You’re totally a virgin, I bet.†Lucien teased.

That got a bright red blush out of Tommen. â€What does that matter to you?†He asked nervously.

â€I just want to know how gentle I’ve got to be with you when you finally break down and fuck me until I can’t see straight.â€

â€I don’t think my fragility is the issue you should worry about….â€

â€Why? Oh, I suppose you’re some really huge-cocked boy who’s too nice to use that as leverage for getting girls, or something. You know, buy a pair of tight pants and aim your hips just right. ‘Why yes, I will go out with you. Tonight, you say? I’ll be there. An hour or two early getting… warmed up… if you want….’â€

â€Hm, tight pants, eh? Mind if I borrow a few things from your closet?â€

â€Only if, when you return them, I get to remove them myself.†Lucien cooed.

Tommen blushed low on his cheeks again, thinking of having, not necessarily Lucien, but a kitty remarkably similar to Lucien doing just that. â€Um, no thanks, I’ll just have to take you with me the next time I go clothes shopping.â€

â€It’s a date, then.†He teased.

â€Uh, yeah. Right.†Tommen said shakily. After that little bit of flirting, they sat in mostly silence, until the pizza arrived.

â€Oh, pizza’s here.†Tommen said, getting up.

â€Yeah, yeah. I’ll get it.†Lucien replied, throwing an arm out to the side, forcing Tommen flat onto his back.

â€But you said you weren’t going to eat any…†He defended, feeling bad about Lucien’s offer.

â€Host has to do stuff like this. I don’t mind.†Lucien said matter-of-factly. â€Besides, I’ve got a lot more disposable income than you, ‘cause I never eat. Plenty to pay for a pizza delivery.â€

â€You’re just trying to make me feel weird, aren’t you?â€

â€Um, no? Though if you want to pay me back, I’m sure there are a ton of things I could think of….â€

â€Shut up and get the door if you’re going to.†Tommen muttered at Lucien’s comment. Lucien left, and Tommen heard his footsteps descending the stairs. Moments later, he was at the door holding a greasy cardboard box.

â€I should hold this ransom for sexual favors…†Lucien mused, just loud enough for Tommen to hear.

â€You will be holding that pizza for a very, very long time, then.†Tommen said, already sitting back up.

â€Says the boy who sat up and is looking very interested at one of two objects in my general vicinity.â€

â€Well…†he began, â€I am hungry.†He said simply, after a long pause.

â€What should I make you do for me? I should make you kiss me, or something equally horrible for you.†Lucien cooed sweetly, letting that statement hang in the air. Tommen’s ears drooped and he looked away, blushing low in his cheeks. He was about to clear his throat and raise protest, when Lucien spoke again. â€I won’t though. Here’s your pizza. Careful with the bottom, I think the grease has compromised its integrity.â€

â€Ah, thanks. I think.â€

â€You know, there is a very good way to thank me, that does not involve words.†Lucien teased again.

â€I’m just going to start eating, to avoid putting my foot in my mouth anymore for a little while.†Tommen said, taking the box and opening it on Lucien’s dresser. He pulled Lucien’s desk chair over, and grabbed a slice.

â€Okay. Have fun with that.†Lucien said, laying down on his bed, and clicking on his stereo with a remote. â€You don’t mind music, do you?†He asked. Tommen shook his head that he did not, and Lucien closed his eyes, listening to music, while Tommen ate.

A while later, Tommen left the room for a while, coming back with moist hands and a conspicuously absent pizza box. â€I threw the pizza in the fridge. Um, what do you want to do now?â€

â€I dunno.†Lucien cooed, â€the lights are low, and there is music playing. We’re alone in my bedroom….â€

â€Flirting aside, what do you want to do now?â€

â€I don’t care. Whatever you want to do. More video games. A movie. Television. Sleep. I’m up for whatever.â€

â€Ah, what time is it?â€

â€Almost midnight.â€

â€How is â€" what?â€

â€You didn’t order that pizza until eleven.â€

â€Ugh, and we’ve got school this week. I guess we’d better go to bed. And thank god for late night pizza places. Um, where do you want me to sleep?â€

â€There is plenty of room on the bed.†Lucien said flatly, scooting over to one side.

â€I â€" um… â€" â€

â€Oh, come on. It’s not like I would do anything to you. And it’s a lot more comfortable than the couch or the floor.â€

â€I still don’t know. I mean. Um…â€

â€Yeah, excuses, excuses. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.â€

â€Fine, reverse psychology my ass into your bed.†Tommen growled, lying down next to Lucien.

â€Hey, next to you there is a plug. Pull it out to kill the lamp, please.†Lucien asked quietly. Tommen did as asked, and Lucien killed the music. In darkness and silence, Lucien was trying very hard not to do something unfair to Tommen that would make him blush. He refrained and maneuvered himself under the blankets with some difficulty. His clothes made him a bit overheated, but he did not mind. Especially knowing that it would be fairly cool tonight once the air conditioning kicked on its late night cycle.

Tommen, for being reluctant to get into bed, also got under the covers, trying his hardest to stay far away from Lucien. It did not take him a long time to fall asleep. The sound of the quiet, deep breath next to him was a nice metronome for his own breathing, and the unfamiliarity of this bed and room was for some reason quite calming to him.

Lucien did not sleep well. Tommen tossed and turned a bit in his sleep, and within a few minutes of his falling asleep, there was an arm draped lazily over Lucien’s shoulders. Lucien prodded him a bit, to see if he was a deep sleeper, and found out, to his delight, that he was. Lucien scooted closer, inch by inch, until he was right up against Tommen’s chest. Lucien rested his head against him, and went to sleep, purring. Sometime during the night, Tommen closed the cuddle, wrapping that lazily draped arm around Lucien’s back, which woke Lucien with a start, before he blushed a dark red and tried to go back to sleep.

In the morning, Lucien woke up first. He looked around, wondering why Tommen’s arms were wrapped around him. He kept his eyes closed and his breathing deep, until Tommen woke slowly to see what had become of them during the night. There was nothing he could blame on Lucien, since it was obviously his own arm holding Lucien close. He simply broke the embrace, blushing, and got out of bed quietly. Lucien turned over, stretching and purring as if he had just woken up, and bade Tommen a good morning. There was a bit of awkwardness in the air, after which neither of them spoke, until Lucien offered to make breakfast of ‘something. Maybe eggs and… um, stuff. I dunno.’