Towers of Seshin: Prologue

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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#1 of Towers of Seshin

Alright, boys... It's been a long, long, loooooooong time. And I'm sorry. There's been a lot happening. Too much to explain, even in one of my journal entries. But regardless, I'm bringing you the prologue of this new story I'm calling Towers of Seshin (Say-sheen). This is the kind of story that I like where it involves a lot of fantasy and creative imaginary worlds so I've dedicated myself to at least 1 chapter every 2 weeks. I even have a friend of mine drawing out a few pictures to go along with this.

BEFORE ANYONE PANICS! I'm aware that College Bound is by far my most popular story series at this moment (not that there's a lot to choose from). I will still be continuing that story, but not updating it nearly as often. I will also be adding a few extra bonus short stories as time goes on just to give some extra content. My absence has been too long to not give you guys something worthwhile.

Final note, thank you for all the new Watchers and favorites and stuff even though I've been gone forever. Without further ado, here is the prologue for Towers of Seshin! <3

Once upon a time, the twelve immortal deities lived harmoniously, watching over the world of Siutania and all of its kingdoms. Each god and goddess represented a unique color and animal, but most importantly, one of the world's natural elements. Each element was practiced by followers of the gods, eventually forming into the first disciples of magic. These disciples earned the trust of their respective god, allowing them to teach others to control magic only if they swear to use it for goodness or else be severely punished. These first disciples ascended to higher enlightenment, allowing them to never die of old age so that they could continue to teach the young of magic.

However, the all-father, Zygar the Black, felt that letting the mortals use the elements was treasonous and would lead to an uprising in attempt to overthrow the Gods. In his eyes, the mortals were unworthy of using the natural elements. The great mother, Aisly the White, tried to reason with Zygar, telling him that the use of magic will promote growth and intelligence among the races. The black spider turned away from the white dragon, telling her and the other gods that they were all fools.

Falling to corruption and a lust for power, the now evil Zygar cursed his chosen mortal victims, giving them the ability to use his powers of darkness and spread chaos throughout Siutania. The world succumbed to chaos and the gods formed their own alliances. The land itself was torn asunder, splitting into five land masses separated by vast oceans. Treason and betrayals occurred between the lands, and the once peaceful twelve kingdoms of Siutania fell into war.

But one disciple of Aisly did not give up hope. Archmage Devon Rivalton called upon the other archmages into the heart of the world. He pleaded everyone to not forget what the gods told them; to teach the young and prodigious to control their magical gifts and use them for goodness. He believed that over time, the world will heal and peace will once again return to Siutania. And so the Magic Grounds was established, a neutral academy of higher learning where students will come and train to use their magic. As they reach magister status, the high council will send them on a quest to spread light through the world.

Zygar did not approve. Corrupted as he may be, he was no fool. He vowed to raise an army of pure darkness and one day unleash hell to overtake all of Siutania for his own. The centuries pass and the world slowly mends, blissfully unaware of the black spider's master plan.

Unbeknownst to the world, Zygar's return is coming fast. A prophesy has been created, where a hero of light will rise and unite the kingdoms to stop the darkness. A red fox of fifteen years by the name of Alexander Solzhen II is to fulfill this prophesy. With the blessing he received from Tyto the Red, he will be the one to destroy Zygar once and for all, lest he fail and the world will become veiled in the black spider's eternal shadow.