The Divide

Story by Doc Fairway on SoFurry

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My manish OC's story


A blazing light blinded everyone's eyes including those who wielded it. The dark room hiding all the figures had been brightly lighted on one of the figures, a tall man in an orange shirt and pants. His hair was long and wild, and his ears looked like dog ears. His face was fair and seemed untouched on the physical standpoint, but you could see the toll he had mentally taken. His hands where tightly bound by a set of steel hand cuffs."Would you mind dimming that light a bit, I can hardly see out of these eyes of mine."Said the man in orange."We are not dimming the light, not for your convenience anyways." Said one of the two figures standing in the room. The man in orange lifted the lamp and pointed it at the figure."Well then equality must have existence if I am to deal with it."The man in orange said as he bore the light into his eyes. The face he could see for just a second was young but old with stress. He already seemed to have a dry bald face even though he seemed to be only in his late thirties. The man drew his head back from the sudden light change and the other man shined it back on the man in orange."The lamp stays on you!"He said.

The man in orange promptly grabbed the lamp again and tossed it into the near left wall."Then turn on the big light, so that all the sinners can be brought into the light."The man in orange said. One figured sighed seeing no other option since the other was smashed. He walked over and flicked the switch on. The blank white room was not well lighted. The other figure, now in light, was a slightly younger man, still had brown hair on his head, and a bit of a stubble around his chin. Both of the men wore suits."I can tell this is going to be well isn't it Mr. Gulliver...or as you liked to be called, 'The Divide.'"The haired man said."Charmed."The Divide said keeping his eyes strait forward."Now we are going to have to play the old game of bad cop, worse cop."Said the bald man."Let me guess then. You are bad cop."He said pointing at the haired man."You are the want to be tougher cop."He said pointing at the bald cop."And I am the slightly homicidal man who runs a rebellion who successfully killed off many of this worlds problems with a couple of bullets...and who is somehow loved by the public."The Divide said pointing at himself.

"Alright buddy fun time is over..."Said the bald cop."When you never work a day in your life its always fun time."The Divide said."Well you are about to work really hard for us...unfortunately we can't just kill you right away legally, for we have to mark down that you don't suffer from a mental illness, so we have to play doctor and see if you have any symptoms, so you have to tell us your story so we can piece together if anything there could trigger insanity in you."Said the haired cop."Great! Where do you want me to start? Don't answer guys always wanna know the childhood."The Divide said."Well I guess this gives me the option to live longer, so let's make this short story long shall we..."The Divide said as he began to recall his childhood moments.