Things That go Bump in the Night

Story by Duran on SoFurry

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#7 of My Dark Lover

Thing that Go Bump In the Night

My name is Alex, I am 17 years old, I go to high school just like all the other kids, but I have a secret. I am in love with a Vampire. He is tall, pale as the moon and can drive me mad with lust with only a word. He is my master, I his slave and I have never been happier. But all that was about to change.

The weeks passed with a sense of normalcy, I went to school everyday and Paul was always there to meet me when I got home. It was like we were a married couple, we ate together, laughed and cried and, unbeknownst to my folks, slept together. It was finally like he was part of the family, my parents loved him like a son and I just loved him. I was able to control myself around him now too, he didn't drive me wild with a grin or a smile anymore.

"Hey you," I said one evening. He was on the roof outside my bedroom window looking very hard at the moon. "What's up?" I asked. He didn't say anything, just kept staring at the moon. "Hey Paul, what's wrong?"

"Something is stirring in the night, something that shouldn't be. I can feel it like a cold shiver running down my spine." He said looking very serious, almost nervous. "Something is brewing out there, and I don't know what it's intentions are."

"What should we do?" I asked him.

"For now, nothing, we wait and see what happens," he broke his gaze at the moon and looked at me with a smile. "You needn't worry, nothing will hurt you or your friends whilst I am here."

"Paul, your frightening me," I said, fear plane in my voice. His face instantly went soft, in a blink of an eye I was enveloped in his arms, my head resting on his chest. He stroked my snowy hair whispering in my ear, telling me it would be ok and that nothing was going to hurt me or my family. I lifted my face to his and kissed his strange lips that I found so.....right.

He broke the kiss, his red eyes staring into mine, a smile on his face. He entered my mind and let me see all the sexual and erotic things he wanted to do to me, and have done to him. I giggled very much like a giddy school girl as I felt my body temperature start to rise and a pleasant moistness between my legs. An image flashed through my head, I was tied to the bed with soft silk scarves with Paul on top off me, pounding me while I screamed for more. It caused me to gasp as a warm feeling shot up my back. I could smell my own arousal as the images came faster and faster, running into one continues scene like a movie playing in my head.

"Paul, you have a dirty imagination," I said. "I love it." I pounced on him dropping him to the floor. Our lips met in a wet, hungry, lustful kiss. Our hands roamed each others bodies, our tongues danced in each others mouths. I pulled his shirt off him as my pants fled my legs, in seconds we were in our underwear wrestling for who would be on top. I won, straddling him and pinning him to the floor. I undid my bra letting my full C cups fall free, Paul's eyes bulged a little in anticipation. I started to grind my hips against his, feeling his rock hard cock rub against my wet cunt through the fabric of our underwear. "Oh God Paul, that cock of yours is soooo hard," I whimpered. My lacy black thong vanished in a flash as did his boxers.

I lifted my hips and slid down on him, gasping and moaning all the while. When he hilted in me I slowly pulled up, letting his hard dick slide all the way to it's head before I went down again. Paul closed his eyes and groaned loudly.

"You've gotten better at this," he said in between breaths.

"I, uhh, had a good teacher," I replied. I started to speed up, slowly at first but ever faster. He fit me like a glove and I loved every hot second of it. He was matching my rhythm now bringing me closer and closer to climax. I was starting to tighten around him moaning and cooing as his cock slid in and out faster and faster. "Not yet, not yet, so close, so close." The pitch of my voice was rising higher and higher, "Almost, almost there." I was so close to flooding him but trying to hold back with all my strength, not wanting it to end. Paul leaned forward and took a breast in each hand.

"Cum hard you sexy bitch." His words sent me over in a screaming head tossing orgasm as I felt my cum coat his dick, legs and the floor.

"Your turn, you big fuck machine," I said pulling myself off of him and bending over the bed. "Fuck my ass, you beast." Paul smiled, I knew what he liked and I wanted to please him as much as I could. With his freshly lubed cock the tightness of my ass was no obstacle. He slide in me relishing in how tight I was. He started to thrust, hard but not painfully so, in and out as I squealed for more. He had his hands on my hips for support while my own gripped the bed sheets. I wrapped my tail around the back of his neck and started to massage him gently. He ground in approval as his thrusts began to get faster and faster, he was close and wanted release. For added friction I clenched my ass down around his cock in a mock orgasm, he groaned in pleaser and enjoyment. "Fill me up, make me leak your seed," I said as sexily as I could, given I was thoroughly enjoying the cock in my ass and it was hard to talk between moans and grunts. With a final thrust that hilted in me he blew like a geyser into my ass, coating me several times over. I screamed feeling him cum, loving the feeling of it. Paul fell to the bed breathing hard and sweating profusely. I crawled up next to him and stocked his cheek, wrapping my legs around him and cuddling up close.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too, my heart," he said softly. With that he was gone, and yet he was not. His form gone, but his presents was not. It was as though he was watching me from fare away, I felt at ease and drifted to sleep with a smile on my lips and peace in my mind.


