A family reunion, big news.(Chapter 10)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#10 of Highschool Days

Here ya go! The next part to the story that is getting longer :) All characters are mine, yada yada yada. Don't read this if you are under 18 if you do, don't get caught.


-Raymond was left crying in the car as Gideon, Xatrin, and Kevin and got out of the van to go find the fire chief. They quickly found him and asked, "What happened?"

"Apparently she left the stove on with a towel on it. We found her on the charred remains of her bed." The fire chief said.

"Oh." Kevin said as Gideon turned back to the van and ran to get in.

"W-what happened?" Raymond said, hoping his mother was all right.

"I'm sorry, hun." Gideon said, almost crying, "Your mom is dead."


Raymond woke up with a start, Gideon snoring loudly next to him. Gideon woke up, he sat straight up. Raymond let out an involuntary chuckle that was very watery. Gideon looked at him and saw him crying.

Gideon leaned over and said, "It's alright hun. It's gonna be alright." Gideon was crying too, but not for the same reasons. Gideon was crying because he had had a nightmare about the rapists. In the dream they had constantly raped him, over and over until he woke up.

Clarice heard Raymond and came in a few minutes later. "What's Raymond doing here?" She asked groggily. She was asleep when they got there.

"His uh, his mom died." Gideon whispered.

Clarice just came over and on the bed next to Raymond. She gave him a quick hug which brought one of those weird, dragon growls from Gideon. "Gideon," she said with a sigh, "are you ever going to realize that I love Raymond like a little brother, just like you?"

Gideon just blushed that he had growled, he had known that but he got jealous real easily. Clarice looked at Raymond and said, "It's gonna be alright Raymond, it's going to be alright."

Raymond nodded and said, "I have to go to the bathroom." Clarice and Gideon let go of him and he stood up to go to the bathroom.

Clarice looked at Gideon and said, "Are you alright?"

Gideon noticed that his eyes were watering so he quickly wiped them and said, "Ya."

Clarice didn't believe him and said, "What happened?"

Gideon was hesitant for a moment before saying, "Raymond and I were raped yesterday."

Clarice's expression grew angry instantly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid you would tell mom." Gideon said, "I was going to wait until we got mailed the court date."

"Court date?" Clarice asked.

"They caught the guys who did it bragging at lunch. A cop asked if we want to press charges against them." Gideon said, "Or at least, the rest of them."

"You should've told me." Clarice said, leaning over to hug her baby brother.

Gideon tried to break free for a minute but gave up, "You're to strong for your own good."

Clarice just chuckled and continued hugging him. Raymond came out of the bathroom, wiping some water off of his mouth. "I uh, sorta used your tooth brush Gideon. Sorry."

Gideon just laughed and said, "We've kissed before, there's nothing different."

Raymond came over and sat down and Clarice asked, "So, are you going to tell me why you were out so late."

Gideon and Raymond both started to speak at the same time. They both shut up until Gideon spoke up. "Raymond and I were on a double date with Xatrin and Kevin, I told you that."

Clarice got up and walked to the door. "Oh ya, when is your mom's funeral?"

"Next Saturday. I don't know how I'm going to pay for it." Raymond told her.

"I'm sure my parents will help. They have more than enough money." Clarice said with a small smile, closing the door softly.

Raymond and Gideon lay back down on the bed, Gideon behind Raymond just like it was in the clearing in the park. Raymond shook with silent sobs and Gideon started rocking him back and forth, trying to help him sleep.

"We have school tomorrow hun, you need to sleep." Gideon whispered. "One more day, then we have the weekend to ourselves."

Raymond quickly fell asleep after that, snoring lightly. Gideon smiled before drifting off into a warm sleep himself.


Kevin and Xatrin walked into Kevin's house, quietly. Xatrin got locked out of his own house for being late, so he had to stay with Kevin. They snuck up to Kevin and Dean's room, their parents made them share.

Kevin really hoped that Dean was asleep. He Shh'd Xatrin as they got to the second floor. They tiptoed past Kevin's parent's door and quickly into Kevin's room.

Of course, with Kevin's luck, Dean was up. "Where have you been?" Dean hissed, jumping off of his back. He noticed Xatrin then and Kevin blushed. "Why is Xatrin here?" he asked, whispering instead of hissing.

"We were sorta, on a uhh, a date." Kevin said blushing. "He got locked out."

Dean just looked at him before saying, "Since when have you been gay?"

"Since today when I realized I really like Xatrin." Kevin said.

Dean just nodded before climbing into his bed. "Better hope mom and dad don't see him."

