Friday chapter XIV Selective Breding

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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#9 of Friday

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Selective Breeding

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Tiffany was out late. All she was going to do was get some food from the feed store and do some other shopping but that was hours ago and it was broaching one in the morning. Jake watched the driveway with collie intensity waiting for his mistress to return. He looked at Friday who was lazily playing with the stuffed collie toy. He really wished he had fathered a pup on her that night, she seemed the most at piece when she was taking care of that toy, and the fox pups brought out even more maternal instincts, and a few of Tiffany's traits and teachings stayed with the collie bitch. But even with this wistful distraction he looked back out the window watching for her truck to come up the drive.

Jake woke up when there was a flash of light from headlights in the driveway that hit him. He was both exited and annoyed at his mistress but that was replaced by confusion. The car that drove up was not Tiffanies but by the time he opened the door to find out who it was Tiffany and another man were in an embrace, kissing the man lustfully. Jake was shocked, he thought surely Jimmy would be her mate but the scent form them proved that she wanted him and he was obviously not going to refuse.

The man looked shocked when he opened his eyes and looked to the house, "hey babe, either I'm drunker than I think I am or your dog is human."

Tiffany turned to look at Jake and giggled hitting the man in his chest with her fist in drunken laughter, "That's a Genome, his name is Jake, he has a bitch of a collie inside too, I got two," she rambled and looked up to him with lustful eyes and wiggled in his embrace, "wanna come inside."

The man nodded and the two drunk humans giggled and laughed as they staggered to the stairs toward the door that Jake was too shocked to do anything but stand there and stare. Jake moved to the side as the strange man grabbed his shoulder for support, "Thanks doggie," he chuckled and passed the dog with his giddy mistress, watching with the door still wide open as the two went into Tiffanys' room.

Jake stood wide eyed and staring even when Friday walked up to him carrying the stuffed dog in one arm and rubbing her eyes with the other from her place on the couch. Once Jake registered her existence he bolted to her leaving the door open still. "Friday!" he blurted breathlessly, in his shock he also seemed to forget to breath. She looked at him and licked his nosepad.

"Friday, Tiffany came back and with a strange human male."

Friday just looked at him and shrugged before pulling on her dog to come closer but he didn't follow, so a bit annoyed she signed ‘so what's wrong?"

Jake would have looked stunned if it was not Friday and he was not so shocked before, "She is having sex with a strange man Friday!"

Friday just regarded him with eyes that were not comprehending the problem as he saw it. ‘She's not in heat, they will not be able to breed' she signed as she yawned.

"No, it means Jimmy will not be her mate!" Jake exclaimed.

Friday looked at the dog bewildered and annoyed, ‘he can still mate her if they want.' She signed and curled up to the toy dog as she laid on the couch, figuring Jake would not keep her warm and closed her eyes to sleep but signed, ‘close the door too.'

Jake for the first time realized the door was still open and went to close it. He slowly came back to Friday and began talking, "Friday, this means that she will keep him, and I have never met him."

Friday giggled, ‘maybe he is here to stud her and the stupid weak nosed humans can't tell she is not in heat yet, besides, who cares if she has studs. I have been studded many times and usually not for breeding, the humans like to do that.' She explained to Jake and tried once again to go back to sleep if he was not going to keep her warm, but that was not the case as he continued on his tangent, "Humans don't do studs, they mate and try to find a mate for life, and she let jimmy go for this one."

Friday laughed and sat up, ‘no silly dog, humans mate with many, they have no permanent mate, my master brought many to,' she stalled in her hands as she thought about where she was now, ‘to this house and mated them, some were in heat, others not and when there was none to be found or he was bored, there was me and a field of sheep.'

Jake looked to Friday wide eyed and blinking. "What? No, my mistress said that the goal for humans is to find a good mate and live together and love each other for the rest of their lives, just like Tiffanys' mom and dad."

Friday looked at Jake with a smirk that would be cute if he was not so worried about making her understand Tiffanys' dilemma. ‘Humans do not find permanent mates, they have many and they use and discard as they please.'

Jake sighed and dipped his head down shaking it but before he could speak Friday pulled his head up and then over to her, ‘if you are so concerned, talk to her not me.' She flung her hands testily and curled to the toy again and closed her eyes.

Jake just looked at the door that his mistress was being studded behind, he could hear them mating behind the door and smell everything. He looked to Friday, a bit of want for her but she was curled up in a ball and all but told him not to wake her. Jake sighed and went to their room and slept in the bed.

