Rails Of Ice: Part 1 Sneak Peek

Story by Tenpenny on SoFurry

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#2 of Rails of Ice

Now I now all of you have been anxious to see how I'm doing on the new story, so I'll just give you guys a sneak peek ;3

Nickel let out a small moan as he sat up in his got, reaching up he rubbed the back of his neck and popped it several times. The tan and white husky allowed for his eyes to adjust to the light before taking a look around him. The light from the morning sky shone in through the cabin windows, lighting up the inside of the cabin. The light would only last for about 8 hours before fading away again, day time was always shorter than the night time up here in the North. Getting up, Nickel stretched, yawning loudly while showing his pearly white teeth. Smacking his lips a few times, he walked over to the clothes rack by the door and slipped into his heavy gray snow pants and dark blue parka. The chill of the morning was soon just a memory soon to be forgotten. Going over to his small desk, he grabbed the holstered revolver from inside of the drawers then put it around his waist. The peacemaker seemed almost harmless just hanging on his side, but anyone who handled guns before knew better than to let looks deceive them. Putting on his shoulder bag, the husky then headed for the door, grabbing his key from the shelf as he walked past it. Once he unlocked the door and went outside on to the porch, he turned round and relocked the cabin door then slipped the key into his pocket. The husky then turned and looked out at the town of North Point with a small smile. How he loved the outdoors, the thrill of adventure, the sense of danger lurking around every corner. This was why he moved north from the southern regions of the continent. He wanted to get away from the life he knew for good, just leave it all behind and turn a new leaf. Joining the North Guard has helped him begin the next chapter of his life. Here, he could make a difference...