Kevin remembered that his parents hated gays and looked at Xatrin apologetically. Kevin plopped onto his bed, Xatrin joining him, cuddling into him. Dean made a fake barfing sound. Kevin and Xatrin blushed when they noticed Dean leaning down over the edge.

"Try not to do anything that will shake the bed. I'm trying to sleep." Dean grinned and Kevin slapped him. "Ouch! That wasn't nice."

Xatrin laughed softly and said, "You deserved it."

Dean stuck his tongue out before swinging himself back up to his own bunk. Xatrin giggled again before cuddling into Kevin again. "Xatrin, I think I love you." Kevin whispered, quiet enough that Dean couldn't hear him.

"I think I love you too Kevin." Xatrin whispered back before falling asleep. Kevin smiled at his sleeping boyfriend, falling into a warm sleep of happy dreams.

A few hours later, when Dean and Kevin didn't wake up to their alarm clock, Dean and Kevin's father barged in, to see Xatrin sleeping with Kevin's arms around him. "What is this!" he roared, causing Xatrin and Kevin to jump and Dean to fall off his bed.

"Oh, umm, hi dad." Kevin said.

Kevin's father just looked at him with a cold look on his face. "I want you out." He walked out then, leaving Kevin with tears in his eyes. Dean just looked sympathetic.

Dean walked over to Kevin and hugged him. "Kevin, you're my twin brother. If he's kicking you out, he's kicking me out." Dean smiled at Kevin and Kevin smiled back.

"Thanks Dean." Kevin said, before standing up and gathering his school stuff and some clothes. Dean did the same. Xatrin looked apologetic to both.

"I'm sorry I got you kicked out Kevin." Xatrin said.

"Don't blame yourself. I was going to tell my father today anyways." Kevin told him, trying to make him know that it wasn't his fault. "Now we just need somewhere to stay." Kevin added with a sigh.

"You guys can stay at my house. My house has more than enough room." Xatrin told them.

"Thanks Xatrin." Dean said.

Kevin just leaned over and kissed him before returning to his packing. He got finished quickly, not as fast as Dean, but still quickly. They quickly vacated the house so Kevin and Dean's father would not get angry. They quickly loaded into Kevin's van and he drove to school.

They got there quickly and ended up running into Gideon and Raymond at the front doors. Gideon saw the look in Kevin's eyes and asked, "Did your parents find out?"

Kevin nodded and Dean looked puzzled. "How did you know?"

Gideon laughed and said, "We double dated last night. I forced Kevin to ask Xatrin out." Xatrin looked hurt at this and Gideon added, "After he told me he had a crush on you Xatrin."

Xatrin understood and the expression disappeared off of his face. Kevin blushed and a smile appeared on his face. He hugged Xatrin and kissed him on the muzzle. Kids stared at them. They had all thought that Kevin was straight.

"Did you guys hear that the school board is letting us out of school early this year?" Gideon asked.

Dean, Kevin, and Xatrin look confused. "Why?"

"Don't know, all I know is that were getting out before Winter Break. Something to do with the a new school being built for the tri state area." Raymond told them.

"Who cares though? We've got an extra 4 months of summer vacation." Gideon said.

"Why are we getting out of school early?" Kevin asked.

"They're using this school for the new school." Gideon told them.

"Cool!" Dean exclaimed. "Two weeks of school left." Dean thought for a moment before adding, after Paulie had joined them, "Ugh, I'm going to be the only one without a relationship this summer."

"Only one?" Paulie said, "Kevin, Xatrin, and I don't have one."

"Kevin and Xatrin do," Dean snickered.

"Who are they dating?" Paulie asked.

"Each other." Dean told her.

Paulie goggled at Kevin for a moment before saying, "I thought you were straight."

"So did I," Kevin said, "before I went out with the gorgeous Siberian Tiger standing next to me." With that Kevin leaned over and kissed Xatrin, again. Paulie just goggled at them for a moment before turning.

"OK, see you guys at lunch. I need to get to my classes." Paulie said.

Kevin shrugged and said, "Are they holding a dance for the end of the school year?"

"Ya, tomorrow." Gideon said.

"Hmm, short notice." Dean said, staring after Paulie.

"Ya, but I have it set." Gideon said with a smirk. "If you guys need anything, tuxedos are required for the dance. Raymond and I are going to get ours today, if you want to tag along."

Kevin just shook his head and said, "My father kicked me out. I have no money."

Gideon patted him on the back. "I'll pay for it. An early Christmas present."

Kevin smiled and said, "Thanks."

Dean just looked over at Gideon and asked, "Do you think you could loan me some money for a tux?"

Gideon looked confused and said, "Sure, why not."