The fallowing day my family sat around the TV watching the news. The top story was about a family in another part of the state that had been brutally murdered. Paul was watching from behind the couch looking sullen, almost afraid.

"The authorities have no leads yet as to a suspect, but are hopeful they will find something in this brutal killing," the reporter was saying. I got up and left the room, gesturing for Paul to fallow.

"What did that?" I asked him softly.

"I don't know, it could just be a human psychopath, or it could be any of several monsters. The MO is too broad to narrow it down much, we are going to have to wait." He was being honest, he really didn't know what it was but I knew he had an idea.

"Shot in the dark," I asked him, he sighed.

"Going on shear brutality I would have to guess Lycanthrope," he said. "But why they are active I couldn't tell you." He looked down at me with a worried look on his face. "I stand by my plan, we are just going to have wait until more information surfaces." He looked over at my folks and said, "I'm going to bed, got a long night ahead of me." He turned around and climbed up the ladder to his "room" and went to sleep. I returned to the couch but the news had switched to another story.

I spent the rest of the evening in my room trying to get some sleep, but not succeeding. I tossed and turned in my bed, desperately trying to find sleep but always having it slip out of my fingers. My mind raced as thousands of random thoughts poured through my head, most were unsettling. I saw myself die a hundred times each more horrifying then the next. Every sound, movement, temperature change and flicker of light kept me awake. I was in agony and beyond irritated thrashing around in bed trying to find a comfortable position when I rolled into something hard and cold. Paul lay next to me with his arms around me. He had felt that I was restless and had come to comfort me.

"Hey you, what's up?" I asked him softly as he smiled back. He pulled me closer and held me against his strangely cold body.

"You were afraid, so I came to calm you down," he said with a warm smile, his fangs plainly visible through his lips. I nodded lightly and rested my head against his chest, wrapping him in my arms. With him so close all the questions and evil thoughts flowed from my mind like water down a river. All at once I was calm and very tired, I must have fallen asleep almost right away because I don't remember much.

The fallowing morning I found myself alone in my bed, but not totally. He was there, I couldn't see him, but he was there. I went downstairs for breakfast after a shower and got ready for school. I had this nagging feeling like something bad was going to happen, and no matter what I did it just wouldn't go away. School had a very strange feeling about it, like everyone was scared but no one knew about what. It was all so creepy, what on earth was happening?

After school Paul was standing out side waiting for me, that nervous look on his face. Something had him worried and I wanted to know what. When I ask he just smiled and said, "nothing." Something was wrong, everyone could feel it but no one would talk about it. Paul walked me home that day, he said something about needing to be with me and at the time I bought it but still, something just felt wrong.

At home there was a report of another attack, this time only about 3 hours out of town. At first I thought maybe something was coming for Paul but the fallowing days would prove that a falls assumption. The attacks were totally random and roamed over the entire state.

"Ok spill, you know something your not telling me, what in the hell is going on out there?" I asked him, he was keeping something from me and it was really starting to scare me. "Paul...what aren't you telling me?" Paul gave a great sigh but remained quite for a while.

"It's a Licon....I don't know what it's doing though." He looked truly afraid, and that is what scared me the most. I had never seen him look so scared.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked completely lost.

"Licons are normally very predictable in there hunting patterns, they live in one area and hunt there exclusively. The type and brutality of the murders have me convinced it's a Licon but what is perplexing is the randomness and frequency of the murders."

I must have had the most dumbstruck look on my face because when he turned his eye back to me he looked as though he might laugh.

"So what does that mean?"

"Well, for starters it means that we need to keep our eyes open, if you see anyone you don't know you have to tell me right away, ok?" He said looking down at me with a soft tender expression, his eyes glowing very faintly. I nodded once and smiled, warping him in a hug and pulling him into bed with me.

"Lets get some sleep," I yawned tiredly. Paul smiled and snuggled close, warping us in my sheets as his cloths vanished. We feel asleep quietly, infolded in each others arms.

The next day seemed brighter. People weren't as jumpy, as though a storm cloud had moved on. Too bad that this was only the calm before hand. The storm was coming, at that very moment it was screaming through the sky in my direction. Luckily, Paul and I wouldn't have to face it alone.