"Seasons" - Chapter 2

Story by GrindHyena on SoFurry

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Jeez man, I'm surprised at myself that I got this up in the same day as the first one. I really gotta make these longer. Anyway, more to come, and enjoy.


The school was rather old, and was in need of an upgrade. Comprised of 2 floors and four hallways all surrounding a rather poor excuse for a "courtyard," the Endleburg County High School wasn't much to look at. It had been re-bricked and re-plastered and re-whateverthefuck multiple times, shown obviously by how some bricks looked more aged and weathered compared to the new bricks. Casey stepped through the foyer of the October air. After pushing and shoving through the crowd of various people, Casey had fought his way to his geometry class. He pushed past a crocodile attempting to sweet-talk a clearly uninterested Maine Coon and entered the room. It was already half filled with students, so Casey scanned the room for a proper place to sit. On one side of the room nobody he really knew, but had definitely exchanged brief words and glances with. On another side, Casey saw three students chatting at a set of desks - "With an empty seat, too," he thought. Not wanting to initiate an awkward reintroduction, he decided to take his chances and go say hello and ask the three if he could sit down with them. Steeling his nerves and preparing himself for immediate rejection, Casey walked over to the table. "Um, hey. Is anyone else sitting here?" The entire group looked up. He could already hear the little voice inside his head growing to be not-so-little anymore, as it was starting to scream "Don't fuck up. Don't fuck up. TOO LATE, YOU FUCKED IT UP FOR EVERYONE!" But, just as Casey thought about aborting the mission and hiding at some seat in the corner of the room, the leopard gecko in the seat next to him smiled warmly and replied "Nope. Have a seat!" Casey could feel that agitating little voice growing smaller, and smaller, and smaller until that little voice was swept far, far away by the cool waters of relief. He sat down next to the gecko, who he soon learned was named Lori, the Mexican wolf across from her was Rosie (her girlfriend of 3 months) and the fallow deer with the red dyed hair was Cyrus. "So, what's your name buddy?" Gabby asked.


"Well it's nice to meet you, Casey! How long you've been here?"

Casey stopped briefly to think of what to say. Should he lie? Should he tell the truth, say 'Oh, I've been here for two months now, and I have no fucking clue of my surroundings!' After about 3 seconds of mental grappling, Casey noticed all three of the group staring at him again, waiting for an answer.

"To be completely honest," Casey completely bullshitted, "I've lost count!" That garnered a chuckle from Gabby and Cyrus, who said "S'alright, my friend. It happens to the best of us, am I right?" The group laughed in approval, and Casey was surprised to find himself laughing as well. The talking was silenced by the slamming of a ruler on a desk. The source of the sudden noise was Mr. DeBeaux, a slender black elk dressed in a blue button down shirt paired with rather drab khaki pants. The elk said with a slight haughty air in his voice, "Now that I've gotten your attentions, class can start." The usual slew of angles, graphs and formulas to find y=mx+b or y=who-gives-a-shit began, and Casey sleepily rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket. "It's gonna be a long one, I can just tell," he thought.