* * * * *

The next morning Jake came into the kitchen as Tiffany was merrily cooking a breakfast that was obviously not going to be shared with him and Friday. "morning Jake." She smiled to Jake and flipped an egg in the skillet and added some seasonings. Jake watched her merrily prance about and he only stood in dumb silence watching her. He somehow felt himself betrayed, where were the lessons his mistress told him on honor and virtue? She betrayed Jimmy for another he barely remembered seeing from the night before. But he smelled bad. Friday pushed past Jake and sat at the table expectantly, her tail happily wagging as she put the stuffed collie on her lap and waited.

Tiffany smiled to the bitch, "I'll get to you in a bit Friday." She said and looked up to see Jake still in his place by the door and she lost a bit of her smile and went back to cooking. She put everything on a plate in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

The way she looked at Jake and walked past him to go to her bedroom was cold. He looked to Friday and not wanting to let Tiffany know his concerns signed to Friday, ‘she made him breakfast and she is very happy after mating with him.'

Friday slapped her paws on the table in disbelief and lifted them to sign, annoyance played over her motions like a sarcastic voice, "are you still on that? Jake, she found her mate so let it be. She is a human, not a dog. She can choose her own mate.' She picked her toy collie up and set it facing her on the table and began preening it carefully. She was annoyed with Jake and his obsession with his mistress. She refused to look at him and even turned a little bit away form him when he tried to get his attention.

Jake sighed and threw his hands at Friday giving up at talking to her. She didn't understand what he was upset about anyway. He did want to see this human stud she had dragged home to replace Jimmy. He peeked his head into the bedroom and saw his mistress giggling and running her fingers over the sparse chest hair of a thin man who still smelled wickedly bad. The mans' eyes got wide and he pointed to Jake, "Is that a Genome?"

Tiffany brightened and beckoned Jake to enter, "Don't be shy, Mark, this is Jake, Jake, this is Mark."

Mark smiled too big a smile and spoke too cheerily, "Hello there Jake."

Jake gave him an intense stare as if he could intimidate the man into leaving, but it failed miserably so he spoke, "Is this your mate?" he looked to Mark, "are you gonna marry Tiffany?"

Both humans flustered and Tiffany jumped off the bed and took Jake by the collar and pulled him out the bedroom whisper/growling, "What are you doing? Go out and take care of the sheep."

Jake stood in the hall and blinked confused. Was what his mistress told him about humans all a lie? He felt his heart tighten and his legs weaken. He walked in a daze to the kitchen where Friday was still preening her toy. He looked at her and she looked at him. her stare dared him to say something about his mistress so he just autonomicly went to the cupboard and pulled out a can of dog food and opened it, Friday now over his shoulder looking how to open the can but he was in no mood to teach her, he had to sort out what his life was turning into, and where things now stood.

He fed Friday and himself. Friday watched him carefully. He was really distraught and she could not figure out why. She knew it was because Tiffany mated with another stud but she supposed he was trying to breed for better quality and Mark was not it. But she was just having sex, not breeding so he should not be so upset. She reached over and pet his shoulder and he looked to her almost vacantly before his personality came back to the surface and he still looked beyond lost. She smiled to him softly and licked his cheek. ‘What's wrong Jake.'

Jake sighed and looked back to his half eaten portion of food and stabbed it with a spoon, "you don't understand Friday, you just won't." he closed his eyes and sighed but looked to Friday when she swatted his shoulder to get his attention. ‘then tell me, make me understand.' She signed and looked to him attentively, even her stuffed toy looked attentive.

Jake put his spoon down in the bowl and looked at her. He thought for a few minuets and then began to speak just to be quiet again then with a soft nod of his head he looked to her, "alright," he stalled a second more then continued, "You know how Mr. and Mrs. Athens live together and know each other real well and all that."

Friday nodded and Jake continued, "Well she was courting a human, he was interested in her, she was interested in him, they were on the way to becoming mates and then, she mated that man, she calls him Mark." He looked to Friday listening intently, she was soaking in the information but he could see in her eyes she did not understand the problem. She was a dog, she had no clue about what his mistress taught him. He thought for a second and decided to chance something, "It would be like me going out and mating with Bonnie after we have been together for so long.

Friday wrapped her head around that. She could feel anger inside her at the thought of Jake finding another weaker better for breeding than her, or even mating. Not that he mated her past that one time so long ago. But he was still hers and she would,.. she thought a moment and almost grasped the concept but she had an idea but still struggled with the mating out of heat concept.