Dean saw his confusion and said, "I'm not living at my house if I have to deal with my father without Kevin."

Gideon just nodded. "Can I borrow some money Gideon?" Raymond asked, jokingly.

Gideon punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Hun, anything you need, I'll buy."

Raymond thought for a moment before saying, "In that case..." he looked at Gideon and said, "Kidding!"

Gideon just laughed and kissed him. Raymond thought of something, "You know, we're only going to be juniors next year. And the whole Tri State of seniors going to our school. They can't all like gays."

Gideon thought about it for a moment before saying, "We have all summer to toughen you up then."

Raymond punched him in the arm, there was a sharp crack and Gideon grew concerned. He took Raymond hand and said, "God damnit Raymond. Do you have to break your finger right before class." Gideon shook his head and pulled some gauze out of his bag. He said, "Raymond, close your eyes, bite your lip and don't scream."

Raymond closed his eyes and bit his lip while Gideon took his middle finger between his hands and pushed. There was a sickening pop and the finger was set, Raymond tried not to but he let out a yelp anyways. Gideon took the gauze then and started wrapping it around Raymond finger, making sure it was very tight.

"That will have to do for now." Gideon said, "Does it hurt?"

"Only a little." Raymond said. "Now I know why people don't punch dragons on their arms."

Gideon laughed just as the bell rang. "Come on, time for class." They quickly walked to class just to see the teacher at the door gathering school books. She took their school books and said, "It's going to be free time all day. We aren't allowed to give homework now."

Raymond and Gideon walked to their normal seats in the back of the classroom where they were joined by Dean and a very anxious looking Kevin. "What's the matter with you?" Gideon asked Kevin.

"Nothing, its just that now me and Xatrin are dating I can't stand to be away from him." Kevin said. Gideon and Raymond laughed.

"That will pass." Gideon told him. Dean was spacing out and Gideon punched him and said, "What's up with you?"

"I was thinking." Dean said.

Kevin and Gideon put looks of fake shock on their face. "It's the apocalypse."

Dean punched Kevin hard and Gideon softly so he didn't break his finger like Raymond. "What are you thinking about?" Raymond asked.

"Who I'm going to ask to the dance." Dean answered with a sigh. "Hopefully I can start a long term relationship."

"Hehe, ya, and if whoever you ask doesn't mind gays we can go on a triple date." Gideon said with a smile.

"No way!" Dean said.

"It's not that bad." Kevin said, "He paid for Xatrin and I and himself and Raymond to eat at the Fur Pride last night."

Dean looked shocked and said, "That place is expensive."

Gideon sighed and said, "Obviously I had enough."

Dean just sighed and said, "I think I'm gonna ask Paulie."

Kevin said, "You should, that way, we would be a group of friends who are dating each other."

Dean punched him in the shoulder. "What is up with you people?"

Kevin, Gideon, and Raymond laughed and said, "We're madly in love with the people we're dating." They looked at each other and laughed. Raymond and Gideon looked at each other happily and leaned over and kissed each other.

Kids around him Oooh'd. Kevin and Dean laughed. They heard some girls muttering nearby. One said, "They are cute together."

The other one said, "There both hot too." She sighed before adding, "I wish they were straight."

Gideon laughed at that. Raymond looked at him questioningly. "I've heard girls say that around me all the time." he explained.

Raymond nodded and said, "I can guess why." He leaned over and kissed Gideon again.

"Will you two stop? It's getting kinda annoying." Kevin told them.

"Your just jealous that your BOYFRIEND isn't here for you to kiss." Gideon put extra emphasis on the word boyfriend so that everyone heard. Kevin blushed.

After that they were silent, Raymond sitting in Gideon's lap, drawing stares from the teacher. Every once in a while Raymond would tilt his head up and kiss Gideon, bringing an annoyed growl from Kevin. The class passed uneventfully.

The bell rang for them to go to lunch and they filed out to the lunchroom. They sat at the usual table except now Kevin and Xatrin sat next to each other, Gideon and Raymond sat across from them, and Paulie and Dean sat on the ends of both sides. During lunch Dean spoke up and said, "Hey uh, Paulie."

"Ya?" She asked, looking at Dean.

"Has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" Dean asked her, getting nervous.

"No, why?" she answered.

"I was wondering if you might want to go with me." He blurted it out.

"Sure!" Paulie exclaimed happily. Apparently she had been crushing on Dean for a while. Of course, the whole time guys had been coming up asking her, but she had waited for Dean.

The rest of the lunch period was silent except for the scrape of plastic sporks against foam plates. Once the bell rang they quickly vacated the cafeteria. Kevin, Xatrin, Gideon, and Raymond headed towards Biology while Paulie and Dean went to German. Gideon noticed a fight going on, more of four football jocks picking on a kid.

