Unusual Love #10

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#12 of Unusual Love

Friday morning, the birds had been chirping so loudly that Lucy was awake before the sunrise. So much had happened to Sam, and in turn, her. Nothing was the same as it was a week ago. He went from cute loner to famous assassin in an instant. Nothing could shake her anymore than she was already shaken. Then the phone rang, and she popped straight up into the air at breakneck speeds with a yelp. Memories of her landing on Sam's fun parts flooded her head as she reached for the phone, "Hello?" Lucy hadn't realized how tired she really was.

"Hey, it's me, Sam..." Lucy was thrilled, and saddened by his tone, "Listen, I know it's really short notice, but do you think it's possible for us to have this thing over your house later tonight? Things over at my place are a little... hectic." (He doesn't know that I know?!) she thought.

"Um... I guess it would be okay. But I don't really have much to eat or-"

Sam was cheerier now, "Oh, don't worry about that. I've got it all covered. Seriously, thanks. Someone is doing some construction over here, or something. I can barely hear myself think." Lucy could hear a faint knock at the door over the phone, "And they keep wanting to know if they can use my crapper. Ugh... well I'll call everyone and tell them about the change in address, as it were."

Lucy was nervous, and very tired, "O-okay sure. You," she yawned, "you be careful over there." she hung up and waddled over to her shower, in an attempt to wake herself up a bit. She wandered downstairs, careful to hold onto the railing, and looked around. Her house was certainly big enough for them, much bigger than Sam's apartment. (Cleaner too) she thought as she giggled. It was just another normal day for her, except the rain was still here. It was only a drizzle now, but she had heard that it may storm later on tonight.

Lucy was bored out of her mind. She didn't really know what to do with herself with all of her free time. An idea popped in her head, so she went over to her mom's computer. She had noticed that Marlene and Jen were looking up strategy books in the library, so she thought that an online guide would be more effective. "D-E-F-I-A-N-C-E" she had to spell it out as she typed it in, being a below average typer. She clicked on some sites that she had never seen before, then found a guide by Nightmare. (Wait... where have I seen this name before...) she clicked on it and opened it up. Lucy quickly skimmed over it to get an idea of what to do, then at the bottom, it read: To all the gamers out there who don't have a clue why the tutorial level is so ****ing hard, this is for you. And, for my GF Lucy, who I know is reading this, probably on the Friday of the week this is posted. (He really is a psychic, isn't he?) she thought.

She shut down the computer and walked over to her refrigerator to get something to eat. She picked up a donut and ate it as she walked around aimlessly. "Not much I can do, is there? Huh, what's that?" she saw something shine on her couch and walked over to see what it was. A silver-wrapped box was sitting on the middle of a cushion. It was odd to her, as she had been there the night before and would've noticed it before. A tag was attached to it, and it read: My master has asked me to deliver this to you. Please accept it, as he was not able to deliver it himself. She picked it up and tore into the wrapping. Inside was a cardboard box which she slowly opened. Inside of that was a pink game controller. Lucy picked it up and felt some tears well up in her eyes, "He's still thinking of me."

Lucy didn't find much that she wanted to do. She couldn't go outside because it was raining, and she hated that. So she just laid about, watching whatever happened to come on the TV. Before she knew it, it was 5:42. They were going to be here any minute now. She remembered what Sam said about wearing something comfortable, so she put on a set of pajamas. The moment she finished, her doorbell rang. Lucy ran down the stairs, tripping up, and went flying. Since she was a cat, she landed on her feet. She answered the door, and Jen was standing there in pajamas as well. In her weak voice, she said, "Hi, Lucy. Am I too early?"

"No no, you're just the first one to get here." she stammered.

Jen smiled, then walked in, carrying a backpack. She saw Lucy's questioning look, then said, "Oh, it's just some things I bring every time. An art book, my pencil set, a controller, of course, my favorite movies, and some energy drinks. I didn't need to bring them, but Sam seemed stressed out so I thought I would help out." Lucy led her into the living room and put her drinks into the fridge. She walked over and sat next to her on the couch, scanning through her book. It had very detailed anime style drawings all throughout it. Lucy complimented her. "Oh, this is just some random things I drew. I like to draw people how I see them. Look, here's Jim, in a geeky sort of way. Marlene is her, she acts like a good rapper so I drew her as one. Sam is on the next page, I made him look like a superhero! But tonight, I think I'll draw you."