‘Then what about me?' she asked thinking on a different track. If Jake did not mate her because she had mated with others, it would explain why he showed so little interest in her. Her heart felt heavy in her chest as the thoughts formed but Jakes' question made her look to him, "What do you mean what about you" he asked confused.

‘I have mated many times with many, and almost bred with another male. Do you think I'm bad?'

"You had no choice, and,.."

Friday began signing cutting him off ‘I enjoyed some, and sometimes I liked mating with others just for the feeling, Tiffany can do the same?' she tried to make her fingers inflect the question but she doubted that Jake picked up on the nuance.

"She can but that makes her a slut in the human world."

‘I'm a slut.' Friday signed. She knew this from what her master called her and the human women he often brought to the ranch.

"No, you are a dog."

He saw the conflict in her eyes and nodded. "But this is what bugs me about him." he decided to take on another track, "We don't know him, he is a stranger and she was doing well with Jimmy. She betrayed him."

Friday signed with her paws ‘Why can he not be like Jimmy? What if he is her mate and she chose him because he is the best choice?'

Jake sighed. He had to relent to Fridays' argument. His mistress was smart and determined and sometimes hard things had to be done for the better. Jake smiled and kissed Friday tenderly on her nose pad. "You are smart."

Friday smiled and wagged her tail before hugging Jake to her dense fluffy coat. She licked her bowl to the point it looked clean and put it in the sink before putting her stuffed collie on the bed and ran out the door to tend sheep with Jake. She bounced playfully on all fours like a large normal collie in front of Jake and he smiled and wagged his tail and bolted after the playful collie bitch. They raced to the paddock fence, Friday the winner and she gave a razzberry to the merle coated collie. He playfully swatted her ears and opened the gate wide. She bolted into the paddock and had no troubles herding the sheep out, Jake helped direct them once they were out, herding them into the two pasture. Friday craftily bounded over the backs of the bleating masses and made an aerial pounce at Jake, but to her surprise he deftly moved away and she made a perfect face plant into the mud and grass. She looked up to Jake laughing at her, "you pulled that one too many times." He made an open jawed canine grin and bolted off on all fours to check the perimeter as Friday pushed herself up and looked about on all fours before standing on two legs. Was she getting predictable? She smiled lopsided and shook off the sheep pellets in her fur and ran for Jake.

She passed sheep that had dispersed for feeding and in a flash of black and white ran for Jake to tackle him but he caught her instead and held her like a child in his arms. She grinned and wagged her tail and licked and nuzzled his muzzle.

Jake laughed and licked her tongue back and stroked her haunch before setting her on two feet and petting her, his fingers sifting through her long dense coat. It had grown quite a bit and threatened to hide her gender entirely, but it was a pleasure to run his fingers through her soft pelt. Her skin under the fur was soft and silky like the nearly bare place on her belly.

* * * * *

The new human male, Mark, started when he saw the dogs up eating their breakfast.

"You guys are some freaky shit." He said looking at the two dogs in a bleary eyes wonder. Jake resolved to do as Friday suggested and give this human a chance. His mistress did after all choose him over Jimmy. The dog smiled and nodded, "well we have been around for over ten years, but I guess the population and price have come down to the point we are just now getting wide spread."

The man shook his head, "naw man, it's like a horror movie thing. I got attacked by one of you guys that was a cop dog. That bitch was vicious."

Jake wavered in his resolve but then again his mistress often told him that others deserve a second chance. "well we won't attack you, we just herd sheep."

The man nodded and shuffled to the refrigerator for some juice out the carton. He wiped his mouth and looked to the dogs. "do you guys like, make sandwiches and mow the lawn and shit too?"

This got a single squeak from Fridays' toy which made him wince. "God dog, do you have to do that?"

That earned him two squeaks. "Don't you like live outside or something?"

He got another squeak and he reached to take the toy from Friday but she moved her head and then teased the man with it. Showing it to him and then squeaking the toy taunting. The man just held his head and called for Tiffany who peeked around the corner from the bedroom.

"Your dogs are making mad noise." He complained

Tiffany kept her guarded position at the corner and looked to Jake and Friday. "Oh that's the way that Friday says yes and no. She can't talk.

Mark looked at the dogs, well then she is more normal, I'm not used to dogs talking to me."

"We're not that rare, I can't imagine you had never seen us before."

The man chuckled and nodded, "yea, but you still are kinda freaky."