He walked over and said, "What's going on?" loud enough for the football players to hear. They just smirked, obviously not afraid of him.

"We're picking on this little fag. What does it look like." One of the jocks said.

This set Gideon off. He walked up to the jock who said it and punched him in the face. The other three jocks came up to hold him down but Kevin and Xatrin had stepped in. Kevin managed to hold the two smaller ones back by himself while Xatrin held the other one.

Gideon picked the jock up off the ground by the neck of his jacket and slammed him into a locker. "I don't want to hear you say that word again. Do you understand me?" With each word Gideon slammed the older jock into the locker until he nodded his head. Gideon let him drop and said, "Get out of my sight." a look of extreme disgust strong on his face.

The jock scrambled to his feet and ran away, quickly as possible. Gideon turned to the other three, "Do you want some?" All three shook their head, afraid of getting humiliated the same way as the first jock. Kevin and Xatrin dropped them and they ran away.

Gideon looked at the small white tiger they had been picking on, obviously a new kid. He walked over and the kid started backing away, his back hit the locker and the tiger covered his face and whimpered.

Gideon just laughed and grabbed the tigers hand and picked him up off the ground, setting him on his feet. "Are you ok?" he asked. The white tiger slowly lowered his hands from his face and nodded. "What's your name?"

"T-Troy." He said, "Thanks for helping me."

Gideon saw a bit of blood on the Troy's face and said, "You're a liar, you are hurt. Come on, you need to see the nurse." Gideon put his hand on the tigers back and started pushing him towards the stairwell. He told the others he would meet them in class.

"Why did you stop them anyway?" Troy asked as they were walking.

"Because I'm not a heartless person." Gideon said. "Are you really gay?" He asked Troy, looking at him questioningly.

Troy shook his head vigorously. "You can tell me, I'm not gonna do anything. Promise."

"O-ok. I am." He said.

Gideon just laughed and said, "You don't have to feel ashamed. Two-thirds of the people I hang out with are gay, me being one of them." Troy looked at him, with admiration. "If you want to hang out with us you can."

Troy thought for a moment before saying, "Thanks."

The walk to the nurses office was short. Troy had a bleeding nose and one of his eyes were slowly blackening. "It's a good thing you brought him here." the nurse told Gideon, smiling at him softly.

"He denied being hurt. I refused to believe it. He was getting hit pretty hard." Gideon said. "Can I have a pass for class?"

The nurse wrote him a pass and he ran back to his class. He gave his book to his teacher and walked over to Xatrin, Kevin, and Raymond. "How was he?" Raymond asked.

"He had a bloody nose and he's going to have a black eye. But he's fine." Gideon said. "He's probably going to be hanging out with us."

"Was he really gay?" Kevin asked.

Gideon nodded. Raymond was starting to get paranoid and asked, "Did he hit on you?"

Gideon laughed and hugged Raymond. "Nobody can steal me from you hun. You're my little puppy." Raymond pulled out of the hug and looked at him. "I can't give you a pet name?"

"You can call me puppy if I get to call you a lizard." Raymond said.

Gideon just grumbled before saying, "Fine."

Raymond just laughed and said, "I'm not going to call you that."

"I'm still going to call you my little puppy." Gideon told him, just as Troy walked in. Gideon saw him and yelled, "Hey, Troy, over here."

Troy looked and walked over. "H-hi."

"You ok man?" Kevin asked.

"Ya, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Troy told him.

Kevin said, "Welcome to the ranks of gay men."

Troy was shocked and Kevin laughed. "All five of us are gay." Xatrin explained.

Gideon smacked himself on the head. "Introductions, duh. Umm, Troy, this is Kevin, Xatrin, and Raymond." When he said Raymond's name he leaned over and kissed him. "Kevin and Xatrin are together and Raymond and I are together."

Gideon thought for a moment before remembering, "Hey Kevin, have you seen Trevor lately?"

Kevin shook his head and said, "He moved."

Gideon looked shocked and said, "How did I not know?"

Kevin just laughed. "Because he moved during the time when you were completely blinded by your love with Raymond."

Gideon just said, "That time is still happening but I'm not blinded."

Raymond said, "That deserves a hug." Raymond hugged him and Gideon looked hurt.

"Only a hug?" Gideon asked, still having that fake hurt expression on his face.

"Oh fine." Raymond leaned over and kissed him and Gideon laughed. Troy was just sitting in a chair blushing.

"Sorry Troy, this is normal behavior for them." Kevin said, Xatrin sitting on his lap looking up at his face.

