Lucario's World of Pokemon; Part Two--Religion

Story by LucarioZer0 on SoFurry

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#4 of Lucario's World of Pokemon

And now, the next installment. Ooh boy, this one might cause some issues...I'll just let Galen take over from here...

Lucario's World of Pokémon

Part Two - Religion

Hey folks! Galen here again for another installment of: Lucario's World of Pokémon!

As you can guess by the title...yeah this one's gonna be a bit...well let's just get started.

So, religion!

Well, to start with, religion in our world isn't that different from yours. The main difference being that there's really only one major religion. Now granted, there are some variations on it, but for the most part it's all the same.

This is, as you may already be aware, the belief that Arceus was the "Original One" who created Palkia and Dialga, who in turn created time and space, and then Uxie, Mesprit, and Azlef gave living things spirit. As to what actually created those living things...that's kinda glossed over, and is implied to have come along with time and space.

So, even though Palkia and Dialga where the ones who created everything, since Arceus created them, Arceus tends to be the one who gets the praise.

Now as I said, there are variations, such as those who believe that Arceus, Palkia, and Dialga exist as equals, or who even think of beings like Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza as being on the same level as these creators.

But among all these variations, one thing is always constant. So, let's address the giant six legged ghost dragon in the room.

Yes, so far I've neglected to speak of Giratina.

Giratina is by and large feared by all people who practice religion. Some people even believe that to say Giratina's name is to incur its wrath, and be cursed with ill fortune. As someone who's met Giratina I can safely say that this is nonsense.

Giratina is not the demonic creature most people believe it is. Without going into too much detail and spoiling future events in any given story, I can say that Giratina is really a guardian of the negative space referred to as the Distortion World. And, in guarding the safety of this other world, Giratina is also protecting us all.

But, that's enough of that.

As you can imagine, there's also different levels of worship, just like your world.

You have your standard religious folk, who are perfectly nice, normal people, and just happen to believe in a deity. You have people like me, who know enough to know that even if Arceus is a deity, he really isn't worth worshiping. You have those who don't belive in the existence of any of them as well.

But the worst ones are the fanatics.

Remember Nestor, from Love and Aura? You know, the one who captured Valor and Tamashii in Oblivia? Yeah, he was one of those fanatics. Just like in your world, these are people who take their beliefs far too seriously, and often use them to justify atrocities. Luckily, we don't have as many of them as you all do, and even the ones we do have tend to be social outcasts.

I suppose I can't say much else here really--

*Galen blinks in confusion as a balled up piece of paper hits the side of his head. He bends over and opens it, sighing upon seeing what's written*, Tamashii would apparently like me to make a few things clear.

One: Even though all Pokémon accept the existence of Arceus, they don't worship him, nor do they understand why humans do

Two: Unlike humans, they don't use this belief to harm or persecute each other

And Three: Religion can f**k off because they try to tell you who you can love, and that's just not right.

Wait, did I just get censored? Seriously? I can't say f**k? What the f**k? Ugh...f**k it.


Keep in mind folks, I'm reading Tamashii's words. Don't kill the messenger. Mind you, I'm not saying she's, yeah.

Alright, are we done here now? *Galen looks off screen, then looks back* Okay, yeah, we're done here.

So uh...*clears throat* Next time it'll probably be a less contentious subject.

Until then!

(and this is the part where I the author point out that all statements made within this piece are for entertainment purposes, and no offense to anyone is intended)