"Nothing bad, I hope?" Lucy said jokingly. Both the girls laughed, then the doorbell rang again. This time it was Marlene and Jim, who appeared to be a couple. "Welcome, the game isn't here yet, but feel free to watch some TV."

"Whew," Jim said, "It's really starting to come down out there, good thing you got this thing over your porch. We were getting drenched just running from the car."

Marlene nodded, "Yeah, some wicked lookin' clouds is comin our way. Hope Sam'll be aight."

They all went to the living room and started to watch some TV. Lucy was getting nervous, because she knew that there were some dangerous people around Sam, and she wasn't sure if he could make it out. A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a low rumbling thunder. Lucy cringed, but kept her eye on the door. The rain was coming down harder now, making it sound like there were footsteps on the roof. (Wait a minute, that makes no sense.) she thought. A knock at the door startled everyone.

Lucy walked over, and opened the door. Sam was standing there, wearing cargo pants, and loose t-shirt, no shoes, a strangely shaped necklace with a platinum chain and emerald emblem matching the clan's. He was carrying a duffel bag in one had, had a backpack on his back, and a laminated piece of paper in his hands. Lucy smiled and felt joy flood her emotions until the lightning traveled across the sky, illuminating the area around her house. There were over twenty people kneeled down behind Sam. "What? I shook off about fifty." he said, then he turned around, "If any of you dare to interrupt me or anyone in this home, I will not hesitate destroy your clan's reputation." The ninjas didn't move there bodies, but nodded their heads. "Oh, pizza will be here in a few minutes. So... yeah. I like the rain, but your guests need their entertainment." Lucy didn't notice, but she was blocking the doorway. She blushed.

"So the man of the hour is finally here! Well set her up! Big Blue here is itching in anticipation!" Jim pulled out his blue controller.

"Alright alright, keep your panties on. I'm on it. But, you gotta put away my shit."

Sam moved to the TV and started to set up the system which had been in his backpack. Jim took a few packs of energy drinks out of his bag and put them in the fridge. When Sam was done, he said, "Alright, it's me and Jim to start. Jen's on deck, Marlene is after that, and Lucy is third. Now, prepare to piss your pants." Sam started the game and to Lucy's surprise it was a simple war game. Unfortunately, the calm demeanor was shattered when a bunch of alien looking things jumped out of nowhere and started shooting. Sam was the sniper of the duo while Jim was the forward man. The two were moving so fast that Lucy couldn't keep up.

Jen waved her over to the dining room table close by and said, "Don't worry, when you play it'll seem a lot slower. I die pretty fast, and Marlene can hold her own for a while, but she doesn't quite get the mechanics of the game."

"Hey! I heard that!"

"It's true though, you keep running into the middle of the gunfire. If Sam's around, you last for a while, but when Jim is there he can't cover you both." Jen's sickly voice hid her bravery. "Where were we, oh! After few hours of this, of more likely when we finish it, we'll take a break and either watch a movie or play a different game." The bell rang.

"Pause it, I'll get it." Sam said. He walked to the door, paid the delivery guy, and came back in with three pizzas. As soon as he set the pizza down on the table, the doorbell rang again. Lucy looked at Sam and noticed that he tensed up. He reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a skinny bag with a zipper. She had noticed it earlier since it was about three feet long and wouldn't let his bag close. 'My umbrella, might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?" he walked to the door, the tension not leaving his body. Everyone else started talking amongst themselves, but Lucy saw him unzip the top of the bag, and gripped the handle inside.

Sam cautiously opened the door, and relaxed his muscles. Lucy moved towards him to get a look at who it was, and she was shocked, "Cindy?"

The dog was drenched and looked up at her with sad eyes. Sam looked over her head and pulled her inside gently. Cindy had every one's attention now. "I... just want to say how sorry I am. I shouldn't have come between you and Sam. Please, forgive me." she had dropped to her knees.

Lucy looked at Sam for an answer, but he leaned back and shook his hands, as if to say 'I don't want to get involved.' Lucy looked at Cindy, and easily saw that she truly meant what she said. "Alright, I guess. You can stay if you want. But, no more people and no games for you."

"...thank you..."


Ha! This was originally going to be a one part thing, but I barely made it to the party when it was getting a little long. This way, I can write many more without coming up with anything beyond what I had planned for this one. Creepy! I mean... Awesome! Let's see here, they play some games, watch some movies, and Lucy will make a shocking announcement: That she is really a robot from mars! No, but I will get romantic, so tell your friends. Can't do that? Tell everyone you See on the street corners. Next time, on Unusual Love #11. Damn it's hot in Maryland...