"At least I don't have a personal lap warmer." Gideon snapped.

Kevin laughed and snuggled his chin into the fur on top of Xatrin's head.

"So, Troy, how old are you? You look younger than 14." Gideon asked, just now noticing how small the white tiger was. He had green eyes, bluish spots going up and down his body. He had a tail that was all blue and he was only 4'5"

"I'm only 12." Troy said, blushing again. "I skipped a few grades."

Gideon just laughed and said, "Good for you."

They babbled on for the rest of the class. They moved on to their next class, German. They passed Dean and Paulie in the halls. Apparenty, Troy was taking German as well. Kevin and Xatrin split up with them and had to go to PE. "Don't get anything on the walls in the shower." Gideon yelled after them.

Kevin just held up his middle finger and Raymond and Troy laughed. Troy had a very cute laugh. He hadn't gone through puberty and he still had his boyish charm. He knew German, a lot of it. They had the same routine except they had a substitute today. They gave him their books and he took role.

The substitute was a very tall black dragon, his features looked incredibly like Gideon's father. His eyes were a sharp yellow, he had jet black hair that blends into his scales. He had finely cut nails and white sparkly teeth. He was also very muscular.

He paused on Gideon's name then named off the rest. "Gideon could you come here?" he asked after he was done.

Gideon walked up to the desk, kinda nervous. "Yes?"

"Is your father Ron Restin?" he asked.

Gideon nodded his head and said, "Yes he is. Why?"

The sub thought for a moment before saying, "My name is Alec Restin."

Gideon was shocked for a moment before the sub added, "Your older brother."

Gideon nodded and said, "You're the one who they kicked out for being gay."

Alec was shocked for a moment before adding, "They told you about me?"

"On accident." Gideon answered. "You should go see them, dad might apologize."

Alec just shook his head and said, "I doubt it. He really hates me for being gay."

"He accepted me." Gideon said.

Alec thought for a moment before nodding and saying, "I will give you a ride home I guess."

"Raymond and I." Gideon told him.

"Another brother?" Alec asked him.

"No, my boyfriend." Gideon said, leaning on the desk.

"Why is he living with you?" Alec asked.

"His uh, his mom died last night." Gideon told him, his eyes watering. He didn't particularly like Raymond's mother but she gave him Raymond and that was reason enough to cry.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Alec said, "Go back to your friends."

Gideon walked back over and plopped down, Raymond slowly migrated to Gideon's lap, causing Troy, Kevin and Xatrin to laugh. "Now who has a lap warmer?" Kevin said, a huge smirk on his face.

"You have no room to talk." Xatrin said as he dropped onto Kevin's lap and licked at Kevin's face.

Kevin blushed again. "What did he want?" Raymond asked Gideon after all the laughing was over.

"Well, apparently he's my older brother." Gideon told him.

Kevin and Xatrin stopped laughing and looked at the substitute in shock. "He does look like your dad." Raymond said.

Gideon nodded. They ended up speaking in German until the class ended, just to shake things up. After that they ended their conversation with a quick, "Guten Tag."

Raymond and Gideon waited for Alec to finish cleaning up around his desk before going since he was giving them a ride. On the walk Raymond said, "Hi, I'm Raymond." He held out his hand.

Alec shook Raymond's hand and said, "I'm Alec." He looked at Gideon and added, "I can see why you want him, he's gorgeous."

Gideon laughed at Raymond's blush and said, "We're inseperable."

Alec just nodded. They got to Alec's car, a cherry red mustang, and he opened the doors for them to get in. "Nice car." Raymond said, "How did you afford it on a substitute teacher's salaray?"

"I've had plenty of well paying jobs. I get more money than you think." Raymond just nodded.

It seemed that Alec had lived in the same house with their parents since he knew the way home. He sped slightly so they made it home very quickly. Gideon walked up and opened the door. He walked in, followed directly by Raymond and shouted for his mom and dad to come to the door. They did and he said, "Guess who I substituted for my German teacher today."

His mom and dad looked at each other before saying, "Who?"

"See for yourself." he replied, kicking the door fully out of the way.

Alec stepped in, looking down at his feet. He muttered, "Hi mom, hi dad."

His parents were obviously shocked. His mother examined Alec, wondering who he was before she, screamed and threw her arms around Alec and his father just stood there.

After a moment of his mother crying and apologizing Alec struggled out of her restraining arms. "I'm ok mom."

Alec looked at his father, who was studying him, making sure Alec really was his son, before he said, "I'm sorry son." before hugging Alec himself.

"I forgive you guys, mom, dad." Alec said, "I never stopped loving you."

