Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 10

Story by BlaykeWinterwolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Paw Patrol Love Tales

Not long after Marshall left for his walk, the other pups woke up and yawned. Skye, Rocky, and Rubble all greeted each other with a good morning. They were still sad from the night before, but figured things would soon go back to normal. As it was getting close to breakfast time, all the pups were going down to eat. However, one brown pup was not coming from out of his pup house.

Zuma laid in his bed, keeping the door closed. All he could do was think about what had happened. He never intended to hit the poor Dalmatian, but Zuma let his anger and shock get the best of him. All he could do was feel guilty, but there was something still deep in the back of his mind. When Marshall had kissed him, it was like sparks lit up. He loved Marshall's soft lips onto his, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it. As much as he wanted to still be angry with the spotted pup, he couldn't be. If anything, that kiss had only brought out his true feelings. Ones he wished to deny more.

"I really should go apologize to Marshall." The brown pup thought. "Maybe if I'm lucky, he will forgive me..."

Zuma slowly walked out of his pup house. As he made his way to Marshall's pup house, he noticed that Marshall wasn't there.

"Maybe he's eating breakfast with the other pups."

Zuma ran to meet up with the other pups, hoping to see Marshall there. When the pup arrived where breakfast was being held, he asked if anyone had seen Marshall.

"Hey guys, have you seen Marshall?"

"Oh, so now you want to talk?" Asked Chase in a sarcastic tone.

"Now Chase, there's no need to get angry." Ryder pet the pup on his head.

"I just wanted to tell him I was sorry for what happened..." Zuma sighed. "I....I accidentally slapped him..."

Everyone gasped.

"How could you do that to poor Marshall?" asked a heartbroken Skye.

"That's not cool, Zuma." said Rocky.

"Although what you did was wrong, I'm glad you're going to apologize." Ryder said with a smiled.

"Come to think of it, Marshall said he was going alone for a walk." Mentioned Chase. "I told him to be back by breakfast, but we're almost finished and he's not back yet."

"Could he be missing?" A worried Rubble asked.

Ryder got out his pup pad. "Marshall? Come in, Marshall?" But there was no response. He tried again once more. "Marshall? Are you there?"


"Pups, Marshall isn't picking up. He could be lost or missing! We have to find him fast!"

"I really hope he's okay!" A worried Chase added. "I knew I shouldn't have let him go all by himself!"

"It's okay Chase. Don't blame yourself. I'm sure we will find him." Ryder said, reassuring everyone. "We have to move fast! Skye, search for Marshall from the air. Chase, use your spy drone. Zuma, search the beach and the lighthouse. Rocky, search with Farmer Al and Yumi. Rubble, search with Mayor Goodway and Mr. Porter. Maybe they have seen Marshall. I'll call Jake and Everest to see if Marshall is with them."

The pups did their usual call outs.

"Let's take to the sky!"

"Green means go!"

"Rubble on the double!"

"Chase is on the case!"

The only one who didn't say his usual call out was Zuma. As the other pups and Ryder raced to their cars, Zuma paced himself to Marshall's pup house. If the Chocolate Lab had felt guilty before, it paled in comparison to how guilty he felt now.