Jake shrugged and Taped Friday who nodded and put her toy away and followed him out to tend sheep.

It was later in the day when Jimmy showed up in the fields. He looked disappointed but stil had a ready smile for the dogs.

"Everything okay?" Jake asked the man as he picked up a bucket of insulators

Jimmy looked at him and shrugged, "just some delusions squashed." He replied and as on the bucket reached between his legs to get an insulator and put out his hand, "Hammer?"

Jake nodded and got two hammers and the two worked on bringing closure to the fence if nothing else.

Jake and Friday locked away the sheep again and went into the house to find it empty. It was odd and only the man Marks' car was gone.

Friday lived another night with the collie dog fretting about his mistress. She just found her toy and curled up to it and fell asleep. The human would return, only non humans ran a chance of not coming back.

And again it was late when she heard the motor of the strange vehicle come up and the loud couple tripping laughing and being obnoxious and the banter of Jake who was worried for her. But she just said he was sweet and how cute it was and went to the bedroom to be mated by Mark again.

Friday was faring better than Jake who was distracted. She looked at all the damage done to his hand from a hammer strike, it was not broken, not that she thought but one of his fingers was swollen.

Again the collies came into an empty house and ate canned food again. Friday swore at herself for getting all soft. She was getting spoiled and maybe a little fatter form all the house food, at least her breasts seemed bigger than before and it was not a heat swell. Friday resolved to sit another night alone with Jake fretting but was surprised to see him join her after only a few hours. She licked him and gave him a playful sniff and play bow filled with innuendo but he just pet her head and laid down looking at the room door as if it was the front door and tiffany would be in any second.

The next day and the day after that was more of the same for the now latchkey collies until after a month of the man Mark taking their mistress away they were in the house with boxes. Jake looked about worried even though tiffany greeted him with a hug and a pet.

"hey there Jake," she smiled and ruffed his cheekruffs, "Mark is moving in with us. Isn't that great?"

Jake was set a bit aback, "how why?"

"Cause we've been going out for a while and rather than us having two places I offered for him to move in with us. He has some things up at the barn I expect you two to respect his things and not mess with them."

Jake nodded an unsure sure while Friday who was completely disinterested just surfed thrugh the boxes. Most smelled of the terrible smoke but nothing overly interesting just very dirty.

Jake was a bit more displeased. "Why is he staying here?"

"Well because we're going out and now we're official and I wanted him to move in." she smiled sweetly to Jake, "why? You a little jealousy puppy?" she teased but Jake did not relent.

"What is he going to do?" Jake looked scared as if his life was falling apart, and to him it was.

"Don't worry doggy, I'm not here to mess you up, you'll hardly know I'm here." Mark said with a perfect smile and a pat to Jakes head.

Jake just could not shake his gut that something bad was about to happen, he really didn't like this guy at all. but his mistress insisted on him and she was his mistress. He watched as Tiffany hugged the man and kissed him deeply. She reeked of want that disturbed him. With his tail hung limp he turned and walked back to his room and grabbed Friday for a shower, she sometimes still forgot that sheep were messy and rolling in it was not helpful for indoor living.

Jake tolerated the man, Friday paid him no mind but he did nothing to upset anyone. He often took some of the menial jobs like dishes or even himself cooked dinner. Jake still resented the man but could not for the life of him accredit it to anything but Jealousy. He quieted his concerns with how happy Tiffany looked. Friday appreciated his calming down when he brushed her more and paid her a little more attention.

Things were good then one day Jimmy did not show up. it was not uncommon for him to skip a day because he had his own farm to take care of. But then several days passed and then a week and still no Jimmy. He looked to Friday as she watched the sheep.

"Where is Jimmy?" he voiced concerned

Friday looked at him strange and signed ‘he can't come anymore."

Jake was shocked, "what do you mean he can't come here anymore?"

Friday looked a bit like it was obvious, "you mistress sent him away."

Jake only looked more perplexed. "sent him away?"

Friday nodded, ‘mark did not like him here so asked her to send him away.'

"What did he do that for?"

Friday just shrugged.

Jake was now frustrated, she knew that would happen when Jimmy left. It was no surprise, Mark smelled threatened when Jimmy came. That and he smelled like he was fearful.

Friday played with her tail. She knew it would be a while before Jake would pay attention to her again. He was so high strung but for some reason it was a quality about him she liked, his concern for others, but she wanted it to be more concern for her. He was a very strange dog she thought.