After the happy reunion of crying and hugging broke up Alec said, "I have to get back to my apartment. My boyfriend is waiting for me."

"Why don't you bring him over for dinner tomorrow?" His father said which brought a shocked stare from Alec. "I want to meet him."

"OK." Alec said as he turned to leave. He opened the door and the sun glinted off his black scales, the door closed and Alec was gone from sight. Ron and Carol were considerably happier.

Gideon and Raymond had stealthily snuck up to Gideon's room while the little reunion was taking place. Once there Gideon shut and locked the door. He turned to Raymond and pushed him onto the bed, lying next to him. "You know," Gideon started, "I think it's time we moved our relationship a little further."

Raymond looked at him shocked before saying, "I do too."

At this Gideon and Raymond shared a passionate kiss, stopping only so that they could slide each other's shirts over their heads. Raymond looked down and noticed the bulge in Gideon's pants.

"Eager aren't we?" Raymond said, rubbing Gideon's member through his pants. Gideon whimpered at the touch.

Raymond bent his head down and unbuckled Gideon's pants. He pulled them down to reveal Gideon's black boxers. He pulled his boxers down and took them off. He looked at Gideon's member before bending down and licking it from base to tip.

Gideon shuddered at the foreign feeling and Raymond smiled. Raymond licked it a few more times, paying attention to certain spots he found that made Gideon shudder more, before taking the head into his mouth.

He was instantly rewarded with a salty-sweet burst of pre. Gideon moaned softly, trying to keep it down so his parents wouldn't hear. Raymond slowly took more of it in until the tip tickled the back of his throat. He couldn't take any more in so he slowly bobbed his head up and down what he could take in.

He massaged Gideon's balls while he started gaining speed in his bobbing. Gideon was moaning uncontrollably now, not being able to keep it quiet. He loved the feeling of Raymond's moist muzzle over his stiff member.

Raymond kept it up, working hard to keep his teeth out of the way. After a short time of bobbing his head up and down and a long river of pre Raymond was awarded with Gideon's load. Gideon, trying to stifle a roar of pleasure, let it all out.

Raymond eagerly swallowed as much as he could but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't help leaking some out. He felt Gideon grab him under the shoulders and pull him up. Gideon whispered into his ears and said, "I want you inside me."

"Are you sure?" Raymond asked him.

Gideon nodded, Raymond had an idea and took some of the cum that had leaked out of his mouth and rubbed it over his member. Gideon got down on all fours and Raymond slowly walked up. He put his tip at the Gideon's entrance and said, "Are you ready?"

Gideon nodded, biting his lip so he wouldn't scream if it hurt. Raymond slowly pushed in, Gideon gasped at the sudden entrance. Raymond slowly pushed more and more of his member in, loving the feeling of Gideon's tight and warm ass. He let out an occasional moan from the pleasure.

Gideon was moaning slightly as well, the pleasure of being entered was to much. When Raymond finally hilted inside of Gideon he said, "Damn... you're... tight." Gasping between each word. Raymond allowed Gideon to get used to the feeling. "Are you ready?"

Gideon nodded and Raymond pulled out slowly, he took a few inches out and then pushed back in, getting closer to his climax with each thrust. He started thrusting faster and faster. Gideon had noted that the pain from being entered had dissolved into immense pleasure.

Raymond's knot started to form and it made loud slapping sounds as Raymond thrust in and out. Gideon was moaning in a state of pure ecstacy. Raymond was grunting with the efforts of moving faster and faster. He heard Gideon say something in between moans, "Tie... me..."

Raymond was worried at first and said, "Are you sure?"

Gideon nodded, "Just, *moan*, do, *moan*, it." Raymond complied with Gideon's wished and thrust in, slowly adding pressure. His knot was reluctant to go in. Raymond had a hard time stretching Gideon's entrance big enough for his knot. Raymond pushed as hard as he could and he nearly fell over Gideon when the knot finally entered Gideon with a popping sound. Raymond moaned as Gideon's tight insides squeezed around his knot as Gideon moaned and his second load rushed out of his member.

Raymond slowly started thrusting, erratic thrusts due to his inability to pull all the way out. Raymond finally felt his balls tense up and he thrust one final time into Gideon, putting all of his member inside, and he felt his climax.

Gideon collapsed onto the floor, Raymond following. Gideon felt Raymond's warm seed slosh around inside of him. It felt good to him. Raymond lay his head down on Gideon's neck and whispered, "I love you." before falling into a warm, dreamless sleep.

Gideon whispered back, "I love you too hun." Gideon fell into a sleep that was a little more restless. The dreams were him being chased by his father, his father yelling that he was a disgrace of a son. The scene changed and he was in a meadow with Raymond. Raymond looked really angry and yelled at him that it was over.

Gideon's stream of bad dreams kept going until he heard the sound of pounding on his door, causing him to jerk his head up. The back of his head collided with Raymond's and Raymond awoke with a start.

Raymond's now soft member fell out as he stood up. Gideon stood up and yelled at the door, "Yes?"

"Dinner's done. Eat before it gets cold." Clarice told them, "Oh ya. Next time, keep it down."

Raymond and Gideon both blushed. They looked at each other and said, "I think we should wash up."

Gideon and Raymond walked towards the bathroom and quickly got into the shower, turning it to the right temperature. "Turn around." Raymond told Gideon. Gideon did as he was told and Raymond lathered up a wash cloth. Raymond slowly rubbed the cold scale washing body wash over Gideon's back, scrubbing slower at Gideon's ticklish spots.

Gideon started laughing and said, "Stop... it."

Raymond moved over the spot and started scrubbing the cum off of Gideon's buttocks. The dry cum slowly flaked off. Raymond moved down to Gideon's legs, scrubbing the bottom of his feet then dropping the wash rag and started tickling his feet. Gideon fell against the wall laughing. Raymond kept it up until Gideon was gasping for breath.

"I'm going to get you back one of these days." Gideon said.

"We'll see." Raymond said, giving Gideon the wash rag.

Gideon slowly scrubbed at the back of Raymond's head, scratching him behind the ears. Raymond murred and Gideon said, "Good puppy."

Raymond just blushed. Apparently dogs hadn't lost all of their feral instincts and pleasures when they evolved. Gideon laughed and move down to his neck, slowly massaging it. Gideon scrubbed down Raymond's warm, furry body.

They finished showering and got out, using the fluffy towels in Gideon's cabinet to dry off. Gideon started staring at Raymond and Raymond noticed, "Like what you see?" Raymond asked him.

"You know I do." Gideon said. "But, unfortunately, we have to go eat dinner."

Raymond pouted before putting his clothes on and heading to the door. Gideon chuckled at Raymond's puppy dog face. Gideon dressed as he walked out the door. They sat down at the dinner table and got their food. Everyone else was already eating so they just acted like they weren't late for dinner.

"So, Gideon, how was school today." his father asked him.

Gideon swallowed the food he was chewing before saying, "Boring. We didn't do anything. The only interesting thing that happened was a fight."

"Which Gideon broke up." Raymond added in.

Gideon's father just nodded. Gideon's mother spoke up and said, "We have something to tell you."

Gideon stopped eating and noticed that Clarice was looking very excited.

"You know how you've been saying you wish you were an older brother?" is mother asked. Gideon nodded. "Well, your father and I have been talking, and we've decided to adopt a kid."

"Really?" Gideon asked, understanding why Clarice was so excited.

His mother nodded and said, "He's a really nice kid. I think you will be happy to have him as a little brother."

"How old is he?" Gideon asked.

"Eleven." His mother answered his question.

"When are you going to fill out the adoption papers?" Gideon asked. He really was excited now.

"The adoption papers are filled out. You can meet him tomorrow when we pick him up." His mother said.

Gideon nodded as he swallowed the last mouthful of food on his plate. He pushed his plate away and asked, "May I be excused?"

Gideon's father nodded. Gideon got up and walked up the stairs quickly, tripping on the top one. He walked into his room and fell onto his bed. Raymond joined him shortly after.

"Are you excited hun?" Raymond asked him.

"Of course I am. Almost excited as I was when you became my little puppy." Gideon said.

Raymond scowled before plopping down onto Gideon's bed and snuggled into his chest. Gideon stood up and said, "We can't fall asleep yet."

Raymond looked puzzled and asked, "Why?"

"We have to go get fitted for our tuxes. Remember?" Gideon told him.

"Oh ya." Raymond stood with a sigh.

Gideon walked downstairs and asked Clarice, "Could you give us a ride to the Tuxedo renting place?"

"Sure." Clarice replied, "Give me a minute."

Gideon remembered Kevin and Dean and called them. "You guys ready to get your tuxes?"

"Ya. Xatrin isn't coming, he already has one." Kevin replied.

"OK. My sister will be driving us, just meet us at your front door." Gideon told him.

"Make sure you come to Xatrin's. That's where Dean and I live now." Kevin told him.

Gideon knew why so he didn't ask. "Ok, bye."

Clarice was ready by the time Gideon got done on the phone and she rushed them out. They got into Clarice's car and she started driving towards the tux place but Gideon said, "We have to pick up Kevin and Dean from Xatrin's."

She just grumbled about wasting gas before turning towards Xatrin's, driving faster on the abandoned roads. She pulled up to Xatrin's house and Kevin and Dean rushed to get into the car. Kevin joined Raymond and Gideon in the back seat while Dean sat in front with Clarice.

Now Clarice practically flew towards the tux place and pulled into the driveway, pulling out a portable DVD player. "I have a feeling this is going to take a while."

Gideon laughed and said, "Four guys getting fitted for tuxedos? It's gonna take a while,"

Clarice just sighed and turned on the DVD player. Gideon, Raymond, Xatrin, and Kevin walked inside just to be pushed into fitting rooms instantly. Of course, the fitters were a bunch of giggling girls who tried to hit on them.

"So, cutie, want to go out some time?" the girl who was fitting Gideon ask, Lizzy by her name tag.

"No, I'm in a relationship." Gideon sighed.

"Oh. That's one lucky girl." Lizzy said with a wink.

"It's not a girl." Gideon told her.

"Oh." Lizzy said. The rest of the fitting was done in silence, much to Gideon's liking. Every once in a while Lizzy would try to jab a pin in to hard. It didn't work to well considering the pins just snapped on Gideon's scales.

Once Gideon was done being fitted, Lizzy gathered up the pile of broken needles and threw them in the trash can. She wrote down the measurements, said, "You're done." and walked out.

Gideon was relieved that he could finally move. He walked out into the main room and stepped up to the cashier desk to pay for his tux. He gave the woman who was behind the counter the 50$ for his tux.

None of the others were finished yet so he sat down. He would have gone out to join Clarice but he had to pay for Raymond, Kevin, and Dean's tuxes as well. Raymond came out shortly afterwards, rubbing his shoulder. Gideon walked up to meet him and they went to the counter.

Gideon gave her the 50$ for Raymond's tux too. Kevin and Dean came out at the same time, Dean was the only one who hadn't gotten stabbed multiple times. Gideon gave the woman the 100$ for their tuxes so they could leave. "They will be done tomorrow."

Gideon just nodded as they walked out the door. They walked back to the car where Clarice had fallen asleep watching her movie. Gideon Shh'd them and then walked around to the driver's side door. He reached in and slammed the car horn.

Clarice jumped and hit her head on the roof of the car, the portable DVD player in her lap falling to the floor. Once she understood what had happened she started slapping Gideon as hard as she could. "Ow. Ow. OW!" Gideon was saying. "You can stop now. We need to get home."

Clarice stopped slapping him and told them all to get it in. They got in, Dean in front, Kevin, Raymond, and Gideon in the back. She drove faster than normal, pissed at Gideon. They got to Xatrin's twice as fast as it took to drive from Xatrin's to the tux place.

Kevin and Dean got out and said, "Thanks Gideon."

"No problem." Gideon yelled out the window. "You guys aren't getting Christmas presents."

Kevin and Dean stuck their tongues out before going into Xatrin's house. Clarice was still driving incredibly fast. Of course she hit the curb cause she couldn't slow down but there wasn't much damage done.

They pulled into the white house's driveway. Clarice got out to examine the damage. The only thing was a scratch and a dent. Clarice reached her hand under the dent and pulled. The dent popped out with a very loud pop.

"Well, that takes care of one problem." Clarice sighed. "Oh well, might as well go inside and get some sleep. Tomorrow is a very big day."

"Ya, it is." Gideon said, stifling a yawn with his fist.

Clarice yawned and said, "Perfect. Now you're making me yawn."

Raymond started to laugh but was stopped by a jaw cracking yawn. "Ugh. Why do yawns have to be contagious?"

Now it was Gideon's turn to laugh. "Come on, let's go get some sleep."

Gideon, Raymond, and Clarice snuck inside and upstairs to their rooms. Gideon pushed Raymond onto his bed before lying next to him, snuggled up to him. Gideon pulled the covers over them and whispered, "Good night, hun."

As he said this he heard a small bark and scrabbling at his bed. One of Malcise's puppies was trying to get on. Gideon laughed before reaching his hand over the side of the bed to pull it up. He put it on Raymond's side of the bed and yawned before curling itself into a ball and falling asleep.

Gideon and Raymond laughed softly.

"Good night, hun." Gideon said again.

"Good night Gideon." Raymond said sleepily.

They quickly fell into a sleep that was full of wonderful dreams. Dreams where nothing was bad in the world. They both smiled as they cuddled into each other. They were sleeping in peace.


chapter 10! I hit the double digits. Give me positive and negative feedback. Don't holdback!